Browse Source

2020-01-31 /Edward Lien
1.copy all file from AW-Regular branch, modified Model Name & Serial Number for BYTON.
1. As follow commit history

Image version: D0.04.60.6007.BT
Image checksum: XXXXXXXX

Hardware PWB P/n : xxxxxxxx
Hardware Version : XXXXXXXX

Edward Lien 5 years ago






+ 15 - 5

@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:$(SDK_PATH_TARGET)/usr/bin:$PATH
 #define library variable
-Lib_Module_RFID = -L../../../Modularization -lModule_RFID
+Lib_Module_RFID = "-L../../../Modularization" -lModule_RFID
 Lib_Module_Upgrade = "-L../../../Modularization" -lModule_Upgrade
+Lib_SQLite3 = "-L../../../Modularization/ocppfiles" -lsqlite3
 all: CopyFile apps
-apps: Module_InternalComm_Task Module_FactoryConfig_Task Module_EventLogging_Task Module_AlarmDetect_Task Module_CSU_Task
+apps: Module_InternalComm_Task Module_FactoryConfig_Task Module_EventLogging_Task Module_AlarmDetect_Task Module_CSU_Task Module_Speaker_Task
@@ -53,12 +54,21 @@ Module_AlarmDetect_Task:
 	@echo "===== Module_CSU_Task ============================================"
 	rm -f main 
-	$(CC) "-I../../" "-include../../../Modularization/Module_Upgrade.h" "-include../../../Modularization/Module_RFID.h" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o main.o "./main.c"
-	$(CC) -o main main.o ${Lib_Module_RFID} ${Lib_Module_Upgrade}
+	$(CC) "-I../../" "-include../../../Modularization/ocppfiles/sqlite3.h" "-include../../../Modularization/Module_Upgrade.h" "-include../../../Modularization/Module_RFID.h" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o main.o "./main.c"
+	$(CC) -o main main.o ${Lib_Module_RFID} ${Lib_Module_Upgrade} ${Lib_SQLite3}
 	rm -f *.o
 	mv -f main ../Images/root		
+	@echo \
+	@echo "===== Module_Speaker_Task ===================================="
+	rm -f Module_Speaker
+	$(CC) "-I../../"  -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o Module_Speaker.o  "./Module_Speaker.c"
+	$(CC) -o Module_Speaker Module_Speaker.o 
+	rm -f *.o
+	mv -f Module_Speaker ../Images/root	
 	@echo \ 
 	rm -rfv ../Images/root
 	mkdir -p ../Images/root

+ 1061 - 970

@@ -1,970 +1,1061 @@
- * Module_AlarmDetect.c
- *
- *  Created on: 2019年8月17日
- *      Author: foluswen
- */
-#include    <sys/types.h>
-#include    <sys/stat.h>
-#include 	<sys/time.h>
-#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
-#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
-#include 	<sys/shm.h>
-#include 	<sys/mman.h>
-#include 	<unistd.h>
-#include 	<stdarg.h>
-#include    <stdio.h>      /*標準輸入輸出定義*/
-#include    <stdlib.h>     /*標準函數庫定義*/
-#include    <unistd.h>     /*Unix 標準函數定義*/
-#include    <fcntl.h>      /*檔控制定義*/
-#include    <termios.h>    /*PPSIX 終端控制定義*/
-#include    <errno.h>      /*錯誤號定義*/
-#include 	<errno.h>
-#include 	<string.h>
-#include	<time.h>
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include	"define.h"
-#include	"main.h"
-#define FILTER_SPEC			50
-#define DEBUG_INFO(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
-#define DEBUG_WARN(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Warn] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
-#define DEBUG_ERROR(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Error] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
-#define Debug
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)		(sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
-#define PASS				1
-#define FAIL				0
-#define ON					1
-#define OFF					0
-#define SPEC_OV				275
-#define SPEC_UV				160
-#define SPEC_OC				(32*1.1)
-#define SPEC_OT				85
-#define HYSTERETIC_OUV		10
-#define HYSTERETIC_OT		10
-#define HYSTERETIC_OC		10
-	unsigned short int	OV[3];
-	unsigned short int	UV[3];
-	unsigned short int	OC;
-	unsigned short int	OT_AMB;
-	unsigned short int	GMI;
-	unsigned short int	Short;
-	unsigned short int	Ac_Leak;
-	unsigned short int	Dc_Leak;
-	unsigned short int	HandShakingTimeout;
-	unsigned short int	EmrgencyBTN;
-	unsigned short int	Relay_Welding;
-	unsigned short int	Relay_DrivingFault;
-	unsigned short int	CP_LevelFail;
-	unsigned short int	MCU_SelfTestFail;
-void trim(char *s);
-void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt);
-struct SysConfigAndInfo			*ShmSysConfigAndInfo;
-struct StatusCodeData 			*ShmStatusCodeData;
-struct Charger					*ShmCharger;
-int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
-	char Buf[4096+256];
-	char buffer[4096];
-	time_t CurrentTime;
-	struct tm *tm;
-	va_list args;
-	va_start(args, fmt);
-	int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
-	va_end(args);
-	memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf));
-	CurrentTime = time(NULL);
-	tm=localtime(&CurrentTime);
-	sprintf(Buf,"echo \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s\" >> /Storage/SystemLog/%04d-%02d_%s_%s_SystemLog",
-			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,
-			buffer,
-			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,
-			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.ModelName,
-			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SerialNumber);
-#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-	system(Buf);
-	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer);
-	return rc;
-int DiffTimeb(struct timeb ST, struct timeb ET)
-	//return milli-second
-	unsigned int StartTime,StopTime;
-	StartTime=(unsigned int)ST.time;
-	StopTime=(unsigned int)ET.time;
-	return (StopTime-StartTime)*1000+ET.millitm-ST.millitm;
-// Init all share memory
-int InitShareMemory()
-	int result = PASS;
-	int MeterSMId;
-	//creat ShmSysConfigAndInfo
-	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo),  0777)) < 0)
-    {
-		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
-		#endif
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-    else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-    {
-    	#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
-		#endif
-    	result = FAIL;
-   	 }
-    else
-    {}
-   	//creat ShmStatusCodeData
-   	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData),  0777)) < 0)
-    {
-		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-   		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
-		#endif
-   		result = FAIL;
-	}
-    else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-    {
-    	#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
-		#endif
-    	result = FAIL;
-   	}
-    else
-    {}
-   	//creat ShmStatusCodeData
-   	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmChargerKey, sizeof(struct Charger), IPC_CREAT | 0777)) < 0)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmCharger NG\r\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else if ((ShmCharger = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmCharger NG\r\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else
-	{}
-    return result;
-// Common routine
-void trim(char *s)
-    int i=0, j, k, l=0;
-    while((s[i]==' ')||(s[i]=='\t')||(s[i]=='\n'))
-        i++;
-    j = strlen(s)-1;
-    while((s[j]==' ')||(s[j]=='\t')||(s[j]=='\n'))
-        j--;
-    if(i==0 && j==strlen(s)-1) { }
-    else if(i==0) s[j+1] = '\0';
-    else {
-        for(k=i; k<=j; k++) s[l++] = s[k];
-        s[l] = '\0';
-    }
-void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt)
-	strncpy(dest, src + start, cnt);
-	dest[cnt] = 0;
-// Main process
-int main(void)
-	if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n");
-		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
-		{
-			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=1;
-		}
-		sleep(5);
-		return FAIL;
-	}
-	for(;;)
-	{
-		for(int gun_index = 0;gun_index<AC_QUANTITY;gun_index++)
-		{
-			//=====================================
-			// Over voltage detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageR > SPEC_OV) &&
-				(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0] > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0]++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageR < (SPEC_OV-HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-					(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0] = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
-			{
-				if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageS > SPEC_OV) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
-				{
-					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1] > FILTER_SPEC)
-					{
-						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP == OFF))
-						{
-							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP = ON;
-							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1]++;
-					}
-				}
-				else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageS < (SPEC_OV-HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-						(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)))
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1] = 0;
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageT > SPEC_OV) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
-				{
-					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2] > FILTER_SPEC)
-					{
-						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP == OFF))
-						{
-							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP = ON;
-							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2]++;
-					}
-				}
-				else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageT < (SPEC_OV-HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-						(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)))
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2] = 0;
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Under voltage detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageR  < SPEC_UV) &&
-				(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0] > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0]++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageR  > (SPEC_UV+HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-					(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0] = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
-			{
-				if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageS < SPEC_UV) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
-				{
-					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1] > FILTER_SPEC)
-					{
-						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP == OFF))
-						{
-							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP = ON;
-							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1]++;
-					}
-				}
-				else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageS > (SPEC_UV+HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-						(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1] = 0;
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageT < SPEC_UV) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
-				{
-					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2] > FILTER_SPEC)
-					{
-						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP == OFF))
-						{
-							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP = ON;
-							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2]++;
-					}
-				}
-				else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InputVoltageT > (SPEC_OV+HYSTERETIC_OUV)) &&
-						(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2] = 0;
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Over current detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L1N_L12[0] > SPEC_OC) &&
-			   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
-			{
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			else if (//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L1N_L12[0] < (SPEC_OC-HYSTERETIC_OC)) &&
-					 (!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
-			{
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
-			{
-				if(//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L2N_L23[0] > SPEC_OC) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else if (//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L2N_L23[0] < (SPEC_OC-HYSTERETIC_OC)) &&
-						 (!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				if(//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L3N_L31[0] > SPEC_OC) &&
-				   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else if (//(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].outputCurrent.L3N_L31[0] < (SPEC_OC-HYSTERETIC_OC)) &&
-						 (!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Over temperature detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.SystemAmbientTemp > SPEC_OT) &&
-			   (ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE))
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(//(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.SystemAmbientTemp < (SPEC_OT-10)) &&
-					(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE)))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Ground fault detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_GROUND_FAIL)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_GROUND_FAIL;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_GROUND_FAIL : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if (!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_GROUND_FAIL))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip == ON ))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_GROUND_FAIL;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_GROUND_FAIL : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// CP level fail detection
-			//====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CP_ERROR)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if(ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault == OFF)
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CP_ERROR;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CP_ERROR : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CP_ERROR))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail= 0;
-				if(ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault == ON)
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CP_ERROR;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CP_ERROR : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Current AC leak detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Current DC leak detection
-			//=====================================
-			/*
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			*/
-			//=====================================
-			// MCU self test fail detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest == OFF)
-					{
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail = 0;
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest == ON)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Hand shaking timeout detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut == OFF)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  = ON;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT))
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  == ON)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Emergency stop detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Relay welding detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_STATUS)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_RELAY_STATUS;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_STATUS : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_STATUS))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_RELAY_STATUS;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_STATUS : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Relay driving fault detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault == OFF))
-					{
-						ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault = 0;
-				if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault == ON))
-				{
-					ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Current short detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT)
-			{
-				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short > FILTER_SPEC)
-				{
-					if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort == OFF)
-					{
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort = ON;
-						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT;
-						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT : alarm \r\n");
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short++;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT))
-			{
-				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short = 0;
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort == ON)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Rotatory switch detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT)
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutter == OFF)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutter = ON;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT))
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutter == ON)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutter = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT;
-				}
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Leakage module detection
-			//=====================================
-			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL)
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule == OFF)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule = ON;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL : alarm \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL))
-			{
-				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule == ON)
-				{
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule = OFF;
-					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL;
-					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL : recover \r\n");
-				}
-			}
-//			//=====================================
-//			// Shutter detection
-//			//=====================================
-//			if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].InputAlarmCode & ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT)
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.SHUTTER_FAULT == OFF)
-//				{
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.SHUTTER_FAULT = ON;
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-//			else if(!(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].InputAlarmCode & ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT))
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.SHUTTER_FAULT == ON)
-//				{
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.SHUTTER_FAULT = OFF;
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT : recover \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-//			//=====================================
-//			// Locker detection
-//			//=====================================
-//			if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT)
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.LOCKER_FAULT == OFF)
-//				{
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.LOCKER_FAULT = ON;
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-//			else if(!(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT))
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.LOCKER_FAULT == ON)
-//				{
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].AlarmCode.bits.LOCKER_FAULT = OFF;
-//					ShmCsuInputInfo->AcChargerInfoData[gun_index].SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT : recover \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-//			//=====================================
-//			// Power drop detection
-//			//=====================================
-//			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_POWER_DROP)
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop == OFF)
-//				{
-//					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop = ON;
-//					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_POWER_DROP;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_POWER_DROP : alarm \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-//			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_POWER_DROP))
-//			{
-//				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop == ON)
-//				{
-//					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop = OFF;
-//					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_POWER_DROP;
-//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_POWER_DROP : recover \r\n");
-//				}
-//			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Latch alarm recover in state A
-			//=====================================
-			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 1))
-			{
-				/*
-				  TODO: Recover latch alarm here
-				*/
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Latch alarm recover in state B1 and B2
-			//=====================================
-			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 2) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 3))
-			{
-				/*
-				TODO: Recover latch alarm here
-				*/
-			}
-			//=====================================
-			// Latch alarm recover in state C
-			//=====================================
-			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 4))
-			{
-				/*
-				  TODO: Recover latch alarm here
-				*/
-			}
-		}
-		usleep(100000);
-	}
-	return FAIL;
+ * Module_AlarmDetect.c
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2020年01月15日
+ *      Author: Eason Yang
+ */
+#include    <sys/types.h>
+#include    <sys/stat.h>
+#include 	<sys/time.h>
+#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
+#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/mman.h>
+#include 	<unistd.h>
+#include 	<stdarg.h>
+#include    <stdio.h>      /*標準輸入輸出定義*/
+#include    <stdlib.h>     /*標準函數庫定義*/
+#include    <unistd.h>     /*Unix 標準函數定義*/
+#include    <fcntl.h>      /*檔控制定義*/
+#include    <termios.h>    /*PPSIX 終端控制定義*/
+#include    <errno.h>      /*錯誤號定義*/
+#include 	<errno.h>
+#include 	<string.h>
+#include	<time.h>
+#include	<ctype.h>
+#include	"define.h"
+#include	"main.h"
+#define FILTER_SPEC			50
+#define DEBUG_INFO(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_WARN(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Warn] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_ERROR(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Error] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define Debug
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)		(sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
+#define PASS				1
+#define FAIL				0
+#define ON					1
+#define OFF					0
+#define SPEC_OV				275
+#define SPEC_UV				160
+#define SPEC_OC				(32*1.1)
+#define SPEC_OT				85
+#define HYSTERETIC_OUV		10
+#define HYSTERETIC_OT		10
+#define HYSTERETIC_OC		10
+	unsigned short int	OV[3];
+	unsigned short int	UV[3];
+	unsigned short int	OC;
+	unsigned short int	OT_AMB;
+	unsigned short int	GMI;
+	unsigned short int	Short;
+	unsigned short int	Ac_Leak;
+	unsigned short int	Dc_Leak;
+	unsigned short int	HandShakingTimeout;
+	unsigned short int	EmrgencyBTN;
+	unsigned short int	Relay_Welding;
+	unsigned short int	Relay_DrivingFault;
+	unsigned short int	CP_LevelFail;
+	unsigned short int	MCU_SelfTestFail;
+void trim(char *s);
+void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt);
+struct SysConfigAndInfo			*ShmSysConfigAndInfo;
+struct StatusCodeData 			*ShmStatusCodeData;
+struct OCPP16Data				*ShmOCPP16Data;
+struct Charger					*ShmCharger;
+int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
+	char Buf[4096+256];
+	char buffer[4096];
+	time_t CurrentTime;
+	struct tm *tm;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf));
+	CurrentTime = time(NULL);
+	tm=localtime(&CurrentTime);
+	sprintf(Buf,"echo \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s\" >> /Storage/SystemLog/%04d-%02d_%s_%s_SystemLog",
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,
+			buffer,
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,
+			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.ModelName,
+			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SerialNumber);
+#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+	system(Buf);
+	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer);
+	return rc;
+int DiffTimeb(struct timeb ST, struct timeb ET)
+	//return milli-second
+	unsigned int StartTime,StopTime;
+	StartTime=(unsigned int)ST.time;
+	StopTime=(unsigned int)ET.time;
+	return (StopTime-StartTime)*1000+ET.millitm-ST.millitm;
+// Init all share memory
+int InitShareMemory()
+	int result = PASS;
+	int MeterSMId;
+	//creat ShmSysConfigAndInfo
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo),  0777)) < 0)
+    {
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+    else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+    {
+    	#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+		#endif
+    	result = FAIL;
+   	 }
+    else
+    {}
+   	//creat ShmStatusCodeData
+   	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData),  0777)) < 0)
+    {
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+   		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		#endif
+   		result = FAIL;
+	}
+    else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+    {
+    	#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		#endif
+    	result = FAIL;
+   	}
+    else
+    {}
+   	//creat ShmStatusCodeData
+   	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmChargerKey, sizeof(struct Charger), 0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmCharger NG\r\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmCharger = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmCharger NG\r\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else
+	{}
+   	//creat ShmOCPP16Data
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmOcppModuleKey, sizeof(struct OCPP16Data), 0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmOCPP16Data NG\r\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmOCPP16Data = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmOCPP16Data NG\r\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else
+	{}
+    return result;
+// Common routine
+void trim(char *s)
+    int i=0, j, k, l=0;
+    while((s[i]==' ')||(s[i]=='\t')||(s[i]=='\n'))
+        i++;
+    j = strlen(s)-1;
+    while((s[j]==' ')||(s[j]=='\t')||(s[j]=='\n'))
+        j--;
+    if(i==0 && j==strlen(s)-1) { }
+    else if(i==0) s[j+1] = '\0';
+    else {
+        for(k=i; k<=j; k++) s[l++] = s[k];
+        s[l] = '\0';
+    }
+void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt)
+	strncpy(dest, src + start, cnt);
+	dest[cnt] = 0;
+// Main process
+int main(void)
+	if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n");
+		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
+		{
+			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=1;
+		}
+		sleep(5);
+		return FAIL;
+	}
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		for(int gun_index = 0;gun_index<AC_QUANTITY;gun_index++)
+		{
+			//=====================================
+			// Over voltage detection
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0] > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0]++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[0] = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputOVP = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
+			{
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
+				{
+					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1] > FILTER_SPEC)
+					{
+						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP == OFF))
+						{
+							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP = ON;
+							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1]++;
+					}
+				}
+				else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)))
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[1] = 0;
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputOVP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE))
+				{
+					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2] > FILTER_SPEC)
+					{
+						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP == OFF))
+						{
+							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP = ON;
+							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2]++;
+					}
+				}
+				else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)))
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OV[2] = 0;
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputOVP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Under voltage detection
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0] > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0]++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[0] = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL1InputUVP = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
+			{
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
+				{
+					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1] > FILTER_SPEC)
+					{
+						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP == OFF))
+						{
+							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP = ON;
+							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1]++;
+					}
+				}
+				else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[1] = 0;
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL2InputUVP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE))
+				{
+					if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2] > FILTER_SPEC)
+					{
+						if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP == OFF))
+						{
+							ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP = ON;
+							ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+							DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : alarm \r\n");
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2]++;
+					}
+				}
+				else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)))
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].UV[2] = 0;
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemL3InputUVP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Over current detection
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
+			{
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			else if ((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
+			{
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount == 3)
+			{
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else if ((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT))
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else if ((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)))
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP == ON))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAcOutputOCP = OFF;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_CURRENT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_CURRENT : recover \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Over temperature detection
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE))
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if((!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE)))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].OT_AMB = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.SystemAmbientOTP = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Ground fault detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_GROUND_FAIL)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_GROUND_FAIL;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_GROUND_FAIL : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_GROUND_FAIL))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].GMI = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip == ON ))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.GbGfdTrip = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_GROUND_FAIL;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_GROUND_FAIL : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// CP level fail detection
+			//====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CP_ERROR)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if(ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault == OFF)
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CP_ERROR;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CP_ERROR : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CP_ERROR))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].CP_LevelFail= 0;
+				if(ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault == ON)
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->InfoCode.InfoEvents.bits.PilotFault = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CP_ERROR;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CP_ERROR : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Current AC leak detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Ac_Leak = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Current DC leak detection
+			//=====================================
+//			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC)
+//			{
+//				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak > FILTER_SPEC)
+//				{
+//					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == OFF))
+//					{
+//						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = ON;
+//						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC;
+//						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC : alarm \r\n");
+//					}
+//				}
+//				else
+//				{
+//					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak++;
+//				}
+//			}
+//			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC))
+//			{
+//				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Dc_Leak = 0;
+//				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip == ON))
+//				{
+//					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.RcdTrip = OFF;
+//					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC;
+//					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC : recover \r\n");
+//				}
+//			}
+			//=====================================
+			// MCU self test fail detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest == OFF)
+					{
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].MCU_SelfTestFail = 0;
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isMcuSelfTest = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Hand shaking timeout detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isHandshakingTimeOut  = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Emergency stop detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].EmrgencyBTN = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.EmergencyStopTrip = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Relay welding detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_WELDING)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_RELAY_WELDING;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_STATUS : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_WELDING))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_Welding = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayWelding = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_RELAY_WELDING;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_STATUS : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Relay driving fault detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault == OFF))
+					{
+						ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Relay_DrivingFault = 0;
+				if((ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault == ON))
+				{
+					ShmStatusCodeData->FaultCode.FaultEvents.bits.AcOutputRelayDrivingFault = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Current short detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT)
+			{
+				if(Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short > FILTER_SPEC)
+				{
+					if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort == OFF)
+					{
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort = ON;
+						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT;
+						DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT : alarm \r\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short++;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT))
+			{
+				Alarm_Counter[gun_index].Short = 0;
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isCurrentShort = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Rotatory switch detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isRotatorySwitch == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isRotatorySwitch = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT;
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isRotatorySwitch == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isRotatorySwitch = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT;
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Leakage module detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL : alarm \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLeakageModule = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Shutter detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutterFail == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutterFail = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutterFail == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isShutterFail = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Locker detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLockerFault == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLockerFault = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT : alarm \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLockerFault== ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isLockerFault = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Power drop detection
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_POWER_DROP)
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop == OFF)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop = ON;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode |= ALARM_POWER_DROP;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_POWER_DROP : alarm \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			else if(!(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].primaryMcuAlarm.InputAlarmCode & ALARM_POWER_DROP))
+			{
+				if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop == ON)
+				{
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].otherAlarmCode.isPowerDrop = OFF;
+					ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode &= ~ALARM_POWER_DROP;
+					DEBUG_INFO("ALARM_POWER_DROP : recover \r\n");
+				}
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// OCPP error code message
+			//=====================================
+			if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_VOLTAGE)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OverVoltage");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_UNDER_VOLTAGE)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "UnderVoltage");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_CURRENT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OverCurrentFailure");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_OVER_TEMPERATURE)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "HighTemperature");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_GROUND_FAIL)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "GroundFailure");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_CP_ERROR)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "CpError");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_AC)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "ACLeakage");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_LEAK_DC)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "DCLeakage");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "McuTestFail");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "HandshakeTimeout");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "EmergencyStop");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_WELDING)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "RelayWelding");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "LeakageModuleFail");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "ShutterFault");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "ConnectorLockFailure");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_POWER_DROP)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "PowerDrop");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "CircuitShort");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_ROTATORY_SWITCH_FAULT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "RotatorySwitchFault");
+			}
+			else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT)
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "RelayDriveFault");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "NoError");
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Latch alarm recover in state A
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 1))
+			{
+				/*
+				  TODO: Recover latch alarm here
+				*/
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Latch alarm recover in state B1 and B2
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 2) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 3))
+			{
+				/*
+				TODO: Recover latch alarm here
+				*/
+			}
+			//=====================================
+			// Latch alarm recover in state C
+			//=====================================
+			if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].PilotState == 4))
+			{
+				/*
+				  TODO: Recover latch alarm here
+				*/
+			}
+		}
+		usleep(100000);
+	}
+	return FAIL;

+ 13 - 13

@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- * Module_AlarmDetect.h
- *
- *  Created on: 2019¦~8¤ë17¤é
- *      Author: foluswen
- */
+ * Module_AlarmDetect.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2020¦~01¤ë15¤é
+ *      Author: Eason Yang
+ */

+ 1 - 1

@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	SysConfig.OfflinePolicy = 0;			// 0: Local list	1: PH RFID		2: Free		3: Deny
 	SysConfig.OfflineMaxChargeEnergy = 0;	// 0: Same as MaxChargeEnergy	Other: 1~65535KWH
 	SysConfig.OfflineMaxChargeDuration = 0; // 0: Same as MaxChargeDuration Other: 1~65535 minutes
-	strcpy((char*)SysConfig.OcppServerURL, "ws://");
+	strcpy((char*)SysConfig.OcppServerURL, "ws://");
 	sprintf((char*)SysConfig.ChargeBoxId, "%s%s", SysConfig.ModelName, SysConfig.SerialNumber);

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 567 - 433

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  * Module_InternalComm.h
- *  Created on: 2019?8?28?
+ *  Created on: 2020¦~01¤ë15¤é
  *      Author: USER
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ enum MESSAGE_COMMAND
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ enum MESSAGE_COMMAND

+ 287 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ * Module_Speaker.c
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2020年01月15日
+ *      Author: Eason Yang
+ */
+#include 	<sys/time.h>
+#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
+#include    <sys/types.h>
+#include    <sys/stat.h>
+#include 	<sys/types.h>
+#include 	<sys/ioctl.h>
+#include 	<sys/socket.h>
+#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/mman.h>
+#include 	<linux/wireless.h>
+#include 	<arpa/inet.h>
+#include 	<netinet/in.h>
+#include 	<unistd.h>
+#include 	<stdarg.h>
+#include    <stdio.h>      /*標準輸入輸出定義*/
+#include    <stdlib.h>     /*標準函數庫定義*/
+#include    <unistd.h>     /*Unix 標準函數定義*/
+#include    <fcntl.h>      /*檔控制定義*/
+#include    <termios.h>    /*PPSIX 終端控制定義*/
+#include    <errno.h>      /*錯誤號定義*/
+#include 	<errno.h>
+#include 	<string.h>
+#include	<time.h>
+#include	<ctype.h>
+#include 	<ifaddrs.h>
+#include	"define.h"
+#include	"main.h"
+#define DEBUG_INFO(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_WARN(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Warn] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_ERROR(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Error] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define EVENT_INFO(format, args...) StoreEventLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define Debug
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)		(sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
+#define PASS				1
+#define FAIL				-1
+#define ON					1
+#define OFF					0
+#define INTERVAL_1			100000
+#define INTERVAL_2			50000
+unsigned char speaker_type = SPEAKER_STOP;
+unsigned char pre_speaker_type = SPEAKER_STOP;
+struct SysConfigAndInfo			*ShmSysConfigAndInfo;
+struct StatusCodeData 			*ShmStatusCodeData;
+struct Charger					*ShmCharger;
+void trim(char *s);
+int mystrcmp(char *p1,char *p2);
+void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt);
+void split(char **arr, char *str, const char *del);
+#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
+	char Buf[4096+256];
+	char buffer[4096];
+	time_t CurrentTime;
+	struct tm *tm;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf));
+	CurrentTime = time(NULL);
+	tm=localtime(&CurrentTime);
+	sprintf(Buf,"echo \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s\" >> /Storage/SystemLog/%04d-%02d_%s_%s_SystemLog",
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,
+			buffer,
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,
+			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.ModelName,
+			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SerialNumber);
+#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+	system(Buf);
+	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer);
+	return rc;
+int DiffTimeb(struct timeb ST, struct timeb ET)
+	//return milli-second
+	unsigned int StartTime,StopTime;
+	StartTime=(unsigned int)ST.time;
+	StopTime=(unsigned int)ET.time;
+	return (StopTime-StartTime)*1000+ET.millitm-ST.millitm;
+// Common routine
+void trim(char *s)
+    int i=0, j, k, l=0;
+    while((s[i]==' ')||(s[i]=='\t')||(s[i]=='\n'))
+        i++;
+    j = strlen(s)-1;
+    while((s[j]==' ')||(s[j]=='\t')||(s[j]=='\n'))
+        j--;
+    if(i==0 && j==strlen(s)-1) { }
+    else if(i==0) s[j+1] = '\0';
+    else {
+        for(k=i; k<=j; k++) s[l++] = s[k];
+        s[l] = '\0';
+    }
+int mystrcmp(char *p1,char *p2)
+    while(*p1==*p2)
+    {
+        if(*p1=='\0' || *p2=='\0')
+            break;
+        p1++;
+        p2++;
+    }
+    if(*p1=='\0' && *p2=='\0')
+        return(PASS);
+    else
+        return(FAIL);
+void substr(char *dest, const char* src, unsigned int start, unsigned int cnt)
+	strncpy(dest, src + start, cnt);
+	dest[cnt] = 0;
+void split(char **arr, char *str, const char *del)
+	char *s = strtok(str, del);
+	while(s != NULL)
+	{
+		*arr++ = s;
+		s = strtok(NULL, del);
+	}
+// Init all share memory
+int InitShareMemory()
+	int result = PASS;
+	int MeterSMId;
+	//Initial ShmSysConfigAndInfo
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo),  0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("[shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	//Initial ShmStatusCodeData
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData),  0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	//Initial ShmCharger
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmChargerKey, sizeof(struct Charger), IPC_CREAT | 0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmChargerKey NG\r\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmCharger = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		#ifdef SystemLogMessage
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmChargerKey NG\r\n");
+		#endif
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	return result;
+// Main process
+int main(void)
+	if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n");
+		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
+		{
+			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=1;
+		}
+		sleep(5);
+		return FAIL;
+	}
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		if(ShmCharger->isSpeakerOn == ON)
+		{
+			switch(ShmCharger->speaker_type)
+			{
+				case SPEAKER_STOP:
+					DEBUG_INFO("SPEAKER_STOP...\r\n");
+					ShmCharger->isSpeakerOn = OFF;
+					break;
+					break;
+				case SPEAKER_SHORT:
+					system("echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_1);
+					system("echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					ShmCharger->isSpeakerOn = OFF;
+					break;
+				case SPEAKER_LONG:
+					break;
+					break;
+					break;
+					system("echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_2);
+					system("echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_2);
+					system("echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_2);
+					system("echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_2);
+					system("echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					usleep(INTERVAL_2);
+					system("echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value");
+					ShmCharger->isSpeakerOn = OFF;
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+			usleep(100000);
+	}

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 565 - 225

+ 24 - 47

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * Config.h
- *  Created on: 2019年12月25日
- *      Author: EasonYang
+ *  Created on: 2020年01月15日
+ *      Author: Eason Yang
 #ifndef CONFIG_MAIN_H_
@@ -39,22 +39,7 @@
 #include	<stdbool.h>
 #include	<stddef.h>
 #include	<stdint.h>
-//	Define system mode constant
-#define MODE_BOOTING				0
-#define MODE_IDLE					1
-#define MODE_PREPARING				3
-#define MODE_CHARGING				4
-#define MODE_ALARM					6
-#define MODE_FAULT					7
-#define MODE_BOOKING				9
-#define MODE_MAINTAIN				10
-#define MODE_DEBUG					11
+#include	<sqlite3.h>
 //	Define CP State constant
@@ -70,7 +55,7 @@
 // Define start mode constant
+#define START_METHOD_FREE	 		0
 #define START_METHOD_RFID	 		1
 #define START_METHOD_BLE	 		3
@@ -100,12 +85,12 @@
 #define ALARM_MCU_TESTFAIL          0x000100
 #define ALARM_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT     0x000200
 #define ALARM_EMERGENCY_STOP        0x000400
-#define ALARM_RELAY_STATUS          0x000800
+#define ALARM_RELAY_WELDING         0x000800
 #define ALARM_LEAK_MODULE_FAIL      0x001000
 #define ALARM_SHUTTER_FAULT         0x002000
 #define ALARM_LOCKER_FAULT          0x004000
 #define ALARM_POWER_DROP            0x008000
-#define ALARM_CIRCUIT_SHORT         0x010000
+#define ALARM_CURRENT_SHORT         0x010000
 #define ALARM_RELAY_DRIVE_FAULT     0x040000
@@ -126,21 +111,11 @@
 #define LED_ACTION_BLE_DISABLE      	11
 #define LED_ACTION_DEBUG            	12
 #define LED_ACTION_ALL_OFF          	13
+#define LED_RELAY_ON               	 	14
+#define LED_RELAY_OFF               	15
-#define START_METHOD_RFID	 			1
-#define START_METHOD_BLE	 			3
-#define AUTH_MODE_PH_RFID				0
-#define AUTH_MODE_OCPP					1
-#define AUTH_MODE_FREEMODE				3
-#define OFF_POLICY_PH_RFID				1
 #define DEBUG_INFO(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
 #define DEBUG_WARN(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Warn] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
@@ -350,9 +325,9 @@ typedef struct OTHER_ALARM_CODE
 	unsigned char isMcuSelfTest:1;
 	unsigned char isCurrentShort:1;
 	unsigned char isLeakageModule:1;
-	unsigned char isShutter:1;
-	unsigned char isLocker:1;
-	unsigned char isRotatorySwitchr:1;
+	unsigned char isShutterFail:1;
+	unsigned char isLockerFault:1;
+	unsigned char isRotatorySwitch:1;
 	unsigned char isPowerDrop:1;
 	unsigned char isOverCurrent:1;
 	unsigned char isHandshakingTimeOut:1;
@@ -379,11 +354,10 @@ typedef struct GUN_PLUGIN_TIMES
+typedef struct MCU_RESET_REQUEST
-	unsigned char SystemStatus;
-	unsigned char PreviousSystemStatus;
+	unsigned char isMcuResetRequest:1;
 typedef struct GUN_INFO
@@ -405,7 +379,9 @@ typedef struct GUN_INFO
 	Other_Alarm_Code								otherAlarmCode;
 	Pilot_Voltage									PilotVoltage;
 	Gun_Plugin_Times								gunPluginTimes;
-	Internal_Sysyem_status							internalSystemStatus;
+	Mcu_Reset_Request								mcuResetRequest;
+	uint8_t											isAuthPassEnd:1;
+	uint8_t											rfidReq:1;
 struct Charger
@@ -414,10 +390,11 @@ struct Charger
 	Evse_Id					evseId;
 	Gun_Info 				gun_info[2];
 	Fw_Upgrade_Info			fwUpgradeInfo;
-	unsigned char			rfidReq:1;
-	unsigned char 			speaker_type;
-	unsigned char			isSpeakerOn:1;
+	uint8_t					gun_selectd;
+	uint8_t	 				speaker_type;
+	uint8_t					isSpeakerOn:1;
+	uint8_t		 			isUpdateSuccess:1;
 #endif /* CONFIG_MAIN_H_ */













+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff