using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using SuperSocket.Common;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Command;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Protocol;
using SuperWebSocket.Protocol;
using SuperWebSocket.SubProtocol;
namespace SuperWebSocket
/// WebSocketSession basic interface
public interface IWebSocketSession : IAppSession
/// Gets or sets the method.
/// The method.
string Method { get; set; }
/// Gets the host.
string Host { get; }
/// Gets or sets the path.
/// The path.
string Path { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the HTTP version.
/// The HTTP version.
string HttpVersion { get; set; }
/// Gets the sec web socket version.
string SecWebSocketVersion { get; }
/// Gets the origin.
string Origin { get; }
/// Gets the URI scheme.
string UriScheme { get; }
/// Gets a value indicating whether this is handshaked.
/// true if handshaked; otherwise, false.
bool Handshaked { get; }
/// Sends the raw binary data to client.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
void SendRawData(byte[] data, int offset, int length);
/// Try to send the raw binary data to client.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
/// if the data to be sent is queued, return true, else the queue is full, then return false
bool TrySendRawData(byte[] data, int offset, int length);
/// Gets the app server.
new IWebSocketServer AppServer { get; }
/// Gets or sets the protocol processor.
/// The protocol processor.
IProtocolProcessor ProtocolProcessor { get; set; }
/// Gets the available sub protocol.
/// The protocol.
string GetAvailableSubProtocol(string protocol);
/// WebSocket AppSession
public class WebSocketSession : WebSocketSession
/// Gets the app server.
public new WebSocketServer AppServer
get { return (WebSocketServer)base.AppServer; }
/// WebSocket AppSession class
/// The type of the web socket session.
public class WebSocketSession : AppSession, IWebSocketSession, IAppSession
where TWebSocketSession : WebSocketSession, new()
/// Gets or sets the method.
/// The method.
public string Method { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the path.
/// The path.
public string Path { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets the HTTP version.
/// The HTTP version.
public string HttpVersion { get; set; }
/// Gets the host.
public string Host { get { return this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.Host, string.Empty); } }
/// Gets the origin.
public string Origin { get; internal set; }
/// Gets the upgrade.
public string Upgrade { get { return this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.Upgrade, string.Empty); } }
/// Gets the connection.
public string Connection { get { return this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.Connection, string.Empty); } }
/// Gets the sec web socket version.
public string SecWebSocketVersion { get { return this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.SecWebSocketVersion, string.Empty); } }
/// Gets the sec web socket protocol.
public string SecWebSocketProtocol { get { return this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.SecWebSocketProtocol, string.Empty); } }
internal List Frames { get; private set; }
internal DateTime StartClosingHandshakeTime { get; private set; }
private const string m_CurrentTokenSlotName = "CurrentRequestToken";
internal LocalDataStoreSlot SetCurrentToken(string token)
var slot = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(m_CurrentTokenSlotName);
Thread.SetData(slot, token);
return slot;
/// Gets the current token.
public string CurrentToken
return Thread.GetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(m_CurrentTokenSlotName)) as string;
/// Gets the app server.
public new WebSocketServer AppServer
get { return (WebSocketServer)base.AppServer; }
IWebSocketServer IWebSocketSession.AppServer
get { return (IWebSocketServer)base.AppServer; }
string IWebSocketSession.GetAvailableSubProtocol(string protocol)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol))
SubProtocol = AppServer.DefaultSubProtocol;
return string.Empty;
var arrNames = protocol.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (protocol.ToLower().Contains("ocpp2.0"))
arrNames = new string[] { "ocpp2.0" };
foreach (var name in arrNames)
var subProtocol = AppServer.GetSubProtocol(name);
if (subProtocol != null)
SubProtocol = subProtocol;
return name;
return string.Empty;
/// Gets the URI scheme, ws or wss
public string UriScheme
if (SocketSession.SecureProtocol == SslProtocols.None)
return WebSocketConstant.WsSchema;
return WebSocketConstant.WssSchema;
/// Gets the sub protocol.
public ISubProtocol SubProtocol { get; private set; }
private bool m_Handshaked = false;
/// Gets a value indicating whether this is handshaked.
/// true if handshaked; otherwise, false.
public bool Handshaked
get { return m_Handshaked; }
internal void OnHandshakeSuccess()
m_Handshaked = true;
/// Gets a value indicating whether the session [in closing].
/// true if [in closing]; otherwise, false.
public bool InClosing { get; private set; }
/// Called when [init].
protected override void OnInit()
Frames = new List();
void IAppSession.StartSession()
//Do nothing. Avoid firing thhe OnSessionStarted() method of base class
/// Sets the cookie.
private void SetCookie()
string cookieValue = this.Items.GetValue(WebSocketConstant.Cookie, string.Empty);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieValue))
var cookies = new StringDictionary();
this.Cookies = cookies;
string[] pairs = cookieValue.Split(';');
int pos;
string key, value;
foreach (var p in pairs)
pos = p.IndexOf('=');
if (pos <= 0)
key = p.Substring(0, pos).Trim();
pos += 1;
if (pos < p.Length)
value = p.Substring(pos).Trim();
value = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
cookies[key] = string.Empty;
cookies[key] = Uri.UnescapeDataString(value);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error(this, string.Format("Failed to read cookie, key: {0}, value: {1}.", key, value), e);
/// Gets the cookies.
public StringDictionary Cookies { get; private set; }
/// Sends the message to client.
/// The message.
public override void Send(string message)
ProtocolProcessor.SendMessage(this, message);
/// Tries to send.
/// The message to be sent.
public override bool TrySend(string message)
return ProtocolProcessor.TrySendMessage(this, message);
/// Sends the data to client.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
public override void Send(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
if (!ProtocolProcessor.CanSendBinaryData)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("The websocket of this version cannot used for sending binary data!");
ProtocolProcessor.SendData(this, data, offset, length);
/// Tries to send the data over the websocket connection.
/// The segment to be sent.
public override bool TrySend(ArraySegment segment)
if (!ProtocolProcessor.CanSendBinaryData)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("The websocket of this version cannot used for sending binary data!");
return false;
return ProtocolProcessor.TrySendData(this, segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count);
/// Tries to send the data over the websocket connection.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
public override bool TrySend(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
if (!ProtocolProcessor.CanSendBinaryData)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("The websocket of this version cannot used for sending binary data!");
return false;
return ProtocolProcessor.TrySendData(this, data, offset, length);
/// Sends the segment to client.
/// The segment.
public override void Send(ArraySegment segment)
this.Send(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count);
/// Sends the raw binary data.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
void IWebSocketSession.SendRawData(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
base.Send(data, offset, length);
/// Try to send the raw binary data to client.
/// The data.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
/// if the data to be sent is queued, return true, else the queue is full, then return false
bool IWebSocketSession.TrySendRawData(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
return base.TrySend(new ArraySegment(data, offset, length));
/// Tries the send raw data segments.
/// The segments.
internal bool TrySendRawData(IList> segments)
return base.TrySend(segments);
/// Closes the with handshake.
/// The reason text.
public void CloseWithHandshake(string reasonText)
this.CloseWithHandshake(ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusClode.NormalClosure, reasonText);
/// Closes the with handshake.
/// The status code.
/// The reason text.
public void CloseWithHandshake(int statusCode, string reasonText)
if (!InClosing)
InClosing = true;
ProtocolProcessor.SendCloseHandshake(this, statusCode, reasonText);
StartClosingHandshakeTime = DateTime.Now;
/// Sends the close handshake response.
/// The status code.
public void SendCloseHandshakeResponse(int statusCode)
if (!InClosing)
InClosing = true;
ProtocolProcessor.SendCloseHandshake(this, statusCode, string.Empty);
/// Closes the specified reason.
/// The reason.
public override void Close(CloseReason reason)
if (reason == CloseReason.TimeOut && ProtocolProcessor != null)
CloseWithHandshake(ProtocolProcessor.CloseStatusClode.NormalClosure, "Session timeOut");
/// Gets or sets the protocol processor.
/// The protocol processor.
public IProtocolProcessor ProtocolProcessor { get; set; }
/// Handles the unknown command.
/// The request info.
internal protected virtual void HandleUnknownCommand(SubRequestInfo requestInfo)
/// Handles the unknown request.
/// The request info.
protected override void HandleUnknownRequest(IWebSocketFragment requestInfo)