using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SuperSocket.Common;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Command;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Config;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Logging;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Metadata;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Protocol;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Provider;
using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Security;
namespace SuperSocket.SocketBase
/// AppServer base class
/// The type of the app session.
/// The type of the request info.
public abstract partial class AppServerBase : IAppServer, IRawDataProcessor, IRequestHandler, ISocketServerAccessor, IStatusInfoSource, IRemoteCertificateValidator, IActiveConnector, ISystemEndPoint, IDisposable
where TRequestInfo : class, IRequestInfo
where TAppSession : AppSession, IAppSession, new()
/// Null appSession instance
protected readonly TAppSession NullAppSession = default(TAppSession);
/// Gets the server's config.
public IServerConfig Config { get; private set; }
//Server instance name
private string m_Name;
/// the current state's code
private int m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotInitialized;
/// Gets the current state of the work item.
/// The state.
public ServerState State
return (ServerState)m_StateCode;
/// Gets the certificate of current server.
public X509Certificate Certificate { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the receive filter factory.
/// The receive filter factory.
public virtual IReceiveFilterFactory ReceiveFilterFactory { get; protected set; }
/// Gets the Receive filter factory.
object IAppServer.ReceiveFilterFactory
get { return this.ReceiveFilterFactory; }
private List>> m_CommandLoaders = new List>>();
private Dictionary>> m_CommandContainer;
private CommandFilterAttribute[] m_GlobalCommandFilters;
private ISocketServerFactory m_SocketServerFactory;
/// Gets the basic transfer layer security protocol.
public SslProtocols BasicSecurity { get; private set; }
/// Gets the root config.
protected IRootConfig RootConfig { get; private set; }
/// Gets the logger assosiated with this object.
public ILog Logger { get; private set; }
/// Gets the bootstrap of this appServer instance.
protected IBootstrap Bootstrap { get; private set; }
private static bool m_ThreadPoolConfigured = false;
private List m_ConnectionFilters;
private long m_TotalHandledRequests = 0;
/// Gets the total handled requests number.
protected long TotalHandledRequests
get { return m_TotalHandledRequests; }
private ListenerInfo[] m_Listeners;
/// Gets or sets the listeners inforamtion.
/// The listeners.
public ListenerInfo[] Listeners
get { return m_Listeners; }
/// Gets the started time of this server instance.
/// The started time.
public DateTime StartedTime { get; private set; }
/// Gets or sets the log factory.
/// The log factory.
public ILogFactory LogFactory { get; private set; }
/// Gets the default text encoding.
/// The text encoding.
public Encoding TextEncoding { get; private set; }
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public AppServerBase()
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The Receive filter factory.
public AppServerBase(IReceiveFilterFactory receiveFilterFactory)
this.ReceiveFilterFactory = receiveFilterFactory;
/// Gets the filter attributes.
/// The type.
internal static CommandFilterAttribute[] GetCommandFilterAttributes(Type type)
var attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(true);
return attrs.OfType().ToArray();
/// Setups the command into command dictionary
/// The discovered commands.
protected virtual bool SetupCommands(Dictionary> discoveredCommands)
foreach (var loader in m_CommandLoaders)
loader.Error += new EventHandler(CommandLoaderOnError);
loader.Updated += new EventHandler>>(CommandLoaderOnCommandsUpdated);
if (!loader.Initialize(RootConfig, this))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed initialize the command loader {0}.", loader.ToString());
return false;
IEnumerable> commands;
if (!loader.TryLoadCommands(out commands))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed load commands from the command loader {0}.", loader.ToString());
return false;
if (commands != null && commands.Any())
foreach (var c in commands)
if (discoveredCommands.ContainsKey(c.Name))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Duplicated name command has been found! Command name: " + c.Name);
return false;
var castedCommand = c as ICommand;
if (castedCommand == null)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Invalid command has been found! Command name: " + c.Name);
return false;
if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
Logger.DebugFormat("The command {0}({1}) has been discovered", castedCommand.Name, castedCommand.ToString());
discoveredCommands.Add(c.Name, castedCommand);
return true;
void CommandLoaderOnCommandsUpdated(object sender, CommandUpdateEventArgs> e)
var workingDict = m_CommandContainer.Values.ToDictionary(c => c.Command.Name, c => c.Command, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var updatedCommands = 0;
foreach (var c in e.Commands)
if (c == null)
if (c.UpdateAction == CommandUpdateAction.Remove)
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.InfoFormat("The command '{0}' has been removed from this server!", c.Command.Name);
else if (c.UpdateAction == CommandUpdateAction.Add)
workingDict.Add(c.Command.Name, c.Command);
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.InfoFormat("The command '{0}' has been added into this server!", c.Command.Name);
workingDict[c.Command.Name] = c.Command;
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.InfoFormat("The command '{0}' has been updated!", c.Command.Name);
if (updatedCommands > 0)
void CommandLoaderOnError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)
if (!Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
/// Setups the specified root config.
/// The root config.
/// The config.
protected virtual bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config)
return true;
partial void SetDefaultCulture(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config);
private void SetupBasic(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config, ISocketServerFactory socketServerFactory)
if (rootConfig == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rootConfig");
RootConfig = rootConfig;
if (config == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Name))
m_Name = config.Name;
m_Name = string.Format("{0}-{1}", this.GetType().Name, Math.Abs(this.GetHashCode()));
Config = config;
SetDefaultCulture(rootConfig, config);
if (!m_ThreadPoolConfigured)
if (!TheadPoolEx.ResetThreadPool(rootConfig.MaxWorkingThreads >= 0 ? rootConfig.MaxWorkingThreads : new Nullable(),
rootConfig.MaxCompletionPortThreads >= 0 ? rootConfig.MaxCompletionPortThreads : new Nullable(),
rootConfig.MinWorkingThreads >= 0 ? rootConfig.MinWorkingThreads : new Nullable(),
rootConfig.MinCompletionPortThreads >= 0 ? rootConfig.MinCompletionPortThreads : new Nullable()))
throw new Exception("Failed to configure thread pool!");
m_ThreadPoolConfigured = true;
if (socketServerFactory == null)
var socketServerFactoryType =
Type.GetType("SuperSocket.SocketEngine.SocketServerFactory, SuperSocket.SocketEngine", true);
socketServerFactory = (ISocketServerFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(socketServerFactoryType);
m_SocketServerFactory = socketServerFactory;
//Read text encoding from the configuration
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.TextEncoding))
TextEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(config.TextEncoding);
TextEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
private bool SetupMedium(IReceiveFilterFactory receiveFilterFactory, IEnumerable connectionFilters, IEnumerable>> commandLoaders)
if (receiveFilterFactory != null)
ReceiveFilterFactory = receiveFilterFactory;
if (connectionFilters != null && connectionFilters.Any())
if (m_ConnectionFilters == null)
m_ConnectionFilters = new List();
if (commandLoaders != null && commandLoaders.Any())
return SetupCommandLoaders(m_CommandLoaders);
private bool SetupAdvanced(IServerConfig config)
if (!SetupSecurity(config))
return false;
if (!SetupListeners(config))
return false;
m_GlobalCommandFilters = GetCommandFilterAttributes(this.GetType());
var discoveredCommands = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!SetupCommands(discoveredCommands))
return false;
return true;
private void OnCommandSetup(IDictionary> discoveredCommands)
var commandContainer = new Dictionary>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var command in discoveredCommands.Values)
new CommandInfo>(command, m_GlobalCommandFilters));
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_CommandContainer, commandContainer);
internal abstract IReceiveFilterFactory CreateDefaultReceiveFilterFactory();
private bool SetupFinal()
//Check receiveFilterFactory
if (ReceiveFilterFactory == null)
ReceiveFilterFactory = CreateDefaultReceiveFilterFactory();
if (ReceiveFilterFactory == null)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("receiveFilterFactory is required!");
return false;
var plainConfig = Config as ServerConfig;
if (plainConfig == null)
//Using plain config model instead of .NET configuration element to improve performance
plainConfig = new ServerConfig(Config);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plainConfig.Name))
plainConfig.Name = Name;
Config = plainConfig;
m_ServerStatus = new StatusInfoCollection();
m_ServerStatus.Name = Name;
m_ServerStatus.Tag = Name;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.MaxConnectionNumber] = Config.MaxConnectionNumber;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.Listeners] = m_Listeners;
catch (Exception e)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Failed to create ServerSummary instance!", e);
return false;
return SetupSocketServer();
/// Setups with the specified port.
/// The port.
/// return setup result
public bool Setup(int port)
return Setup("Any", port);
private void TrySetInitializedState()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_StateCode, ServerStateConst.Initializing, ServerStateConst.NotInitialized)
!= ServerStateConst.NotInitialized)
throw new Exception("The server has been initialized already, you cannot initialize it again!");
#if NET_35
/// Setups with the specified ip and port.
/// The ip.
/// The port.
/// The providers.
public bool Setup(string ip, int port, params object[] providers)
return Setup(new ServerConfig
Name = string.Format("{0}-{1}", this.GetType().Name, Math.Abs(this.GetHashCode())),
Ip = ip,
Port = port
}, providers);
/// Setups with the specified config, used for programming setup
/// The server config.
/// The providers.
public bool Setup(IServerConfig config, params object[] providers)
return Setup(new RootConfig(), config, providers);
/// Setups with the specified root config, used for programming setup
/// The root config.
/// The server config.
/// The providers.
public bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config, params object[] providers)
SetupBasic(rootConfig, config, GetProviderInstance(providers));
if (!SetupLogFactory(GetProviderInstance(providers)))
return false;
Logger = CreateLogger(this.Name);
if (!SetupMedium(GetProviderInstance>(providers), GetProviderInstance>(providers), GetProviderInstance>>>(providers)))
return false;
if (!SetupAdvanced(config))
return false;
if (!Setup(rootConfig, config))
return false;
return false;
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted;
return true;
private T GetProviderInstance(object[] providers)
if (providers == null || !providers.Any())
return default(T);
var providerType = typeof(T);
return (T)providers.FirstOrDefault(p => p != null && providerType.IsAssignableFrom(p.GetType()));
/// Setups with the specified config.
/// The server config.
/// The socket server factory.
/// The receive filter factory.
/// The log factory.
/// The connection filters.
/// The command loaders.
public bool Setup(IServerConfig config, ISocketServerFactory socketServerFactory = null, IReceiveFilterFactory receiveFilterFactory = null, ILogFactory logFactory = null, IEnumerable connectionFilters = null, IEnumerable>> commandLoaders = null)
return Setup(new RootConfig(), config, socketServerFactory, receiveFilterFactory, logFactory, connectionFilters, commandLoaders);
/// Setups the specified root config, this method used for programming setup
/// The root config.
/// The server config.
/// The socket server factory.
/// The Receive filter factory.
/// The log factory.
/// The connection filters.
/// The command loaders.
public bool Setup(IRootConfig rootConfig, IServerConfig config, ISocketServerFactory socketServerFactory = null, IReceiveFilterFactory receiveFilterFactory = null, ILogFactory logFactory = null, IEnumerable connectionFilters = null, IEnumerable>> commandLoaders = null)
SetupBasic(rootConfig, config, socketServerFactory);
if (!SetupLogFactory(logFactory))
return false;
Logger = CreateLogger(this.Name);
if (!SetupMedium(receiveFilterFactory, connectionFilters, commandLoaders))
return false;
if (!SetupAdvanced(config))
return false;
if (!Setup(rootConfig, config))
return false;
if (!SetupFinal())
return false;
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted;
return true;
/// Setups with the specified ip and port.
/// The ip.
/// The port.
/// The socket server factory.
/// The Receive filter factory.
/// The log factory.
/// The connection filters.
/// The command loaders.
/// return setup result
public bool Setup(string ip, int port, ISocketServerFactory socketServerFactory = null, IReceiveFilterFactory receiveFilterFactory = null, ILogFactory logFactory = null, IEnumerable connectionFilters = null, IEnumerable>> commandLoaders = null)
return Setup(new ServerConfig
Ip = ip,
Port = port
/// Setups the specified root config.
/// The bootstrap.
/// The socket server instance config.
/// The factories.
bool IWorkItem.Setup(IBootstrap bootstrap, IServerConfig config, ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories)
if (bootstrap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("bootstrap");
Bootstrap = bootstrap;
if (factories == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("factories");
var rootConfig = bootstrap.Config;
SetupBasic(rootConfig, config, GetSingleProviderInstance(factories, ProviderKey.SocketServerFactory));
if (!SetupLogFactory(GetSingleProviderInstance(factories, ProviderKey.LogFactory)))
return false;
Logger = CreateLogger(this.Name);
IEnumerable connectionFilters = null;
if (!TryGetProviderInstances(factories, ProviderKey.ConnectionFilter, null,
(p, f) =>
var ret = p.Initialize(f.Name, this);
Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed to initialize the connection filter: {0}.", f.Name);
return ret;
}, out connectionFilters))
return false;
if (!SetupMedium(
GetSingleProviderInstance>(factories, ProviderKey.ReceiveFilterFactory),
(t) => Activator.CreateInstance(t.MakeGenericType(typeof(ICommand))))))
return false;
if (!SetupAdvanced(config))
return false;
if (!Setup(rootConfig, config))
return false;
if (!SetupFinal())
return false;
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted;
return true;
private TProvider GetSingleProviderInstance(ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories, ProviderKey key)
var factory = factories.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.Name == key.Name);
if (factory == null)
return default(TProvider);
return factory.ExportFactory.CreateExport();
private bool TryGetProviderInstances(ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories, ProviderKey key, Func creator, Func initializer, out IEnumerable providers)
where TProvider : class
IEnumerable selectedFactories = factories.Where(p => p.Key.Name == key.Name);
if (!selectedFactories.Any())
providers = null;
return true;
providers = new List();
var list = (List)providers;
foreach (var f in selectedFactories)
var provider = creator == null ? f.ExportFactory.CreateExport() : f.ExportFactory.CreateExport(creator);
if (!initializer(provider, f))
return false;
return true;
private IEnumerable GetProviderInstances(ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories, ProviderKey key)
where TProvider : class
return GetProviderInstances(factories, key, null);
private IEnumerable GetProviderInstances(ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories, ProviderKey key, Func creator)
where TProvider : class
IEnumerable providers;
TryGetProviderInstances(factories, key, creator, (p, f) => true, out providers);
return providers;
private bool SetupLogFactory(ILogFactory logFactory)
if (logFactory != null)
LogFactory = logFactory;
return true;
//Log4NetLogFactory is default log factory
if (LogFactory == null)
LogFactory = new Log4NetLogFactory();
return true;
/// Setups the command loaders.
/// The command loaders.
protected virtual bool SetupCommandLoaders(List>> commandLoaders)
commandLoaders.Add(new ReflectCommandLoader>());
return true;
/// Creates the logger for the AppServer.
/// Name of the logger.
protected virtual ILog CreateLogger(string loggerName)
return LogFactory.GetLog(loggerName);
/// Setups the security option of socket communications.
/// The config of the server instance.
private bool SetupSecurity(IServerConfig config)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Security))
SslProtocols configProtocol;
if (!config.Security.TryParseEnum(true, out configProtocol))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed to parse '{0}' to SslProtocol!", config.Security);
return false;
BasicSecurity = configProtocol;
BasicSecurity = SslProtocols.None;
var certificate = GetCertificate(config.Certificate);
if (certificate != null)
Certificate = certificate;
else if(BasicSecurity != SslProtocols.None)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Certificate is required in this security mode!");
return false;
catch (Exception e)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Failed to initialize certificate!", e);
return false;
return true;
/// Gets the certificate from server configuguration.
/// The certificate config.
protected virtual X509Certificate GetCertificate(ICertificateConfig certificate)
if (certificate == null)
if (BasicSecurity != SslProtocols.None && Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("There is no certificate configured!");
return null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(certificate.FilePath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(certificate.Thumbprint))
if (BasicSecurity != SslProtocols.None && Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("You should define certificate node and either attribute 'filePath' or 'thumbprint' is required!");
return null;
return CertificateManager.Initialize(certificate, GetFilePath);
bool IRemoteCertificateValidator.Validate(IAppSession session, object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return ValidateClientCertificate((TAppSession)session, sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors);
/// Validates the client certificate. This method is only used if the certificate configuration attribute "clientCertificateRequired" is true.
/// The session.
/// The sender.
/// The certificate.
/// The chain.
/// The SSL policy errors.
/// return the validation result
protected virtual bool ValidateClientCertificate(TAppSession session, object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return sslPolicyErrors == SslPolicyErrors.None;
/// Setups the socket server.instance
private bool SetupSocketServer()
m_SocketServer = m_SocketServerFactory.CreateSocketServer(this, m_Listeners, Config);
return m_SocketServer != null;
catch (Exception e)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
return false;
private IPAddress ParseIPAddress(string ip)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) || "Any".Equals(ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return IPAddress.Any;
else if ("IPv6Any".Equals(ip, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return IPAddress.IPv6Any;
return IPAddress.Parse(ip);
/// Setups the listeners base on server configuration
/// The config.
private bool SetupListeners(IServerConfig config)
var listeners = new List();
if (config.Port > 0)
listeners.Add(new ListenerInfo
EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ParseIPAddress(config.Ip), config.Port),
BackLog = config.ListenBacklog,
Security = BasicSecurity
//Port is not configured, but ip is configured
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Ip))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("Port is required in config!");
return false;
//There are listener defined
if (config.Listeners != null && config.Listeners.Any())
//But ip and port were configured in server node
//We don't allow this case
if (listeners.Any())
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("If you configured Ip and Port in server node, you cannot defined listener in listeners node any more!");
return false;
foreach (var l in config.Listeners)
SslProtocols configProtocol;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(l.Security))
configProtocol = BasicSecurity;
else if (!l.Security.TryParseEnum(true, out configProtocol))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed to parse '{0}' to SslProtocol!", config.Security);
return false;
if (configProtocol != SslProtocols.None && (Certificate == null))
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("There is no certificate loaded, but there is a secure listener defined!");
return false;
listeners.Add(new ListenerInfo
EndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ParseIPAddress(l.Ip), l.Port),
BackLog = l.Backlog,
Security = configProtocol
if (!listeners.Any())
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("No listener defined!");
return false;
m_Listeners = listeners.ToArray();
return true;
catch (Exception e)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
return false;
/// Gets the name of the server instance.
public string Name
get { return m_Name; }
private ISocketServer m_SocketServer;
/// Gets the socket server.
/// The socket server.
ISocketServer ISocketServerAccessor.SocketServer
get { return m_SocketServer; }
/// Starts this server instance.
/// return true if start successfull, else false
public virtual bool Start()
var origStateCode = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_StateCode, ServerStateConst.Starting, ServerStateConst.NotStarted);
if (origStateCode != ServerStateConst.NotStarted)
if (origStateCode < ServerStateConst.NotStarted)
throw new Exception("You cannot start a server instance which has not been setup yet.");
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.ErrorFormat("This server instance is in the state {0}, you cannot start it now.", (ServerState)origStateCode);
return false;
if (!m_SocketServer.Start())
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted;
return false;
StartedTime = DateTime.Now;
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.Running;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.IsRunning] = true;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.StartedTime] = StartedTime;
//Will be removed in the next version
#pragma warning disable 0612, 618
#pragma warning restore 0612, 618
catch (Exception e)
if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
Logger.Error("One exception wa thrown in the method 'OnStartup()'.", e);
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info(string.Format("The server instance {0} has been started!", Name));
return true;
/// Called when [startup].
[Obsolete("Use OnStarted() instead")]
protected virtual void OnStartup()
/// Called when [started].
protected virtual void OnStarted()
/// Called when [stopped].
protected virtual void OnStopped()
/// Stops this server instance.
public virtual void Stop()
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_StateCode, ServerStateConst.Stopping, ServerStateConst.Running)
!= ServerStateConst.Running)
m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.IsRunning] = false;
m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.StartedTime] = null;
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info(string.Format("The server instance {0} has been stopped!", Name));
/// Gets command by command name.
/// Name of the command.
private CommandInfo> GetCommandByName(string commandName)
CommandInfo> commandProxy;
if (m_CommandContainer.TryGetValue(commandName, out commandProxy))
return commandProxy;
return null;
private Func m_RawDataReceivedHandler;
/// Gets or sets the raw binary data received event handler.
/// TAppSession: session
/// byte[]: receive buffer
/// int: receive buffer offset
/// int: receive lenght
/// bool: whether process the received data further
event Func IRawDataProcessor.RawDataReceived
add { m_RawDataReceivedHandler += value; }
remove { m_RawDataReceivedHandler -= value; }
/// Called when [raw data received].
/// The session.
/// The buffer.
/// The offset.
/// The length.
internal bool OnRawDataReceived(IAppSession session, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
var handler = m_RawDataReceivedHandler;
if (handler == null)
return true;
return handler((TAppSession)session, buffer, offset, length);
private RequestHandler m_RequestHandler;
/// Occurs when a full request item received.
public virtual event RequestHandler NewRequestReceived
add { m_RequestHandler += value; }
remove { m_RequestHandler -= value; }
/// Executes the command.
/// The session.
/// The request info.
protected virtual void ExecuteCommand(TAppSession session, TRequestInfo requestInfo)
if (m_RequestHandler == null)
var commandProxy = GetCommandByName(requestInfo.Key);
if (commandProxy != null)
var command = commandProxy.Command;
var commandFilters = commandProxy.Filters;
session.CurrentCommand = requestInfo.Key;
var cancelled = false;
if (commandFilters == null)
command.ExecuteCommand(session, requestInfo);
var commandContext = new CommandExecutingContext();
commandContext.Initialize(session, requestInfo, command);
for (var i = 0; i < commandFilters.Length; i++)
var filter = commandFilters[i];
if (commandContext.Cancel)
cancelled = true;
Logger.Info(session, string.Format("The executing of the command {0} was cancelled by the command filter {1}.", command.Name, filter.GetType().ToString()));
if (!cancelled)
command.ExecuteCommand(session, requestInfo);
catch (Exception exc)
commandContext.Exception = exc;
for (var i = 0; i < commandFilters.Length; i++)
var filter = commandFilters[i];
if (commandContext.Exception != null && !commandContext.ExceptionHandled)
session.PrevCommand = requestInfo.Key;
if (Config.LogCommand && Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info(session, string.Format("Command - {0}", requestInfo.Key));
session.LastActiveTime = DateTime.Now;
session.CurrentCommand = requestInfo.Key;
m_RequestHandler(session, requestInfo);
catch (Exception e)
session.PrevCommand = requestInfo.Key;
session.LastActiveTime = DateTime.Now;
if (Config.LogCommand && Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info(session, string.Format("Command - {0}", requestInfo.Key));
Interlocked.Increment(ref m_TotalHandledRequests);
/// Executes the command for the session.
/// The session.
/// The request info.
internal void ExecuteCommand(IAppSession session, TRequestInfo requestInfo)
this.ExecuteCommand((TAppSession)session, requestInfo);
/// Executes the command.
/// The session.
/// The request info.
void IRequestHandler.ExecuteCommand(IAppSession session, TRequestInfo requestInfo)
this.ExecuteCommand((TAppSession)session, requestInfo);
/// Gets or sets the server's connection filter
/// The server's connection filters
public IEnumerable ConnectionFilters
get { return m_ConnectionFilters; }
/// Executes the connection filters.
/// The remote address.
private bool ExecuteConnectionFilters(IPEndPoint remoteAddress)
if (m_ConnectionFilters == null)
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < m_ConnectionFilters.Count; i++)
var currentFilter = m_ConnectionFilters[i];
if (!currentFilter.AllowConnect(remoteAddress))
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.InfoFormat("A connection from {0} has been refused by filter {1}!", remoteAddress, currentFilter.Name);
return false;
return true;
/// Creates the app session.
/// The socket session.
IAppSession IAppServer.CreateAppSession(ISocketSession socketSession)
if (!ExecuteConnectionFilters(socketSession.RemoteEndPoint))
return NullAppSession;
var appSession = CreateAppSession(socketSession);
appSession.Initialize(this, socketSession);
return appSession;
/// create a new TAppSession instance, you can override it to create the session instance in your own way
/// the socket session.
/// the new created session instance
protected virtual TAppSession CreateAppSession(ISocketSession socketSession)
return new TAppSession();
/// Registers the new created app session into the appserver's session container.
/// The session.
bool IAppServer.RegisterSession(IAppSession session)
var appSession = session as TAppSession;
if (!RegisterSession(appSession.SessionID, appSession))
return false;
appSession.SocketSession.Closed += OnSocketSessionClosed;
if (Config.LogBasicSessionActivity && Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
Logger.Info(session, "A new session connected! ");
return true;
/// Registers the session into session container.
/// The session ID.
/// The app session.
protected virtual bool RegisterSession(string sessionID, TAppSession appSession)
return true;
private SessionHandler m_NewSessionConnected;
/// The action which will be executed after a new session connect
public event SessionHandler NewSessionConnected
add { m_NewSessionConnected += value; }
remove { m_NewSessionConnected -= value; }
/// Called when [new session connected].
/// The session.
protected virtual void OnNewSessionConnected(TAppSession session)
var handler = m_NewSessionConnected;
if (handler == null)
handler.BeginInvoke(session, OnNewSessionConnectedCallback, handler);
private void OnNewSessionConnectedCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var handler = (SessionHandler)result.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
/// Resets the session's security protocol.
/// The session.
/// The security protocol.
public void ResetSessionSecurity(IAppSession session, SslProtocols security)
m_SocketServer.ResetSessionSecurity(session, security);
/// Called when [socket session closed].
/// The socket session.
/// The reason.
private void OnSocketSessionClosed(ISocketSession session, CloseReason reason)
//Even if LogBasicSessionActivity is false, we also log the unexpected closing because the close reason probably be useful
if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled && (Config.LogBasicSessionActivity || (reason != CloseReason.ServerClosing && reason != CloseReason.ClientClosing && reason != CloseReason.ServerShutdown && reason != CloseReason.SocketError)))
Logger.Info(session, string.Format("This session was closed for {0}!", reason));
var appSession = session.AppSession as TAppSession;
appSession.Connected = false;
OnSessionClosed(appSession, reason);
private SessionHandler m_SessionClosed;
/// Gets/sets the session closed event handler.
public event SessionHandler SessionClosed
add { m_SessionClosed += value; }
remove { m_SessionClosed -= value; }
/// Called when [session closed].
/// The appSession.
/// The reason.
protected virtual void OnSessionClosed(TAppSession session, CloseReason reason)
var handler = m_SessionClosed;
if (handler != null)
handler.BeginInvoke(session, reason, OnSessionClosedCallback, handler);
private void OnSessionClosedCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var handler = (SessionHandler)result.AsyncState;
catch (Exception e)
/// Gets the app session by ID.
/// The session ID.
public abstract TAppSession GetSessionByID(string sessionID);
/// Gets the app session by ID.
IAppSession IAppServer.GetSessionByID(string sessionID)
return this.GetSessionByID(sessionID);
/// Gets the matched sessions from sessions snapshot.
/// The prediction critera.
public virtual IEnumerable GetSessions(Func critera)
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// Gets all sessions in sessions snapshot.
public virtual IEnumerable GetAllSessions()
throw new NotSupportedException();
/// Gets the total session count.
public abstract int SessionCount { get; }
/// Gets the physical file path by the relative file path,
/// search both in the appserver's root and in the supersocket root dir if the isolation level has been set other than 'None'.
/// The relative file path.
public string GetFilePath(string relativeFilePath)
var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, relativeFilePath);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) && RootConfig != null && RootConfig.Isolation != IsolationMode.None)
var rootDir = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory).Parent.FullName;
var rootFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(rootDir, relativeFilePath);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(rootFilePath))
return rootFilePath;
return filePath;
#region IActiveConnector
/// Connect the remote endpoint actively.
/// The target end point.
/// The local end point.
/// This server cannot support active connect.
Task IActiveConnector.ActiveConnect(EndPoint targetEndPoint, EndPoint localEndPoint)
var activeConnector = m_SocketServer as IActiveConnector;
if (activeConnector == null)
throw new Exception("This server cannot support active connect.");
return activeConnector.ActiveConnect(targetEndPoint, localEndPoint);
/// Connect the remote endpoint actively.
/// The target end point.
/// This server cannot support active connect.
Task IActiveConnector.ActiveConnect(EndPoint targetEndPoint)
return ((IActiveConnector)this).ActiveConnect(targetEndPoint, null);
#endregion IActiveConnector
#region ISystemEndPoint
/// Transfers the system message
/// Type of the message.
/// The message data.
void ISystemEndPoint.TransferSystemMessage(string messageType, object messageData)
OnSystemMessageReceived(messageType, messageData);
/// Called when [system message received].
/// Type of the message.
/// The message data.
protected virtual void OnSystemMessageReceived(string messageType, object messageData)
#endregion ISystemEndPoint
#region IStatusInfoSource
private StatusInfoCollection m_ServerStatus;
StatusInfoAttribute[] IStatusInfoSource.GetServerStatusMetadata()
return this.GetType().GetStatusInfoMetadata();
StatusInfoCollection IStatusInfoSource.CollectServerStatus(StatusInfoCollection bootstrapStatus)
this.AsyncRun(() => OnServerStatusCollected(bootstrapStatus, m_ServerStatus), e => Logger.Error(e));
return m_ServerStatus;
/// Updates the summary of the server.
/// The server status.
protected virtual void UpdateServerStatus(StatusInfoCollection serverStatus)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.IsRunning] = m_StateCode == ServerStateConst.Running;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.TotalConnections] = this.SessionCount;
var totalHandledRequests0 = serverStatus.GetValue(StatusInfoKeys.TotalHandledRequests, 0);
var totalHandledRequests = this.TotalHandledRequests;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.RequestHandlingSpeed] = ((totalHandledRequests - totalHandledRequests0) / now.Subtract(serverStatus.CollectedTime).TotalSeconds);
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.TotalHandledRequests] = totalHandledRequests;
if (State == ServerState.Running)
var sendingQueuePool = m_SocketServer.SendingQueuePool;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.AvialableSendingQueueItems] = sendingQueuePool.AvialableItemsCount;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.TotalSendingQueueItems] = sendingQueuePool.TotalItemsCount;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.AvialableSendingQueueItems] = 0;
serverStatus[StatusInfoKeys.TotalSendingQueueItems] = 0;
serverStatus.CollectedTime = now;
/// Called when [server status collected].
/// The bootstrapStatus status.
/// The server status.
protected virtual void OnServerStatusCollected(StatusInfoCollection bootstrapStatus, StatusInfoCollection serverStatus)
#endregion IStatusInfoSource
#region IDisposable Members
/// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
public void Dispose()
if (m_StateCode == ServerStateConst.Running)