SuperWebSocket The command handling binary data The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command handling close fragment The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command handling continuation fragment The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. FragmentCommand The type of the web socket session. Gets the UTF8 encoding which has been set ExceptionFallback. Initializes a new instance of the class. Checks the frame. The frame. Checks the control frame. The frame. Gets data from websocket frames. The frames. Gets text string from websocket frames. The frames. Gets data from a websocket frame. The frame. Gets text string from a websocket frame. The frame. The command handle handshake request The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command handling Ping The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command to handling text message in plain text of hybi00 The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command handling Pong The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The command handling Text fragment The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Command configuration Gets the options. Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization. The name of the unrecognized attribute. The value of the unrecognized attribute. true when an unknown attribute is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false. Command configuration collection Gets or sets a property, attribute, or child element of this configuration element. The specified property, attribute, or child element When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. The to return the key for. An that acts as the key for the specified . Gets the enumerator. SubProtocol configuration Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type. Gets the commands. SubProtocol configuation collection When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. The to return the key for. An that acts as the key for the specified . Gets the enumerator. Gets the type of the . The of this collection. Gets the name used to identify this collection of elements in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class. The name of the collection; otherwise, an empty string. The default is an empty string. Extension class Appends in the format with CrCf as suffix. The builder. The format. The arg. Appends in the format with CrCf as suffix. The builder. The format. The args. Appends with CrCf as suffix. The builder. The content. Appends with CrCf as suffix. The builder. The converter interface for converting binary data to text message Returns a that represents this instance. The data. The offset. The length. A that represents this instance. Json websocket session Json websocket session The type of the web socket session. Sends the json message. The name. The content. Close status code for Hybi10 Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the code for normal closure. Gets the code for going away. Gets the code for protocol error. Gets the code for not acceptable data. Gets the code for too large frame. Gets the code for invalid UT f8. Gets the code for violate policy. Gets the code for extension not match. Gets the code for unexpected condition. Gets the code for TLS handshake failure. Gets the code for no status code. Close status code for rfc6455 Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the code for normal closure. Gets the code for going away. Gets the code for protocol error. Gets the code for not acceptable data. Gets the code for too large frame. Gets the code for invalid UT f8. Gets the code for violate policy. Gets the code for extension not match. Gets the code for unexpected condition. Gets the code for TLS handshake failure. Gets the code for no status code. Handshake request Gets the key of this request. Close status code interface Gets the code for extension not match. Gets the code for going away. Gets the code for invalid UT f8. Gets the code for normal closure. Gets the code for not acceptable data. Gets the code for protocol error. Gets the code for TLS handshake failure. Gets the code for too large frame. Gets the code for unexpected condition. Gets the code for violate policy. Gets the code for no status code. Protocol processor interface Gets a value indicating whether this instance can send binary data. true if this instance can send binary data; otherwise, false. Gets the close status clode. Gets or sets the next processor. The next processor. Handshakes the specified session. The session. The previous filter. The data frame reader. Gets the encoded package. The op code. The data. The offset. The length. Gets the encoded package. The op code. The message. Sends the message. The session. The message. Try to send the message. The session. The message. if the messaged has been enqueued into the sending queue, return true; else if the message failed to be enqueued becuase the sending is full, then return false Sends the data. The session. The data. The offset. The length. Try to send the data. The session. The data. The offset. The length. if the data has been enqueued into the sending queue, return true; else if the data failed to be enqueued becuase the sending is full, then return false Sends the close handshake. The session. The status code. The close reason. Sends the pong. The session. The pong. Sends the ping. The session. The ping. Gets the version of current protocol. Determines whether [is valid close code] [the specified code]. The code. true if [is valid close code] [the specified code]; otherwise, false. WebSocketFragment request info Plain text fragment Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Gets the message. Gets the key of this request. Resets this instance. WebSocketReceiveFilter basis The length of Sec3Key Initializes a new instance of the class. The session. Initializes a new instance of the class. The previous receive filter. Handshakes the specified protocol processor. The protocol processor. The session. Gets the handshake request info. Async json sub command The type of the json command info. Async json sub command The type of the web socket session. The type of the json command info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Executes the json command. The session. The command info. Executes the async json command. The session. The token. The command info. Sends the json message. The session. The token. The content. Sends the json message. The session. The name. The token. The content. Basic sub command parser Parses the request info. The source. Default basic sub protocol implementation Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocol name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The command assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class. The command assemblies. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocol name. The command assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocol name. The command assemblies. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The command assemblies. The request info parser. Default basic sub protocol implementation Default basic sub protocol name Initializes a new instance of the class with the calling aseembly as command assembly Initializes a new instance of the class with the calling aseembly as command assembly The sub protocol name. Initializes a new instance of the class with command assemblies The command assemblies. Initializes a new instance of the class with single command assembly. The command assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class with name and single command assembly. The sub protocol name. The command assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class with name and command assemblies. The sub protocol name. The command assemblies. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The command assemblies. The request info parser. Initializes with the specified config. The app server. The protocol config. The logger. Tries get command from the sub protocol's command inventory. The name. The command. SubCommand interface The type of the web socket session. Executes the command. The session. The request info. The basic interface of sub command filter loader Loads the sub command filters. The global filters. SubProtocol interface The type of the web socket session. Initializes with the specified config. The app server. The protocol config. The logger. Gets the name. Gets the sub request parser. Tries the get command. The name. The command. The basic interface of SubRequestInfo Gets the token. The token. JsonSubCommand The type of the json command info. JsonSubCommand The type of the web socket session. The type of the json command info. Gets the json message. The session. The content. Gets the json message. The session. The name. The content. Sends the json message. The session. The content. Sends the json message. The session. The name. The content. Json SubCommand base The type of the web socket session. The type of the json command info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Executes the json command. The session. The command info. Gets the json message. The session. The name. The token. The content. SubCommand base SubCommand base The type of the web socket session. Gets the name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. SubCommandFilter Attribute Gets or sets the sub protocol. The sub protocol. SubProtocol basis The type of the web socket session. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Gets the name. Initializes with the specified config. The app server. The protocol config. The logger. Gets or sets the sub request parser. The sub request parser. Tries the get command. The name. The command. SubProtocol RequestInfo type Gets the token of this request, used for callback Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The token. The data. Text encoding binary data converter Gets the encoding. The encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The encoding. Returns a that represents this instance. The data. The offset. The length. A that represents this instance. WebSocket protocol Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates the filter. The app server. The app session. The remote end point. WebSocket server interface Gets the web socket protocol processor. Validates the handshake request. The session. The origin. the validation result WebSocket AppServer Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocols. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocol. Initializes a new instance of the class. WebSocket AppServer The type of the web socket session. Gets or sets the binary data converter. The binary data converter. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocols. Initializes a new instance of the class. The sub protocol. Initializes a new instance of the class. The openning handshake timeout, in seconds The closing handshake timeout, in seconds The interval of checking handshake pending queue, in seconds Gets the sub protocol by sub protocol name. The name. Gets the request filter factory. Register sub protocols, Only use after empty create Validates the handshake request. The session. The origin in the handshake request. Setups with the specified root config. The root config. The config. Called when [started]. Called when [new session connected]. The session. Occurs when [new request received]. Occurs when [new message received]. Occurs when [new data received]. Setups the commands. The discovered commands. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Broadcasts data to the specified sessions. The sessions. The data. The offset. The length. The send feedback. Broadcasts message to the specified sessions. The sessions. The message. The send feedback. Serialize the target object by JSON The target. Deserialize the JSON string to target type object. The json. The type. WebSocketSession basic interface Gets or sets the method. The method. Gets the host. Gets or sets the path. The path. Gets or sets the HTTP version. The HTTP version. Gets the sec web socket version. Gets the origin. Gets the URI scheme. Gets a value indicating whether this is handshaked. true if handshaked; otherwise, false. Sends the raw binary data to client. The data. The offset. The length. Try to send the raw binary data to client. The data. The offset. The length. if the data to be sent is queued, return true, else the queue is full, then return false Gets the app server. Gets or sets the protocol processor. The protocol processor. Gets the available sub protocol. The protocol. WebSocket AppSession Gets the app server. WebSocket AppSession class The type of the web socket session. Gets or sets the method. The method. Gets or sets the path. The path. Gets or sets the HTTP version. The HTTP version. Gets the host. Gets the origin. Gets the upgrade. Gets the connection. Gets the sec web socket version. Gets the sec web socket protocol. Gets the current token. Gets the app server. Gets the URI scheme, ws or wss Gets the sub protocol. Gets a value indicating whether this is handshaked. true if handshaked; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the session [in closing]. true if [in closing]; otherwise, false. Called when [init]. Sets the cookie. Gets the cookies. Sends the message to client. The message. Tries to send. The message to be sent. Sends the data to client. The data. The offset. The length. Tries to send the data over the websocket connection. The segment to be sent. Tries to send the data over the websocket connection. The data. The offset. The length. Sends the segment to client. The segment. Sends the raw binary data. The data. The offset. The length. Try to send the raw binary data to client. The data. The offset. The length. if the data to be sent is queued, return true, else the queue is full, then return false Tries the send raw data segments. The segments. Closes the with handshake. The reason text. Closes the with handshake. The status code. The reason text. Sends the close handshake response. The status code. Closes the specified reason. The reason. Gets or sets the protocol processor. The protocol processor. Handles the unknown command. The request info. Handles the unknown request. The request info.