Represents the granularity value for a $bucketAuto stage.
Gets the E6 granularity.
Gets the E12 granularity.
Gets the E24 granularity.
Gets the E48 granularity.
Gets the E96 granularity.
Gets the E192 granularity.
Gets the POWERSOF2 granularity.
Gets the R5 granularity.
Gets the R10 granularity.
Gets the R20 granularity.
Gets the R40 granularity.
Gets the R80 granularity.
Gets the 1-2-5 granularity.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Gets the value.
Represents options for the BucketAuto method.
Gets or sets the granularity.
Represents the result of the $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
The count.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The minimum.
The maximum.
The count.
Gets the inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
The inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
Gets the count.
The count.
Gets the maximum.
Gets the minimum.
Represents the _id value in the result of a $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the values.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The minimum.
The maximum.
Gets the max value.
Gets the min value.
Represents options for the Bucket method.
The type of the value.
Gets or sets the default bucket.
Represents the result of the $bucket stage.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
The count.
Gets the inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
The inclusive lower boundary of the bucket.
Gets the count.
The count.
Result type for the aggregate $count stage.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The count.
Gets the count.
The count.
An aggregation expression.
The type of the source.
The type of the result.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The expression.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The expression.
The result of the conversion.
Renders the aggregation expression.
The source serializer.
The serializer registry.
The rendered aggregation expression.
A based aggregate expression.
The type of the source.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
A based aggregate expression.
The type of the source.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
The translation options.
Represents static methods for creating facets.
Creates a new instance of the class.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The facet name.
The facet pipeline.
A new instance of the class
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
The type of the input documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The facet name.
Gets the facet name.
Gets the output serializer.
Gets the type of the output documents.
Renders the facet pipeline.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
The rendered pipeline.
Represents a facet to be passed to the Facet method.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the otuput documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The facet name.
The facet pipeline.
Gets the facet pipeline.
Options for the aggregate $facet stage.
The type of the output documents.
Gets or sets the output serializer.
Represents an abstract AggregateFacetResult with an arbitrary TOutput type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name of the facet.
Gets the name of the facet.
Gets the output of the facet.
The type of the output documents.
The output of the facet.
Represents the result of a single facet.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The output.
Gets or sets the output.
The output.
Represents the results of a $facet stage with an arbitrary number of facets.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The facets.
Gets the facets.
Represents options for the GraphLookup method.
The type of from documents.
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the output documents.
Gets or sets the TAsElement serialzier.
Gets or sets the TFrom serializer.
Gets or sets the maximum depth.
Gets or sets the output serializer.
Gets the filter to restrict the search with.
Options for the aggregate $lookup stage.
The type of the foreign document.
The type of the result.
Gets or sets the foreign document serializer.
Gets or sets the result serializer.
Result type for the aggregate $sortByCount stage.
The type of the identifier.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The identifier.
The count.
Gets the count.
The count.
Gets the identifier.
The identifier.
Option for which expression to generate for certain string operations.
Translate to the byte variation.
Translate to the code points variation. This is only supported in >= MongoDB 3.4.
Base class for array filters.
Gets the type of an item.
The type of an item.
Renders the array filter to a .
The item serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Base class for array filters.
The type of an item.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
Renders the array filter to a .
The item serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
A based array filter.
The type of an item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
The document.
A JSON based array filter.
The type of an item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The JSON string.
Gets the document.
The document.
Gets the JSON string.
The JSON string.
A static helper class containing various builders.
The type of the document.
Gets a .
Gets an .
Gets a .
Gets a .
Gets an .
Options for a change stream operation.
Gets or sets the size of the batch.
The size of the batch.
Gets or sets the collation.
The collation.
Gets or sets the full document.
The full document.
Gets or sets the maximum await time.
The maximum await time.
Gets or sets the resume after.
The resume after.
Gets or sets the start at operation time.
The start at operation time.
Options for a $changeStream stage.
Gets or sets whether to include all changes for an entire cluster in the change stream.
Whether to include all changes for an entire cluster in the change stream.
Gets or sets the full document.
The full document.
Gets or sets the resume after.
The resume after.
Gets or sets the start at operation time.
The start at operation time.
A client session handle.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The client.
The options.
The wrapped session.
Client session options.
When true or unspecified, an application will read its own writes and subsequent
reads will never observe an earlier version of the data.
Gets or sets the default transaction options.
The default transaction options.
Model for creating an index.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The keys.
The options.
Gets the keys.
Gets the options.
Options for creating a single index.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
The maximum time.
Options for creating a view.
The type of the documents.
Gets or sets the collation.
The collation.
Gets or sets the document serializer.
The document serializer.
Gets or sets the serializer registry.
The serializer registry.
Options for the Delete methods.
Gets or sets the collation.
Options for creating multiple indexes.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
The maximum time.
Options for dropping an index.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
The maximum time.
Options for estimated document count.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
The interface for a client session.
Gets the client.
The client.
Gets the cluster time.
The cluster time.
Gets a value indicating whether this session is an implicit session.
true if this session is an implicit session; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is in a transaction.
true if this instance is in a transaction; otherwise, false.
Gets the operation time.
The operation time.
Gets the options.
The options.
Gets the server session.
The server session.
Gets the wrapped core session (intended for internal use only).
The wrapped core session.
Aborts the transaction.
The cancellation token.
Aborts the transaction.
The cancellation token.
A Task.
Advances the cluster time.
The new cluster time.
Advances the operation time.
The new operation time.
Commits the transaction.
The cancellation token.
Commits the transaction.
The cancellation token.
A Task.
Starts a transaction.
The transaction options.
A handle to an underlying reference counted IClientSession.
Forks this instance.
A session.
Extension methods on IMongoClient.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The client.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The client.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The client.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The client.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Extension methods on IMongoDatabase.
Watches changes on all collection in a database.
The database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collection in a database.
The database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collection in a database.
The database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collection in a database.
The database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Base class for an index keys definition.
The type of the document.
Renders the index keys definition to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
A based index keys definition.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
A JSON based index keys definition.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Gets the json.
Represents index option defaults.
Gets or sets the storage engine options.
Returns this instance represented as a BsonDocument.
A BsonDocument.
Options for inserting one document.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
A model for a queryable to be executed using the aggregation framework.
The type of the output.
Gets the stages.
Gets the output serializer.
Gets the type of the output.
Returns a that represents this instance.
A that represents this instance.
Compare two expressions to determine if they are equivalent.
Provides functionality to evaluate queries against MongoDB.
Gets the execution model.
The execution model.
Provides functionality to evaluate queries against MongoDB
wherein the type of the data is known.
The type of the data in the data source.
This type parameter is covariant.
That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more
derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance
and Contravariance in Generics.
Represents the result of a sorting operation.
The type of the data in the data source.
This type parameter is covariant.
That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type that is more
derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance, see Covariance
and Contravariance in Generics.
An implementation of for MongoDB.
Gets the collection namespace.
Gets the collection document serializer.
Gets the execution model.
The expression.
The execution model.
Executes the strongly-typed query represented by a specified expression tree.
The type of the result.
An expression tree that represents a LINQ query.
The cancellation token.
The value that results from executing the specified query.
This static class holds methods that can be used to express MongoDB specific operations in LINQ queries.
Injects a low level FilterDefinition{TDocument} into a LINQ where clause. Can only be used in LINQ queries.
The type of the document.
The filter.
Throws an InvalidOperationException if called.
Enumerable Extensions for MongoDB.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Extension for .
Determines whether a sequence contains any elements.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence to check for being empty.
The cancellation token.
true if the source sequence contains any elements; otherwise, false.
Determines whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence whose elements to test for a condition.
A function to test each element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
true if any elements in the source sequence pass the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the average of.
The cancellation token.
The average of the values in the sequence.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Computes the average of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The average of the projected values.
Returns the number of elements in a sequence.
The type of the elements of .
The that contains the elements to be counted.
The cancellation token.
The number of elements in the input sequence.
Returns the number of elements in the specified sequence that satisfies a condition.
The type of the elements of .
An that contains the elements to be counted.
A function to test each element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
The number of elements in the sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate function.
Returns distinct elements from a sequence by using the default equality comparer to compare values.
The type of the elements of .
The to remove duplicates from.
An that contains distinct elements from .
Returns the first element of a sequence.
The type of the elements of .
The to return the first element of.
The cancellation token.
The first element in .
Returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition.
The type of the elements of .
An to return an element from.
A function to test each element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
The first element in that passes the test in .
Returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements.
The type of the elements of .
The to return the first element of.
The cancellation token.
default() if is empty; otherwise, the first element in .
Returns the first element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element is found.
The type of the elements of .
An to return an element from.
A function to test each element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
default() if is empty or if no element passes the test specified by ; otherwise, the first element in that passes the test specified by .
Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function represented in keySelector.
An whose elements to group.
A function to extract the key for each element.
An that has a type argument of
and where each object contains a sequence of objects
and a key.
Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function
and creates a result value from each group and its key.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function represented in keySelector.
The type of the result value returned by resultSelector.
An whose elements to group.
A function to extract the key for each element.
A function to create a result value from each group.
An that has a type argument of TResult and where
each element represents a projection over a group and its key.
Correlates the elements of two sequences based on key equality and groups the results.
The type of the elements of the first sequence.
The type of the elements of the second sequence.
The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
The type of the result elements.
The first sequence to join.
The sequence to join to the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the second sequence.
A function to create a result element from an element from the first sequence and a collection of matching elements from the second sequence.
An that contains elements of type obtained by performing a grouped join on two sequences.
Correlates the elements of two sequences based on key equality and groups the results.
The type of the elements of the first sequence.
The type of the elements of the second sequence.
The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
The type of the result elements.
The first sequence to join.
The collection to join to the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the second sequence.
A function to create a result element from an element from the first sequence and a collection of matching elements from the second sequence.
An that contains elements of type obtained by performing a grouped join on two sequences.
Correlates the elements of two sequences based on matching keys.
The type of the elements of the first sequence.
The type of the elements of the second sequence.
The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
The type of the result elements.
The first sequence to join.
The sequence to join to the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the second sequence.
A function to create a result element from two matching elements.
An that has elements of type obtained by performing an inner join on two sequences.
Correlates the elements of two sequences based on matching keys.
The type of the elements of the first sequence.
The type of the elements of the second sequence.
The type of the keys returned by the key selector functions.
The type of the result elements.
The first sequence to join.
The sequence to join to the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the first sequence.
A function to extract the join key from each element of the second sequence.
A function to create a result element from two matching elements.
An that has elements of type obtained by performing an inner join on two sequences.
Returns the number of elements in a sequence.
The type of the elements of .
The that contains the elements to be counted.
The cancellation token.
The number of elements in the input sequence.
Returns the number of elements in the specified sequence that satisfies a condition.
The type of the elements of .
An that contains the elements to be counted.
A function to test each element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
The number of elements in the sequence that satisfies the condition in the predicate function.
Returns the maximum value in a generic .
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to determine the maximum of.
The cancellation token.
The maximum value in the sequence.
Invokes a projection function on each element of a generic and returns the maximum resulting value.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the value returned by the function represented by .
A sequence of values to determine the maximum of.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The maximum value in the sequence.
Returns the minimum value in a generic .
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to determine the minimum of.
The cancellation token.
The minimum value in the sequence.
Invokes a projection function on each element of a generic and returns the minimum resulting value.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the value returned by the function represented by .
A sequence of values to determine the minimum of.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The minimum value in the sequence.
Filters the elements of an based on a specified type.
The type to filter the elements of the sequence on.
An whose elements to filter.
A collection that contains the elements from that have type .
Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order according to a key.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function that is represented by keySelector.
A sequence of values to order.
A function to extract a key from an element.
An whose elements are sorted according to a key.
Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order according to a key.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function that is represented by keySelector.
A sequence of values to order.
A function to extract a key from an element.
An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key.
Returns a sample of the elements in the .
The type of the elements of .
An to return a sample of.
The number of elements in the sample.
A sample of the elements in the .
Projects each element of a sequence into a new form by incorporating the
element's index.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the value returned by the function represented by selector.
A sequence of values to project.
A projection function to apply to each element.
An whose elements are the result of invoking a
projection function on each element of source.
Projects each element of a sequence to an and combines the resulting sequences into one sequence.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the elements of the sequence returned by the function represented by .
A sequence of values to project.
A projection function to apply to each element.
An whose elements are the result of invoking a one-to-many projection function on each element of the input sequence.
Projects each element of a sequence to an and
invokes a result selector function on each element therein. The resulting values from
each intermediate sequence are combined into a single, one-dimensional sequence and returned.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the intermediate elements collected by the function represented by .
The type of the elements of the resulting sequence.
A sequence of values to project.
A projection function to apply to each element of the input sequence.
A projection function to apply to each element of each intermediate sequence.
An whose elements are the result of invoking the one-to-many projection function on each element of and then mapping each of those sequence elements and their corresponding element to a result element.
Returns the only element of a sequence, and throws an exception if there is not exactly one element in the sequence.
The type of the elements of .
An to return the single element of.
The cancellation token.
The single element of the input sequence.
Returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition, and throws an exception if more than one such element exists.
The type of the elements of .
An to return a single element from.
A function to test an element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
The single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in .
Returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty; this method throws an exception if there is more than one element in the sequence.
The type of the elements of .
An to return the single element of.
The cancellation token.
The single element of the input sequence, or default() if the sequence contains no elements.
Returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element satisfies the condition.
The type of the elements of .
An to return a single element from.
A function to test an element for a condition.
The cancellation token.
The single element of the input sequence that satisfies the condition in , or default() if no such element is found.
Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence and then returns the
remaining elements.
The type of the elements of source
An to return elements from.
The number of elements to skip before returning the remaining elements.
An that contains elements that occur after the
specified index in the input sequence.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the population standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values to calculate the population standard deviation of.
A transform function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The population standard deviation of the sequence of values.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of a sequence of values.
A sequence of values to calculate the sum of.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the values in the sequence.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Computes the sum of the sequence of values that is obtained
by invoking a projection function on each element of the input sequence.
The type of the elements of .
A sequence of values.
A projection function to apply to each element.
The cancellation token.
The sum of the projected values.
Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
The type of the elements of .
The sequence to return elements from.
The number of elements to return.
An that contains the specified number of elements
from the start of source.
Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in ascending
order according to a key.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function that is represented by keySelector.
A sequence of values to order.
A function to extract a key from an element.
An whose elements are sorted according to a key.
Performs a subsequent ordering of the elements in a sequence in descending
order according to a key.
The type of the elements of .
The type of the key returned by the function that is represented by keySelector.
A sequence of values to order.
A function to extract a key from an element.
An whose elements are sorted in descending order according to a key.
Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
The type of the elements of .
An to return elements from.
A function to test each element for a condition.
An that contains elements from the input sequence
that satisfy the condition specified by predicate.
MongoDB only supports constants on the RHS for certain expressions, so we'll move them around
to make it easier to generate MongoDB syntax.
VB creates coalescing operations when dealing with nullable value comparisons, so we try and make this look like C#
VB uses a method for string comparisons, so we'll convert this into a BinaryExpression.
VB creates an IsNothing comparison using a method call. We'll translate this to a simple
null comparison.
VB introduces a Convert on the LHS with a Nothing comparison, so we make it look like
C# which does not have one with a comparison to null.
VB creates string index expressions using character comparison whereas C# uses ascii value comparison
we make VB's string index comparison look like C#.
An execution model.
Gets the type of the output.
This guy is going to replace calls like store.GetValue("d.y") with nestedStore.GetValue("y").
Options for controlling translation from .NET expression trees into MongoDB expressions.
Gets or sets the string translation mode.
Options for a list collection names operation.
Gets or sets the filter.
Options for a list databases operation.
Gets or sets the filter.
Gets or sets the NameOnly flag.
Represents an identity defined by an X509 certificate.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The username.
Extension methods for adding stages to a pipeline.
Appends a stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The stage.
The output serializer.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Changes the output type of the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The output serializer.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The options.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the value.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The options (optional).
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the value.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options (optional).
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $changeStream stage to the pipeline.
Normally you would prefer to use the Watch method of .
Only use this method if subsequent stages project away the resume token (the _id)
or you don't want the resulting cursor to automatically resume.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $count stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The facets.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Used to start creating a pipeline for {TInput} documents.
The type of the output.
The inputSerializer serializer.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The stage.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the from documents.
The pipeline.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Appends a $group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The group projection.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The group projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the key.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The id.
The group projection.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $limit stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The limit.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $lookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the foreign collection documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The "as" field.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the foreign collection documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The "as" field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $match stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The filter.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The filter.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $match stage to the pipeline to select documents of a certain type.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The output serializer.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $out stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The output collection.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The projection.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The projection.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The new root.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The new root.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $skip stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The number of documents to skip.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $sort stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The sort definition.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a $sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The pipeline.
The value expression.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the values.
The pipeline.
The value expression.
The translation options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an $unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The field.
The options.
A new pipeline with an additional stage.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The pipeline.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
The pipeline.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage appended.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The pipeline.
The stage.
The output serializer.
Represents an empty pipeline.
The type of the input documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The output serializer.
Represents a pipeline consisting of an existing pipeline with one additional stage prepended.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The stage.
The pipeline.
The output serializer.
Represents a pipeline with the output serializer replaced.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the intermediate documents.
The type of the output documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The pipeline.
The output serializer.
A rendered pipeline stage.
Gets the name of the pipeline operator.
The name of the pipeline operator.
Gets the document.
Gets the output serializer.
A rendered pipeline stage.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the pipeline operator.
The document.
The output serializer.
Gets the output serializer.
A pipeline stage.
Gets the type of the input.
Gets the name of the pipeline operator.
Gets the type of the output.
Renders the specified document serializer.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
Returns a that represents this instance.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
A that represents this instance.
Base class for pipeline stages.
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Gets the type of the input.
Gets the type of the output.
Renders the specified document serializer.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
Returns a that represents this instance.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
A that represents this instance.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
A based stage.
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
The output serializer.
A JSON based pipeline stage.
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
The output serializer.
Gets the json.
Gets the output serializer.
A rendered pipeline.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The pipeline.
The output serializer.
Gets the documents.
Gets the serializer.
Base class for a pipeline.
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Gets the output serializer.
Gets the stages.
Renders the pipeline.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
Returns a that represents this instance.
The input serializer.
The serializer registry.
A that represents this instance.
Creates a pipeline.
The stages.
The output serializer.
A .
Creates a pipeline.
The stages.
The output serializer.
A .
Creates a pipeline.
The stages.
The output serializer.
A .
Creates a pipeline.
The stages.
A .
Creates a pipeline.
The stages.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
The stages.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The stages.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from [] to .
The stages.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The stages.
The result of the conversion.
A pipeline composed of instances of .
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The stages.
The output serializer.
Gets the stages.
A pipeline composed of instances of .
The type of the input.
The type of the output.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The stages.
The output serializer.
Gets the serializer.
Gets the stages.
Represents the details of a write error for a particular request.
Gets the index of the request that had an error.
Server connection mode.
Automatically determine how to connect.
Connect directly to a server.
Connect to a replica set.
Connect to one or more shard routers.
Connect to a standalone server.
Base class for filters.
The type of the document.
Gets an empty filter. An empty filter matches everything.
Renders the filter to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from a predicate expression to .
The predicate.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
Implements the operator &.
The LHS.
The RHS.
The result of the operator.
Implements the operator |.
The LHS.
The RHS.
The result of the operator.
Implements the operator !.
The op.
The result of the operator.
A based filter.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
An based filter.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
Gets the expression.
A JSON based filter.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Gets the json.
An based filter.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
Gets the object.
Base class for implementors of .
The type of the document.
Methods for building pipeline stages.
Creates a $bucket stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucket stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucket stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucket stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The group by expression.
The boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the value.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The options (optional).
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $bucketAuto stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The type of the output documents.
The group by expression.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options (optional).
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $changeStream stage.
Normally you would prefer to use the Watch method of .
Only use this method if subsequent stages project away the resume token (the _id)
or you don't want the resulting cursor to automatically resume.
The type of the input documents.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $count stage.
The type of the input documents.
The stage.
Creates a $facet stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The facets.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $facet stage.
The type of the input documents.
The facets.
The stage.
Creates a $facet stage.
The type of the input documents.
The facets.
The stage.
Creates a $facet stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The facets.
The stage.
Creates a $graphLookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $graphLookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $graphLookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the from documents.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Creates a $graphLookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $graphLookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the output documents.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $group stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The group projection.
The stage.
Creates a $group stage.
The type of the input documents.
The group projection.
The stage.
Creates a $group stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The type of the output documents.
The value field.
The group projection.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $limit stage.
The type of the input documents.
The limit.
The stage.
Creates a $lookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the foreign collection documents.
The type of the output documents.
The foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The "as" field.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $lookup stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the foreign collection documents.
The type of the output documents.
The foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The "as" field.
The options.
The stage.
Creates a $match stage.
The type of the input documents.
The filter.
The stage.
Creates a $match stage.
The type of the input documents.
The filter.
The stage.
Create a $match stage that select documents of a sub type.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The output serializer.
The stage.
Creates a $out stage.
The type of the input documents.
The output collection.
The stage.
Creates a $project stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The projection.
The stage.
Creates a $project stage.
The type of the input documents.
The projection.
The stage.
Creates a $project stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The projection.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $replaceRoot stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The new root.
The stage.
Creates a $replaceRoot stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The new root.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates a $skip stage.
The type of the input documents.
The skip.
The stage.
Creates a $sort stage.
The type of the input documents.
The sort.
The stage.
Creates a $sortByCount stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The value expression.
The stage.
Creates a $sortByCount stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the values.
The value.
The translation options.
The stage.
Creates an $unwind stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The field.
The options.
The stage.
Creates an $unwind stage.
The type of the input documents.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The stage.
Creates an $unwind stage.
The type of the input documents.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The stage.
Creates an $unwind stage.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the output documents.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The stage.
Extension methods for projections.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The projection.
The field.
The filter.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The projection.
The field.
The filter.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The projection.
The field.
The filter.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that excludes a field.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that excludes a field.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that includes a field.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a projection that includes a field.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with a text score projection.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
The skip.
The limit.
A combined projection.
Combines an existing projection with an array slice projection.
The type of the document.
The projection.
The field.
The skip.
The limit.
A combined projection.
A builder for a projection.
The type of the source.
Creates a client side projection that is implemented solely by using a different serializer.
The type of the projection.
The projection serializer.
A client side deserialization projection.
Combines the specified projections.
The projections.
A combined projection.
Combines the specified projections.
The projections.
A combined projection.
Creates a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An array filtering projection.
Creates a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An array filtering projection.
Creates a projection that filters the contents of an array.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An array filtering projection.
Creates a projection that excludes a field.
The field.
An exclusion projection.
Creates a projection that excludes a field.
The field.
An exclusion projection.
Creates a projection based on the expression.
The type of the result.
The expression.
An expression projection.
Creates a projection that includes a field.
The field.
An inclusion projection.
Creates a projection that includes a field.
The field.
An inclusion projection.
Creates a text score projection.
The field.
A text score projection.
Creates an array slice projection.
The field.
The skip.
The limit.
An array slice projection.
Creates an array slice projection.
The field.
The skip.
The limit.
An array slice projection.
Extension methods for an index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with an ascending index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with an ascending index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a descending index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a descending index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2d index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2d index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a geo haystack index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
Name of the additional field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a geo haystack index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
Name of the additional field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2dsphere index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a 2dsphere index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a hashed index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a hashed index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a text index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
Combines an existing index keys definition with a text index key definition.
The type of the document.
The keys.
The field.
A combined index keys definition.
A builder for an .
The type of the document.
Creates an ascending index key definition.
The field.
An ascending index key definition.
Creates an ascending index key definition.
The field.
An ascending index key definition.
Creates a combined index keys definition.
The keys.
A combined index keys definition.
Creates a combined index keys definition.
The keys.
A combined index keys definition.
Creates a descending index key definition.
The field.
A descending index key definition.
Creates a descending index key definition.
The field.
A descending index key definition.
Creates a 2d index key definition.
The field.
A 2d index key definition.
Creates a 2d index key definition.
The field.
A 2d index key definition.
Creates a geo haystack index key definition.
The field.
Name of the additional field.
A geo haystack index key definition.
Creates a geo haystack index key definition.
The field.
Name of the additional field.
A geo haystack index key definition.
Creates a 2dsphere index key definition.
The field.
A 2dsphere index key definition.
Creates a 2dsphere index key definition.
The field.
A 2dsphere index key definition.
Creates a hashed index key definition.
The field.
A hashed index key definition.
Creates a hashed index key definition.
The field.
A hashed index key definition.
Creates a text index key definition.
The field.
A text index key definition.
Creates a text index key definition.
The field.
A text index key definition.
The interface for a server session.
Gets the session Id.
The session Id.
Gets the time this server session was last used (in UTC).
The time this server session was last used (in UTC).
Gets the next transaction number.
The transaction number.
Called by the driver when the session is used (i.e. sent to the server).
A server session.
Extension methods for SortDefinition.
Combines an existing sort with an ascending field.
The type of the document.
The sort.
The field.
A combined sort.
Combines an existing sort with an ascending field.
The type of the document.
The sort.
The field.
A combined sort.
Combines an existing sort with an descending field.
The type of the document.
The sort.
The field.
A combined sort.
Combines an existing sort with an descending field.
The type of the document.
The sort.
The field.
A combined sort.
Combines an existing sort with a descending sort on the computed relevance score of a text search.
The field name should be the name of the projected relevance score field.
The type of the document.
The sort.
The field.
A combined sort.
A builder for a .
The type of the document.
Creates an ascending sort.
The field.
An ascending sort.
Creates an ascending sort.
The field.
An ascending sort.
Creates a combined sort.
The sorts.
A combined sort.
Creates a combined sort.
The sorts.
A combined sort.
Creates a descending sort.
The field.
A descending sort.
Creates a descending sort.
The field.
A descending sort.
Creates a descending sort on the computed relevance score of a text search.
The name of the key should be the name of the projected relevence score field.
The field.
A meta text score sort.
A builder for a .
The type of the document.
Gets an empty filter. An empty filter matches everything.
Creates an all filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An all filter.
Creates an all filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An all filter.
Creates an and filter.
The filters.
A filter.
Creates an and filter.
The filters.
An and filter.
Creates an equality filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
An equality filter.
Creates an equality filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
An equality filter.
Creates a greater than filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a less than filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates an in filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An in filter.
Creates an in filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An in filter.
Creates a not equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A not equal filter.
Creates a not equal filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A not equal filter.
Creates a not in filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
A not in filter.
Creates a not in filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
A not in filter.
Creates a bits all clear filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits all clear filter.
Creates a bits all clear filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits all clear filter.
Creates a bits all set filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits all set filter.
Creates a bits all set filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits all set filter.
Creates a bits any clear filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits any clear filter.
Creates a bits any clear filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits any clear filter.
Creates a bits any set filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits any set filter.
Creates a bits any set filter.
The field.
The bitmask.
A bits any set filter.
Creates an element match filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An element match filter.
Creates an element match filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An element match filter.
Creates an element match filter for an array field.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
An element match filter.
Creates an equality filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
An equality filter.
Creates an equality filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
An equality filter.
Creates an exists filter.
The field.
if set to true [exists].
An exists filter.
Creates an exists filter.
The field.
if set to true [exists].
An exists filter.
Creates a geo intersects filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
A geo intersects filter.
Creates a geo intersects filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
A geo intersects filter.
Creates a geo within filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
A geo within filter.
Creates a geo within filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
A geo within filter.
Creates a geo within box filter.
The field.
The lower left x.
The lower left y.
The upper right x.
The upper right y.
A geo within box filter.
Creates a geo within box filter.
The field.
The lower left x.
The lower left y.
The upper right x.
The upper right y.
A geo within box filter.
Creates a geo within center filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The radius.
A geo within center filter.
Creates a geo within center filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The radius.
A geo within center filter.
Creates a geo within center sphere filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The radius.
A geo within center sphere filter.
Creates a geo within center sphere filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The radius.
A geo within center sphere filter.
Creates a geo within polygon filter.
The field.
The points.
A geo within polygon filter.
Creates a geo within polygon filter.
The field.
The points.
A geo within polygon filter.
Creates a greater than filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates a greater than or equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A greater than or equal filter.
Creates an in filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The values.
An in filter.
Creates an in filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The values.
An in filter.
Creates a less than filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A less than filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for a UInt32 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter for a UInt64 field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a less than or equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A less than or equal filter.
Creates a modulo filter.
The field.
The modulus.
The remainder.
A modulo filter.
Creates a modulo filter.
The field.
The modulus.
The remainder.
A modulo filter.
Creates a not equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A not equal filter.
Creates a not equal filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A not equal filter.
Creates a near filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near filter.
Creates a near filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near filter.
Creates a near filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near filter.
Creates a near filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near filter.
Creates a near sphere filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near sphere filter.
Creates a near sphere filter.
The field.
The x.
The y.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near sphere filter.
Creates a near sphere filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near sphere filter.
Creates a near sphere filter.
The type of the coordinates.
The field.
The geometry.
The maximum distance.
The minimum distance.
A near sphere filter.
Creates a not in filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The values.
A not in filter.
Creates a not in filter.
The type of the field.
The field.
The values.
A not in filter.
Creates a not filter.
The filter.
A not filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents of a derived type.
The type of the matching derived documents.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents of a derived type and that also match a filter on the derived document.
The type of the matching derived documents.
A filter on the derived document.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents of a derived type and that also match a filter on the derived document.
The type of the matching derived documents.
A filter on the derived document.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents with a field of a derived typer.
The type of the field.
The type of the matching derived field value.
The field.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents with a field of a derived type and that also match a filter on the derived field.
The type of the field.
The type of the matching derived field value.
The field.
A filter on the derived field.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents with a field of a derived type.
The type of the field.
The type of the matching derived field value.
The field.
An OfType filter.
Creates an OfType filter that matches documents with a field of a derived type and that also match a filter on the derived field.
The type of the field.
The type of the matching derived field value.
The field.
A filter on the derived field.
An OfType filter.
Creates an or filter.
The filters.
An or filter.
Creates an or filter.
The filters.
An or filter.
Creates a regular expression filter.
The field.
The regex.
A regular expression filter.
Creates a regular expression filter.
The field.
The regex.
A regular expression filter.
Creates a size filter.
The field.
The size.
A size filter.
Creates a size filter.
The field.
The size.
A size filter.
Creates a size greater than filter.
The field.
The size.
A size greater than filter.
Creates a size greater than filter.
The field.
The size.
A size greater than filter.
Creates a size greater than or equal filter.
The field.
The size.
A size greater than or equal filter.
Creates a size greater than or equal filter.
The field.
The size.
A size greater than or equal filter.
Creates a size less than filter.
The field.
The size.
A size less than filter.
Creates a size less than filter.
The field.
The size.
A size less than filter.
Creates a size less than or equal filter.
The field.
The size.
A size less than or equal filter.
Creates a size less than or equal filter.
The field.
The size.
A size less than or equal filter.
Creates a text filter.
The search.
The text search options.
A text filter.
Creates a text filter.
The search.
The language.
A text filter.
Creates a type filter.
The field.
The type.
A type filter.
Creates a type filter.
The field.
The type.
A type filter.
Creates a type filter.
The field.
The type.
A type filter.
Creates a type filter.
The field.
The type.
A type filter.
Creates a filter based on the expression.
The expression.
An expression filter.
Extension methods for
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the value.
The aggregate.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The bucket boundaries.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the value.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The bucket boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the value.
The aggregate.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The number of buckets.
The options (optional).
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the value.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options (optional).
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The facets.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The type of the new result (must be same as TResult with an additional as field).
The aggregate.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the from documents.
The aggregate.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result (must be same as TResult with an additional as field).
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field.
The aggregate.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the new result (must be same as TResult with an additional as field).
The aggregate.
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The group projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the key.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The id.
The group projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
Name of the foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The field in the result to place the foreign matches.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the foreign collection.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The foreign collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The field in the result to place the foreign matches.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The filter.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The new root.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an ascending sort stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to sort by.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the key.
The aggregate.
The id.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a descending sort stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to sort by.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Modifies the current sort stage by appending an ascending field specification to it.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to sort by.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Modifies the current sort stage by appending a descending field specification to it.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to sort by.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to unwind.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The field to unwind.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The field to unwind.
The new result serializer.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result.
The type of the new result.
The aggregate.
The field to unwind.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the first document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result. Throws an exception if the result set does not contain exactly one document.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Returns the only document of the aggregate result, or the default value if the result set is empty. Throws an exception if the result set contains more than one document.
The type of the result.
The aggregate.
The cancellation token.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Options for an aggregate operation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow disk use.
Gets or sets the size of a batch.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the comment.
Gets or sets the hint. This must either be a BsonString representing the index name or a BsonDocument representing the key pattern of the index.
Gets or sets the maximum await time.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the translation options.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use a cursor.
Options for a bulk write operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the requests are fulfilled in order.
Represents a registry of already created clusters.
Gets the default cluster registry.
The default cluster registry.
Unregisters and disposes the cluster.
The cluster.
Options for a count operation.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the hint.
Gets or sets the limit.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the skip.
Options for creating an index.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create the index in the background.
Gets or sets the precision, in bits, used with geohash indexes.
Gets or sets the size of a geohash bucket.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the default language.
Gets or sets when documents expire (used with TTL indexes).
Gets or sets the language override.
Gets or sets the max value for 2d indexes.
Gets or sets the min value for 2d indexes.
Gets or sets the index name.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the index is a sparse index.
Gets or sets the index version for 2dsphere indexes.
Gets or sets the storage engine options.
Gets or sets the index version for text indexes.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the index is a unique index.
Gets or sets the version of the index.
Gets or sets the weights for text indexes.
Options for creating an index.
The type of the document.
Gets or sets the partial filter expression.
Fluent interface for aggregate.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
The type of the result of the pipeline.
Gets the database.
Gets the options.
Gets the stages.
Appends the stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result of the stage.
The stage.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Changes the result type of the pipeline.
The type of the new result.
The new result serializer.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline.
The type of the value.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The bucket boundaries.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucket stage to the pipeline with a custom projection.
The type of the value.
The type of the new result.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The bucket boundaries.
The output projection.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline.
The type of the value.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The number of buckets.
The options (optional).
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $bucketAuto stage to the pipeline with a custom projection.
The type of the value.
The type of the new result.
The expression providing the value to group by.
The number of buckets.
The output projection.
The options (optional).
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $changeStream stage to the pipeline.
Normally you would prefer to use the Watch method of .
Only use this method if subsequent stages project away the resume token (the _id)
or you don't want the resulting cursor to automatically resume.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a count stage to the pipeline.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $facet stage to the pipeline.
The type of the new result.
The facets.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $graphLookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the from documents.
The type of the connect from field (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the connect to field.
The type of the start with expression (must be either TConnectTo or a type that implements IEnumerable{TConnectTo}).
The type of the as field elements.
The type of the as field.
The type of the new result (must be same as TResult with an additional as field).
The from collection.
The connect from field.
The connect to field.
The start with value.
The as field.
The depth field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a group stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result of the stage.
The group projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a limit stage to the pipeline.
The limit.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a lookup stage to the pipeline.
The type of the foreign document.
The type of the new result.
Name of the other collection.
The local field.
The foreign field.
The field in to place the foreign results.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a match stage to the pipeline.
The filter.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a match stage to the pipeline that matches derived documents and changes the result type to the derived type.
The type of the derived documents.
The new result serializer.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Name of the collection.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Appends an out stage to the pipeline and executes it, and then returns a cursor to read the contents of the output collection.
Name of the collection.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Appends a project stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result of the stage.
The projection.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a $replaceRoot stage to the pipeline.
The type of the new result.
The new root.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a skip stage to the pipeline.
The number of documents to skip.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a sort stage to the pipeline.
The sort specification.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends a sortByCount stage to the pipeline.
The type of the identifier.
The identifier.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the result of the stage.
The field.
The new result serializer.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Appends an unwind stage to the pipeline.
The type of the new result.
The field.
The options.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Fluent interface for aggregate.
The type of the result.
Combines the current sort definition with an additional sort definition.
The new sort.
The fluent aggregate interface.
Fluent interface for find.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Gets or sets the filter.
Gets the options.
A simplified type of projection that changes the result type by using a different serializer.
The type of the result.
The result serializer.
The fluent find interface.
Counts the number of documents.
The cancellation token.
The count.
Counts the number of documents.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the count.
Counts the number of documents.
Note: when migrating from Count to CountDocuments the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The cancellation token.
The count.
Counts the number of documents.
Note: when migrating from CountAsync to CountDocumentsAsync the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the count.
Limits the number of documents.
The limit.
The fluent find interface.
Projects the the result.
The type of the projection.
The projection.
The fluent find interface.
Skips the the specified number of documents.
The skip.
The fluent find interface.
Sorts the the documents.
The sort.
The fluent find interface.
Fluent interface for find.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Extension methods for
Projects the result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The projection.
The fluent find interface.
Projects the result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The type of the new projection.
The fluent find.
The projection.
The fluent find interface.
Sorts the results by an ascending field.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The field.
The fluent find interface.
Sorts the results by a descending field.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The field.
The fluent find interface.
Adds an ascending field to the existing sort.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The field.
The fluent find interface.
Adds a descending field to the existing sort.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The field.
The fluent find interface.
Get the first result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the first result.
Get the first result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the first result.
Get the first result or null.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the first result or null.
Get the first result or null.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the first result or null.
Gets a single result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the single result.
Gets a single result.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the single result.
Gets a single result or null.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the single result or null.
Gets a single result or null.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The fluent find.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is the single result or null.
Extension methods for .
Begins a fluent aggregation interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The options.
A fluent aggregate interface.
Begins a fluent aggregation interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The options.
A fluent aggregate interface.
Creates a queryable source of documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The aggregate options
A queryable source of documents.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The session.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The session.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
The collection.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The distinct values for the specified field.
Begins a fluent find interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
A fluent find interface.
Begins a fluent find interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
A fluent find interface.
Begins a fluent find interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
A fluent interface.
Begins a fluent find interface.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
A fluent interface.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The deleted document if one was deleted.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The session.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Replaces a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Updates many documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the document.
The collection.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
An interface representing methods used to create, delete and modify indexes.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
The type of the document.
Gets the namespace of the collection.
Gets the document serializer.
Gets the collection settings.
Creates multiple indexes.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The cancellation token.
An of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The options for create multiple indexes.
The cancellation token.
An of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The session.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The cancellation token.
An of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The session.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The options for create multiple indexes.
The cancellation token.
An of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is an of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The options for create multiple indexes.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is an of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The session.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is an of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates multiple indexes.
The session.
The models defining each of the indexes.
The options for create multiple indexes.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is an of the names of the indexes that were created.
Creates an index.
The model defining the index.
The create index operation options.
The cancellation token.
The name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The keys.
The create index request options.
The cancellation token.
The name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The session.
The keys.
The create index request options.
The cancellation token.
The name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The session.
The model defining the index.
The create index operation options.
The cancellation token.
The name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The model defining the index.
The create index operation options.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is the name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The keys.
The create index request options.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is the name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The session.
The keys.
The create index request options.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is the name of the index that was created.
Creates an index.
The session.
The model defining the index.
The create index operation options.
The cancellation token.
A task whose result is the name of the index that was created.
Drops all the indexes.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Drops all the indexes.
The cancellation token.
Drops all the indexes.
The session.
The cancellation token.
Drops all the indexes.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Drops all the indexes.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops all the indexes.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops all the indexes.
The session.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops all the indexes.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops an index by its name.
The name.
The cancellation token.
Drops an index by its name.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Drops an index by its name.
The session.
The name.
The cancellation token.
Drops an index by its name.
The session.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Drops an index by its name.
The name.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops an index by its name.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops an index by its name.
The session.
The name.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops an index by its name.
The session.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Lists the indexes.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the indexes.
The session.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the indexes.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists the indexes.
The session.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Options for inserting many documents.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the requests are fulfilled in order.
Options for a list collections operation.
Gets or sets the filter.
Represents the options for a map-reduce operation.
The type of the document.
The type of the result.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the filter.
Gets or sets the finalize function.
Gets or sets the java script mode.
Gets or sets the limit.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the output options.
Gets or sets the result serializer.
Gets or sets the scope.
Gets or sets the sort.
Gets or sets whether to include timing information.
Represents the output options for a map-reduce operation.
An inline map-reduce output options.
A merge map-reduce output options.
The name of the collection.
The name of the database.
Whether the output collection should be sharded.
Whether the server should not lock the database for the duration of the merge.
A merge map-reduce output options.
A reduce map-reduce output options.
The name of the collection.
The name of the database.
Whether the output collection should be sharded.
Whether the server should not lock the database for the duration of the reduce.
A reduce map-reduce output options.
A replace map-reduce output options.
The name of the collection.
Name of the database.
Whether the output collection should be sharded.
A replace map-reduce output options.
Base class for implementors of .
Base class for implementors of .
The type of the document.
Base class for implementors of .
Base class for implementors of .
The type of the document.
Base class for implementors of .
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
A rendered command.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
The result serializer.
Gets the document.
Gets the result serializer.
Base class for commands.
The type of the result.
Renders the command to a .
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
A based command.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
The result serializer.
Gets the document.
Gets the result serializer.
A JSON based command.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
The result serializer.
Gets the json.
Gets the result serializer.
An based command.
The type of the result.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
The result serializer.
Gets the object.
Gets the result serializer.
Options for the $unwind aggregation stage.
The type of the result.
Gets or sets the field with which to include the array index.
Gets or sets whether to preserve null and empty arrays.
Gets or sets the result serializer.
Represents text search options.
Gets or sets whether a text search should be case sensitive.
Gets or sets whether a text search should be diacritic sensitive.
Gets or sets the language for a text search.
Extension methods for UpdateDefinition.
Combines an existing update with an add to set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an add to set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an add to set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an add to set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise and operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise and operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise or operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise or operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise xor operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a bitwise xor operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a current date operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
The type.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a current date operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
The type.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an increment operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an increment operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a max operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a max operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a min operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a min operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a multiply operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a multiply operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pop operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pop operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pop operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pop operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The filter.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The filter.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a pull operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The filter.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a push operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a push operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a push operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
The slice.
The position.
The sort.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a push operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the item.
The update.
The field.
The values.
The slice.
The position.
The sort.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a field renaming operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
The new name.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a field renaming operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
The new name.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a set operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a set on insert operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with a set on insert operator.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
The update.
The field.
The value.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an unset operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
Combines an existing update with an unset operator.
The type of the document.
The update.
The field.
A combined update.
The type to use for a $currentDate operator.
A date.
A timestamp.
A builder for an .
The type of the document.
Creates an add to set operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
An add to set operator.
Creates an add to set operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
An add to set operator.
Creates an add to set operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An add to set operator.
Creates an add to set operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
An add to set operator.
Creates a bitwise and operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise and operator.
Creates a bitwise and operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise and operator.
Creates a bitwise or operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise or operator.
Creates a bitwise or operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise or operator.
Creates a bitwise xor operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise xor operator.
Creates a bitwise xor operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A bitwise xor operator.
Creates a combined update.
The updates.
A combined update.
Creates a combined update.
The updates.
A combined update.
Creates a current date operator.
The field.
The type.
A current date operator.
Creates a current date operator.
The field.
The type.
A current date operator.
Creates an increment operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
An increment operator.
Creates an increment operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
An increment operator.
Creates a max operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A max operator.
Creates a max operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A max operator.
Creates a min operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A min operator.
Creates a min operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A min operator.
Creates a multiply operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A multiply operator.
Creates a multiply operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A multiply operator.
Creates a pop operator.
The field.
A pop operator.
Creates a pop first operator.
The field.
A pop first operator.
Creates a pop operator.
The field.
A pop operator.
Creates a pop first operator.
The field.
A pop first operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
A pull operator.
Creates a pull operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The filter.
A pull operator.
Creates a push operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A push operator.
Creates a push operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The value.
A push operator.
Creates a push operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
The slice.
The position.
The sort.
A push operator.
Creates a push operator.
The type of the item.
The field.
The values.
The slice.
The position.
The sort.
A push operator.
Creates a field renaming operator.
The field.
The new name.
A field rename operator.
Creates a field renaming operator.
The field.
The new name.
A field rename operator.
Creates a set operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A set operator.
Creates a set operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A set operator.
Creates a set on insert operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A set on insert operator.
Creates a set on insert operator.
The type of the field.
The field.
The value.
A set on insert operator.
Creates an unset operator.
The field.
An unset operator.
Creates an unset operator.
The field.
An unset operator.
A filtered mongo collection. The filter will be and'ed with all filters.
The type of the document.
Gets the filter.
Options for renaming a collection.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to drop the target collection first if it already exists.
Options for creating a collection.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically create an index on the _id.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection is capped.
Gets or sets the index option defaults.
The index option defaults.
Gets or sets the maximum number of documents (used with capped collections).
Gets or sets the maximum size of the collection (used with capped collections).
Gets or sets whether padding should not be used.
Gets or sets the serializer registry.
Gets or sets the storage engine options.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use power of 2 sizes.
Gets or sets the validation action.
The validation action.
Gets or sets the validation level.
The validation level.
Options for creating a collection.
The type of the document.
Coerces a generic CreateCollectionOptions{TDocument} from a non-generic CreateCollectionOptions.
The options.
The generic options.
Gets or sets the document serializer.
Gets or sets the validator.
The validator.
Options for the distinct command.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Options for a find operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow partial results when some shards are unavailable.
Gets or sets the size of a batch.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the comment.
Gets or sets the type of the cursor.
Gets or sets the maximum await time for TailableAwait cursors.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the modifiers.
Gets or sets whether a cursor will time out.
Gets or sets whether the OplogReplay bit will be set.
Options for finding documents.
Options for finding documents.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Gets or sets how many documents to return.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets how many documents to skip before returning the rest.
Gets or sets the sort.
Options for finding documents.
The type of the document and the result.
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets the sort.
Options for a findAndModify command to delete an object.
The type of the document and the result.
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets which version of the document to return.
Gets or sets the sort.
Options for a findAndModify command to replace an object.
The type of the document and the result.
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
The type of the document.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the array filters.
The array filters.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Gets or sets the maximum time.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets which version of the document to return.
Gets or sets the sort.
Options for a findAndModify command to update an object.
The type of the document and the result.
Represents a serializer helper for GeoJsonObjects.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The type.
The derived members.
Deserializes a base member.
The context.
The element name.
The flag.
The arguments.
Serializes the members.
The type of the value.
The context.
The value.
The delegate to serialize the derived members.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson2DGeographicCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson2DProjectedCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson3DCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson3DGeographicCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson3DProjectedCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonBoundingBox value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonCoordinateReferenceSystem value.
Gets the actual type.
The context.
The actual type.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonCoordinates value.
Gets the actual type.
The context.
The actual type.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonFeatureCollection value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonFeature value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonGeometryCollection value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonGeometry value.
The type of the coordinates.
Gets the actual type.
The context.
The actual type.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonLinearRingCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonLineStringCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonLineString value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonLinkedCoordinateReferenceSystem value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
An object.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiLineStringCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiPointCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiPoint value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiLineString value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiPolygonCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonMultiPolygon value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonNamedCoordinateReferenceSystem value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
An object.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson object.
The type of the coordinates.
Gets the actual type.
The context.
The actual type.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonPoint value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonPolygonCoordinates value.
The type of the coordinates.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJsonPolygon value.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a GeoJson2DCoordinates value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
A static class containing helper methods to create GeoJson objects.
Creates a GeoJson bounding box.
The type of the coordinates.
The min.
The max.
A GeoJson bounding box.
Creates a GeoJson Feature object.
The type of the coordinates.
The geometry.
A GeoJson Feature object.
Creates a GeoJson Feature object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The geometry.
A GeoJson Feature object.
Creates a GeoJson FeatureCollection object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The features.
A GeoJson FeatureCollection object.
Creates a GeoJson FeatureCollection object.
The type of the coordinates.
The features.
A GeoJson FeatureCollection object.
Creates a GeoJson 2D geographic position (longitude, latitude).
The longitude.
The latitude.
A GeoJson 2D geographic position.
Creates a GeoJson 3D geographic position (longitude, latitude, altitude).
The longitude.
The latitude.
The altitude.
A GeoJson 3D geographic position.
Creates a GeoJson GeometryCollection object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The geometries.
A GeoJson GeometryCollection object.
Creates a GeoJson GeometryCollection object.
The type of the coordinates.
The geometries.
A GeoJson GeometryCollection object.
Creates the coordinates of a GeoJson linear ring.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
The coordinates of a GeoJson linear ring.
Creates a GeoJson LineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The positions.
A GeoJson LineString object.
Creates a GeoJson LineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
A GeoJson LineString object.
Creates the coordinates of a GeoJson LineString.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
The coordinates of a GeoJson LineString.
Creates a GeoJson MultiLineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The line strings.
A GeoJson MultiLineString object.
Creates a GeoJson MultiLineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
The line strings.
A GeoJson MultiLineString object.
Creates a GeoJson MultiPoint object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The positions.
A GeoJson MultiPoint object.
Creates a GeoJson MultiPoint object.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
A GeoJson MultiPoint object.
Creates a GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The polygons.
A GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
Creates a GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The polygons.
A GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
Creates a GeoJson Point object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
A GeoJson Point object.
Creates a GeoJson Point object.
The type of the coordinates.
The coordinates.
A GeoJson Point object.
Creates a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The positions.
A GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
A GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The coordinates.
A GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
A GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates the coordinates of a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The positions.
The coordinates of a GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates the coordinates of a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
The exterior.
The holes.
The coordinates of a GeoJson Polygon object.
Creates a GeoJson 2D position (x, y).
The x.
The y.
A GeoJson 2D position.
Creates a GeoJson 3D position (x, y, z).
The x.
The y.
The z.
A GeoJson 3D position.
Creates a GeoJson 2D projected position (easting, northing).
The easting.
The northing.
A GeoJson 2D projected position.
Creates a GeoJson 3D projected position (easting, northing, altitude).
The easting.
The northing.
The altitude.
A GeoJson 3D projected position.
Represents a GeoJson bounding box.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The min.
The max.
Gets the max.
Gets the min.
Represents a GeoJson coordinate reference system (see subclasses).
Gets the type of the GeoJson coordinate reference system.
Represents a GeoJson Feature object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The geometry.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The geometry.
Gets the geometry.
Gets the id.
Gets the properties.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents additional arguments for a GeoJson Feature object.
The type of the coordinates.
Gets or sets the id.
Gets or sets the properties.
Represents a GeoJson FeatureCollection.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The features.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The features.
Gets the features.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents a GeoJson Geometry object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
Represents a GeoJson GeometryCollection object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The geometries.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The geometries.
Gets the geometries.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson linear ring.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The positions.
Represents a GeoJson LineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson LineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The positions.
Gets the positions.
Represents a GeoJson linked coordinate reference system.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The href.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The href.
Type of the href.
Gets the href.
Gets the type of the href.
Gets the type of the GeoJson coordinate reference system.
Represents a GeoJson MultiLineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson MultiLineString object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The line strings.
Gets the LineStrings.
Represents a GeoJson MultiPoint object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson MultiPoint object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The positions.
Gets the positions.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The polygons.
Gets the Polygons.
Represents a GeoJson MultiPolygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents a GeoJson named coordinate reference system.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
Gets the name.
Gets the type of the GeoJson coordinate reference system.
Represents a GeoJson object (see subclasses).
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
Gets the bounding box.
Gets the coordinate reference system.
Gets the extra members.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents additional args provided when creating a GeoJson object.
The type of the coordinates.
Gets or sets the bounding box.
Gets or sets the coordinate reference system.
Gets or sets the extra members.
Represents the type of a GeoJson object.
A Feature.
A FeatureCollection.
A GeometryCollection.
A LineString.
A MultiLineString.
A MultiPoint.
A MultiPolygon.
A Point.
A Polygon.
Represents a GeoJson Point object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The additional args.
The coordinates.
Gets the coordinates.
Gets the type of the GeoJson object.
Represents the coordinates of a GeoJson Polygon object.
The type of the coordinates.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The exterior.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The exterior.
The holes.
Gets the exterior.
Gets the holes.
Represents a GeoJson position in some coordinate system (see subclasses).
Gets the coordinate values.
Determines whether two instances are equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two instances are not equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is not equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Represents a GeoJson 2D position (x, y).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The x coordinate.
The y coordinate.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the X coordinate.
Gets the Y coordinate.
Represents a GeoJson 3D position (x, y, z).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The x coordinate.
The y coordinate.
The z coordinate.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the X coordinate.
Gets the Y coordinate.
Gets the Z coordinate.
Represents a GeoJson 2D geographic position (longitude, latitude).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The longitude.
The latitude.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the longitude.
Gets the latitude.
Represents a GeoJson 3D geographic position (longitude, latitude, altitude).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The longitude.
The latitude.
The altitude.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the longitude.
Gets the latitude.
Gets the altitude.
Represents a GeoJson 2D projected position (easting, northing).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The easting.
The northing.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the easting.
Gets the northing.
Represents a GeoJson 3D projected position (easting, northing, altitude).
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The easting.
The northing.
The altitude.
Gets the coordinate values.
Gets the easting.
Gets the northing.
Gets the altitude.
The client interface to MongoDB.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
Gets the cluster.
The cluster.
Gets the settings.
Drops the database with the specified name.
The name of the database to drop.
The cancellation token.
Drops the database with the specified name.
The session.
The name of the database to drop.
The cancellation token.
Drops the database with the specified name.
The name of the database to drop.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops the database with the specified name.
The session.
The name of the database to drop.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Gets a database.
The name of the database.
The database settings.
An implementation of a database.
Returns the names of the databases on the server.
The cancellation token.
The database names.
Returns the names of the databases on the server.
The session.
The cancellation token.
The database names.
Returns the names of the databases on the server.
The cancellation token.
The database names.
Returns the names of the databases on the server.
The session.
The cancellation token.
The database names.
Lists the databases on the server.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The session.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The cancellation token.
The options.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The session.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists the databases on the server.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Starts a client session.
The session options.
The cancellation token.
A client session.
Starts a client session.
The session options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a client session.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in all databases.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Returns a new IMongoClient instance with a different read concern setting.
The read concern.
A new IMongoClient instance with a different read concern setting.
Returns a new IMongoClient instance with a different read preference setting.
The read preference.
A new IMongoClient instance with a different read preference setting.
Returns a new IMongoClient instance with a different write concern setting.
The write concern.
A new IMongoClient instance with a different write concern setting.
Represents a typed collection in MongoDB.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
The type of the documents stored in the collection.
Gets the namespace of the collection.
Gets the database.
Gets the document serializer.
Gets the index manager.
Gets the settings.
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Runs an aggregation pipeline.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Performs multiple write operations.
The requests.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of writing.
Performs multiple write operations.
The session.
The requests.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of writing.
Performs multiple write operations.
The requests.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of writing.
Performs multiple write operations.
The session.
The requests.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of writing.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
Note: when migrating from Count to CountDocuments the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
Note: when migrating from Count to CountDocuments the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
Note: when migrating from CountAsync to CountDocumentsAsync the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
Note: when migrating from CountAsync to CountDocumentsAsync the following query operations must be replaced:
| Operator | Replacement |
| $where | $expr |
| $near | $geoWithin with $center |
| $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The number of documents in the collection.
Deletes multiple documents.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes multiple documents.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The filter.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Deletes a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the delete operation.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the result.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the result.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the result.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Gets the distinct values for a specified field.
The type of the result.
The session.
The field.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Returns an estimate of the number of documents in the collection.
The options.
The cancellation token.
An estimate of the number of documents in the collection.
Returns an estimate of the number of documents in the collection.
The options.
The cancellation token.
An estimate of the number of documents in the collection.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds the documents matching the filter.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and deletes it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and replaces it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Finds a single document and updates it atomically.
The type of the projection (same as TDocument if there is no projection).
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The returned document.
Inserts a single document.
The document.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Inserts a single document.
The session.
The document.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Inserts a single document.
The document.
The cancellation token.
The result of the insert operation.
Inserts a single document.
The document.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the insert operation.
Inserts a single document.
The session.
The document.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the insert operation.
Inserts many documents.
The documents.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Inserts many documents.
The session.
The documents.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Inserts many documents.
The documents.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the insert operation.
Inserts many documents.
The session.
The documents.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the insert operation.
Executes a map-reduce command.
The type of the result.
The map function.
The reduce function.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Executes a map-reduce command.
The type of the result.
The session.
The map function.
The reduce function.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Executes a map-reduce command.
The type of the result.
The map function.
The reduce function.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Executes a map-reduce command.
The type of the result.
The session.
The map function.
The reduce function.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Returns a filtered collection that appears to contain only documents of the derived type.
All operations using this filtered collection will automatically use discriminators as necessary.
The type of the derived document.
A filtered collection.
Replaces a single document.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Replaces a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The replacement.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the replacement.
Updates many documents.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates many documents.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Updates a single document.
The session.
The filter.
The update.
The options.
The cancellation token.
The result of the update operation.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on the collection.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Returns a new IMongoCollection instance with a different read concern setting.
The read concern.
A new IMongoCollection instance with a different read concern setting.
Returns a new IMongoCollection instance with a different read preference setting.
The read preference.
A new IMongoCollection instance with a different read preference setting.
Returns a new IMongoCollection instance with a different write concern setting.
The write concern.
A new IMongoCollection instance with a different write concern setting.
Represents a database in MongoDB.
This interface is not guaranteed to remain stable. Implementors should use
Gets the client.
Gets the namespace of the database.
Gets the settings.
Creates the collection with the specified name.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Creates the collection with the specified name.
The session.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Creates the collection with the specified name.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Creates the collection with the specified name.
The session.
The name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Creates a view.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the pipeline result documents.
The name of the view.
The name of the collection that the view is on.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Creates a view.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the pipeline result documents.
The session.
The name of the view.
The name of the collection that the view is on.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Creates a view.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the pipeline result documents.
The name of the view.
The name of the collection that the view is on.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Creates a view.
The type of the input documents.
The type of the pipeline result documents.
The session.
The name of the view.
The name of the collection that the view is on.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops the collection with the specified name.
The name of the collection to drop.
The cancellation token.
Drops the collection with the specified name.
The session.
The name of the collection to drop.
The cancellation token.
Drops the collection with the specified name.
The name of the collection to drop.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Drops the collection with the specified name.
The session.
The name of the collection to drop.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Gets a collection.
The document type.
The name of the collection.
The settings.
An implementation of a collection.
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists the names of all the collections in the database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists all the collections in the database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists all the collections in the database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A cursor.
Lists all the collections in the database.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Lists all the collections in the database.
The session.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A Task whose result is a cursor.
Renames the collection.
The old name.
The new name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Renames the collection.
The session.
The old name.
The new name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
Renames the collection.
The old name.
The new name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Renames the collection.
The session.
The old name.
The new name.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A task.
Runs a command.
The result type of the command.
The command.
The read preference.
The cancellation token.
The result of the command.
Runs a command.
The result type of the command.
The session.
The command.
The read preference.
The cancellation token.
The result of the command.
Runs a command.
The result type of the command.
The command.
The read preference.
The cancellation token.
The result of the command.
Runs a command.
The result type of the command.
The session.
The command.
The read preference.
The cancellation token.
The result of the command.
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
The type of the result.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Watches changes on all collections in a database.
The type of the result.
The session.
The pipeline.
The options.
The cancellation token.
A change stream.
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read concern setting.
The read concern.
A new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read concern setting.
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read preference setting.
The read preference.
A new IMongoDatabase instance with a different read preference setting.
Returns a new IMongoDatabase instance with a different write concern setting.
The write concern.
A new IMongoDatabase instance with a different write concern setting.
The result of a delete operation.
Gets the deleted count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Gets a value indicating whether the result is acknowledged.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The result of an acknowledged delete operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The deleted count.
The result of an unacknowledged delete operation.
Gets the instance.
Model for inserting a single document.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
Gets the type of the model.
Model for replacing a single document.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The filter.
The replacement.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets the filter.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Gets the replacement.
Gets the type of the model.
The cursor type.
A non-tailable cursor. This is sufficient for a vast majority of uses.
A tailable cursor.
A tailable cursor with a built-in server sleep.
Which version of the document to return when executing a FindAndModify command.
Return the document before the modification.
Return the document after the modification.
A rendered projection.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
The projection serializer.
Gets the document.
Gets the serializer.
Base class for projections whose projection type is not yet known.
The type of the source.
Renders the projection to a .
The source serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
Base class for projections.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Renders the projection to a .
The source serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The projection.
The result of the conversion.
A based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
The type of the source.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
A based projection.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
The projection serializer.
Gets the document.
Gets the projection serializer.
A find based projection.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
Gets the expression.
A JSON based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
The type of the source.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Gets the json.
A JSON based projection.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
The projection serializer.
Gets the json.
Gets the projection serializer.
An based projection whose projection type is not yet known.
The type of the source.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
Gets the object.
An based projection.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
The projection serializer.
Gets the object.
Gets the projection serializer.
A client side only projection that is implemented solely by deserializing using a different serializer.
The type of the source.
The type of the projection.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The projection serializer.
Gets the result serializer.
The result serializer.
A rendered field.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The field name.
The field serializer.
Gets the field name.
Gets the field serializer.
A rendered field.
The type of the field.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The field name.
The field serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The field name.
The field serializer.
The value serializer.
The underlying serializer.
Gets the field name.
Gets the field serializer.
Gets the underlying serializer.
Gets the value serializer.
Base class for field names.
The type of the document.
Renders the field to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
Name of the field.
The result of the conversion.
Base class for field names.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
Renders the field to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
Name of the field.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The field.
The result of the conversion.
An based field.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
Gets the expression.
An based field.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The expression.
Gets the expression.
A based field name.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the field.
A based field name.
The type of the document.
The type of the field.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the field.
The field serializer.
The direction of the sort.
Base class for sorts.
The type of the document.
Renders the sort to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
A based sort.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
A JSON based sort.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Gets the json.
An based sort.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
Gets the object.
Base class for updates.
The type of the document.
Renders the update to a .
The document serializer.
The serializer registry.
A .
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The document.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The JSON string.
The result of the conversion.
A based update.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document.
Gets the document.
A JSON based update.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Gets the json.
An based update.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object.
Gets the object.
Options for updating a single document.
Gets or sets the array filters.
The array filters.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Model for updating a single document.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The filter.
The update.
Gets or sets the array filters.
The array filters.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets the filter.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Gets the update.
Model for updating many documents.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The filter.
The update.
Gets or sets the array filters.
The array filters.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets the filter.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to insert the document if it doesn't already exist.
Gets the update.
Model for deleting many documents.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The filter.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets the filter.
Gets the type of the model.
Model for deleting a single document.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The filter.
Gets or sets the collation.
Gets the filter.
Gets the type of the model.
The result of an update operation.
Gets a value indicating whether the result is acknowledged.
Gets a value indicating whether the modified count is available.
The modified count is only available when all servers have been upgraded to 2.6 or above.
Gets the matched count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Gets the modified count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Gets the upserted id, if one exists. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The matched count.
The modified count.
The upserted id.
The result of an unacknowledged update operation.
Gets the instance.
The result of an update operation.
Gets a value indicating whether the result is acknowledged.
Gets a value indicating whether the modified count is available.
The modified count is only available when all servers have been upgraded to 2.6 or above.
Gets the matched count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Gets the modified count. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Gets the upserted id, if one exists. If IsAcknowledged is false, this will throw an exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The matched count.
The modified count.
The upserted id.
The result of an acknowledged update operation.
Gets the instance.
Represents the details of a write concern error.
Gets the error code.
Gets the name of the error code.
The name of the error code.
Gets the error information.
Gets the error message.
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The request count.
Gets the number of documents that were deleted.
Gets the number of documents that were inserted.
Gets a value indicating whether the bulk write operation was acknowledged.
Gets a value indicating whether the modified count is available.
The modified count is only available when all servers have been upgraded to 2.6 or above.
Gets the number of documents that were matched.
Gets the number of documents that were actually modified during an update.
Gets the request count.
Gets a list with information about each request that resulted in an upsert.
Represents the result of a bulk write operation.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The request count.
The processed requests.
Gets the processed requests.
Result from an acknowledged write concern.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The request count.
The matched count.
The deleted count.
The inserted count.
The modified count.
The processed requests.
The upserts.
Result from an unacknowledged write concern.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The request count.
The processed requests.
Represents the information about one Upsert.
Gets the id.
Gets the index.
Represents a bulk write exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The connection identifier.
The write errors.
The write concern error.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoQueryException class (this overload supports deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Gets the write concern error.
Gets the write errors.
Gets the object data.
The information.
The context.
Represents a bulk write exception.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The connection identifier.
The result.
The write errors.
The write concern error.
The unprocessed requests.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoQueryException class (this overload supports deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Gets the result of the bulk write operation.
Gets the unprocessed requests.
Gets the object data.
The information.
The context.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoClient class.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoClient class.
In .NET Standard, authenticating via SCRAM-SHA-256 may not work with non-ASCII passwords because SaslPrep is
not fully implemented due to the lack of a string normalization function in .NET Standard 1.5.
Normalizing the password into Unicode Normalization Form KC beforehand MAY help.
SCRAM-SHA-1 is the recommended alternative for now.
The settings.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoClient class.
In .NET Standard, authenticating via SCRAM-SHA-256 may not work with non-ASCII passwords because SaslPrep is
not fully implemented due to the lack of a string normalization function in .NET Standard 1.5.
Normalizing the password into Unicode Normalization Form KC beforehand MAY help.
SCRAM-SHA-1 is the recommended alternative for now.
The URL.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoClient class.
In .NET Standard, authenticating via SCRAM-SHA-256 may not work with non-ASCII passwords because SaslPrep is
not fully implemented due to the lack of a string normalization function in .NET Standard 1.5.
Normalizing the password into Unicode Normalization Form KC beforehand MAY help.
SCRAM-SHA-1 is the recommended alternative for now.
The connection string.
Gets the cluster.
Starts an implicit session.
A session.
Starts an implicit session.
A Task whose result is a session.
The settings for a MongoDB client.
Creates a new instance of MongoClientSettings. Usually you would use a connection string instead.
Gets or sets the application name.
Gets or sets the cluster configurator.
Gets or sets the connection mode.
Gets or sets the connect timeout.
Gets or sets the credential.
Gets or sets the credentials.
Gets or sets the representation to use for Guids.
Gets a value indicating whether the settings have been frozen to prevent further changes.
Gets or sets the heartbeat interval.
Gets or sets the heartbeat timeout.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use IPv6.
Gets or sets the local threshold.
Gets or sets the max connection idle time.
Gets or sets the max connection life time.
Gets or sets the max connection pool size.
Gets or sets the min connection pool size.
Gets or sets the read concern.
Gets or sets the Read Encoding.
Gets or sets the read preferences.
Gets or sets the name of the replica set.
Gets or sets whether to retry writes.
Gets or sets the address of the server (see also Servers if using more than one address).
Gets or sets the list of server addresses (see also Server if using only one address).
Gets or sets the server selection timeout.
Gets or sets the socket timeout.
Gets or sets the SSL settings.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use SSL.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to verify an SSL certificate.
Gets or sets the wait queue size.
Gets or sets the wait queue timeout.
Gets or sets the WriteConcern to use.
Gets or sets the Write Encoding.
Determines whether two instances are equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two instances are not equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is not equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Gets a MongoClientSettings object intialized with values from a connection string.
The connection string.
A MongoClientSettings.
Gets a MongoClientSettings object intialized with values from a MongoURL.
The MongoURL.
A MongoClientSettings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a frozen copy of the settings.
A frozen copy of the settings.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the settings.
A string representation of the settings.
The settings used to access a collection.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoCollectionSettings class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the driver should assign Id values when missing.
Gets or sets the representation used for Guids.
Gets a value indicating whether the settings have been frozen to prevent further changes.
Gets or sets the read concern.
Gets or sets the Read Encoding.
Gets or sets the read preference to use.
Gets the serializer registry.
Gets or sets the WriteConcern to use.
Gets or sets the Write Encoding.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Compares two MongoCollectionSettings instances.
The other instance.
True if the two instances are equal.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a frozen copy of the settings.
A frozen copy of the settings.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the settings.
A string representation of the settings.
Represents a list of credentials and the rules about how credentials can be used together.
Creates a new instance of the MongoCredentialStore class.
The credentials.
Determines whether two instances are equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two instances are not equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is not equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Gets the enumerator.
Gets the hashcode for the credential store.
The hashcode.
Returns a string representation of the credential store.
A string representation of the credential store.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
An object that can be used to iterate through the collection.
The settings used to access a database.
Creates a new instance of MongoDatabaseSettings.
Gets or sets the representation to use for Guids.
Gets a value indicating whether the settings have been frozen to prevent further changes.
Gets or sets the read concern.
Gets or sets the Read Encoding.
Gets or sets the read preference.
Gets the serializer registry.
Gets or sets the WriteConcern to use.
Gets or sets the Write Encoding.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Compares two MongoDatabaseSettings instances.
The other instance.
True if the two instances are equal.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a frozen copy of the settings.
A frozen copy of the settings.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the settings.
A string representation of the settings.
Represents a DBRef (a convenient way to refer to a document).
Creates a MongoDBRef.
The name of the collection that contains the document.
The Id of the document.
Creates a MongoDBRef.
The name of the database that contains the document.
The name of the collection that contains the document.
The Id of the document.
Gets the name of the database that contains the document.
Gets the name of the collection that contains the document.
Gets the Id of the document.
Determines whether two specified MongoDBRef objects have different values.
The first value to compare, or null.
The second value to compare, or null.
True if the value of lhs is different from the value of rhs; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two specified MongoDBRef objects have the same value.
The first value to compare, or null.
The second value to compare, or null.
True if the value of lhs is the same as the value of rhs; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two specified MongoDBRef objects have the same value.
The first value to compare, or null.
The second value to compare, or null.
True if the value of lhs is the same as the value of rhs; otherwise, false.
Determines whether this instance and another specified MongoDBRef object have the same value.
The MongoDBRef object to compare to this instance.
True if the value of the rhs parameter is the same as this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether this instance and a specified object, which must also be a MongoDBRef object, have the same value.
The MongoDBRef object to compare to this instance.
True if obj is a MongoDBRef object and its value is the same as this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns the hash code for this MongoDBRef object.
A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a serializer for MongoDBRefs.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents an identity defined outside of mongodb.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The username.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The source.
The username.
Represents an identity in MongoDB.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The source.
The username.
Whether to allow null usernames.
Gets the source.
Gets the username.
Compares two MongoIdentity values.
The first MongoIdentity.
The other MongoIdentity.
True if the two MongoIdentity values are equal (or both null).
Compares two MongoIdentity values.
The first MongoIdentity.
The other MongoIdentity.
True if the two MongoIdentity values are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified instance is equal to this instance.
The right-hand side.
true if the specified instance is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Evidence used as proof of a MongoIdentity.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Compares two MongoIdentityEvidences.
The first MongoIdentityEvidence.
The other MongoIdentityEvidence.
True if the two MongoIdentityEvidences are equal (or both null).
Compares two MongoIdentityEvidences.
The first MongoIdentityEvidence.
The other MongoIdentityEvidence.
True if the two MongoIdentityEvidences are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Represents an identity defined inside mongodb.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the database.
The username.
Represents URL-style connection strings.
Creates a new instance of MongoUrlBuilder.
Creates a new instance of MongoUrlBuilder.
The initial settings.
Gets or sets the application name.
Gets or sets the authentication mechanism.
Gets or sets the authentication mechanism properties.
Gets or sets the authentication source.
Gets the actual wait queue size (either WaitQueueSize or WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize).
Gets or sets the connection mode.
Gets or sets the connect timeout.
Gets or sets the optional database name.
Gets or sets the FSync component of the write concern.
Gets or sets the representation to use for Guids.
Gets or sets the heartbeat interval.
Gets or sets the heartbeat timeout.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use IPv6.
Gets or sets the Journal component of the write concern.
Gets or sets the local threshold.
Gets or sets the max connection idle time.
Gets or sets the max connection life time.
Gets or sets the max connection pool size.
Gets or sets the min connection pool size.
Gets or sets the password.
Gets or sets the read concern level.
Gets or sets the read preference.
Gets or sets the name of the replica set.
Gets or sets whether to retry writes.
The scheme used to connect with mongodb.
Gets or sets the address of the server (see also Servers if using more than one address).
Gets or sets the list of server addresses (see also Server if using only one address).
Gets or sets the server selection timeout.
Gets or sets the socket timeout.
Gets or sets the username.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use SSL.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to verify an SSL certificate.
Gets or sets the W component of the write concern.
Gets or sets the wait queue multiple (the actual wait queue size will be WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize).
Gets or sets the wait queue size.
Gets or sets the wait queue timeout.
Gets or sets the WTimeout component of the write concern.
Returns a WriteConcern value based on this instance's settings and a default enabled value.
The default enabled value.
A WriteConcern.
Parses a URL and sets all settings to match the URL.
The URL.
Creates a new instance of MongoUrl based on the settings in this MongoUrlBuilder.
A new instance of MongoUrl.
Returns the canonical URL based on the settings in this MongoUrlBuilder.
The canonical URL.
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via a shared secret.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Less secure when used in conjunction with SCRAM-SHA-256, due to the need to store the password in a managed
string in order to SaslPrep it.
See Driver Authentication: SCRAM-SHA-256
for additional details.
The password.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The password.
Gets the password.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Computes the MONGODB-CR password digest.
The username.
The MONGODB-CR password digest.
Represents a setting that may or may not have been set.
The type of the value.
Gets the value of the setting.
Gets a value indicating whether the setting has been set.
Resets the setting to the unset state.
Gets a canonical string representation for this setting.
A canonical string representation for this setting.
Represents the settings for using SSL.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for certificate revocation.
Gets or sets the client certificates.
Gets or sets the client certificate selection callback.
Gets or sets the enabled SSL protocols.
Gets or sets the server certificate validation callback.
Determines whether two instances are equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Determines whether two instances are not equal.
The LHS.
The RHS.
true if the left hand side is not equal to the right hand side; otherwise, false.
Clones an SslSettings.
The cloned SslSettings.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Returns a string representation of the settings.
A string representation of the settings.
Various static utility methods.
Gets the MD5 hash of a string.
The string to get the MD5 hash of.
The MD5 hash.
Creates a TimeSpan from microseconds.
The microseconds.
The TimeSpan.
Converts a string to camel case by lower casing the first letter (only the first letter is modified).
The string to camel case.
The camel cased string.
Should only be used when the safety of the data cannot be guaranteed. For instance,
when the secure string is a password used in a plain text protocol.
The secure string.
The CLR string.
Default values for various Mongo settings.
Gets or sets whether the driver should assign a value to empty Ids on Insert.
Gets or sets the default authentication mechanism.
Gets the actual wait queue size (either WaitQueueSize or WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize).
Gets or sets the connect timeout.
Gets or sets the representation to use for Guids (this is an alias for BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentation).
Gets or sets the default local threshold.
Gets or sets the maximum batch count.
Gets or sets the max connection idle time.
Gets or sets the max connection life time.
Gets or sets the max connection pool size.
Gets or sets the max document size
Gets or sets the max message length.
Gets or sets the min connection pool size.
Gets or sets the operation timeout.
Gets or sets the Read Encoding.
Gets or sets the server selection timeout.
Gets or sets the socket timeout.
Gets or sets the TCP receive buffer size.
Gets or sets the TCP send buffer size.
Gets or sets the wait queue multiple (the actual wait queue size will be WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize, see also WaitQueueSize).
Gets or sets the wait queue size (see also WaitQueueMultiple).
Gets or sets the wait queue timeout.
Gets or sets the Write Encoding.
Credential to access a MongoDB database.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Mechanism to authenticate with.
In .NET Standard, authenticating via SCRAM-SHA-256 may not work with non-ASCII passwords because SaslPrep is
not fully implemented due to the lack of a string normalization function in .NET Standard 1.5.
Normalizing the password into Unicode Normalization Form KC beforehand MAY help.
SCRAM-SHA-1 is the recommended alternative for now.
The identity.
The evidence.
Gets the evidence.
Gets the identity.
Gets the mechanism to authenticate with.
In .NET Standard, authenticating via SCRAM-SHA-256 may not work with non-ASCII passwords because SaslPrep is
not fully implemented due to the lack of a string normalization function in .NET Standard 1.5.
Normalizing the password into Unicode Normalization Form KC beforehand MAY help.
SCRAM-SHA-1 is the recommended alternative for now.
Gets the password.
Gets the source.
Gets the username.
Compares two MongoCredentials.
The first MongoCredential.
The other MongoCredential.
True if the two MongoCredentials are equal (or both null).
Compares two MongoCredentials.
The first MongoCredential.
The other MongoCredential.
True if the two MongoCredentials are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Creates a default credential.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A default credential.
Creates a default credential.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A default credential.
Creates a GSSAPI credential.
The username.
A credential for GSSAPI.
This overload is used primarily on linux.
Creates a GSSAPI credential.
The username.
The password.
A credential for GSSAPI.
Creates a GSSAPI credential.
The username.
The password.
A credential for GSSAPI.
Creates a credential used with MONGODB-CR.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A credential for MONGODB-CR.
Creates a credential used with MONGODB-CR.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A credential for MONGODB-CR.
Creates a credential used with MONGODB-X509.
The username.
A credential for MONGODB-X509.
Creates a PLAIN credential.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A credential for PLAIN.
Creates a PLAIN credential.
Name of the database.
The username.
The password.
A credential for PLAIN.
Gets the mechanism property.
The type of the mechanism property.
The key.
The default value.
The mechanism property if one was set; otherwise the default value.
Compares this MongoCredential to another MongoCredential.
The other credential.
True if the two credentials are equal.
Compares this MongoCredential to another MongoCredential.
The other credential.
True if the two credentials are equal.
Gets the hashcode for the credential.
The hashcode.
Returns a string representation of the credential.
A string representation of the credential.
Creates a new MongoCredential with the specified mechanism property.
The key.
The value.
A new MongoCredential with the specified mechanism property.
The address of a MongoDB server.
Initializes a new instance of MongoServerAddress.
The server's host name.
Initializes a new instance of MongoServerAddress.
The server's host name.
The server's port number.
Parses a string representation of a server address.
The string representation of a server address.
A new instance of MongoServerAddress initialized with values parsed from the string.
Tries to parse a string representation of a server address.
The string representation of a server address.
The server address (set to null if TryParse fails).
True if the string is parsed succesfully.
Gets the server's host name.
Gets the server's port number.
Compares two server addresses.
The first address.
The other address.
True if the two addresses are equal (or both are null).
Compares two server addresses.
The first address.
The other address.
True if the two addresses are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Compares two server addresses.
The other server address.
True if the two server addresses are equal.
Compares two server addresses.
The other server address.
True if the two server addresses are equal.
Gets the hash code for this object.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the server address.
A string representation of the server address.
Represents an immutable URL style connection string. See also MongoUrlBuilder.
Creates a new instance of MongoUrl.
The URL containing the settings.
Gets the application name.
Gets the authentication mechanism.
Gets the authentication mechanism properties.
Gets the authentication source.
Gets the actual wait queue size (either WaitQueueSize or WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize).
Gets the connection mode.
Gets the connect timeout.
Gets the optional database name.
Gets the FSync component of the write concern.
Gets the representation to use for Guids.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has authentication settings.
Gets the heartbeat interval.
Gets the heartbeat timeout.
Gets a value indicating whether to use IPv6.
Gets the Journal component of the write concern.
Gets the local threshold.
Gets the max connection idle time.
Gets the max connection life time.
Gets the max connection pool size.
Gets the min connection pool size.
Gets the password.
Gets the read concern level.
Gets the read preference.
Gets the name of the replica set.
Gets whether writes will be retried.
Gets the scheme.
Gets the address of the server (see also Servers if using more than one address).
Gets the list of server addresses (see also Server if using only one address).
Gets the server selection timeout.
Gets the socket timeout.
Gets the URL (in canonical form).
Gets the username.
Gets a value indicating whether to use SSL.
Gets a value indicating whether to verify an SSL certificate.
Gets the W component of the write concern.
Gets the wait queue multiple (the actual wait queue size will be WaitQueueMultiple x MaxConnectionPoolSize).
Gets the wait queue size.
Gets the wait queue timeout.
Gets the WTimeout component of the write concern.
Compares two MongoUrls.
The first URL.
The other URL.
True if the two URLs are equal (or both null).
Compares two MongoUrls.
The first URL.
The other URL.
True if the two URLs are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Clears the URL cache. When a URL is parsed it is stored in the cache so that it doesn't have to be
parsed again. There is rarely a need to call this method.
Creates an instance of MongoUrl (might be an existing existence if the same URL has been used before).
The URL containing the settings.
An instance of MongoUrl.
Compares two MongoUrls.
The other URL.
True if the two URLs are equal.
Compares two MongoUrls.
The other URL.
True if the two URLs are equal.
Gets the credential.
The credential (or null if the URL has not authentication settings).
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a WriteConcern value based on this instance's settings and a default enabled value.
The default enabled value.
A WriteConcern.
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
A resolved MongoURL.
Resolves a connection string. If the connection string indicates more information is available
in the DNS system, it will acquire that information as well.
The cancellation token.
A resolved MongoURL.
Returns the canonical URL based on the settings in this MongoUrlBuilder.
The canonical URL.
Evidence of a MongoIdentity via an external mechanism. For example, on windows this may
be the current process' user or, on linux, via kinit.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Represents a write exception.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The connection identifier.
The write error.
The write concern error.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the MongoQueryException class (this overload supports deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Gets the write concern error.
Gets the write error.
Gets the object data.
The information.
The context.
Represents the details of a write error.
Gets the category.
Gets the error code.
Gets the error details.
Gets the error message.
Base class for a write model.
The type of the document.
Gets the type of the model.
The type of a write model.
A model to insert a single document.
A model to delete a single document.
A model to delete multiple documents.
A model to replace a single document.
A model to update a single document.
A model to update many documents.