Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the server type.
The server status metadata.
Starts this server instance.
return true if start successfull, else false
Gets all the app servers running in this bootstrap
Gets the config.
Gets the bootstrap logger.
Gets the startup config file.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration and config resolver.
The server config resolver.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration and config resolver.
The log factory.
Initializes the bootstrap with a listen endpoint replacement dictionary
The listen end point replacement.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration
The server config resolver.
The log factory.
Starts this bootstrap.
Stops this bootstrap.
AssemblyImport, used for importing assembly to the current AppDomain
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Bootstrap Factory
Creates the bootstrap.
The config.
Creates the bootstrap from app configuration's socketServer section.
Creates the bootstrap.
Name of the config section.
Creates the bootstrap from configuration file.
The configuration file.
The configuration file watcher, it is used for hot configuration updating
Watches the specified configuration section.
The configuration section.
The bootstrap.
Command assembly configuration element
Gets the assembly name.
The assembly.
Command assembly configuation collection
SuperSocket's root configuration node
Gets all the server configurations
Gets the service configurations
Gets all the connection filter configurations.
Gets the defined log factory types.
Gets the logfactory name of the bootstrap.
Gets the command loaders definition.
Gets the max working threads.
Gets the min working threads.
Gets the max completion port threads.
Gets the min completion port threads.
Gets the performance data collect interval, in seconds.
Gets a value indicating whether [disable performance data collector].
true if [disable performance data collector]; otherwise, false.
Gets the isolation mode.
Gets the logfactory name of the bootstrap.
Gets the option elements.
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown element is encountered during deserialization.
To keep compatible with old configuration
The name of the unknown subelement.
The being used for deserialization.
true when an unknown element is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false.
The element identified by is locked.- or -One or more of the element's attributes is locked.- or - is unrecognized, or the element has an unrecognized attribute.- or -The element has a Boolean attribute with an invalid value.- or -An attempt was made to deserialize a property more than once.- or -An attempt was made to deserialize a property that is not a valid member of the element.- or -The element cannot contain a CDATA or text element.
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization.
The name of the unrecognized attribute.
The value of the unrecognized attribute.
true when an unknown attribute is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false.
Gets the child config.
The type of the config.
Name of the child config.
Certificate configuration
Gets the certificate file path.
Gets the password.
Gets the the store where certificate locates.
The name of the store.
Gets the store location of the certificate.
The store location.
Gets the thumbprint.
Gets a value indicating whether [client certificate required].
true if [client certificate required]; otherwise, false.
Gets a value that will be used to instantiate the X509Certificate2 object in the CertificateManager
Listener configuration
Gets the ip of listener
Gets the port of listener
Gets the backlog.
Gets the security option, None/Default/Tls/Ssl/...
Listener configuration collection
Server configuration
Gets the name of the server type this appServer want to use.
The name of the server type.
Gets the type definition of the appserver.
The type of the server.
Gets the Receive filter factory.
Gets the ip.
Gets the port.
Gets the mode.
Gets a value indicating whether this is disabled.
true if disabled; otherwise, false.
Gets the send time out.
Gets the max connection number.
Gets the size of the receive buffer.
The size of the receive buffer.
Gets the size of the send buffer.
The size of the send buffer.
Gets a value indicating whether sending is in synchronous mode.
true if [sync send]; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether log command in log file.
true if log command; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether [log basic session activity like connected and disconnected].
true if [log basic session activity]; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether [log all socket exception].
true if [log all socket exception]; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether clear idle session.
true if clear idle session; otherwise, false.
Gets the clear idle session interval, in seconds.
The clear idle session interval.
Gets the idle session timeout time length, in seconds.
The idle session time out.
Gets the certificate config.
The certificate config.
Gets X509Certificate configuration.
X509Certificate configuration.
Gets the security protocol, X509 certificate.
Gets the max allowed length of request.
The max allowed length of request.
Gets a value indicating whether [disable session snapshot]
Gets the interval to taking snapshot for all live sessions.
Gets the connection filters used by this server instance.
The connection filters's name list, seperated by comma
Gets the command loader, multiple values should be separated by comma.
Gets the start keep alive time, in seconds
Gets the keep alive interval, in seconds.
Gets the backlog size of socket listening.
Gets the startup order of the server instance.
Gets/sets the size of the sending queue.
The size of the sending queue.
Gets the logfactory name of the server instance.
Gets the default text encoding.
The text encoding.
Gets the listeners' configuration.
Gets the listeners' configuration.
Gets the command assemblies configuration.
The command assemblies.
Gets the child config.
The type of the config.
Name of the child config.
Gets a value indicating whether an unknown attribute is encountered during deserialization.
To keep compatible with old configuration
The name of the unrecognized attribute.
The value of the unrecognized attribute.
true when an unknown attribute is encountered while deserializing; otherwise, false.
Server configuration collection
Adds the new server element.
The new server.
Removes the specified server from the configuration.
The name.
SuperSocket default bootstrap
Indicates whether the bootstrap is initialized
Global configuration
Global log
Gets the bootstrap logger.
Gets the log factory.
Gets all the app servers running in this bootstrap
Gets the config.
Gets the startup config file.
Gets the class.
Gets the base directory.
The base directory.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The app servers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The root config.
The app servers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The root config.
The app servers.
The log factory.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The config.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The config.
The startup config file.
Creates the work item instance.
Name of the service type.
The server status metadata.
Gets the work item factory info loader.
The config.
The log factory.
Initializes the bootstrap with a listen endpoint replacement dictionary
The listen end point replacement.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration, config resolver and log factory.
The server config resolver.
The log factory.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration and config resolver.
The server config resolver.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration
The log factory.
Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration
Starts this bootstrap.
Stops this bootstrap.
Registers the bootstrap remoting access service.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
Interface of IPerformanceMonitor
Start PerformanceMonitor.
Stop PerformanceMonitor.
Invokes when status update.
Get or Set status update time in seconds.
the interface for server instance which works as a process
Gets the process id.
The process id. If the process id is zero, the server instance is not running
Setups the specified config.
Type of the server.
The bootstrap URI.
The assembly import root.
The config.
The factories.
The startup configuration file path
Gets a value indicating whether [status metadata extended].
true if [status metadata extended]; otherwise, false.
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
Return null, never expired
An object of type used to control the lifetime policy for this instance. This is the current lifetime service object for this instance if one exists; otherwise, a new lifetime service object initialized to the value of the property.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the server type.
The server status metadata.
Gets the process id.
The process id. If the process id is zero, the server instance is not running
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The config.
Socket Session, all application session should base on this class
Logs the error, skip the ignored exception
The exception.
Logs the error, skip the ignored exception
The message.
The exception.
Logs the socket error, skip the ignored error
The socket error code.
Gets or sets the session ID.
The session ID.
Gets or sets the config.
The config.
Starts this session.
Says the welcome information when a client connectted.
Called when [close].
Occurs when [closed].
Tries to send array segment.
The segments.
Tries to send array segment.
The segment.
Sends in async mode.
The queue.
Sends in sync mode.
The queue.
Gets or sets the client.
The client.
Gets the local end point.
The local end point.
Gets the remote end point.
The remote end point.
Gets or sets the secure protocol.
The secure protocol.
Validates the socket is not in the sending or receiving operation.
Validates the type of the provider, needn't validate in default mode, because it will be validate later when initializing.
Name of the type.
Gets the app server type's metadata, the return value is not required in this mode.
Name of the type.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name of the service type.
Gets the name of the server instance.
Setups the specified root config.
The bootstrap.
The socket server instance config.
The providers.
Gets the server's config.
The server's config.
Reports the potential configuration change.
The server config which may be changed.
Starts this server instance.
return true if start successfull, else false
Stops this server instance.
Gets the current state of the work item.
The state.
Gets the total session count.
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
An object of type used to control the lifetime policy for this instance. This is the current lifetime service object for this instance if one exists; otherwise, a new lifetime service object initialized to the value of the property.
Starts to listen
The server config.
Occurs when [stopped].
Tcp socket listener in async mode
Starts to listen
The server config.
The interface for socket session which requires negotiation before communication
Start negotiates
Gets a value indicating whether this is result.
true if result; otherwise, false.
Gets the app session.
The app session.
Occurs when [negotiate completed].
Starts this session communication.
The interface for socket listener
Gets the info of listener
Gets the end point the listener is working on
Starts to listen
The server config.
Stops listening
Occurs when new client accepted.
Occurs when error got.
Occurs when [stopped].
Default socket server factory
Creates the socket server.
The type of the request info.
The app server.
The listeners.
The config.
Gets the sending queue manager.
The sending queue manager.
Starts to listen
The server config.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The app server.
The listeners.
Called when [new client accepted].
The listener.
The client.
The state.
Updates the remote end point of the client.
The remote end point.