A static class containing BSON extension methods.
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
The nominal type of the object.
The object.
The serializer.
The writer settings.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
A BSON byte array.
Serializes an object to a BSON byte array.
The object.
The nominal type of the object..
The writer settings.
The serializer.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
A BSON byte array.
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
The nominal type of the object.
The object.
The serializer.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
A BsonDocument.
Serializes an object to a BsonDocument.
The object.
The nominal type of the object.
The serializer.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
A BsonDocument.
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
The nominal type of the object.
The object.
The JsonWriter settings.
The serializer.
The serializastion context configurator.
The serialization args.
A JSON string.
Serializes an object to a JSON string.
The object.
The nominal type of the objectt.
The JsonWriter settings.
The serializer.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
A JSON string.
Indicates that an attribute restricted to one member has been applied to multiple members.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The message.
The inner.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The info.
The context.
Represents a fast converter from integer indexes to UTF8 BSON array element names.
Gets the element name bytes.
The index.
The element name bytes.
Represents a fast converter from integer indexes to UTF8 BSON array element names.
Gets or sets the default array element name accelerator.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The number of cached element names.
Gets the element name bytes.
The index.
The element name bytes.
Represents a pool of chunks.
Gets or sets the default chunk pool.
The default chunk pool.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The maximum number of chunks to keep in the pool.
The size of each chunk.
Gets the chunk size.
The chunk size.
Gets the maximum size of the pool.
The maximum size of the pool.
Gets the size of the pool.
The size of the pool.
Represents settings for a BsonDocumentReader.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentReaderSettings class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentReaderSettings class.
The representation for Guids.
Gets or sets the default settings for a BsonDocumentReader.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents settings for a BsonDocumentWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentWriterSettings class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentWriterSettings class.
The representation for Guids.
Gets or sets the default BsonDocumentWriter settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents settings for a BsonReader.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReaderSettings class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReaderSettings class.
The representation for Guids.
Gets or sets the representation for Guids.
Gets whether the settings are frozen.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a frozen copy of the settings.
A frozen copy of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when an attempt is made to change a setting after the settings are frozen.
Represents a Stream has additional methods to suport reading and writing BSON values.
Reads a BSON CString from the stream.
The encoding.
A string.
Reads a BSON CString from the stream.
An ArraySegment containing the CString bytes (without the null byte).
Reads a BSON Decimal128 from the stream.
A .
Reads a BSON double from the stream.
A double.
Reads a 32-bit BSON integer from the stream.
An int.
Reads a 64-bit BSON integer from the stream.
A long.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the stream.
An ObjectId.
Reads a raw length prefixed slice from the stream.
A slice.
Reads a BSON string from the stream.
The encoding.
A string.
Skips over a BSON CString leaving the stream positioned just after the terminating null byte.
Writes a BSON CString to the stream.
The value.
Writes the CString bytes to the stream.
The value.
Writes a BSON Decimal128 to the stream.
The value.
Writes a BSON double to the stream.
The value.
Writes a 32-bit BSON integer to the stream.
The value.
Writes a 64-bit BSON integer to the stream.
The value.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the stream.
The value.
Writes a BSON string to the stream.
The value.
The encoding.
A Stream that wraps another Stream while implementing the BsonStream abstract methods.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The stream.
if set to true [owns stream].
Gets the base stream.
The base stream.
Represents a mapping from a set of UTF8 encoded strings to a set of elementName/value pairs, implemented as a trie.
The type of the BsonTrie values.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTrie class.
Gets the root node.
Adds the specified elementName (after encoding as a UTF8 byte sequence) and value to the trie.
The element name to add.
The value to add. The value can be null for reference types.
Gets the node associated with the specified element name.
The element name.
When this method returns, contains the node associated with the specified element name, if the key is found;
otherwise, null. This parameter is passed unitialized.
True if the node was found; otherwise, false.
Tries to get the node associated with a name read from a stream.
The stream.
The node.
True if the node was found.
If the node was found the stream is advanced over the name, otherwise
the stream is repositioned to the beginning of the name.
Gets the value associated with the specified element name.
The element name.
When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified element name, if the key is found;
otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed unitialized.
True if the value was found; otherwise, false.
Gets the value associated with the specified element name.
The element name.
When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified element name, if the key is found;
otherwise, the default value for the type of the value parameter. This parameter is passed unitialized.
True if the value was found; otherwise, false.
Represents a node in a BsonTrie.
The type of the BsonTrie values.
Gets whether this node has a value.
Gets the element name for this node.
Gets the value for this node.
Gets the child of this node for a given key byte.
The key byte.
The child node if it exists; otherwise, null.
Represents settings for a BsonWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriterSettings class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriterSettings class.
The representation for Guids.
Gets or sets the representation for Guids.
Gets whether the settings are frozen.
Gets or sets the max serialization depth allowed (used to detect circular references).
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Freezes the settings.
The frozen settings.
Returns a frozen copy of the settings.
A frozen copy of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when an attempt is made to change a setting after the settings are frozen.
Represents a chunk backed by a byte array.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The size.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bytes.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Represents a slice of a byte buffer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The byte buffer.
The offset of the slice.
The length of the slice.
Gets the buffer.
The buffer.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
A BsonWriter that appends elements to the end of a document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped writer.
The elements to append.
The settings configurator.
Represents a chunk of bytes.
Gets the bytes.
The bytes.
Returns a new reference to the same chunk that can be independently disposed.
A new reference to the same chunk.
Represents a source of chunks.
Gets the chunk.
The chunk source is free to return a larger or smaller chunk than requested.
Size of the requested.
A chunk.
Represents a BSON reader.
Gets the current BsonType.
Gets the current state of the reader.
Closes the reader.
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
A bookmark.
Gets the current BsonType (calls ReadBsonType if necessary).
The current BsonType.
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
Whether this reader is at end of file.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
A Boolean.
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
A BsonType.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Decimal128 from the reader.
A .
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
A Double.
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
Reads the name of an element from the reader (using the provided name decoder).
The name decoder.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
An ObjectId.
Reads a raw BSON array.
The raw BSON array.
Reads a raw BSON document.
The raw BSON document.
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads the start of a BSON array.
Reads the start of a BSON document.
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
The bookmark.
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
Contains extensions methods for IBsonReader.
Positions the reader to an element by name.
The reader.
The name of the element.
True if the element was found.
Positions the reader to a string element by name.
The reader.
The name of the element.
True if the element was found.
Reads a BSON binary data element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A Boolean.
Reads a BSON binary data element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Decimal128 element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A .
Reads a BSON Double element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A Double.
Reads a BSON Int32 element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope element from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
The reader.
The name of the element.
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON MinKey element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON ObjectId element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
An ObjectId.
Reads a raw BSON array.
The reader.
The name.
The raw BSON array.
Reads a raw BSON document.
The reader.
The name.
The raw BSON document.
Reads a BSON regular expression element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads a BSON string element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp element from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON undefined element from the reader.
The reader.
The name of the element.
Represents extension methods on BsonStream.
Backpatches the size.
The stream.
The start position.
Reads the binary sub type.
The stream.
The binary sub type.
Reads a boolean from the stream.
The stream.
A boolean.
Reads the BSON type.
The stream.
The BSON type.
Reads bytes from the stream.
The stream.
The buffer.
The offset.
The count.
Reads bytes from the stream.
The stream.
The count.
The bytes.
Writes a binary sub type to the stream.
The stream.
The value.
Writes a boolean to the stream.
The stream.
The value.
Writes a BsonType to the stream.
The stream.
The value.
Writes bytes to the stream.
The stream.
The buffer.
The offset.
The count.
Writes a slice to the stream.
The stream.
The slice.
Represents a BSON writer.
Gets the position.
Not all writers are able to report the position. Those that can't simply return zero.
The position.
Gets the current serialization depth.
Gets the settings of the writer.
Gets the current state of the writer.
Closes the writer.
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
Pops the element name validator.
The popped element validator.
Pops the settings.
Pushes the element name validator.
The validator.
Pushes new settings for the writer.
The settings configurator.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
The Boolean value.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Decimal128 to the writer.
The value.
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
The Double value.
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
Writes the name of an element to the writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
The ObjectId.
Writes a raw BSON array.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON array.
Writes a raw BSON document.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON document.
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp to the writer.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
Contains extension methods for IBsonWriter.
Writes a BSON binary data element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The Boolean value.
Writes a BSON binary data element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Decimal128 element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The value.
Writes a BSON Double element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The Double value.
Writes a BSON Int32 element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript element to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The writer.
The name of the element.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON MinKey element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON null element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON ObjectId element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The ObjectId.
Writes a raw BSON array.
The writer.
The name.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON array.
Writes a raw BSON document.
The writer.
The name.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON document.
Writes a BSON regular expression element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Writes the start of a BSON document element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON String element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined element to the writer.
The writer.
The name of the element.
Represents an element name validator. Used by BsonWriters when WriteName is called
to determine if the element name is valid.
Gets the validator to use for child content (a nested document or array).
The name of the element.
The validator to use for child content.
Determines whether the element name is valid.
The name of the element.
True if the element name is valid.
Represents a name decoder.
Decodes the name.
The stream.
The encoding.
The name.
Informs the decoder of an already decoded name (so the decoder can change state if necessary).
The name.
Represents a source of chunks optimized for input buffers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The chunk source.
The maximum size of an unpooled chunk.
The minimum size of a chunk.
The maximum size of a chunk.
Gets the base source.
The base source.
Gets the maximum size of a chunk.
The maximum size of a chunk.
Gets the minimum size of a chunk.
The minimum size of a chunk.
Gets the maximum size of an unpooled chunk.
The maximum size of an unpooled chunk.
Represents a wrapper around a TextReader to provide some buffering functionality.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The json.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The reader.
Gets or sets the current position.
Gets a snippet of a maximum length from the buffer (usually to include in an error message).
The start.
The maximum length.
The snippet.
Gets a substring from the buffer.
The start.
The count.
The substring.
Reads the next character from the text reader and advances the character position by one character.
The next character from the text reader, or -1 if no more characters are available. The default implementation returns -1.
Resets the buffer (clears everything up to the current position).
Unreads one character (moving the current Position back one position).
The character.
Represents a factory for IBsonBuffers.
Creates a buffer of the specified length. Depending on the length, either a SingleChunkBuffer or a MultiChunkBuffer will be created.
The chunk pool.
The minimum capacity.
A buffer with at least the minimum capacity.
An IByteBuffer that is backed by a contiguous byte array.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bytes.
Whether the buffer is read only.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bytes.
The length.
Whether the buffer is read only.
Represents a Stream backed by an IByteBuffer. Similar to MemoryStream but backed by an IByteBuffer
instead of a byte array and also implements the BsonStream interface for higher performance BSON I/O.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The buffer.
Whether the stream owns the buffer and should Dispose it when done.
Gets the buffer.
The buffer.
Represents a byte buffer (backed by various means depending on the implementation).
Gets the capacity.
The capacity.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read only.
true if this instance is read only; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets the length.
The length.
Access the backing bytes directly. The returned ArraySegment will point to the desired position and contain
as many bytes as possible up to the next chunk boundary (if any). If the returned ArraySegment does not
contain enough bytes for your needs you will have to call ReadBytes instead.
The position.
An ArraySegment pointing directly to the backing bytes for the position.
Clears the specified bytes.
The position.
The count.
Ensure that the buffer has a minimum capacity. Depending on the buffer allocation strategy
calling this method may result in a higher capacity than the minimum (but never lower).
The minimum capacity.
Gets a slice of this buffer.
The position of the start of the slice.
The length of the slice.
A slice of this buffer.
Makes this buffer read only.
Gets a byte.
The position.
A byte.
Gets bytes.
The position.
The destination.
The destination offset.
The count.
Sets a byte.
The position.
The value.
Sets bytes.
The position.
The bytes.
The offset.
The count.
Encodes and decodes scalar values to JSON compatible strings.
Converts a string to a Boolean.
The value.
A Boolean.
Converts a string to a DateTime.
The value.
A DateTime.
Converts a string to a DateTimeOffset.
The value.
A DateTimeOffset.
Converts a string to a Decimal.
The value.
A Decimal.
Converts a string to a .
The value.
A .
Converts a string to a Double.
The value.
A Double.
Converts a string to an Int16.
The value.
An Int16.
Converts a string to an Int32.
The value.
An Int32.
Converts a string to an Int64.
The value.
An Int64.
Converts a string to a Single.
The value.
A Single.
Converts a Boolean to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a DateTime to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a DateTimeOffset to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a Decimal to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a Double to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a Single to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts an Int32 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts an Int64 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts an Int16 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a UInt32 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a UInt64 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a UInt16 to a string.
The value.
A string.
Converts a string to a UInt16.
The value.
A UInt16.
Converts a string to a UInt32.
The value.
A UInt32.
Converts a string to a UInt64.
The value.
A UInt64.
An IByteBuffer that is backed by multiple chunks.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The chunk pool.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The chunks.
The length.
Whether the buffer is read only.
Gets the chunk source.
The chunk source.
Represents an element name validator that does no validation.
Gets the instance.
The instance.
Gets the validator to use for child content (a nested document or array).
The name of the element.
The validator to use for child content.
Determines whether the element name is valid.
The name of the element.
True if the element name is valid.
Represents a source of chunks optimized for output buffers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The chunk source.
The size of the initial unpooled chunk.
The minimum size of a chunk.
The maximum size of a chunk.
Gets the base source.
The base source.
Gets the initial unpooled chunk size.
The initial unpooled chunk size.
Gets the maximum size of a chunk.
The maximum size of a chunk.
Gets the minimum size of a chunk.
The minimum size of a chunk.
Represents a Trie-based name decoder that also provides a value.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The trie.
Gets a value indicating whether this is found.
true if found; otherwise, false.
Gets the value.
The value.
Reads the name.
The stream.
The encoding.
The name.
Informs the decoder of an already decoded name (so the decoder can change state if necessary).
The name.
Represents a singleton instance of a strict UTF8Encoding.
Gets the lenient instance.
Gets the strict instance.
Represents a UTF8 name decoder.
Gets the instance.
The instance.
Decodes the name.
The stream.
The encoding.
The name.
Informs the decoder of an already decoded name (so the decoder can change state if necessary).
The name.
An IByteBuffer that is backed by a single chunk.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The chuns.
The length.
Whether the buffer is read only.
Represents a class that has some helper methods for decoding UTF8 strings.
Decodes a UTF8 string.
The bytes.
The index.
The count.
The encoding.
The decoded string.
An abstract base class for an IBsonWriter that wraps another IBsonWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped writer.
Gets the wrapped writer.
The wrapped writer.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Throws if disposed.
Represents settings for a JsonReader.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonReaderSettings class.
Gets or sets the default settings for a JsonReader.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents a BSON reader for a BsonDocument.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentReader class.
A BsonDocument.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentReader class.
A BsonDocument.
The reader settings.
Closes the reader.
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
A bookmark.
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
Whether this reader is at end of file.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
A Boolean.
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
A BsonType.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
A Double.
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The name decoder.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
An ObjectId.
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads the start of a BSON array.
Reads the start of a BSON document.
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
The bookmark.
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
True if called from Dispose.
Represents a bookmark that can be used to return a reader to the current position and state.
Creates a clone of the context.
A clone of the context.
Represents a BSON writer to a BsonDocument.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentWriter class.
The document to write to (normally starts out as an empty document).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentWriter class.
The document to write to (normally starts out as an empty document).
The settings.
Gets the BsonDocument being written to.
Closes the writer.
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
The Boolean value.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
The Double value.
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
Writes the name of an element to the writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
The ObjectId.
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp to the writer.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
Disposes of any resources used by the writer.
True if called from Dispose.
Used by BsonReaders and BsonWriters to represent the current context.
The top level of a BSON document.
A (possibly embedded) BSON document.
A BSON array.
A JavaScriptWithScope BSON value.
The scope document of a JavaScriptWithScope BSON value.
Represents a BSON reader for a JSON string.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonReader class.
The JSON string.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonReader class.
The JSON string.
The reader settings.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonReader class.
The TextReader.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonReader class.
The TextReader.
The reader settings.
Closes the reader.
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
A bookmark.
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
Whether this reader is at end of file.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
A Boolean.
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
A BsonType.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
A Double.
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The name decoder.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
An ObjectId.
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads the start of a BSON array.
Reads the start of a BSON document.
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
The bookmark.
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
True if called from Dispose.
Represents a bookmark that can be used to return a reader to the current position and state.
Creates a clone of the context.
A clone of the context.
A static class that represents a JSON scanner.
Gets the next JsonToken from a JsonBuffer.
The buffer.
The next token.
Represents a bookmark that can be used to return a reader to the current position and state.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReaderBookmark class.
The state of the reader.
The current BSON type.
The name of the current element.
Gets the current state of the reader.
Gets the current BsonType;
Gets the name of the current element.
Represents a JSON token type.
An invalid token.
A begin array token (a '[').
A begin object token (a '{').
An end array token (a ']').
A left parenthesis (a '(').
A right parenthesis (a ')').
An end object token (a '}').
A colon token (a ':').
A comma token (a ',').
A DateTime token.
A Double token.
An Int32 token.
And Int64 token.
An ObjectId token.
A regular expression token.
A string token.
An unquoted string token.
An end of file token.
Represents a JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonToken class.
The token type.
The lexeme.
Gets the token type.
Gets the lexeme.
Gets the value of a DateTime token.
Gets the value of a Double token.
Gets the value of an Int32 token.
Gets the value of an Int64 token.
Gets a value indicating whether this token is number.
true if this token is number; otherwise, false.
Gets the value of an ObjectId token.
Gets the value of a regular expression token.
Gets the value of a string token.
Represents a DateTime JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the DateTimeJsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The DateTime value.
Gets the value of a DateTime token.
Represents a Double JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the DoubleJsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The Double value.
Gets the value of a Double token.
Gets the value of an Int32 token.
Gets the value of an Int64 token.
Gets a value indicating whether this token is number.
true if this token is number; otherwise, false.
Represents an Int32 JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the Int32JsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The Int32 value.
Gets the value of a Double token.
Gets the value of an Int32 token.
Gets the value of an Int32 token as an Int64.
Gets a value indicating whether this token is number.
true if this token is number; otherwise, false.
Represents an Int64 JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the Int64JsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The Int64 value.
Gets the value of a Double token.
Gets the value of an Int32 token.
Gets the value of an Int64 token.
Gets a value indicating whether this token is number.
true if this token is number; otherwise, false.
Represents an ObjectId JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectIdJsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The ObjectId value.
Gets the value of an ObjectId token.
Represents a regular expression JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the RegularExpressionJsonToken class.
The lexeme.
The BsonRegularExpression value.
Gets the value of a regular expression token.
Represents a String JSON token.
Initializes a new instance of the StringJsonToken class.
The token type.
The lexeme.
The String value.
Gets the value of an String token.
Represents a bookmark that can be used to return a reader to the current position and state.
Represents a BSON reader for a binary BSON byte array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryReader class.
A stream (BsonBinary does not own the stream and will not Dispose it).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryReader class.
A stream (BsonBinary does not own the stream and will not Dispose it).
A BsonBinaryReaderSettings.
Gets the base stream.
The base stream.
Gets the BSON stream.
The BSON stream.
Closes the reader.
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
A bookmark.
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
Whether this reader is at end of file.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
A Boolean.
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
A BsonType.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
A Double.
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The name decoder.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
An ObjectId.
Reads a raw BSON array.
The raw BSON array.
Reads a raw BSON document.
The raw BSON document.
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads the start of a BSON array.
Reads the start of a BSON document.
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
The bookmark.
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
True if called from Dispose.
Represents settings for a BsonBinaryReader.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryReaderSettings class.
Gets or sets the default settings for a BsonBinaryReader.
Gets or sets the Encoding.
Gets or sets whether to fix occurrences of the old binary subtype on input.
Gets or sets whether to fix occurrences of the old representation of DateTime.MaxValue on input.
Gets or sets the max document size.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents the output mode of a JsonWriter.
Output strict JSON.
Use a format that can be pasted in to the MongoDB shell.
Use JavaScript data types for some values.
Use JavaScript and MongoDB data types for some values.
Represents a BSON writer to a TextWriter (in JSON format).
Initializes a new instance of the JsonWriter class.
A TextWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonWriter class.
A TextWriter.
Optional JsonWriter settings.
Gets the base TextWriter.
The base TextWriter.
Gets the settings of the writer.
Closes the writer.
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
The Boolean value.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
The Double value.
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
The ObjectId.
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp to the writer.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
Disposes of any resources used by the writer.
True if called from Dispose.
Represents settings for a JsonWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the JsonWriterSettings class.
Gets or sets the default JsonWriterSettings.
Gets or sets the output Encoding.
Gets or sets whether to indent the output.
Gets or sets the indent characters.
Gets or sets the new line characters.
Gets or sets the output mode.
Gets or sets the shell version (used with OutputMode Shell).
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents a BSON reader for some external format (see subclasses).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonReader class.
The reader settings.
Gets the current BsonType.
Gets the settings of the reader.
Gets the current state of the reader.
Gets the current name.
Gets whether the BsonReader has been disposed.
Closes the reader.
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
Gets a bookmark to the reader's current position and state.
A bookmark.
Gets the current BsonType (calls ReadBsonType if necessary).
The current BsonType.
Determines whether this reader is at end of file.
Whether this reader is at end of file.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A BsonBinaryData.
Reads a BSON boolean from the reader.
A Boolean.
Reads a BsonType from the reader.
A BsonType.
Reads BSON binary data from the reader.
A byte array.
Reads a BSON DateTime from the reader.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Reads a BSON Double from the reader.
A Double.
Reads the end of a BSON array from the reader.
Reads the end of a BSON document from the reader.
Reads a BSON Int32 from the reader.
An Int32.
Reads a BSON Int64 from the reader.
An Int64.
Reads a BSON JavaScript from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON JavaScript with scope from the reader (call ReadStartDocument next to read the scope).
A string.
Reads a BSON MaxKey from the reader.
Reads a BSON MinKey from the reader.
Reads the name of an element from the reader.
The name of the element.
Reads the name of an element from the reader (using the provided name decoder).
The name decoder.
The name of the element.
Reads a BSON null from the reader.
Reads a BSON ObjectId from the reader.
An ObjectId.
Reads a raw BSON array.
The raw BSON array.
Reads a raw BSON document.
The raw BSON document.
Reads a BSON regular expression from the reader.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Reads the start of a BSON array.
Reads the start of a BSON document.
Reads a BSON string from the reader.
A String.
Reads a BSON symbol from the reader.
A string.
Reads a BSON timestamp from the reader.
The combined timestamp/increment.
Reads a BSON undefined from the reader.
Returns the reader to previously bookmarked position and state.
The bookmark.
Skips the name (reader must be positioned on a name).
Skips the value (reader must be positioned on a value).
Disposes of any resources used by the reader.
True if called from Dispose.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current ContextType.
The name of the method.
The actual ContextType.
The valid ContextTypes.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current state.
The name of the method.
The valid states.
Throws an ObjectDisposedException.
Verifies the current state and BsonType of the reader.
The name of the method calling this one.
The required BSON type.
Represents the state of a reader.
The initial state.
The reader is positioned at the type of an element or value.
The reader is positioned at the name of an element.
The reader is positioned at a value.
The reader is positioned at a scope document.
The reader is positioned at the end of a document.
The reader is positioned at the end of an array.
The reader has finished reading a document.
The reader is closed.
Represents a BSON writer for some external format (see subclasses).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.
The writer settings.
Gets the current serialization depth.
Gets the settings of the writer.
Gets the current state of the writer.
Gets whether the BsonWriter has been disposed.
Gets the name of the element being written.
Closes the writer.
Disposes of any resources used by the writer.
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
Pops the element name validator.
The popped element validator.
Pushes the element name validator.
The validator.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
The Boolean value.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
The Double value.
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
Writes the name of an element to the writer.
The name of the element.
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
The ObjectId.
Writes a raw BSON array.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON array.
Writes a raw BSON document.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON document.
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp to the writer.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
Disposes of any resources used by the writer.
True if called from Dispose.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current ContextType.
The name of the method.
The actual ContextType.
The valid ContextTypes.
Throws an InvalidOperationException when the method called is not valid for the current state.
The name of the method.
The valid states.
Represents settings for a BsonBinaryWriter.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryWriterSettings class.
Gets or sets the default BsonBinaryWriter settings.
Gets or sets the Encoding.
Gets or sets whether to fix the old binary data subtype on output.
Gets or sets the max document size.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Creates a clone of the settings.
A clone of the settings.
Represents the state of a BsonWriter.
The initial state.
The writer is positioned to write a name.
The writer is positioned to write a value.
The writer is positioned to write a scope document (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope document).
The writer is done.
The writer is closed.
Represents a BSON writer to a BSON Stream.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryWriter class.
A stream. The BsonBinaryWriter does not own the stream and will not Dispose it.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryWriter class.
A stream. The BsonBinaryWriter does not own the stream and will not Dispose it.
The BsonBinaryWriter settings.
Gets the base stream.
The base stream.
Gets the BSON stream.
The BSON stream.
Gets the settings of the writer.
Closes the writer. Also closes the base stream.
Flushes any pending data to the output destination.
Pops the max document size stack, restoring the previous max document size.
Pushes a new max document size onto the max document size stack.
The maximum size of the document.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The binary data.
Writes a BSON Boolean to the writer.
The Boolean value.
Writes BSON binary data to the writer.
The bytes.
Writes a BSON DateTime to the writer.
The number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Writes a BSON Double to the writer.
The Double value.
Writes the end of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the end of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON Int32 to the writer.
The Int32 value.
Writes a BSON Int64 to the writer.
The Int64 value.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer.
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON JavaScript to the writer (call WriteStartDocument to start writing the scope).
The JavaScript code.
Writes a BSON MaxKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON MinKey to the writer.
Writes a BSON null to the writer.
Writes a BSON ObjectId to the writer.
The ObjectId.
Writes a raw BSON array.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON array.
Writes a raw BSON document.
The byte buffer containing the raw BSON document.
Writes a BSON regular expression to the writer.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Writes the start of a BSON array to the writer.
Writes the start of a BSON document to the writer.
Writes a BSON String to the writer.
The String value.
Writes a BSON Symbol to the writer.
The symbol.
Writes a BSON timestamp to the writer.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Writes a BSON undefined to the writer.
Disposes of any resources used by the writer.
True if called from Dispose.
Creates a clone of the context.
A clone of the context.
Represents a BSON Decimal128 value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The value.
Gets the value.
Converts a Decimal128 to a BsonDecimal128.
A Decimal128.
A BsonDecimal128.
Compares two BsonDecimal128 values.
The first BsonDecimal128.
The other BsonDecimal128.
True if the two BsonDecimal128 values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonDecimal128 values.
The first BsonDecimal128.
The other BsonDecimal128.
True if the two BsonDecimal128 values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new instance of the BsonDecimal128 class.
An object to be mapped to a BsonDecimal128.
A BsonDecimal128.
Compares this BsonDecimal128 to another BsonDecimal128.
The other BsonDecimal128.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDecimal128 is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares this BsonDecimal128 to another BsonDecimal128.
The other BsonDecimal128.
True if the two BsonDecimal128 values are equal.
Represents a Decimal128 value.
Gets the maximum value.
Gets the minimum value.
Represents negative infinity.
Represents one.
Represents positive infinity.
Represents a value that is not a number.
Represents a value that is not a number and raises errors when used in calculations.
Represents zero.
Implements the operator ==.
The LHS.
The RHS.
The result of the operator.
Implements the operator !=.
The LHS.
The RHS.
The result of the operator.
Returns a value indicating whether a specified Decimal128 is greater than another specified Decimal128.
The first value.
The second value.
true if x > y; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether a specified Decimal128 is greater than or equal to another another specified Decimal128.
The first value.
The second value.
true if x >= y; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether a specified Decimal128 is less than another specified Decimal128.
The first value.
The second value.
true if x < y; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether a specified Decimal128 is less than or equal to another another specified Decimal128.
The first value.
The second value.
true if x <= y; otherwise, false.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an implicit conversion from to .
The value.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Performs an explicit conversion from to .
The value to convert.
The result of the conversion.
Compares two specified Decimal128 values and returns an integer that indicates whether the first value
is greater than, less than, or equal to the second value.
The first value.
The second value.
Less than zero if x < y, zero if x == y, and greater than zero if x > y.
Determines whether the specified Decimal128 instances are considered equal.
The first Decimal128 object to compare.
The second Decimal128 object to compare.
True if the objects are considered equal; otherwise false. If both x and y are null, the method returns true.
Creates a new Decimal128 value from its components.
if set to true [is negative].
The exponent.
The signficand high bits.
The significand low bits.
A Decimal128 value.
Creates a new Decimal128 value from the IEEE encoding bits.
The high bits.
The low bits.
A Decimal128 value.
Gets the exponent of a Decimal128 value.
The Decimal128 value.
The exponent.
Gets the high bits of the significand of a Decimal128 value.
The Decimal128 value.
The high bits of the significand.
Gets the high bits of the significand of a Decimal128 value.
The Decimal128 value.
The high bits of the significand.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative or positive infinity.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if evaluates to negative or positive infinity; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number is not a number.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if is not a number; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number is negative.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if is negative; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to negative infinity.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if evaluates to negative infinity; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number evaluates to positive infinity.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if evaluates to positive infinity; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number is a quiet not a number.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if is a quiet not a number; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number is a signaled not a number.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if is a signaled not a number; otherwise, false.
Returns a value indicating whether the specified number is zero.
A 128-bit decimal.
true if the specified number is zero; otherwise, false.
Negates the specified x.
The x.
The result of multiplying the value by negative one.
Converts the string representation of a number to its equivalent.
The string representation of the number to convert.
The equivalent to the number contained in .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer.
The number to convert.
A 8-bit unsigned integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent .
The number to convert.
A equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent .
The number to convert.
A equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 16-bit signed integer.
The number to convert.
A 16-bit signed integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 32-bit signed integer.
The number to convert.
A 32-bit signed integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 64-bit signed integer.
The number to convert.
A 64-bit signed integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 8-bit signed integer.
The number to convert.
A 8-bit signed integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent .
The number to convert.
A equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer.
The number to convert.
A 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer.
The number to convert.
A 32-bit unsigned integer equivalent to .
Converts the value of the specified to the equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer.
The number to convert.
A 64-bit unsigned integer equivalent to .
Converts the string representation of a number to its equivalent. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
The string representation of the number to convert.
When this method returns, contains the number that is equivalent to the numeric value contained in , if the conversion succeeded, or is zero if the conversion failed. The conversion fails if the parameter is null, is not a number in a valid format, or represents a number less than the min value or greater than the max value. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
true if was converted successfully; otherwise, false.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The value.
Gets the high order 64 bits of the binary representation of this instance.
The high order 64 bits of the binary representation of this instance.
Gets the low order 64 bits of the binary representation of this instance.
The low order 64 bits of the binary representation of this instance.
Represents the representation to use when converting a Guid to a BSON binary value.
The representation for Guids is unspecified, so conversion between Guids and Bson binary data is not possible.
Use the new standard representation for Guids (binary subtype 4 with bytes in network byte order).
Use the representation used by older versions of the C# driver (including most community provided C# drivers).
Use the representation used by older versions of the Java driver.
Use the representation used by older versions of the Python driver.
A static class containing methods to convert to and from Guids and byte arrays in various byte orders.
Converts a byte array to a Guid.
The byte array.
The representation of the Guid in the byte array.
A Guid.
Converts a Guid to a byte array.
The Guid.
The representation of the Guid in the byte array.
A byte array.
An interface for custom mappers that map an object to a BsonValue.
Tries to map an object to a BsonValue.
An object.
The BsonValue.
True if the mapping was successfull.
Represents how duplicate names should be handled.
Overwrite original value with new value.
Ignore duplicate name and keep original value.
Throw an exception.
Represents options used by the BsonTypeMapper.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTypeMapperOptions class.
Gets or sets the default BsonTypeMapperOptions.
Gets or sets how duplicate names should be handled.
Gets whether the BsonTypeMapperOptions is frozen.
Gets or sets the type that a BsonArray should be mapped to.
Gets or sets the type that a BsonDocument should be mapped to.
Gets or sets whether binary sub type OldBinary should be mapped to byte[] the way sub type Binary is.
Clones the BsonTypeMapperOptions.
The cloned BsonTypeMapperOptions.
Freezes the BsonTypeMapperOptions.
The frozen BsonTypeMapperOptions.
Represents a BSON array that is deserialized lazily.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The slice.
LazyBsonArray cannot be used with an IByteBuffer that needs disposing.
Gets the slice.
The slice.
Creates a shallow clone of the array (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the array.
Creates a deep clone of the array (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the array.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Materializes the BsonArray.
The materialized values.
Informs subclasses that the Materialize process completed so they can free any resources related to the unmaterialized state.
Represents a BSON document that is deserialized lazily.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The slice.
LazyBsonDocument cannot be used with an IByteBuffer that needs disposing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bytes.
Gets the slice.
The slice.
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the document.
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the document.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Materializes the BsonDocument.
The materialized elements.
Informs subclasses that the Materialize process completed so they can free any resources related to the unmaterialized state.
Represents a BSON array that is not materialized until you start using it.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
Gets the count of array elements.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
true if this instance is disposed; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is materialized.
true if this instance is materialized; otherwise, false.
Gets the array elements as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the array elements.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Adds an element to the array.
The value to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Clears the array.
Creates a shallow clone of the array (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the array.
Compares the array to another array.
The other array.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this array is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the array to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this array is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Tests whether the array contains a value.
The value to test for.
True if the array contains the value.
Copies elements from this array to another array.
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Copies elements from this array to another array as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Creates a deep clone of the array (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the array.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Determines whether the specified , is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Gets an enumerator that can enumerate the elements of the array.
An enumerator.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The number of elements to search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Inserts a new value into the array.
The zero based index at which to insert the new value.
The new value.
Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array.
The value to remove.
True if the value was removed.
Removes an element from the array.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Converts the BsonArray to an array of BsonValues.
An array of BsonValues.
Converts the BsonArray to a list of BsonValues.
A list of BsonValues.
Returns a string representation of the array.
A string representation of the array.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Materializes the BsonArray.
The materialized elements.
Informs subclasses that the Materialize process completed so they can free any resources related to the unmaterialized state.
Throws if disposed.
Represents a BSON document that is not materialized until you start using it.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the number of elements.
Gets the elements.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
true if this instance is disposed; otherwise, false.
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is materialized.
true if this instance is materialized; otherwise, false.
Gets the element names.
Gets the raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the values.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value to return if the element is not found.
Teh value of the element or a default value if the element is not found.
Gets or sets a value by name.
The name.
The value.
Adds an element to the document.
The element to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Whether to add the element to the document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
If the condition is false the value factory is not called at all.
The name of the element.
A delegate called to compute the value of the element if condition is true.
Whether to add the element to the document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Clears the document (removes all elements).
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the document.
Compares this document to another document.
The other document.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this document is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonDocument to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDocument is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified name.
The name of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified name.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified value.
The value of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified value.
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the document.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Determines whether the specified , is equal to this instance.
The to compare with this instance.
true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false.
Gets an element of this document.
The zero based index of the element.
The element.
Gets an element of this document.
The name of the element.
A BsonElement.
Gets an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the elements of this document.
An enumerator.
Returns a hash code for this instance.
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Gets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value returned if the element is not found.
The value of the element or the default value if the element is not found.
Inserts a new element at a specified position.
The position of the new element.
The element.
Merges another document into this one. Existing elements are not overwritten.
The other document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Merges another document into this one, specifying whether existing elements are overwritten.
The other document.
Whether to overwrite existing elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Removes an element from this document (if duplicate element names are allowed
then all elements with this name will be removed).
The name of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The element to remove.
Sets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets the value of an element (an element will be added if no element with this name is found).
The name of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets an element of the document (replaces any existing element with the same name or adds a new element if an element with the same name is not found).
The new element.
The document.
Sets an element of the document (replacing the existing element at that position).
The zero based index of the element to replace.
The new element.
The document.
Tries to get an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Tries to get the value of an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Materializes the BsonDocument.
The materialized elements.
Informs subclasses that the Materialize process completed so they can free any resources related to the unmaterialized state.
Throws if disposed.
Represents an immutable BSON array that is represented using only the raw bytes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The slice.
RawBsonArray cannot be used with an IByteBuffer that needs disposing.
Gets or sets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
Gets the count of array elements.
Gets whether the array is read-only.
Gets the array elements as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the slice.
The slice.
Gets the array elements.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Adds an element to the array.
The value to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a shallow clone of the array (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the array.
Clears the array.
Tests whether the array contains a value.
The value to test for.
True if the array contains the value.
Copies elements from this array to another array.
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Copies elements from this array to another array as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Creates a deep clone of the array (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the array.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Gets an enumerator that can enumerate the elements of the array.
An enumerator.
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The number of elements to search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Inserts a new value into the array.
The zero based index at which to insert the new value.
The new value.
Materializes the RawBsonArray into a regular BsonArray.
The binary reader settings.
A BsonArray.
Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array.
The value to remove.
True if the value was removed.
Removes an element from the array.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Converts the BsonArray to an array of BsonValues.
An array of BsonValues.
Converts the BsonArray to a list of BsonValues.
A list of BsonValues.
Returns a string representation of the array.
A string representation of the array.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Throws if disposed.
Represents an immutable BSON document that is represented using only the raw bytes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The slice.
RawBsonDocument cannot be used with an IByteBuffer that needs disposing.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The bytes.
Gets the number of elements.
Gets the elements.
Gets the element names.
Gets the raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the slice.
The slice.
Gets the values.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value to return if the element is not found.
Teh value of the element or a default value if the element is not found.
Gets or sets a value by name.
The name.
The value.
Adds an element to the document.
The element to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Whether to add the element to the document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Clears the document (removes all elements).
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the document.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified name.
The name of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified name.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified value.
The value of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified value.
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the document.
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Gets an element of this document.
The zero based index of the element.
The element.
Gets an element of this document.
The name of the element.
A BsonElement.
Gets an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the elements of this document.
An enumerator.
Gets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value returned if the element is not found.
The value of the element or the default value if the element is not found.
Inserts a new element at a specified position.
The position of the new element.
The element.
Materializes the RawBsonDocument into a regular BsonDocument.
The binary reader settings.
A BsonDocument.
Merges another document into this one. Existing elements are not overwritten.
The other document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Merges another document into this one, specifying whether existing elements are overwritten.
The other document.
Whether to overwrite existing elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Removes an element from this document (if duplicate element names are allowed
then all elements with this name will be removed).
The name of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The element to remove.
Sets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets the value of an element (an element will be added if no element with this name is found).
The name of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets an element of the document (replaces any existing element with the same name or adds a new element if an element with the same name is not found).
The new element.
The document.
Sets an element of the document (replacing the existing element at that position).
The zero based index of the element to replace.
The new element.
The document.
Tries to get an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Tries to get the value of an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources.
Throws if disposed.
Provides serializers based on an attribute.
Specifies that this constructor should be used for creator-based deserialization.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonConstructorAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonConstructorAttribute class.
The names of the members that the creator argument values come from.
Gets the names of the members that the creator arguments values come from.
Applies a modification to the creator map.
The creator map.
Specifies serialization options for a DateTime field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDateTimeOptionsAttribute class.
Gets or sets whether the DateTime consists of a Date only.
Gets or sets the DateTimeKind (Local, Unspecified or Utc).
Gets or sets the external representation.
Reconfigures the specified serializer by applying this attribute to it.
The serializer.
A reconfigured serializer.
Specifies serialization options for a Dictionary field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDictionaryOptionsAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDictionaryOptionsAttribute class.
The representation to use for the Dictionary.
Gets or sets the external representation.
Reconfigures the specified serializer by applying this attribute to it.
The serializer.
A reconfigured serializer.
Indicates that this property or field will be used to hold any extra elements found during deserialization.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Specifies that this factory method should be used for creator-based deserialization.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonFactoryMethodAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonFactoryMethodAttribute class.
The names of the members that the creator argument values come from.
Gets the names of the members that the creator arguments values come from.
Applies a modification to the creator map.
The creator map.
Indicates whether a field or property equal to the default value should be ignored when serializing this class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreIfDefaultAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreIfDefaultAttribute class.
Whether a field or property equal to the default value should be ignored when serializing this class.
Gets whether a field or property equal to the default value should be ignored when serializing this class.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Specifies that the class's IdMember should be null.
Applies the post processing attribute to the class map.
The class map.
Specifies the external representation and related options for this field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonRepresentationAttribute class.
The external representation.
Gets the external representation.
Gets or sets whether to allow overflow.
Gets or sets whether to allow truncation.
Reconfigures the specified serializer by applying this attribute to it.
The serializer.
A reconfigured serializer.
Abstract base class for serialization options attributes.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationOptionsAttribute class.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Reconfigures the specified serializer by applying this attribute to it.
The serializer.
A reconfigured serializer.
Specifies the type of the serializer to use for a class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializerAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializerAttribute class.
The type of the serializer to use for a class.
Gets or sets the type of the serializer to use for a class.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Creates a serializer for a type based on the serializer type specified by the attribute.
The type that a serializer should be created for.
A serializer for the type.
Specifies the external representation and related options for this field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTimeSpanOptionsAttribute class.
The external representation.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTimeSpanOptionsAttribute class.
The external representation.
The TimeSpanUnits.
Gets the external representation.
Gets or sets the TimeSpanUnits.
Reconfigures the specified serializer by applying this attribute to it.
The serializer.
A reconfigured serializer.
Specifies the default value for a field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDefaultValueAttribute class.
The default value.
Gets the default value.
Gets or sets whether to serialize the default value.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Specifies the discriminator and related options for a class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDiscriminatorAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDiscriminatorAttribute class.
The discriminator.
Gets the discriminator.
Gets or sets whether the discriminator is required.
Gets or sets whether this is a root class.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Specifies the element name and related options for a field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonElementAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonElementAttribute class.
The name of the element.
Gets the element name.
Gets the element serialization order.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Specifies that this is the Id field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIdAttribute class.
Gets or sets the Id generator for the Id.
Gets or sets the Id element serialization order.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Indicates that this field or property should be ignored when this class is serialized.
Specifies whether extra elements should be ignored when this class is deserialized.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreExtraElementsAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreExtraElementsAttribute class.
Whether extra elements should be ignored when this class is deserialized.
Gets whether extra elements should be ignored when this class is deserialized.
Gets whether extra elements should also be ignored when any class derived from this one is deserialized.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Indicates whether a field or property equal to null should be ignored when serializing this class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreIfNullAttribute class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonIgnoreIfNullAttribute class.
Whether a field or property equal to null should be ignored when serializing this class.
Gets whether a field or property equal to null should be ignored when serializing this class.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Specifies the known types for this class (the derived classes).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonKnownTypesAttribute class.
One or more known types.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonKnownTypesAttribute class.
A known types.
Gets a list of the known types.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Indicates that a field or property is required.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Indicates the usage restrictions for the attribute.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the attribute this attribute applies to is allowed to be applied
to more than one member.
Represents an attribute used to modify a member map.
Applies the attribute to the member map.
The member map.
Represents an attribute used to modify a class map.
Applies the attribute to the class map.
The class map.
Represents an attribute used to post process a class map.
Applies the post processing attribute to the class map.
The class map.
Represents an attribute used to modify a creator map.
Applies the attribute to the creator map.
The creator map.
Represents the class map serialization provider.
Represents a mapping to a delegate and its arguments.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonCreatorMap class.
The class map.
The member info (null if none).
The delegate.
Gets the arguments.
Gets the class map that this creator map belongs to.
Gets the delegeate
Gets the element names.
Gets the member info (null if none).
Freezes the creator map.
Gets whether there is a default value for a missing element.
The element name.
True if there is a default value for element name; otherwise, false.
Sets the arguments for the creator map.
The arguments.
The creator map.
Sets the arguments for the creator map.
The argument names.
The creator map.
Represents args common to all serializers.
Gets or sets the nominal type.
The nominal type.
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to deserialize a value.
Gets a value indicating whether to allow duplicate element names.
true if duplicate element names shoud be allowed; otherwise, false.
Gets the dynamic array serializer.
The dynamic array serializer.
Gets the dynamic document serializer.
The dynamic document serializer.
Gets the reader.
The reader.
Creates a root context.
The reader.
The configurator.
A root context.
Creates a new context with some values changed.
The configurator.
A new context.
Represents a builder for a BsonDeserializationContext.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow duplicate element names.
true if duplicate element names should be allowed; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets the dynamic array serializer.
The dynamic array serializer.
Gets or sets the dynamic document serializer.
The dynamic document serializer.
Gets the reader.
The reader.
Builds the BsonDeserializationContext instance.
A BsonDeserializationContext.
A class backed by a BsonDocument.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The backing document.
The serializer.
Gets the backing document.
Gets the value from the backing document.
The type of the value.
The member name.
The value.
Gets the value from the backing document.
The type of the value.
The member name.
The default value.
The value.
Sets the value in the backing document.
The member name.
The value.
Provides serializers for BsonValue and its derivations.
Represents args common to all serializers.
Initializes a new instance of the struct.
The nominal type.
Whether to serialize as the nominal type.
Whether to serialize the id first.
Gets or sets the nominal type.
The nominal type.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to serialize the value as if it were an instance of the nominal type.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to serialize the id first.
Represents all the contextual information needed by a serializer to serialize a value.
Gets a function that, when executed, will indicate whether the type
is a dynamic type.
Gets the writer.
The writer.
Creates a root context.
The writer.
The serialization context configurator.
A root context.
Creates a new context with some values changed.
The serialization context configurator.
A new context.
Represents a builder for a BsonSerializationContext.
Gets or sets the function used to determine if a type is a dynamic type.
Gets the writer.
The writer.
Builds the BsonSerializationContext instance.
A BsonSerializationContext.
Provides serializers for collections.
Convention pack for applying attributes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the instance.
Gets the conventions.
A convention that sets the element name the same as the member name with the first character lower cased.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
A convention that uses the names of the creator parameters to find the matching members.
Applies a modification to the creator map.
The creator map.
Base class for a convention.
Initializes a new instance of the ConventionBase class.
Initializes a new instance of the ConventionBase class.
The name of the convention.
Gets the name of the convention.
A mutable pack of conventions.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the conventions.
Adds the specified convention.
The convention.
Adds a class map convention created using the specified action upon a class map.
The name of the convention.
The action the convention should take upon the class map.
Adds a member map convention created using the specified action upon a member map.
The name of the convention.
The action the convention should take upon the member map.
Adds a post processing convention created using the specified action upon a class map.
The name of the convention.
The action the convention should take upon the class map.
Adds a range of conventions.
The conventions.
Appends the conventions in another pack to the end of this pack.
The other pack.
Gets an enumerator for the conventions.
An enumerator.
Inserts the convention after another convention specified by the name.
The name.
The convention.
Inserts the convention before another convention specified by the name.
The name.
The convention.
Removes the named convention.
The name of the convention.
Represents a registry of conventions.
Looks up the effective set of conventions that apply to a type.
The type.
The conventions for that type.
Registers the conventions.
The name.
The conventions.
The filter.
Removes the conventions specified by the given name.
The name.
Removing a convention allows the removal of the special __defaults__ conventions
and the __attributes__ conventions for those who want to completely customize the
Runs the conventions against a BsonClassMap and its BsonMemberMaps.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The conventions.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Convention pack of defaults.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the instance.
Gets the conventions.
A class map convention that wraps a delegate.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The delegate.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
A member map convention that wraps a delegate.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The delegate.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
A post processing convention that wraps a delegate.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The delegate.
Applies a post processing modification to the class map.
The class map.
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator is an array of all the discriminators provided by the class maps of the root class down to the actual type.
Initializes a new instance of the HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention class.
The element name.
Gets the discriminator value for an actual type.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
The discriminator value.
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonClassMap.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonCreatorMap.
Applies a modification to the creator map.
The creator map.
Represents a convention.
Gets the name of the convention.
Represents a grouping of conventions.
Gets the conventions.
A convention that sets whether to ignore extra elements encountered during deserialization.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Whether to ignore extra elements encountered during deserialization.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that sets whether to ignore default values during serialization.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Whether to ignore default values during serialization.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
A convention that sets whether to ignore nulls during serialization.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Whether to ignore nulls during serialization.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Represents a convention that applies to a BsonMemberMap.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Represents a post processing convention that applies to a BsonClassMap.
Applies a post processing modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that looks up an id generator for the id member.
Applies a post processing modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that sets the default value for members of a given type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The type of the member.
The default value for members of this type.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
A convention that sets the element name the same as the member name.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
A convention that finds the extra elements member by name (and that is also of type or ).
Initializes a new instance of the NamedExtraElementsMemberConvention class.
The name of the extra elements member.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The member types.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The binding flags.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The member types.
The binding flags.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that finds the id member by name.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The member types.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The binding flags.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The names.
The member types.
The binding flags.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
Maps a fully immutable type. This will include anonymous types.
A convention that sets a class's IdMember to null.
Applies a post processing modification to the class map.
The class map.
Represents the object discriminator convention.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectDiscriminatorConvention class.
The element name.
Gets an instance of the ObjectDiscriminatorConvention.
Gets the discriminator element name.
Gets the actual type of an object by reading the discriminator from a BsonReader.
The reader.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
Gets the discriminator value for an actual type.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
The discriminator value.
A convention that finds readable and writeable members and adds them to the class map.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The member types.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The binding flags.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The member types.
The binding flags.
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that resets a class map (resetting any changes that earlier conventions may have applied).
Applies a modification to the class map.
The class map.
A convention that resets class members (resetting any changes that earlier conventions may have applied).
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Represents a discriminator convention where the discriminator is provided by the class map of the actual type.
Initializes a new instance of the ScalarDiscriminatorConvention class.
The element name.
Gets the discriminator value for an actual type.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
The discriminator value.
A convention that allows you to set the Enum serialization representation
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serialization representation. 0 is used to detect representation
from the enum itself.
Gets the representation.
Applies a modification to the member map.
The member map.
Represents the standard discriminator conventions (see ScalarDiscriminatorConvention and HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention).
Initializes a new instance of the StandardDiscriminatorConvention class.
The element name.
Gets an instance of the ScalarDiscriminatorConvention.
Gets an instance of the HierarchicalDiscriminatorConvention.
Gets the discriminator element name.
Gets the actual type of an object by reading the discriminator from a BsonReader.
The reader.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
Gets the discriminator value for an actual type.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
The discriminator value.
A convention that sets the id generator for a string member with a BSON representation of ObjectId.
Applies a post processing modification to the class map.
The class map.
Represents a discriminator convention.
Gets the discriminator element name.
Gets the actual type of an object by reading the discriminator from a BsonReader.
The reader.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
Gets the discriminator value for an actual type.
The nominal type.
The actual type.
The discriminator value.
A helper class used to create and compile delegates for creator maps.
Creates and compiles a delegate that calls a constructor.
The constructor.
A delegate that calls the constructor.
Creates and compiles a delegate from a lambda expression.
The type of the class.
The lambda expression.
The arguments for the delegate's parameters.
A delegate.
Creates and compiles a delegate that calls a factory method.
the method.
A delegate that calls the factory method.
Visits a MemberExpression.
The MemberExpression.
The MemberExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a ParameterExpression.
The ParameterExpression.
The ParameterExpression (possibly modified).
An abstract base class for an Expression visitor.
Initializes a new instance of the ExpressionVisitor class.
Visits an Expression.
The Expression.
The Expression (posibly modified).
Visits an Expression list.
The Expression list.
The Expression list (possibly modified).
Visits a BinaryExpression.
The BinaryExpression.
The BinaryExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a ConditionalExpression.
The ConditionalExpression.
The ConditionalExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a ConstantExpression.
The ConstantExpression.
The ConstantExpression (possibly modified).
Visits an ElementInit.
The ElementInit.
The ElementInit (possibly modified).
Visits an ElementInit list.
The ElementInit list.
The ElementInit list (possibly modified).
Visits an InvocationExpression.
The InvocationExpression.
The InvocationExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a LambdaExpression.
The LambdaExpression.
The LambdaExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a ListInitExpression.
The ListInitExpression.
The ListInitExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberExpression.
The MemberExpression.
The MemberExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberAssignment.
The MemberAssignment.
The MemberAssignment (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberBinding.
The MemberBinding.
The MemberBinding (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberBinding list.
The MemberBinding list.
The MemberBinding list (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberInitExpression.
The MemberInitExpression.
The MemberInitExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberListBinding.
The MemberListBinding.
The MemberListBinding (possibly modified).
Visits a MemberMemberBinding.
The MemberMemberBinding.
The MemberMemberBinding (possibly modified).
Visits a MethodCallExpression.
The MethodCallExpression.
The MethodCallExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a NewExpression.
The NewExpression.
The NewExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a NewArrayExpression.
The NewArrayExpression.
The NewArrayExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a ParameterExpression.
The ParameterExpression.
The ParameterExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a TypeBinaryExpression.
The TypeBinaryExpression.
The TypeBinaryExpression (possibly modified).
Visits a UnaryExpression.
The UnaryExpression.
The UnaryExpression (possibly modified).
Default, global implementation of an .
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the serializer for the specified .
The type.
The serializer.
Gets the serializer for the specified .
The serializer.
Registers the serializer.
The type.
The serializer.
Registers the serialization provider. This behaves like a stack, so the
last provider registered is the first provider consulted.
The serialization provider.
Represents a dictionary serializer that can be used in LINQ queries.
Gets the dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
Gets the key serializer.
The key serializer.
Gets the value serializer.
The value serializer.
An interface implemented by a polymorphic serializer.
Gets a value indicating whether this serializer's discriminator is compatible with the object serializer.
true if this serializer's discriminator is compatible with the object serializer; otherwise, false.
A serializer registry.
Gets the serializer for the specified .
The type.
The serializer.
Gets the serializer for the specified .
The serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a child serializer that configuration attributes can be forwarded to.
Gets the child serializer.
The child serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified child serializer.
The child serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
A GUID generator that generates GUIDs in ascending order. To enable
an index to make use of the ascending nature make sure to use
as the storage representation.
Internally the GUID is of the form
8 bytes: Ticks from DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks
3 bytes: hash of machine name
2 bytes: low order bytes of process Id
3 bytes: increment
Gets an instance of AscendingGuidGenerator.
Generates an ascending Guid for a document. Consecutive invocations
should generate Guids that are ascending from a MongoDB perspective
The container of the document (will be a
MongoCollection when called from the driver).
The document it was generated for.
A Guid.
Generates a Guid for a document. Note - this is purely used for
unit testing
The time portion of the Guid
A 5 byte array with the first 3 bytes
representing a machine id and the next 2 representing a process
The increment portion of the Guid. Used
to distinguish between 2 Guids that have the timestamp. Note
only the least significant 3 bytes are used.
A Guid.
Tests whether an id is empty.
The id to test.
True if the Id is empty. False otherwise
Gets the current process id. This method exists because of how
CAS operates on the call stack, checking for permissions before
executing the method. Hence, if we inlined this call, the calling
method would not execute before throwing an exception requiring the
try/catch at an even higher level that we don't necessarily control.
Represents an Id generator for Guids stored in BsonBinaryData values.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator class.
The GuidRepresentation to use when generating new Id values.
Gets an instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for CSharpLegacy GuidRepresentation.
Gets an instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for JavaLegacy GuidRepresentation.
Gets an instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for PythonLegacy GuidRepresentation.
Gets an instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for Standard GuidRepresentation.
Gets an instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for Unspecifed GuidRepresentation.
Gets the instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for a GuidRepresentation.
The GuidRepresentation.
The instance of BsonBinaryDataGuidGenerator for a GuidRepresentation.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator for BsonObjectIds.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectIdGenerator class.
Gets an instance of ObjectIdGenerator.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator for Guids using the COMB algorithm.
Initializes a new instance of the CombGuidGenerator class.
Gets an instance of CombGuidGenerator.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Create a new CombGuid from a given Guid and timestamp.
The base Guid.
The timestamp.
A new CombGuid created by combining the base Guid with the timestamp.
Represents an Id generator for Guids.
Initializes a new instance of the GuidGenerator class.
Gets an instance of GuidGenerator.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator that only checks that the Id is not null.
Initializes a new instance of the NullIdChecker class.
Gets an instance of NullIdChecker.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator for ObjectIds.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectIdGenerator class.
Gets an instance of ObjectIdGenerator.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator for ObjectIds represented internally as strings.
Initializes a new instance of the StringObjectIdGenerator class.
Gets an instance of StringObjectIdGenerator.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents an Id generator that only checks that the Id is not all zeros.
The type of the Id.
Initializes a new instance of the ZeroIdChecker class.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
Gets the dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a DictionaryRepresentation property.
The type of the serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a Representation property.
The type of the serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer that has a representation converter.
The type of the serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents the representation to use for dictionaries.
Represent the dictionary as a Document.
Represent the dictionary as an array of arrays.
Represent the dictionary as an array of documents.
Represents the external representation of a field or property.
Initializes a new instance of the RepresentationConverter class.
Whether to allow overflow.
Whether to allow truncation.
Gets whether to allow overflow.
Gets whether to allow truncation.
Converts a Decimal128 to a Decimal.
A Decimal128.
A Decimal.
Converts a Double to a Decimal.
A Double.
A Decimal.
Converts an Int32 to a Decimal.
An Int32.
A Decimal.
Converts an Int64 to a Decimal.
An Int64.
A Decimal.
Converts a decimal to a Decimal128.
A decimal.
A Decimal128.
Converts a Double to a Decimal128.
A Double.
A Decimal128.
Converts an Int32 to a Decimal128.
An Int32.
A Decimal128.
Converts an Int64 to a Decimal128.
An Int64.
A Decimal128.
Converts a UInt64 to a Decimal128.
A UInt64.
A Decimal128.
Converts a Decimal to a Double.
A Decimal.
A Double.
Converts a Decimal128 to a Double.
A Decimal.
A Double.
Converts a Double to a Double.
A Double.
A Double.
Converts a Single to a Double.
A Single.
A Double.
Converts an Int32 to a Double.
An Int32.
A Double.
Converts an Int64 to a Double.
An Int64.
A Double.
Converts an Int16 to a Double.
An Int16.
A Double.
Converts a UInt32 to a Double.
A UInt32.
A Double.
Converts a UInt64 to a Double.
A UInt64.
A Double.
Converts a UInt16 to a Double.
A UInt16.
A Double.
Converts a Decimal128 to an Int16.
A Decimal128.
An Int16.
Converts a Double to an Int16.
A Double.
An Int16.
Converts an Int32 to an Int16.
An Int32.
An Int16.
Converts an Int64 to an Int16.
An Int64.
An Int16.
Converts a Decimal to an Int32.
A Decimal.
An Int32.
Converts a Decimal128 to an Int32.
A Decimal128.
An Int32.
Converts a Double to an Int32.
A Double.
An Int32.
Converts a Single to an Int32.
A Single.
An Int32.
Converts an Int32 to an Int32.
An Int32.
An Int32.
Converts an Int64 to an Int32.
An Int64.
An Int32.
Converts an Int16 to an Int32.
An Int16.
An Int32.
Converts a UInt32 to an Int32.
A UInt32.
An Int32.
Converts a UInt64 to an Int32.
A UInt64.
An Int32.
Converts a UInt16 to an Int32.
A UInt16.
An Int32.
Converts a Decimal to an Int64.
A Decimal.
An Int64.
Converts a Decimal128 to an Int64.
A Decimal128.
An Int64.
Converts a Double to an Int64.
A Double.
An Int64.
Converts a Single to an Int64.
A Single.
An Int64.
Converts an Int32 to an Int64.
An Int32.
An Int64.
Converts an Int64 to an Int64.
An Int64.
An Int64.
Converts an Int16 to an Int64.
An Int16.
An Int64.
Converts a UInt32 to an Int64.
A UInt32.
An Int64.
Converts a UInt64 to an Int64.
A UInt64.
An Int64.
Converts a UInt16 to an Int64.
A UInt16.
An Int64.
Converts a Decimal128 to a Single.
A Decimal128.
A Single.
Converts a Double to a Single.
A Double.
A Single.
Converts an Int32 to a Single.
An Int32.
A Single.
Converts an Int64 to a Single.
An Int64.
A Single.
Converts a Decimal128 to a UInt16.
A Decimal128.
A UInt16.
Converts a Double to a UInt16.
A Double.
A UInt16.
Converts an Int32 to a UInt16.
An Int32.
A UInt16.
Converts an Int64 to a UInt16.
An Int64.
A UInt16.
Converts a Decimal128 to a UInt32.
A Decimal128.
A UInt32.
Converts a Double to a UInt32.
A Double.
A UInt32.
Converts an Int32 to a UInt32.
An Int32.
A UInt32.
Converts an Int64 to a UInt32.
An Int64.
A UInt32.
Converts a Decimal128 to a UInt64.
A Decimal128.
A UInt64.
Converts a Double to a UInt64.
A Double.
A UInt64.
Converts an Int32 to a UInt64.
An Int32.
A UInt64.
Converts an Int64 to a UInt64.
An Int64.
A UInt64.
Represents the units a TimeSpan is serialized in.
Use ticks as the units.
Use days as the units.
Use hours as the units.
Use minutes as the units.
Use seconds as the units.
Use milliseconds as the units.
Use microseconds as the units.
Use nanoseconds as the units.
Provides a serializer for interfaces.
Provides serializers for primitive types.
Base class for serialization providers.
Creates the serializer from a serializer type definition and type arguments.
The serializer type definition.
The type arguments.
A serializer.
Creates the serializer from a serializer type definition and type arguments.
The serializer type definition.
The type arguments.
The serializer registry.
A serializer.
Creates the serializer.
The serializer type.
A serializer.
Creates the serializer.
The serializer type.
The serializer registry.
A serializer.
Represents a serializer for an abstract class.
The type of the class.
Represents a serializer for BitArrays.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Booleans.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for BsonArrays.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArraySerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonArraySerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonBinaryDatas.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryDataSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonBinaryDataSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonDecimal128s.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBooleanSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonBooleanSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonBooleans.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBooleanSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonBooleanSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for Decimal128s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for a class that implements .
The type of the dictionary.
The type of the key.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation and key value serializers.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified key serializer.
The key serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified value serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
A serializer that serializes a document and appends elements to the end of it.
The type of the document.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The document serializer.
The elements to append.
The writer settings configurator.
Represents a serializer for a BsonDocument with some parts raw.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name.
The raw serializer.
Wraps a serializer and projects using a function.
The type of from.
The type of to.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
From serializer.
The projector.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Represents a helper for serializers.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The members.
Deserializes the members.
The deserialization context.
The member handler.
The found member flags.
Represents information about a member.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name of the element.
The flag.
Whether the member is optional.
Gets the flag.
The flag.
Gets the name of the element.
The name of the element.
Gets a value indicating whether this member is optional.
Whether this member is optional.
Represents a serializer that serializes values as a discriminator/value pair.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The discriminator convention.
The wrapped serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Determines whether the reader is positioned at a discriminated wrapper.
The context.
True if the reader is positioned at a discriminated wrapper.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents an abstract base class for serializers.
The type of the value.
Gets the type of the values.
The type of the values.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized.
An exception.
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized.
An exception.
Creates an exception to throw when a type cannot be deserialized from a BsonType.
The BSON type.
An exception.
Ensures that the BsonType equals the expected type.
The reader.
The expected type.
Represents an abstract base class for sealed class serializers.
The type of the value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value of type {TValue}.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents an abstract base class for struct serializers.
The type of the value.
Represents a serializer for a BsonValue that can round trip C# null.
The type of the BsonValue.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for a BsonValue that can round trip C# null and implements IBsonArraySerializer and IBsonDocumentSerializer.
The type of the bson value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped serializer.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
The serialization info for the items.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Represents a serializer for a BsonValue that can round trip C# null and implements IBsonArraySerializer.
The type of the bson value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped serializer.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Represents a serializer for a BsonValue that can round trip C# null and implements IBsonDocumentSerializer.
The type of the bson value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The wrapped serializer.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Represents a serializer for BsonDateTimes.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDateTimeSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonDateTimeSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonDocuments.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonDocumentSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Gets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
The nominal type of the Id.
The IdGenerator for the Id type.
True if the document has an Id.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Sets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
Represents a serializer for BsonDocumentWrappers.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocumentWrapperSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonDocumentWrapperSerializer class.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
An object.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonDoubles.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDoubleSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonDoubleSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonInt32s.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInt32Serializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonInt32Serializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonInt64s.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInt64Serializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonInt64Serializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonJavaScripts.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonJavaScriptSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonJavaScriptSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonJavaScriptWithScopes.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonJavaScriptWithScopeSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonJavaScriptWithScopeSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonMaxKeys.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonMaxKeySerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonMaxKeySerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonMinKeys.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonMinKeySerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonMinKeySerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonNulls.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonNullSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonNullSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonObjectIds.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectIdSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonObjectIdSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonRegularExpressions.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonRegularExpressionSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonRegularExpressionSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonStrings.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonStringSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonStringSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonSymbols.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSymbolSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonSymbolSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonTimestamps.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTimestampSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonTimestampSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonUndefineds.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonUndefinedSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonUndefinedSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for BsonValues.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonValueSerializer class.
Gets an instance of the BsonValueSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a base class for BsonValue serializers.
The type of the BsonValue.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Bson type.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for ByteArrays.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Bytes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Chars.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for CultureInfos.
Initializes a new instance of the CultureInfoSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for DateTimeOffsets.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for DateTimes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [date only].
Initializes a new instance of the class.
if set to true [date only].
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The kind.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The kind.
The representation.
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with DateOnly=true.
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with Kind=Local.
Gets an instance of DateTimeSerializer with Kind=Utc.
Gets whether this DateTime consists of a Date only.
Gets the DateTimeKind (Local, Unspecified or Utc).
Gets the external representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dateOnly value.
if set to true the values will be required to be Date's only (zero time component).
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dateOnly value and representation.
if set to true the values will be required to be Date's only (zero time component).
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified DateTimeKind value.
The DateTimeKind.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified DateTimeKind value and representation.
The DateTimeKind.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Decimals.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for a class that implements IDictionary.
The type of the dictionary.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation and key value serializers.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified key serializer.
The key serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified value serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Creates the instance.
The instance.
Represents a serializer for a class that implements .
The type of the dictionary.
The type of the key.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified dictionary representation and key value serializers.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified key serializer.
The key serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified value serializer.
The value serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for dictionaries.
The type of the dictionary.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Gets the dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
Gets the key serializer.
The key serializer.
Gets the value serializer.
The value serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Creates the instance.
The instance.
Represents a serializer for dictionaries.
The type of the dictionary.
The type of the keys.
The type of the values.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The dictionary representation.
The serializer registry.
Gets the dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
Gets the key serializer.
The key serializer.
Gets the value serializer.
The value serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Creates an accumulator.
The accumulator.
Creates the instance.
The instance.
Finalizes an accumulator.
The accumulator to finalize
The instance.
Represents a serializer for Interfaces.
The type of the interface.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The discriminator convention.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The document.
Represents a serializer for Doubles.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Base serializer for dynamic types.
The dynamic type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Configures the deserialization context.
The builder.
Configures the serialization context.
The builder.
Creates the document.
Sets the value for the member.
The document.
Name of the member.
The value.
Tries to get the value for a member. Returns true if the member should be serialized.
The document.
Name of the member.
The value.
true if the member should be serialized; otherwise false.
Represents a serializer for a class that implements IEnumerable.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Represents a serializer for a class that implementes .
The type of the value.
The type of the item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The final result.
Represents a serializer for enumerable values.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a serializer for enumerable values.
The type of the value.
The type of the items.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a base serializer for enumerable values.
The type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the item serializer.
The item serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The final result.
Represents a serializer for enumerable values.
The type of the value.
The type of the items.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the item serializer.
The item serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
The serialization info for the items.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Serializer for .
The use of will serialize any without type information.
To get the best experience out of using an , any member wanting to be used
as an array should use .
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Configures the deserialization context.
The builder.
Configures the serialization context.
The builder.
Creates the document.
A .
Sets the value for the member.
The document.
Name of the member.
The value.
Tries to get the value for a member. Returns true if the member should be serialized.
The value.
Name of the member.
The member value.
true if the member should be serialized; otherwise false.
Represents a serializer for Guids.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Interfaces.
The type of the interface.
The type of the implementation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The implementation serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the dictionary representation.
The dictionary representation.
Gets the key serializer.
The key serializer.
Gets the implementation serializer.
The implementation serializer.
Gets the value serializer.
The value serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The document.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified implementation serializer.
The implementation serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Int16s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Int32.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Int64s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for IPAddresses.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for IPEndPoints.
Initializes a new instance of the IPEndPointSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for KeyValuePairs.
The type of the keys.
The type of the values.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The key serializer.
The value serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The serializer registry.
Gets the key serializer.
The key serializer.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Gets the value serializer.
The value serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for LazyBsonArrays.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for LazyBsonDocuments.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for nullable values.
The underlying type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified serializer.
The serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for ObjectIds.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for objects.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The discriminator convention.
Gets the standard instance.
The standard instance.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents an abstract base class for class serializers.
The type of the value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Deserializes a class.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Gets the actual type.
The context.
The actual type.
Serializes a value of type {TValue}.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for enums.
The type of the enum.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for one-dimensional arrays.
The type of the elements.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a serializer for Queues.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The instance.
The result.
Represents a serializer for Queues.
The type of the elements.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a serializer for RawBsonArrays.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for RawBsonDocuments.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the instance.
The instance.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for readonly collection.
The type of the item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The final result.
Represents a serializer for a subclass of ReadOnlyCollection.
The type of the value.
The type of the item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The final result.
Represents a serializer for SBytes.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for a class that will be serialized as if it were one of its base classes.
The actual type.
The nominal type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The base class serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for Singles.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Stacks.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a serializer for Stacks.
The type of the elements.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Adds the item.
The accumulator.
The item.
Creates the accumulator.
The accumulator.
Enumerates the items in serialization order.
The value.
The items.
Finalizes the result.
The accumulator.
The result.
Represents a serializer for Strings.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for three-dimensional arrays.
The type of the elements.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the item serializer.
The item serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for Timespans.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The units.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Gets the units.
The units.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation and units.
The representation.
The units.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
The type of item 4.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
The Item4 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Gets the Item4 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
The type of item 4.
The type of item 5.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
The Item4 serializer.
The Item5 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Gets the Item4 serializer.
Gets the Item5 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
The type of item 4.
The type of item 5.
The type of item 6.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
The Item4 serializer.
The Item5 serializer.
The Item6 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Gets the Item4 serializer.
Gets the Item5 serializer.
Gets the Item6 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
The type of item 4.
The type of item 5.
The type of item 6.
The type of item 7.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
The Item4 serializer.
The Item5 serializer.
The Item6 serializer.
The Item7 serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Gets the Item4 serializer.
Gets the Item5 serializer.
Gets the Item6 serializer.
Gets the Item7 serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for a .
The type of item 1.
The type of item 2.
The type of item 3.
The type of item 4.
The type of item 5.
The type of item 6.
The type of item 7.
The type of the rest item.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The Item1 serializer.
The Item2 serializer.
The Item3 serializer.
The Item4 serializer.
The Item5 serializer.
The Item6 serializer.
The Item7 serializer.
The Rest serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the Item1 serializer.
Gets the Item2 serializer.
Gets the Item3 serializer.
Gets the Item4 serializer.
Gets the Item5 serializer.
Gets the Item6 serializer.
Gets the Item7 serializer.
Gets the Rest serializer.
Deserializes the value.
The context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes the value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
Represents a serializer for two-dimensional arrays.
The type of the elements.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The item serializer.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The serializer registry.
Gets the item serializer.
The item serializer.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The item serializer.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for UInt16s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for UInt32s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for UInt64s.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
The converter.
Gets the converter.
The converter.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified item serializer.
The converter.
The reconfigured serializer.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Represents a serializer for interfaces and base classes that delegates to the actual type interface without writing a discriminator.
Type type of the value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the instance.
The instance.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The document.
Represents a serializer for Uris.
Initializes a new instance of the UriSerializer class.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Represents a serializer for Versions.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The representation.
Gets the representation.
The representation.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Returns a serializer that has been reconfigured with the specified representation.
The representation.
The reconfigured serializer.
Extensions methods for IBsonSerializer.
Deserializes a value.
The serializer.
The deserialization context.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes a value.
The type that this serializer knows how to serialize.
The serializer.
The deserialization context.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serializer.
The serialization context.
The value.
Serializes a value.
The type that this serializer knows how to serialize.
The serializer.
The serialization context.
The value.
Converts a value to a BsonValue by serializing it.
The serializer.
The value.
The serialized value.
Converts a value to a BsonValue by serializing it.
The type of the value.
The serializer.
The value.
The serialized value.
Represents a serializer for TClass (a subclass of BsonDocumentBackedClass).
The subclass of BsonDocumentBackedClass.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Registers a member.
The member name.
The element name.
The serializer.
Creates the instance.
The backing document.
An instance of TClass.
Contract for serializers to implement if they serialize an array of items.
Tries to get the serialization info for the individual items of the array.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Contract for serializers that can get and set Id values.
Gets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
The nominal type of the Id.
The IdGenerator for the Id type.
True if the document has an Id.
Sets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
Contract for composite serializers that contain a number of named serializers.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Represents the information needed to serialize a member.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationInfo class.
The element name.
The serializer.
The nominal type.
Gets or sets the dotted element name.
Gets or sets the serializer.
Gets or sets the nominal type.
Deserializes the value.
The value.
A deserialized value.
Merges the new BsonSerializationInfo by taking its properties and concatenating its ElementName.
The new info.
A new BsonSerializationInfo.
Serializes the value.
The value.
The serialized value.
Serializes the values.
The values.
The serialized values.
Creates a new BsonSerializationInfo object using the elementName provided and copying all other attributes.
Name of the element.
A new BsonSerializationInfo.
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonClassMap class.
The class type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Type of the class.
The base class map.
Gets all the member maps (including maps for inherited members).
Gets the base class map.
Gets the class type.
Gets the constructor maps.
Gets the conventions used for auto mapping.
Gets the declared member maps (only for members declared in this class).
Gets the discriminator.
Gets whether a discriminator is required when serializing this class.
Gets the member map of the member used to hold extra elements.
Gets whether this class map has any creator maps.
Gets whether this class has a root class ancestor.
Gets the Id member map (null if none).
Gets whether extra elements should be ignored when deserializing.
Gets whether the IgnoreExtraElements value should be inherited by derived classes.
Gets whether this class is anonymous.
Gets whether the class map is frozen.
Gets whether this class is a root class.
Gets the known types of this class.
Gets the element name to member index trie.
Gets the member index of the member used to hold extra elements.
Gets the type of a member.
The member info.
The type of the member.
Gets all registered class maps.
All registered class maps.
Checks whether a class map is registered for a type.
The type to check.
True if there is a class map registered for the type.
Looks up a class map (will AutoMap the class if no class map is registered).
The class type.
The class map.
Creates and registers a class map.
The class.
The class map.
Creates and registers a class map.
The class.
The class map initializer.
The class map.
Registers a class map.
The class map.
Automaps the class.
Creates an instance of the class.
An object.
Freezes the class map.
The frozen class map.
Gets a member map (only considers members declared in this class).
The member name.
The member map (or null if the member was not found).
Gets the member map for a BSON element.
The name of the element.
The member map.
Creates a creator map for a constructor and adds it to the class map.
The constructor info.
The creator map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a creator map for a constructor and adds it to the class map.
The constructor info.
The argument names.
The creator map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a creator map and adds it to the class.
The delegate.
The factory method map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a creator map and adds it to the class.
The delegate.
The argument names.
The factory method map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the extra elements field and adds it to the class map.
The name of the extra elements field.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the extra elements member and adds it to the class map.
The member info for the extra elements member.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the extra elements property and adds it to the class map.
The name of the property.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a creator map for a factory method and adds it to the class.
The method info.
The creator map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a creator map for a factory method and adds it to the class.
The method info.
The argument names.
The creator map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for a field and adds it to the class map.
The name of the field.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the Id field and adds it to the class map.
The name of the Id field.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the Id member and adds it to the class map.
The member info for the Id member.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for the Id property and adds it to the class map.
The name of the Id property.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for a member and adds it to the class map.
The member info.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a member map for a property and adds it to the class map.
The name of the property.
The member map (so method calls can be chained).
Resets the class map back to its initial state.
Sets the creator for the object.
The creator.
The class map (so method calls can be chained).
Sets the discriminator.
The discriminator.
Sets whether a discriminator is required when serializing this class.
Whether a discriminator is required.
Sets the member map of the member used to hold extra elements.
The extra elements member map.
Adds a known type to the class map.
The known type.
Sets the Id member.
The Id member (null if none).
Sets whether extra elements should be ignored when deserializing.
Whether extra elements should be ignored when deserializing.
Sets whether the IgnoreExtraElements value should be inherited by derived classes.
Whether the IgnoreExtraElements value should be inherited by derived classes.
Sets whether this class is a root class.
Whether this class is a root class.
Removes a creator map for a constructor from the class map.
The constructor info.
Removes a creator map for a factory method from the class map.
The method info.
Removes the member map for a field from the class map.
The name of the field.
Removes a member map from the class map.
The member info.
Removes the member map for a property from the class map.
The name of the property.
Gets the discriminator convention for the class.
The discriminator convention for the class.
Represents a mapping between a class and a BSON document.
The class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonClassMap class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonClassMap class.
The class map initializer.
Creates an instance.
An instance.
Gets a member map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the member.
The member map.
Creates a creator map and adds it to the class map.
Lambda expression specifying the creator code and parameters to use.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the extra elements field and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the extra elements field.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the extra elements member and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the extra elements member.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the extra elements property and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the extra elements property.
The member map.
Creates a member map for a field and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the field.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the Id field and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the Id field.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the Id member and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the Id member.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the Id property and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the Id property.
The member map.
Creates a member map and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the member.
The member map.
Creates a member map for the Id property and adds it to the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the Id property.
The member map.
Removes the member map for a field from the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the field.
Removes a member map from the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the member.
Removes a member map for a property from the class map.
The member type.
A lambda expression specifying the property.
Represents a serializer for a class map.
The type of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonClassMapSerializer class.
The class map.
Gets a value indicating whether this serializer's discriminator is compatible with the object serializer.
true if this serializer's discriminator is compatible with the object serializer; otherwise, false.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
A deserialized value.
Gets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
The nominal type of the Id.
The IdGenerator for the Id type.
True if the document has an Id.
Tries to get the serialization info for a member.
Name of the member.
The serialization information.
true if the serialization info exists; otherwise false.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The object.
Sets the document Id.
The document.
The Id.
Represents the mapping between a field or property and a BSON element.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonMemberMap class.
The class map this member map belongs to.
The member info.
Gets the class map that this member map belongs to.
Gets the name of the member.
Gets the type of the member.
Gets whether the member type is a BsonValue.
Gets the name of the element.
Gets the serialization order.
Gets the member info.
Gets the getter function.
Gets the setter function.
Gets the Id generator.
Gets whether a default value was specified.
Gets whether an element is required for this member when deserialized.
Gets the method that will be called to determine whether the member should be serialized.
Gets whether default values should be ignored when serialized.
Gets whether null values should be ignored when serialized.
Gets the default value.
Gets whether the member is readonly.
Readonly indicates that the member is written to the database, but not read from the database.
Applies the default value to the member of an object.
The object.
Freezes this instance.
Gets the serializer.
The serializer.
Resets the member map back to its initial state.
The member map.
Sets the default value creator.
The default value creator (note: the supplied delegate must be thread safe).
The member map.
Sets the default value.
The default value.
The member map.
Sets the name of the element.
The name of the element.
The member map.
Sets the Id generator.
The Id generator.
The member map.
Sets whether default values should be ignored when serialized.
Whether default values should be ignored when serialized.
The member map.
Sets whether null values should be ignored when serialized.
Wether null values should be ignored when serialized.
The member map.
Sets whether an element is required for this member when deserialized
Whether an element is required for this member when deserialized
The member map.
Sets the serialization order.
The serialization order.
The member map.
Sets the serializer.
The serializer.
The member map.
Sets the method that will be called to determine whether the member should be serialized.
The method.
The member map.
Determines whether a value should be serialized
The object.
The value.
True if the value should be serialized.
A static class that represents the BSON serialization functionality.
Gets the serializer registry.
Gets or sets whether to use the NullIdChecker on reference Id types that don't have an IdGenerator registered.
Gets or sets whether to use the ZeroIdChecker on value Id types that don't have an IdGenerator registered.
Deserializes an object from a BsonDocument.
The nominal type of the object.
The BsonDocument.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes a value.
The nominal type of the object.
The BsonReader.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a BSON byte array.
The nominal type of the object.
The BSON byte array.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a BSON Stream.
The nominal type of the object.
The BSON Stream.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a JSON string.
The nominal type of the object.
The JSON string.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a JSON TextReader.
The nominal type of the object.
The JSON TextReader.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a BsonDocument.
The BsonDocument.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes a value.
The BsonReader.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a BSON byte array.
The BSON byte array.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a BSON Stream.
The BSON Stream.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a JSON string.
The JSON string.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Deserializes an object from a JSON TextReader.
The JSON TextReader.
The nominal type of the object.
The configurator.
A deserialized value.
Returns whether the given type has any discriminators registered for any of its subclasses.
A Type.
True if the type is discriminated.
Looks up the actual type of an object to be deserialized.
The nominal type of the object.
The discriminator.
The actual type of the object.
Looks up the discriminator convention for a type.
The type.
A discriminator convention.
Looks up an IdGenerator.
The Id type.
An IdGenerator for the Id type.
Looks up a serializer for a Type.
The type.
A serializer for type T.
Looks up a serializer for a Type.
The Type.
A serializer for the Type.
Registers the discriminator for a type.
The type.
The discriminator.
Registers the discriminator convention for a type.
Type type.
The discriminator convention.
Registers a generic serializer definition for a generic type.
The generic type.
The generic serializer definition.
Registers an IdGenerator for an Id Type.
The Id Type.
The IdGenerator for the Id Type.
Registers a serialization provider.
The serialization provider.
Registers a serializer for a type.
The type.
The serializer.
Registers a serializer for a type.
The type.
The serializer.
Serializes a value.
The nominal type of the object.
The BsonWriter.
The object.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
Serializes a value.
The BsonWriter.
The nominal type of the object.
The object.
The serialization context configurator.
The serialization args.
An interface implemented by Id generators.
Generates an Id for a document.
The container of the document (will be a MongoCollection when called from the C# driver).
The document.
An Id.
Tests whether an Id is empty.
The Id.
True if the Id is empty.
An interface implemented by a serializer.
Gets the type of the value.
The type of the value.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
An interface implemented by a serializer for values of type TValue.
The type that this serializer knows how to serialize.
Deserializes a value.
The deserialization context.
The deserialization args.
A deserialized value.
Serializes a value.
The serialization context.
The serialization args.
The value.
An interface implemented by serialization providers.
Gets a serializer for a type.
The type.
A serializer.
An interface implemented by serialization providers that are aware of registries.
This interface was added to preserve backward compatability (changing IBsonSerializationProvider would have been a backward breaking change).
Gets a serializer for a type.
The type.
The serializer registry.
A serializer.
Represents a serialization provider based on a mapping from value types to serializer types.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Registers the serializer mapping.
The type.
Type of the serializer.
Supports using type names as discriminators.
Resolves a type name discriminator.
The type name.
The type if type type name can be resolved; otherwise, null.
Gets a type name to be used as a discriminator (like AssemblyQualifiedName but shortened for common DLLs).
The type.
The type name.
Represents a truncation exception.
Initializes a new instance of the TruncationException class.
Initializes a new instance of the TruncationException class.
The error message.
Initializes a new instance of the TruncationException class.
The error message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the TruncationException class (this overload used by deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Represents the BSON undefined value.
Compares two BsonUndefined values.
The first BsonUndefined.
The other BsonUndefined.
True if the two BsonUndefined values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonUndefined values.
The first BsonUndefined.
The other BsonUndefined.
True if the two BsonUndefined values are equal according to ==.
Gets the singleton instance of BsonUndefined.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Compares this BsonUndefined to another BsonUndefined.
The other BsonUndefined.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonUndefined is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonUndefined to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonUndefined is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonUndefined to another BsonUndefined.
The other BsonUndefined.
True if the two BsonUndefined values are equal.
Compares this BsonUndefined to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonUndefined and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON internal exception (almost surely the result of a bug).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInternalException class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInternalException class.
The error message.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInternalException class.
The error message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInternalException class (this overload used by deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Represents a BSON serialization exception.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationException class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationException class.
The error message.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationException class.
The error message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonSerializationException class (this overload used by deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
An interface implemented by objects that convert themselves to a BsonDocument.
Converts this object to a BsonDocument.
A BsonDocument.
Represents a BSON array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
A list of values to add to the array.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonArray class.
The initial capacity of the array.
Compares two BsonArray values.
The first BsonArray.
The other BsonArray.
True if the two BsonArray values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonArray values.
The first BsonArray.
The other BsonArray.
True if the two BsonArray values are equal according to ==.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets or sets the total number of elements the internal data structure can hold without resizing.
Gets the count of array elements.
Gets whether the array is read-only.
Gets the array elements as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the array elements.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Creates a new BsonArray.
A value to be mapped to a BsonArray.
A BsonArray or null.
Adds an element to the array.
The value to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Adds multiple elements to the array.
A list of values to add to the array.
The array (so method calls can be chained).
Creates a shallow clone of the array (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the array.
Clears the array.
Compares the array to another array.
The other array.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this array is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the array to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this array is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Tests whether the array contains a value.
The value to test for.
True if the array contains the value.
Copies elements from this array to another array.
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Copies elements from this array to another array as raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
The other array.
The zero based index of the other array at which to start copying.
Creates a deep clone of the array (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the array.
Compares this array to another array.
The other array.
True if the two arrays are equal.
Compares this BsonArray to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonArray and equal to this one.
Gets an enumerator that can enumerate the elements of the array.
An enumerator.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Gets the index of a value in the array.
The value to search for.
The zero based index at which to start the search.
The number of elements to search.
The zero based index of the value (or -1 if not found).
Inserts a new value into the array.
The zero based index at which to insert the new value.
The new value.
Removes the first occurrence of a value from the array.
The value to remove.
True if the value was removed.
Removes an element from the array.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Converts the BsonArray to an array of BsonValues.
An array of BsonValues.
Converts the BsonArray to a list of BsonValues.
A list of BsonValues.
Returns a string representation of the array.
A string representation of the array.
A static helper class containing BSON defaults.
Gets or sets the dynamic array serializer.
Gets or sets the dynamic document serializer.
Gets or sets the default representation to be used in serialization of
Guids to the database.
Gets or sets the default max document size. The default is 4MiB.
Gets or sets the default max serialization depth (used to detect circular references during serialization). The default is 100.
Represents a BSON boolean value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBoolean class.
The value.
Gets the instance of BsonBoolean that represents false.
Gets the instance of BsonBoolean that represents true.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the BsonBoolean as a bool.
Gets the value of this BsonBoolean.
Converts a bool to a BsonBoolean.
A bool.
A BsonBoolean.
Compares two BsonBoolean values.
The first BsonBoolean.
The other BsonBoolean.
True if the two BsonBoolean values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonBoolean values.
The first BsonBoolean.
The other BsonBoolean.
True if the two BsonBoolean values are equal according to ==.
Returns one of the two possible BsonBoolean values.
An object to be mapped to a BsonBoolean.
A BsonBoolean or null.
Compares this BsonBoolean to another BsonBoolean.
The other BsonBoolean.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonBoolean is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonBoolean to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonBoolean is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonBoolean to another BsonBoolean.
The other BsonBoolean.
True if the two BsonBoolean values are equal.
Compares this BsonBoolean to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonBoolean and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON DateTime value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDateTime class.
A DateTime.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDateTime class.
Milliseconds since Unix Epoch.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets whether this BsonDateTime is a valid .NET DateTime.
Gets the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
Gets the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.
Gets the DateTime value.
Converts a DateTime to a BsonDateTime.
A DateTime.
A BsonDateTime.
Compares two BsonDateTime values.
The first BsonDateTime.
The other BsonDateTime.
True if the two BsonDateTime values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonDateTime values.
The first BsonDateTime.
The other BsonDateTime.
True if the two BsonDateTime values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonDateTime.
An object to be mapped to a BsonDateTime.
A BsonDateTime or null.
Compares this BsonDateTime to another BsonDateTime.
The other BsonDateTime.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDateTime is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonDateTime to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDateTime is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonDateTime to another BsonDateTime.
The other BsonDateTime.
True if the two BsonDateTime values are equal.
Compares this BsonDateTime to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonDateTime and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in local time.
A DateTime.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in local time.
A DateTime?.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in UTC.
A DateTime?.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in UTC.
A DateTime.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BsonDocument wrapper.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The value.
The serializer.
Gets the serializer.
The serializer.
Gets the wrapped value.
Creates a new instance of the BsonDocumentWrapper class.
The nominal type of the wrapped object.
The wrapped object.
A BsonDocumentWrapper.
Creates a new instance of the BsonDocumentWrapper class.
The nominal type of the wrapped object.
The wrapped object.
A BsonDocumentWrapper.
Creates a list of new instances of the BsonDocumentWrapper class.
The nominal type of the wrapped objects.
A list of wrapped objects.
A list of BsonDocumentWrappers.
Creates a list of new instances of the BsonDocumentWrapper class.
The nominal type of the wrapped object.
A list of wrapped objects.
A list of BsonDocumentWrappers.
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the document.
Materializes the BsonDocument.
The materialized elements.
Informs subclasses that the Materialize process completed so they can free any resources related to the unmaterialized state.
Represents a BSON long value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonInt64 class.
The value.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the BsonInt64 as a long.
Gets the value of this BsonInt64.
Converts a long to a BsonInt64.
A long.
A BsonInt64.
Compares two BsonInt64 values.
The first BsonInt64.
The other BsonInt64.
True if the two BsonInt64 values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonInt64 values.
The first BsonInt64.
The other BsonInt64.
True if the two BsonInt64 values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonInt64.
An object to be mapped to a BsonInt64.
A BsonInt64 or null.
Compares this BsonInt64 to another BsonInt64.
The other BsonInt64.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonInt64 is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonInt64 to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonInt64 is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonInt64 to another BsonInt64.
The other BsonInt64.
True if the two BsonInt64 values are equal.
Compares this BsonInt64 to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonInt64 and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Converts this BsonValue to a Double.
A Double.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int32.
An Int32.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int64.
An Int32.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Compares this BsonInt32 against another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if this BsonInt64 and the other BsonValue are equal according to ==.
Represents the BSON Null value.
Compares two BsonNull values.
The first BsonNull.
The other BsonNull.
True if the two BsonNull values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonNull values.
The first BsonNull.
The other BsonNull.
True if the two BsonNull values are equal according to ==.
Gets the singleton instance of BsonNull.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Compares this BsonNull to another BsonNull.
The other BsonNull.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonNull is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonNull to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonNull is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonNull to another BsonNull.
The other BsonNull.
True if the two BsonNull values are equal.
Compares this BsonNull to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonNull and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in local time.
A DateTime?.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in UTC.
A DateTime?.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents BSON binary data.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryData class.
The binary data.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryData class.
The binary data.
The binary data subtype.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryData class.
The binary data.
The binary data subtype.
The representation for Guids.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryData class.
A Guid.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonBinaryData class.
A Guid.
The representation for Guids.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the binary data.
Gets the representation to use when representing the Guid as BSON binary data.
Gets the BsonBinaryData as a Guid if the subtype is UuidStandard or UuidLegacy, otherwise null.
Gets the binary data subtype.
Converts a byte array to a BsonBinaryData.
A byte array.
A BsonBinaryData.
Converts a Guid to a BsonBinaryData.
A Guid.
A BsonBinaryData.
Compares two BsonBinaryData values.
The first BsonBinaryData.
The other BsonBinaryData.
True if the two BsonBinaryData values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonBinaryData values.
The first BsonBinaryData.
The other BsonBinaryData.
True if the two BsonBinaryData values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonBinaryData.
An object to be mapped to a BsonBinaryData.
A BsonBinaryData or null.
Compares this BsonBinaryData to another BsonBinaryData.
The other BsonBinaryData.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonBinaryData is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonBinaryData to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonBinaryData is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonBinaryData to another BsonBinaryData.
The other BsonBinaryData.
True if the two BsonBinaryData values are equal.
Compares this BsonBinaryData to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonBinaryData and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonBinaryData to a Guid.
A Guid.
Converts this BsonBinaryData to a Guid.
The representation for Guids.
A Guid.
Returns a string representation of the binary data.
A string representation of the binary data.
Represents a BSON JavaScript value with a scope.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonJavaScriptWithScope class.
The JavaScript code.
A scope (a set of variables with values).
Compares two BsonJavaScriptWithScope values.
The first BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
The other BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
True if the two BsonJavaScriptWithScope values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonJavaScriptWithScope values.
The first BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
The other BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
True if the two BsonJavaScriptWithScope values are equal according to ==.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the scope (a set of variables with values).
Creates a new BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
An object to be mapped to a BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
A BsonJavaScriptWithScope or null.
Creates a shallow clone of the BsonJavaScriptWithScope (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
Creates a deep clone of the BsonJavaScriptWithScope (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
Compares this BsonJavaScriptWithScope to another BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
The other BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonJavaScriptWithScope is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonJavaScriptWithScope to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonJavaScriptWithScope is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonJavaScriptWithScope to another BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
The other BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
True if the two BsonJavaScriptWithScope values are equal.
Compares this BsonJavaScriptWithScope to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonJavaScriptWithScope and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents an ObjectId (see also BsonObjectId).
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectId class.
The bytes.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectId class.
The bytes.
The index into the byte array where the ObjectId starts.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectId class.
The timestamp (expressed as a DateTime).
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectId class.
The timestamp.
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectId class.
The value.
Gets an instance of ObjectId where the value is empty.
Gets the timestamp.
Gets the machine.
Gets the PID.
Gets the increment.
Gets the creation time (derived from the timestamp).
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId
True if the first ObjectId is less than the second ObjectId.
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId
True if the first ObjectId is less than or equal to the second ObjectId.
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId.
True if the two ObjectIds are equal.
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId.
True if the two ObjectIds are not equal.
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId
True if the first ObjectId is greather than or equal to the second ObjectId.
Compares two ObjectIds.
The first ObjectId.
The other ObjectId
True if the first ObjectId is greather than the second ObjectId.
Generates a new ObjectId with a unique value.
An ObjectId.
Generates a new ObjectId with a unique value (with the timestamp component based on a given DateTime).
The timestamp component (expressed as a DateTime).
An ObjectId.
Generates a new ObjectId with a unique value (with the given timestamp).
The timestamp component.
An ObjectId.
Packs the components of an ObjectId into a byte array.
The timestamp.
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
A byte array.
Parses a string and creates a new ObjectId.
The string value.
A ObjectId.
Tries to parse a string and create a new ObjectId.
The string value.
The new ObjectId.
True if the string was parsed successfully.
Unpacks a byte array into the components of an ObjectId.
A byte array.
The timestamp.
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
Gets the current process id. This method exists because of how CAS operates on the call stack, checking
for permissions before executing the method. Hence, if we inlined this call, the calling method would not execute
before throwing an exception requiring the try/catch at an even higher level that we don't necessarily control.
Compares this ObjectId to another ObjectId.
The other ObjectId.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this ObjectId is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares this ObjectId to another ObjectId.
The other ObjectId.
True if the two ObjectIds are equal.
Compares this ObjectId to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is an ObjectId and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts the ObjectId to a byte array.
A byte array.
Converts the ObjectId to a byte array.
The destination.
The offset.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
A static class that maps between .NET objects and BsonValues.
Maps an object to an instance of the closest BsonValue class.
An object.
A BsonValue.
Maps an object to a specific BsonValue type.
An object.
The BsonType to map to.
A BsonValue of the desired type (or BsonNull.Value if value is null and bsonType is Null).
Maps a BsonValue to a .NET value using the default BsonTypeMapperOptions.
The BsonValue.
The mapped .NET value.
Maps a BsonValue to a .NET value.
The BsonValue.
The BsonTypeMapperOptions.
The mapped .NET value.
Registers a custom type mapper.
The type.
A custom type mapper.
Tries to map an object to an instance of the closest BsonValue class.
An object.
The BsonValue.
True if the mapping was successfull.
Compares this Mapping to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a Mapping and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
A static class containing BSON utility methods.
Gets a friendly class name suitable for use in error messages.
The type.
A friendly class name.
Parses a hex string into its equivalent byte array.
The hex string to parse.
The byte equivalent of the hex string.
Converts from number of milliseconds since Unix epoch to DateTime.
The number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.
A DateTime.
Converts a value to a hex character.
The value (assumed to be between 0 and 15).
The hex character.
Converts a byte array to a hex string.
The byte array.
A hex string.
Converts a DateTime to local time (with special handling for MinValue and MaxValue).
A DateTime.
The DateTime in local time.
Converts a DateTime to number of milliseconds since Unix epoch.
A DateTime.
Number of seconds since Unix epoch.
Converts a DateTime to UTC (with special handling for MinValue and MaxValue).
A DateTime.
The DateTime in UTC.
Tries to parse a hex string to a byte array.
The hex string.
A byte array.
True if the hex string was successfully parsed.
Represents a BSON double value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDouble class.
The value.
Gets the value of this BsonDouble.
Converts a double to a BsonDouble.
A double.
A BsonDouble.
Compares two BsonDouble values.
The first BsonDouble.
The other BsonDouble.
True if the two BsonDouble values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonDouble values.
The first BsonDouble.
The other BsonDouble.
True if the two BsonDouble values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new instance of the BsonDouble class.
An object to be mapped to a BsonDouble.
A BsonDouble.
Compares this BsonDouble to another BsonDouble.
The other BsonDouble.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDouble is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares this BsonDouble to another BsonDouble.
The other BsonDouble.
True if the two BsonDouble values are equal.
Represents a BSON int value.
Creates a new instance of the BsonInt32 class.
The value.
Gets an instance of BsonInt32 that represents -1.
Gets an instance of BsonInt32 that represents -0.
Gets an instance of BsonInt32 that represents 1.
Gets an instance of BsonInt32 that represents 2.
Gets an instance of BsonInt32 that represents 3.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the BsonInt32 as an int.
Gets the value of this BsonInt32.
Converts an int to a BsonInt32.
An int.
A BsonInt32.
Compares two BsonInt32 values.
The first BsonInt32.
The other BsonInt32.
True if the two BsonInt32 values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonInt32 values.
The first BsonInt32.
The other BsonInt32.
True if the two BsonInt32 values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonInt32.
An object to be mapped to a BsonInt32.
A BsonInt32 or null.
Compares this BsonInt32 to another BsonInt32.
The other BsonInt32.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonInt32 is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonInt32 to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonInt32 is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonInt32 to another BsonInt32.
The other BsonInt32.
True if the two BsonInt32 values are equal.
Compares this BsonInt32 to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonInt32 and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Converts this BsonValue to a Double.
A Double.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int32.
An Int32.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int64.
An Int32.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Compares this BsonInt32 against another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if this BsonInt32 and the other BsonValue are equal according to ==.
Represents a BSON string value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonString class.
The value.
Gets an instance of BsonString that represents an empty string.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the BsonString as a string.
Gets the value of this BsonString.
Converts a string to a BsonString.
A string.
A BsonString.
Compares two BsonString values.
The first BsonString.
The other BsonString.
True if the two BsonString values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonString values.
The first BsonString.
The other BsonString.
True if the two BsonString values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonString.
An object to be mapped to a BsonString.
A BsonString or null.
Compares this BsonString to another BsonString.
The other BsonString.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonString is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonString to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonString is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonString to another BsonString.
The other BsonString.
True if the two BsonString values are equal.
Compares this BsonString to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonString and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Converts this BsonValue to a Double.
A Double.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int32.
An Int32.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int64.
An Int32.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON value (this is an abstract class, see the various subclasses).
Casts the BsonValue to a Boolean (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonArray (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonBinaryData (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonDateTime (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonDocument (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonJavaScript (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonJavaScriptWithScope (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonMaxKey (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonMinKey (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonNull (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonRegularExpression (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonSymbol (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonTimestamp (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonUndefined (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a BsonValue (a way of upcasting subclasses of BsonValue to BsonValue at compile time).
Casts the BsonValue to a Byte[] (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a DateTime in UTC (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Double (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Guid (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to an Int32 (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a DateTime in the local timezone (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Int64 (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Boolean} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{DateTime} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Decimal} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Decimal128} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Double} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Guid} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Int32} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{Int64} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Nullable{ObjectId} (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to an ObjectId (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a Regex (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a String (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Casts the BsonValue to a DateTime in UTC (throws an InvalidCastException if the cast is not valid).
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a Boolean.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonArray.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonBinaryData.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonDateTime.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonDocument.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonJavaScript.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonJavaScriptWithScope.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonMaxKey.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonMinKey.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonNull.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonRegularExpression.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonSymbol .
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonTimestamp.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a BsonUndefined.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a DateTime.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a Decimal128.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a Double.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a Guid.
Tests whether this BsonValue is an Int32.
Tests whether this BsonValue is an Int64.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a numeric value.
Tests whether this BsonValue is an ObjectId .
Tests whether this BsonValue is a String.
Tests whether this BsonValue is a valid DateTime.
Gets the raw value of this BsonValue (or null if this BsonValue doesn't have a single scalar value).
Casts a BsonValue to a bool.
The BsonValue.
A bool.
Casts a BsonValue to a bool?.
The BsonValue.
A bool?.
Converts a bool to a BsonValue.
A bool.
A BsonValue.
Converts a bool? to a BsonValue.
A bool?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a byte[] to a BsonValue.
A byte[].
A BsonValue.
Converts a DateTime to a BsonValue.
A DateTime.
A BsonValue.
Converts a DateTime? to a BsonValue.
A DateTime?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a decimal to a BsonValue.
A decimal.
A BsonValue.
Converts a decimal? to a BsonValue.
A decimal?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a to a BsonValue.
A Decimal128.
A BsonValue.
Converts a nullable to a BsonValue.
A Decimal128?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a double to a BsonValue.
A double.
A BsonValue.
Converts a double? to a BsonValue.
A double?.
A BsonValue.
Converts an Enum to a BsonValue.
An Enum.
A BsonValue.
Converts a Guid to a BsonValue.
A Guid.
A BsonValue.
Converts a Guid? to a BsonValue.
A Guid?.
A BsonValue.
Converts an int to a BsonValue.
An int.
A BsonValue.
Converts an int? to a BsonValue.
An int?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a long to a BsonValue.
A long.
A BsonValue.
Converts a long? to a BsonValue.
A long?.
A BsonValue.
Converts an ObjectId to a BsonValue.
An ObjectId.
A BsonValue.
Converts an ObjectId? to a BsonValue.
An ObjectId?.
A BsonValue.
Converts a Regex to a BsonValue.
A Regex.
A BsonValue.
Converts a string to a BsonValue.
A string.
A BsonValue.
Casts a BsonValue to a byte[].
The BsonValue.
A byte[].
Casts a BsonValue to a DateTime.
The BsonValue.
A DateTime.
Casts a BsonValue to a DateTime?.
The BsonValue.
A DateTime?.
Casts a BsonValue to a decimal.
The BsonValue.
A decimal.
Casts a BsonValue to a decimal?.
The BsonValue.
A decimal?.
Casts a BsonValue to a .
The BsonValue.
A .
Casts a BsonValue to a nullable ?.
The BsonValue.
A nullable .
Casts a BsonValue to a double.
The BsonValue.
A double.
Casts a BsonValue to a double?.
The BsonValue.
A double?.
Casts a BsonValue to a Guid.
The BsonValue.
A Guid.
Casts a BsonValue to a Guid?.
The BsonValue.
A Guid?.
Casts a BsonValue to an int.
The BsonValue.
An int.
Casts a BsonValue to an int?.
The BsonValue.
An int?.
Casts a BsonValue to a long.
The BsonValue.
A long.
Casts a BsonValue to a long?.
The BsonValue.
A long?.
Casts a BsonValue to an ObjectId.
The BsonValue.
An ObjectId.
Casts a BsonValue to an ObjectId?.
The BsonValue.
An ObjectId?.
Casts a BsonValue to a Regex.
The BsonValue.
A Regex.
Casts a BsonValue to a string.
The BsonValue.
A string.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the first BsonValue is less than the other one.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the first BsonValue is less than or equal to the other one.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the two BsonValues are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the two BsonValues are equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the first BsonValue is greater than the other one.
Compares two BsonValues.
The first BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the first BsonValue is greater than or equal to the other one.
Gets or sets a value by position (only applies to BsonDocument and BsonArray).
The position.
The value.
Gets or sets a value by name (only applies to BsonDocument).
The name.
The value.
Creates a new instance of the BsonValue class.
A value to be mapped to a BsonValue.
A BsonValue.
Creates a shallow clone of the BsonValue (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the BsonValue.
Compares this BsonValue to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonValue is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares the type of this BsonValue to the type of another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether the type of this BsonValue is less than, equal to, or greather than the type of the other BsonValue.
Creates a deep clone of the BsonValue (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the BsonValue.
Compares this BsonValue to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
True if the two BsonValue values are equal.
Compares this BsonValue to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonValue and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts this BsonValue to a Boolean (using the JavaScript definition of truthiness).
A Boolean.
Converts this BsonValue to a Decimal.
A Decimal.
Converts this BsonValue to a Decimal128.
A Decimal128.
Converts this BsonValue to a Double.
A Double.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int32.
An Int32.
Converts this BsonValue to an Int64.
An Int64.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in local time.
A DateTime.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in local time.
A DateTime?.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime? in UTC.
A DateTime?.
Converts this BsonValue to a DateTime in UTC.
A DateTime.
Implementation of the IConvertible GetTypeCode method.
The TypeCode.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToBoolean method.
The format provider.
A bool.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToByte method.
The format provider.
A byte.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToChar method.
The format provider.
A char.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDateTime method.
The format provider.
A DateTime.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDecimal method.
The format provider.
A decimal.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToDouble method.
The format provider.
A double.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt16 method.
The format provider.
A short.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt32 method.
The format provider.
An int.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToInt64 method.
The format provider.
A long.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToSByte method.
The format provider.
An sbyte.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToSingle method.
The format provider.
A float.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToString method.
The format provider.
A string.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt16 method.
The format provider.
A ushort.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt32 method.
The format provider.
A uint.
Implementation of the IConvertible ToUInt64 method.
The format provider.
A ulong.
Implementation of operator ==.
The other BsonValue.
True if the two BsonValues are equal according to ==.
Represents a BSON JavaScript value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonJavaScript class.
The JavaScript code.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the JavaScript code.
Compares two BsonJavaScript values.
The first BsonJavaScript.
The other BsonJavaScript.
True if the two BsonJavaScript values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonJavaScript values.
The first BsonJavaScript.
The other BsonJavaScript.
True if the two BsonJavaScript values are equal according to ==.
Converts a string to a BsonJavaScript.
A string.
A BsonJavaScript.
Creates a new BsonJavaScript.
An object to be mapped to a BsonJavaScript.
A BsonJavaScript or null.
Compares this BsonJavaScript to another BsonJavaScript.
The other BsonJavaScript.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonJavaScript is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonJavaScript to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonJavaScript is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonJavaScript to another BsonJavaScript.
The other BsonJavaScript.
True if the two BsonJavaScript values are equal.
Compares this BsonJavaScript to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonJavaScript and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON timestamp value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTimestamp class.
The combined timestamp/increment value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonTimestamp class.
The timestamp.
The increment.
Compares two BsonTimestamp values.
The first BsonTimestamp.
The other BsonTimestamp.
True if the two BsonTimestamp values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonTimestamp values.
The first BsonTimestamp.
The other BsonTimestamp.
True if the two BsonTimestamp values are equal according to ==.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the value of this BsonTimestamp.
Gets the increment.
Gets the timestamp.
Creates a new BsonTimestamp.
An object to be mapped to a BsonTimestamp.
A BsonTimestamp or null.
Compares this BsonTimestamp to another BsonTimestamp.
The other BsonTimestamp.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonTimestamp is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonTimestamp to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonTimestamp is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonTimestamp to another BsonTimestamp.
The other BsonTimestamp.
True if the two BsonTimestamp values are equal.
Compares this BsonTimestamp to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonTimestamp and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
A static class containing BSON constants.
Gets the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch for DateTime.MaxValue.
Gets the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch for DateTime.MinValue.
Gets the Unix Epoch for BSON DateTimes (1970-01-01).
Represents the binary data subtype of a BsonBinaryData.
Binary data.
A function.
Obsolete binary data subtype (use Binary instead).
A UUID in a driver dependent legacy byte order.
A UUID in standard network byte order.
An MD5 hash.
User defined binary data.
Represents the type of a BSON element.
Not a real BSON type. Used to signal the end of a document.
A BSON double.
A BSON string.
A BSON document.
A BSON array.
BSON binary data.
A BSON undefined value.
A BSON ObjectId.
A BSON bool.
A BSON DateTime.
A BSON null value.
A BSON regular expression.
BSON JavaScript code.
A BSON symbol.
BSON JavaScript code with a scope (a set of variables with values).
A BSON 32-bit integer.
A BSON timestamp.
A BSON 64-bit integer.
A BSON 128-bit decimal.
A BSON MinKey value.
A BSON MaxKey value.
Represents a BSON exception.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonException class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonException class.
The error message.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonException class.
The error message.
The inner exception.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonException class.
The error message format string.
One or more args for the error message.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonException class (this overload used by deserialization).
The SerializationInfo.
The StreamingContext.
Represents the symbol table of BsonSymbols.
Looks up a symbol (and creates a new one if necessary).
The name of the symbol.
The symbol.
Represents a BSON document.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class specifying whether duplicate element names are allowed
(allowing duplicate element names is not recommended).
Whether duplicate element names are allowed.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds one element.
An element to add to the document.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
A list of keys to select values from the dictionary.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
A list of keys to select values from the dictionary.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
A dictionary to initialize the document from.
A list of keys to select values from the dictionary.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds new elements from a list of elements.
A list of elements to add to the document.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and adds one or more elements.
One or more elements to add to the document.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonDocument class and creates and adds a new element.
The name of the element to add to the document.
The value of the element to add to the document.
Compares two BsonDocument values.
The first BsonDocument.
The other BsonDocument.
True if the two BsonDocument values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonDocument values.
The first BsonDocument.
The other BsonDocument.
True if the two BsonDocument values are equal according to ==.
Gets or sets whether to allow duplicate names (allowing duplicate names is not recommended).
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the number of elements.
Gets the elements.
Gets the element names.
Gets the raw values (see BsonValue.RawValue).
Gets the values.
Gets or sets a value by position.
The position.
The value.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value to return if the element is not found.
Teh value of the element or a default value if the element is not found.
Gets or sets a value by name.
The name.
The value.
Creates a new BsonDocument by mapping an object to a BsonDocument.
The object to be mapped to a BsonDocument.
A BsonDocument.
Parses a JSON string and returns a BsonDocument.
The JSON string.
A BsonDocument.
Tries to parse a JSON string and returns a value indicating whether it succeeded or failed.
The JSON string.
The result.
Whether it succeeded or failed.
Adds an element to the document.
The element to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
Which keys of the hash table to add.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Whether to add the element to the document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Creates and adds an element to the document, but only if the condition is true.
If the condition is false the value factory is not called at all.
The name of the element.
A delegate called to compute the value of the element if condition is true.
Whether to add the element to the document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds a list of elements to the document.
The list of elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Adds elements to the document from a dictionary of key/value pairs.
The dictionary.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Clears the document (removes all elements).
Creates a shallow clone of the document (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the document.
Compares this document to another document.
The other document.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this document is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonDocument to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonDocument is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified name.
The name of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified name.
Tests whether the document contains an element with the specified value.
The value of the element to look for.
True if the document contains an element with the specified value.
Creates a deep clone of the document (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the document.
Compares this document to another document.
The other document.
True if the two documents are equal.
Compares this BsonDocument to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonDocument and equal to this one.
Gets an element of this document.
The zero based index of the element.
The element.
Gets an element of this document.
The name of the element.
A BsonElement.
Gets an enumerator that can be used to enumerate the elements of this document.
An enumerator.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Gets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the value of an element or a default value if the element is not found.
The name of the element.
The default value returned if the element is not found.
The value of the element or the default value if the element is not found.
Gets the index of an element.
The name of the element.
The index of the element, or -1 if the element is not found.
Inserts a new element at a specified position.
The position of the new element.
The element.
Merges another document into this one. Existing elements are not overwritten.
The other document.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Merges another document into this one, specifying whether existing elements are overwritten.
The other document.
Whether to overwrite existing elements.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Removes an element from this document (if duplicate element names are allowed
then all elements with this name will be removed).
The name of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The zero based index of the element to remove.
Removes an element from this document.
The element to remove.
Sets the value of an element.
The zero based index of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets the value of an element (an element will be added if no element with this name is found).
The name of the element whose value is to be set.
The new value.
The document (so method calls can be chained).
Sets an element of the document (replacing the existing element at that position).
The zero based index of the element to replace.
The new element.
The document.
Sets an element of the document (replaces any existing element with the same name or adds a new element if an element with the same name is not found).
The new element.
The document.
Converts the BsonDocument to a Dictionary<string, object>.
A dictionary.
Converts the BsonDocument to a Hashtable.
A hashtable.
Returns a string representation of the document.
A string representation of the document.
Tries to get an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Tries to get the value of an element of this document.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
True if an element with that name was found.
Represents a BSON element.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonElement class.
The name of the element.
The value of the element.
Gets the name of the element.
Gets or sets the value of the element.
Compares two BsonElements.
The first BsonElement.
The other BsonElement.
True if the two BsonElements are equal (or both null).
Compares two BsonElements.
The first BsonElement.
The other BsonElement.
True if the two BsonElements are not equal (or one is null and the other is not).
Creates a shallow clone of the element (see also DeepClone).
A shallow clone of the element.
Creates a deep clone of the element (see also Clone).
A deep clone of the element.
Compares this BsonElement to another BsonElement.
The other BsonElement.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonElement is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares this BsonElement to another BsonElement.
The other BsonElement.
True if the two BsonElement values are equal.
Compares this BsonElement to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonElement and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON ObjectId value (see also ObjectId).
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectId class.
The value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectId class.
The bytes.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectId class.
The timestamp (expressed as a DateTime).
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectId class.
The timestamp.
The machine hash.
The PID.
The increment.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonObjectId class.
The value.
Gets an instance of BsonObjectId where the value is empty.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the timestamp.
Gets the machine.
Gets the PID.
Gets the increment.
Gets the creation time (derived from the timestamp).
Gets the BsonObjectId as an ObjectId.
Gets the value of this BsonObjectId.
Converts an ObjectId to a BsonObjectId.
An ObjectId.
A BsonObjectId.
Compares two BsonObjectId values.
The first BsonObjectId.
The other BsonObjectId.
True if the two BsonObjectId values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonObjectId values.
The first BsonObjectId.
The other BsonObjectId.
True if the two BsonObjectId values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonObjectId.
An object to be mapped to a BsonObjectId.
A BsonObjectId or null.
Generates a new BsonObjectId with a unique value.
A BsonObjectId.
Generates a new BsonObjectId with a unique value (with the timestamp component based on a given DateTime).
The timestamp component (expressed as a DateTime).
A BsonObjectId.
Generates a new BsonObjectId with a unique value (with the given timestamp).
The timestamp component.
A BsonObjectId.
Parses a string and creates a new BsonObjectId.
The string value.
A BsonObjectId.
Tries to parse a string and create a new BsonObjectId.
The string value.
The new BsonObjectId.
True if the string was parsed successfully.
Compares this BsonObjectId to another BsonObjectId.
The other BsonObjectId.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonObjectId is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonObjectId to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonObjectId is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonObjectId to another BsonObjectId.
The other BsonObjectId.
True if the two BsonObjectId values are equal.
Compares this BsonObjectId to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonObjectId and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts the BsonObjectId to a byte array.
A byte array.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON regular expression value.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonRegularExpression class.
A regular expression pattern.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonRegularExpression class.
A regular expression pattern.
Regular expression options.
Initializes a new instance of the BsonRegularExpression class.
A Regex.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the regular expression pattern.
Gets the regular expression options.
Converts a Regex to a BsonRegularExpression.
A Regex.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Converts a string to a BsonRegularExpression.
A string.
A BsonRegularExpression.
Compares two BsonRegularExpression values.
The first BsonRegularExpression.
The other BsonRegularExpression.
True if the two BsonRegularExpression values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonRegularExpression values.
The first BsonRegularExpression.
The other BsonRegularExpression.
True if the two BsonRegularExpression values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonRegularExpression.
An object to be mapped to a BsonRegularExpression.
A BsonRegularExpression or null.
Compares this BsonRegularExpression to another BsonRegularExpression.
The other BsonRegularExpression.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonRegularExpression is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonRegularExpression to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonRegularExpression is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonRegularExpression to another BsonRegularExpression.
The other BsonRegularExpression.
True if the two BsonRegularExpression values are equal.
Compares this BsonRegularExpression to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonRegularExpression and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Converts the BsonRegularExpression to a Regex.
A Regex.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents a BSON symbol value.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Gets the name of the symbol.
Converts a string to a BsonSymbol.
A string.
A BsonSymbol.
Compares two BsonSymbol values.
The first BsonSymbol.
The other BsonSymbol.
True if the two BsonSymbol values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonSymbol values.
The first BsonSymbol.
The other BsonSymbol.
True if the two BsonSymbol values are equal according to ==.
Creates a new BsonSymbol.
An object to be mapped to a BsonSymbol.
A BsonSymbol or null.
Compares this BsonSymbol to another BsonSymbol.
The other BsonSymbol.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonSymbol is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonSymbol to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonSymbol is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonSymbol to another BsonSymbol.
The other BsonSymbol.
True if the two BsonSymbol values are equal.
Compares this BsonSymbol to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonSymbol and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents the BSON MaxKey value.
Compares two BsonMaxKey values.
The first BsonMaxKey.
The other BsonMaxKey.
True if the two BsonMaxKey values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonMaxKey values.
The first BsonMaxKey.
The other BsonMaxKey.
True if the two BsonMaxKey values are equal according to ==.
Gets the singleton instance of BsonMaxKey.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Compares this BsonMaxKey to another BsonMaxKey.
The other BsonMaxKey.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonMaxKey is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonMaxKey to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonMaxKey is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonMaxKey to another BsonMaxKey.
The other BsonMaxKey.
True if the two BsonMaxKey values are equal.
Compares this BsonMaxKey to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonMaxKey and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.
Represents the BSON MinKey value.
Compares two BsonMinKey values.
The first BsonMinKey.
The other BsonMinKey.
True if the two BsonMinKey values are not equal according to ==.
Compares two BsonMinKey values.
The first BsonMinKey.
The other BsonMinKey.
True if the two BsonMinKey values are equal according to ==.
Gets the singleton instance of BsonMinKey.
Gets the BsonType of this BsonValue.
Compares this BsonMinKey to another BsonMinKey.
The other BsonMinKey.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonMinKey is less than, equal to, or greather than the other.
Compares the BsonMinKey to another BsonValue.
The other BsonValue.
A 32-bit signed integer that indicates whether this BsonMinKey is less than, equal to, or greather than the other BsonValue.
Compares this BsonMinKey to another BsonMinKey.
The other BsonMinKey.
True if the two BsonMinKey values are equal.
Compares this BsonMinKey to another object.
The other object.
True if the other object is a BsonMinKey and equal to this one.
Gets the hash code.
The hash code.
Returns a string representation of the value.
A string representation of the value.