using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace SuperSocket.Common
/// The pool information class
public interface IPoolInfo
/// Gets the min size of the pool.
/// The min size of the pool.
int MinPoolSize { get; }
/// Gets the max size of the pool.
/// The max size of the pool.
int MaxPoolSize { get; }
/// Gets the avialable items count.
/// The avialable items count.
int AvialableItemsCount { get; }
/// Gets the total items count, include items in the pool and outside the pool.
/// The total items count.
int TotalItemsCount { get; }
/// The basic interface of smart pool
public interface ISmartPool : IPoolInfo
/// Initializes the specified min pool size.
/// The min size of the pool.
/// The max size of the pool.
/// The source creator.
void Initialize(int minPoolSize, int maxPoolSize, ISmartPoolSourceCreator sourceCreator);
/// Pushes the specified item into the pool.
/// The item.
void Push(T item);
/// Tries to get one item from the pool.
/// The item.
bool TryGet(out T item);
/// ISmartPoolSource
public interface ISmartPoolSource
/// Gets the count.
/// The count.
int Count { get; }
/// SmartPoolSource
public class SmartPoolSource : ISmartPoolSource
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The source.
/// The items count.
public SmartPoolSource(object source, int itemsCount)
Source = source;
Count = itemsCount;
/// Gets the source.
/// The source.
public object Source { get; private set; }
/// Gets the count.
/// The count.
public int Count { get; private set; }
/// ISmartPoolSourceCreator
public interface ISmartPoolSourceCreator
/// Creates the specified size.
/// The size.
/// The pool items.
ISmartPoolSource Create(int size, out T[] poolItems);
/// The smart pool
public class SmartPool : ISmartPool
private ConcurrentStack m_GlobalStack;
private ISmartPoolSource[] m_ItemsSource;
private int m_CurrentSourceCount;
private ISmartPoolSourceCreator m_SourceCreator;
private int m_MinPoolSize;
/// Gets the size of the min pool.
/// The size of the min pool.
public int MinPoolSize
return m_MinPoolSize;
private int m_MaxPoolSize;
/// Gets the size of the max pool.
/// The size of the max pool.
public int MaxPoolSize
return m_MaxPoolSize;
/// Gets the avialable items count.
/// The avialable items count.
public int AvialableItemsCount
return m_GlobalStack.Count;
private int m_TotalItemsCount;
/// Gets the total items count, include items in the pool and outside the pool.
/// The total items count.
public int TotalItemsCount
get { return m_TotalItemsCount; }
/// Initializes the specified min and max pool size.
/// The min size of the pool.
/// The max size of the pool.
/// The source creator.
public void Initialize(int minPoolSize, int maxPoolSize, ISmartPoolSourceCreator sourceCreator)
m_MinPoolSize = minPoolSize;
m_MaxPoolSize = maxPoolSize;
m_SourceCreator = sourceCreator;
m_GlobalStack = new ConcurrentStack();
var n = 0;
if (minPoolSize != maxPoolSize)
var currentValue = minPoolSize;
while (true)
var thisValue = currentValue * 2;
if (thisValue >= maxPoolSize)
currentValue = thisValue;
m_ItemsSource = new ISmartPoolSource[n + 1];
T[] items;
m_ItemsSource[0] = sourceCreator.Create(minPoolSize, out items);
m_CurrentSourceCount = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
m_TotalItemsCount = m_MinPoolSize;
private int m_IsIncreasing = 0;
/// Pushes the specified item into the pool.
/// The item.
public void Push(T item)
bool TryPopWithWait(out T item, int waitTicks)
var spinWait = new SpinWait();
while (true)
if (m_GlobalStack.TryPop(out item))
return true;
if (spinWait.Count >= waitTicks)
return false;
/// Tries to get one item from the pool.
/// The item.
public bool TryGet(out T item)
if (m_GlobalStack.TryPop(out item))
return true;
var currentSourceCount = m_CurrentSourceCount;
if (currentSourceCount >= m_ItemsSource.Length)
return TryPopWithWait(out item, 100);
var isIncreasing = m_IsIncreasing;
if (isIncreasing == 1)
return TryPopWithWait(out item, 100);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_IsIncreasing, 1, isIncreasing) != isIncreasing)
return TryPopWithWait(out item, 100);
m_IsIncreasing = 0;
if (!m_GlobalStack.TryPop(out item))
return false;
return true;
private void IncreaseCapacity()
var newItemsCount = Math.Min(m_TotalItemsCount, m_MaxPoolSize - m_TotalItemsCount);
T[] items;
m_ItemsSource[m_CurrentSourceCount++] = m_SourceCreator.Create(newItemsCount, out items);
m_TotalItemsCount += newItemsCount;
for (var i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)