using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Authentication; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SuperSocket.Common; using SuperSocket.SocketBase; using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Command; using SuperSocket.SocketBase.Protocol; using SuperSocket.SocketEngine.AsyncSocket; namespace SuperSocket.SocketEngine { class AsyncSocketServer : TcpSocketServerBase, IActiveConnector { public AsyncSocketServer(IAppServer appServer, ListenerInfo[] listeners) : base(appServer, listeners) { } private BufferManager m_BufferManager; private ConcurrentStack m_ReadWritePool; public override bool Start() { try { int bufferSize = AppServer.Config.ReceiveBufferSize; if (bufferSize <= 0) bufferSize = 1024 * 4; m_BufferManager = new BufferManager(bufferSize * AppServer.Config.MaxConnectionNumber, bufferSize); try { m_BufferManager.InitBuffer(); } catch (Exception e) { AppServer.Logger.LogError("Failed to allocate buffer for async socket communication, may because there is no enough memory, please decrease maxConnectionNumber in configuration!", e); return false; } // preallocate pool of SocketAsyncEventArgs objects SocketAsyncEventArgs socketEventArg; var socketArgsProxyList = new List(AppServer.Config.MaxConnectionNumber); for (int i = 0; i < AppServer.Config.MaxConnectionNumber; i++) { //Pre-allocate a set of reusable SocketAsyncEventArgs socketEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); m_BufferManager.SetBuffer(socketEventArg); socketArgsProxyList.Add(new SocketAsyncEventArgsProxy(socketEventArg)); } m_ReadWritePool = new ConcurrentStack(socketArgsProxyList); if (!base.Start()) return false; IsRunning = true; return true; } catch (Exception e) { AppServer.Logger.LogError(e,e.Message); return false; } } protected override void OnNewClientAccepted(ISocketListener listener, Socket client, object state) { if (IsStopped) return; ProcessNewClient(client, listener.Info.Security); } private IAppSession ProcessNewClient(Socket client, SslProtocols security) { //Get the socket for the accepted client connection and put it into the //ReadEventArg object user token SocketAsyncEventArgsProxy socketEventArgsProxy; if (!m_ReadWritePool.TryPop(out socketEventArgsProxy)) { AppServer.AsyncRun(client.SafeClose); AppServer.Logger.LogError("Max connection number {0} was reached!", AppServer.Config.MaxConnectionNumber); return null; } ISocketSession socketSession; if (security == SslProtocols.None) socketSession = new AsyncSocketSession(client, socketEventArgsProxy); else socketSession = new AsyncStreamSocketSession(client, security, socketEventArgsProxy); var session = CreateSession(client, socketSession); if (session == null) { socketEventArgsProxy.Reset(); this.m_ReadWritePool.Push(socketEventArgsProxy); AppServer.AsyncRun(client.SafeClose); return null; } socketSession.Closed += SessionClosed; var negotiateSession = socketSession as INegotiateSocketSession; if (negotiateSession == null) { if (RegisterSession(session)) { AppServer.AsyncRun(() => socketSession.Start()); } return session; } negotiateSession.NegotiateCompleted += OnSocketSessionNegotiateCompleted; negotiateSession.Negotiate(); return null; } private void OnSocketSessionNegotiateCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { var socketSession = sender as ISocketSession; var negotiateSession = socketSession as INegotiateSocketSession; if (!negotiateSession.Result) { socketSession.Close(CloseReason.SocketError); return; } if (RegisterSession(negotiateSession.AppSession)) { AppServer.AsyncRun(() => socketSession.Start()); } } private bool RegisterSession(IAppSession appSession) { if (AppServer.RegisterSession(appSession)) return true; appSession.SocketSession.Close(CloseReason.InternalError); return false; } public override void ResetSessionSecurity(IAppSession session, SslProtocols security) { ISocketSession socketSession; var socketAsyncProxy = ((IAsyncSocketSessionBase)session.SocketSession).SocketAsyncProxy; if (security == SslProtocols.None) socketSession = new AsyncSocketSession(session.SocketSession.Client, socketAsyncProxy, true); else socketSession = new AsyncStreamSocketSession(session.SocketSession.Client, security, socketAsyncProxy, true); socketSession.Initialize(session); socketSession.Start(); } void SessionClosed(ISocketSession session, CloseReason reason) { var socketSession = session as IAsyncSocketSessionBase; if (socketSession == null) return; var proxy = socketSession.SocketAsyncProxy; proxy.Reset(); var args = proxy.SocketEventArgs; var serverState = AppServer.State; var pool = this.m_ReadWritePool; if (pool == null || serverState == ServerState.Stopping || serverState == ServerState.NotStarted) { if(!Environment.HasShutdownStarted && !AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload()) args.Dispose(); return; } if (proxy.OrigOffset != args.Offset) { args.SetBuffer(proxy.OrigOffset, AppServer.Config.ReceiveBufferSize); } if (!proxy.IsRecyclable) { //cannot be recycled, so release the resource and don't return it to the pool args.Dispose(); return; } pool.Push(proxy); } public override void Stop() { if (IsStopped) return; lock (SyncRoot) { if (IsStopped) return; base.Stop(); foreach (var item in m_ReadWritePool) item.SocketEventArgs.Dispose(); m_ReadWritePool = null; m_BufferManager = null; IsRunning = false; } } class ActiveConnectState { public TaskCompletionSource TaskSource { get; private set; } public Socket Socket { get; private set; } public ActiveConnectState(TaskCompletionSource taskSource, Socket socket) { TaskSource = taskSource; Socket = socket; } } Task IActiveConnector.ActiveConnect(EndPoint targetEndPoint) { return ((IActiveConnector)this).ActiveConnect(targetEndPoint, null); } Task IActiveConnector.ActiveConnect(EndPoint targetEndPoint, EndPoint localEndPoint) { var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); var socket = new Socket(targetEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (localEndPoint != null) { socket.ExclusiveAddressUse = false; socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); socket.Bind(localEndPoint); } socket.BeginConnect(targetEndPoint, OnActiveConnectCallback, new ActiveConnectState(taskSource, socket)); return taskSource.Task; } private void OnActiveConnectCallback(IAsyncResult result) { var connectState = result.AsyncState as ActiveConnectState; try { var socket = connectState.Socket; socket.EndConnect(result); var session = ProcessNewClient(socket, SslProtocols.None); if (session == null) connectState.TaskSource.SetException(new Exception("Failed to create session for this socket.")); else connectState.TaskSource.SetResult(new ActiveConnectResult { Result = true, Session = session }); } catch (Exception e) { connectState.TaskSource.SetException(e); } } } }