@@ -28,15 +28,38 @@ $tagname= $dev_prefix + $username
$imagename = $imagerepositoryname+":"+$tagname
+$response = read-host "please confirm that what you are currently uploading is a test version[ $fulltag ]. (y/n)"
+if ($response -eq "y") {
+ write-host "upload processing....."
+ #解除image鎖定
+ az acr repository update --name $registryname --image $imagename --delete-enabled true --write-enabled true
$ssha = git rev-parse --short head
+ Write-Host "ACR Login....."
+ $token = az acr login --name $registryname --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken
+ $user = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
+ podman login $fullregistryname -u $user -p $token
#wite ssha to file
$ssha | Out-File ssha
rm -r ./app
dotnet publish .\EVCB_OCPP.WSServer\EVCB_OCPP.WSServer.csproj -c Release -o ./app/publish /p:UseAppHost=false
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Eziriz\.NET Reactor\dotNET_Reactor.Console.exe' -file ./app/publish/EVCB_OCPP.WSServer.dll -targetfile ./app/publish/EVCB_OCPP.WSServer.dll
-podman build ./ -f Dockerfile_dev -t $fulltag --label [gitcommit=$ssha,author=$username]
+podman build ./ -f Dockerfile_React -t $fulltag --label [gitcommit=$ssha,author=$username]
+podman push $fulltag
#remove ssha file
-Remove-Item ssha
+Remove-Item ssha
+ #鎖定image
+ az acr repository update --name $registryname --image $imagename --delete-enabled false --write-enabled false
+} else {
+ write-host "please modify the parameters with scripts."