@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public interface IMainDbService
Task<string> AddServerMessage(ServerMessage message);
Task<string> AddServerMessage(string ChargeBoxId, string OutAction, object OutRequest, string CreatedBy = "", DateTime? CreatedOn = null, string SerialNo = "", string InMessage = "");
ValueTask AddMachineError(byte ConnectorId, DateTime CreatedOn, int Status, string ChargeBoxId, int ErrorCodeId, string ErrorInfo, int PreStatus, string VendorErrorCode, string VendorId);
- ValueTask FillupFinishedTimetoMachineError(byte ConnectorId, DateTime FinishedOn, string ChargeBoxId, DateTime PreviousErrorOn);
+ ValueTask FillupFinishedTimetoMachineError(byte ConnectorId, DateTime FinishedOn, string ChargeBoxId);
ValueTask<Customer> GetCustomer(string id, CancellationToken token = default);
ValueTask<Customer> GetCustomer(Guid id, CancellationToken token = default);
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ public class MainDbService : IMainDbService
return AddMachineErrorDapper(ConnectorId, CreatedOn, Status, ChargeBoxId, ErrorCodeId, ErrorInfo, PreStatus, VendorErrorCode, VendorId);
- public ValueTask FillupFinishedTimetoMachineError(byte ConnectorId, DateTime FinishedOn, string ChargeBoxId, DateTime PreviousErrorOn)
+ public ValueTask FillupFinishedTimetoMachineError(byte ConnectorId, DateTime FinishedOn, string ChargeBoxId)
- return AddFinishedTimetoMachineErrorDapper(ConnectorId, FinishedOn, ChargeBoxId, PreviousErrorOn);
+ return AddFinishedTimetoMachineErrorDapper(ConnectorId, FinishedOn, ChargeBoxId);
public async Task<string> AddServerMessage(string ChargeBoxId, string OutAction, object OutRequest, string CreatedBy, DateTime? CreatedOn = null, string SerialNo = "", string InMessage = "")
@@ -838,19 +838,39 @@ public class MainDbService : IMainDbService
""", parameters);
- private async ValueTask AddFinishedTimetoMachineErrorDapper(byte connectorId, DateTime finishedTime, string chargeBoxId, DateTime previousErrorOn)
+ private async ValueTask AddFinishedTimetoMachineErrorDapper(byte connectorId, DateTime finishedTime, string chargeBoxId)
- var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
- parameters.Add("@FinishedOn", finishedTime, DbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input,50);
+ var getCommand = """
+ FROM [dbo].[MachineError]
+ where ChargeBoxId=@ChargeBoxId and ConnectorId=@ConnectorId
+ Order by Id desc
+ """;
+ var updateCommand = """
+ Update MachineError
+ set FinishedOn=@FinishedOn
+ where Id=@Id
+ """;
+ var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.Add("@ConnectorId", connectorId, DbType.Int16, ParameterDirection.Input);
parameters.Add("@ChargeBoxId", chargeBoxId, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, 50);
- parameters.Add("@CreatedOn", previousErrorOn, DbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, 50);
+ //parameters.Add("@CreatedOn", previousErrorOn, DbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, 50);
using var conn = await sqlConnectionFactory.CreateAsync();
- await conn.ExecuteAsync("""
- Update MachineError set FinishedOn=@FinishedOn where
- ChargeBoxId=@ChargeBoxId and ConnectorId=@ConnectorId and CreatedOn=@CreatedOn
- """, parameters);
+ var recordId = await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<int?>(getCommand, parameters);
+ if (recordId is null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ parameters = new DynamicParameters();
+ parameters.Add("@Id", recordId, DbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Input);
+ parameters.Add("@FinishedOn", finishedTime, DbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, 50);
+ await conn.ExecuteAsync(updateCommand, parameters);
private async Task BundleUpdateConnectorStatus(IEnumerable<StatusNotificationParam> statusNotifications)