123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464 |
- """
- Operator Interface
- This module exports a set of functions corresponding to the intrinsic
- operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y) is equivalent
- to the expression x+y. The function names are those used for special
- methods; variants without leading and trailing '__' are also provided
- for convenience.
- This is the pure Python implementation of the module.
- """
- __all__ = ['abs', 'add', 'and_', 'attrgetter', 'concat', 'contains', 'countOf',
- 'delitem', 'eq', 'floordiv', 'ge', 'getitem', 'gt', 'iadd', 'iand',
- 'iconcat', 'ifloordiv', 'ilshift', 'imatmul', 'imod', 'imul',
- 'index', 'indexOf', 'inv', 'invert', 'ior', 'ipow', 'irshift',
- 'is_', 'is_not', 'isub', 'itemgetter', 'itruediv', 'ixor', 'le',
- 'length_hint', 'lshift', 'lt', 'matmul', 'methodcaller', 'mod',
- 'mul', 'ne', 'neg', 'not_', 'or_', 'pos', 'pow', 'rshift',
- 'setitem', 'sub', 'truediv', 'truth', 'xor']
- from builtins import abs as _abs
- # Comparison Operations *******************************************************#
- def lt(a, b):
- "Same as a < b."
- return a < b
- def le(a, b):
- "Same as a <= b."
- return a <= b
- def eq(a, b):
- "Same as a == b."
- return a == b
- def ne(a, b):
- "Same as a != b."
- return a != b
- def ge(a, b):
- "Same as a >= b."
- return a >= b
- def gt(a, b):
- "Same as a > b."
- return a > b
- # Logical Operations **********************************************************#
- def not_(a):
- "Same as not a."
- return not a
- def truth(a):
- "Return True if a is true, False otherwise."
- return True if a else False
- def is_(a, b):
- "Same as a is b."
- return a is b
- def is_not(a, b):
- "Same as a is not b."
- return a is not b
- # Mathematical/Bitwise Operations *********************************************#
- def abs(a):
- "Same as abs(a)."
- return _abs(a)
- def add(a, b):
- "Same as a + b."
- return a + b
- def and_(a, b):
- "Same as a & b."
- return a & b
- def floordiv(a, b):
- "Same as a // b."
- return a // b
- def index(a):
- "Same as a.__index__()."
- return a.__index__()
- def inv(a):
- "Same as ~a."
- return ~a
- invert = inv
- def lshift(a, b):
- "Same as a << b."
- return a << b
- def mod(a, b):
- "Same as a % b."
- return a % b
- def mul(a, b):
- "Same as a * b."
- return a * b
- def matmul(a, b):
- "Same as a @ b."
- return a @ b
- def neg(a):
- "Same as -a."
- return -a
- def or_(a, b):
- "Same as a | b."
- return a | b
- def pos(a):
- "Same as +a."
- return +a
- def pow(a, b):
- "Same as a ** b."
- return a ** b
- def rshift(a, b):
- "Same as a >> b."
- return a >> b
- def sub(a, b):
- "Same as a - b."
- return a - b
- def truediv(a, b):
- "Same as a / b."
- return a / b
- def xor(a, b):
- "Same as a ^ b."
- return a ^ b
- # Sequence Operations *********************************************************#
- def concat(a, b):
- "Same as a + b, for a and b sequences."
- if not hasattr(a, '__getitem__'):
- msg = "'%s' object can't be concatenated" % type(a).__name__
- raise TypeError(msg)
- return a + b
- def contains(a, b):
- "Same as b in a (note reversed operands)."
- return b in a
- def countOf(a, b):
- "Return the number of times b occurs in a."
- count = 0
- for i in a:
- if i == b:
- count += 1
- return count
- def delitem(a, b):
- "Same as del a[b]."
- del a[b]
- def getitem(a, b):
- "Same as a[b]."
- return a[b]
- def indexOf(a, b):
- "Return the first index of b in a."
- for i, j in enumerate(a):
- if j == b:
- return i
- else:
- raise ValueError('sequence.index(x): x not in sequence')
- def setitem(a, b, c):
- "Same as a[b] = c."
- a[b] = c
- def length_hint(obj, default=0):
- """
- Return an estimate of the number of items in obj.
- This is useful for presizing containers when building from an iterable.
- If the object supports len(), the result will be exact. Otherwise, it may
- over- or under-estimate by an arbitrary amount. The result will be an
- integer >= 0.
- """
- if not isinstance(default, int):
- msg = ("'%s' object cannot be interpreted as an integer" %
- type(default).__name__)
- raise TypeError(msg)
- try:
- return len(obj)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- try:
- hint = type(obj).__length_hint__
- except AttributeError:
- return default
- try:
- val = hint(obj)
- except TypeError:
- return default
- if val is NotImplemented:
- return default
- if not isinstance(val, int):
- msg = ('__length_hint__ must be integer, not %s' %
- type(val).__name__)
- raise TypeError(msg)
- if val < 0:
- msg = '__length_hint__() should return >= 0'
- raise ValueError(msg)
- return val
- # Generalized Lookup Objects **************************************************#
- class attrgetter:
- """
- Return a callable object that fetches the given attribute(s) from its operand.
- After f = attrgetter('name'), the call f(r) returns r.name.
- After g = attrgetter('name', 'date'), the call g(r) returns (r.name, r.date).
- After h = attrgetter('name.first', 'name.last'), the call h(r) returns
- (r.name.first, r.name.last).
- """
- __slots__ = ('_attrs', '_call')
- def __init__(self, attr, *attrs):
- if not attrs:
- if not isinstance(attr, str):
- raise TypeError('attribute name must be a string')
- self._attrs = (attr,)
- names = attr.split('.')
- def func(obj):
- for name in names:
- obj = getattr(obj, name)
- return obj
- self._call = func
- else:
- self._attrs = (attr,) + attrs
- getters = tuple(map(attrgetter, self._attrs))
- def func(obj):
- return tuple(getter(obj) for getter in getters)
- self._call = func
- def __call__(self, obj):
- return self._call(obj)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s.%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__module__,
- self.__class__.__qualname__,
- ', '.join(map(repr, self._attrs)))
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, self._attrs
- class itemgetter:
- """
- Return a callable object that fetches the given item(s) from its operand.
- After f = itemgetter(2), the call f(r) returns r[2].
- After g = itemgetter(2, 5, 3), the call g(r) returns (r[2], r[5], r[3])
- """
- __slots__ = ('_items', '_call')
- def __init__(self, item, *items):
- if not items:
- self._items = (item,)
- def func(obj):
- return obj[item]
- self._call = func
- else:
- self._items = items = (item,) + items
- def func(obj):
- return tuple(obj[i] for i in items)
- self._call = func
- def __call__(self, obj):
- return self._call(obj)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s.%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__module__,
- self.__class__.__name__,
- ', '.join(map(repr, self._items)))
- def __reduce__(self):
- return self.__class__, self._items
- class methodcaller:
- """
- Return a callable object that calls the given method on its operand.
- After f = methodcaller('name'), the call f(r) returns r.name().
- After g = methodcaller('name', 'date', foo=1), the call g(r) returns
- r.name('date', foo=1).
- """
- __slots__ = ('_name', '_args', '_kwargs')
- def __init__(*args, **kwargs):
- if len(args) < 2:
- msg = "methodcaller needs at least one argument, the method name"
- raise TypeError(msg)
- self = args[0]
- self._name = args[1]
- if not isinstance(self._name, str):
- raise TypeError('method name must be a string')
- self._args = args[2:]
- self._kwargs = kwargs
- def __call__(self, obj):
- return getattr(obj, self._name)(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
- def __repr__(self):
- args = [repr(self._name)]
- args.extend(map(repr, self._args))
- args.extend('%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in self._kwargs.items())
- return '%s.%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__module__,
- self.__class__.__name__,
- ', '.join(args))
- def __reduce__(self):
- if not self._kwargs:
- return self.__class__, (self._name,) + self._args
- else:
- from functools import partial
- return partial(self.__class__, self._name, **self._kwargs), self._args
- # In-place Operations *********************************************************#
- def iadd(a, b):
- "Same as a += b."
- a += b
- return a
- def iand(a, b):
- "Same as a &= b."
- a &= b
- return a
- def iconcat(a, b):
- "Same as a += b, for a and b sequences."
- if not hasattr(a, '__getitem__'):
- msg = "'%s' object can't be concatenated" % type(a).__name__
- raise TypeError(msg)
- a += b
- return a
- def ifloordiv(a, b):
- "Same as a //= b."
- a //= b
- return a
- def ilshift(a, b):
- "Same as a <<= b."
- a <<= b
- return a
- def imod(a, b):
- "Same as a %= b."
- a %= b
- return a
- def imul(a, b):
- "Same as a *= b."
- a *= b
- return a
- def imatmul(a, b):
- "Same as a @= b."
- a @= b
- return a
- def ior(a, b):
- "Same as a |= b."
- a |= b
- return a
- def ipow(a, b):
- "Same as a **= b."
- a **=b
- return a
- def irshift(a, b):
- "Same as a >>= b."
- a >>= b
- return a
- def isub(a, b):
- "Same as a -= b."
- a -= b
- return a
- def itruediv(a, b):
- "Same as a /= b."
- a /= b
- return a
- def ixor(a, b):
- "Same as a ^= b."
- a ^= b
- return a
- try:
- from _operator import *
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- from _operator import __doc__
- # All of these "__func__ = func" assignments have to happen after importing
- # from _operator to make sure they're set to the right function
- __lt__ = lt
- __le__ = le
- __eq__ = eq
- __ne__ = ne
- __ge__ = ge
- __gt__ = gt
- __not__ = not_
- __abs__ = abs
- __add__ = add
- __and__ = and_
- __floordiv__ = floordiv
- __index__ = index
- __inv__ = inv
- __invert__ = invert
- __lshift__ = lshift
- __mod__ = mod
- __mul__ = mul
- __matmul__ = matmul
- __neg__ = neg
- __or__ = or_
- __pos__ = pos
- __pow__ = pow
- __rshift__ = rshift
- __sub__ = sub
- __truediv__ = truediv
- __xor__ = xor
- __concat__ = concat
- __contains__ = contains
- __delitem__ = delitem
- __getitem__ = getitem
- __setitem__ = setitem
- __iadd__ = iadd
- __iand__ = iand
- __iconcat__ = iconcat
- __ifloordiv__ = ifloordiv
- __ilshift__ = ilshift
- __imod__ = imod
- __imul__ = imul
- __imatmul__ = imatmul
- __ior__ = ior
- __ipow__ = ipow
- __irshift__ = irshift
- __isub__ = isub
- __itruediv__ = itruediv
- __ixor__ = ixor