123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450 |
- """Base classes for server/gateway implementations"""
- from types import StringType
- from util import FileWrapper, guess_scheme, is_hop_by_hop
- from headers import Headers
- import sys, os, time
- __all__ = ['BaseHandler', 'SimpleHandler', 'BaseCGIHandler', 'CGIHandler']
- try:
- dict
- except NameError:
- def dict(items):
- d = {}
- for k,v in items:
- d[k] = v
- return d
- # Uncomment for 2.2 compatibility.
- #try:
- # True
- # False
- #except NameError:
- # True = not None
- # False = not True
- # Weekday and month names for HTTP date/time formatting; always English!
- _weekdayname = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
- _monthname = [None, # Dummy so we can use 1-based month numbers
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
- def format_date_time(timestamp):
- year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time.gmtime(timestamp)
- return "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
- _weekdayname[wd], day, _monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss
- )
- class BaseHandler:
- """Manage the invocation of a WSGI application"""
- # Configuration parameters; can override per-subclass or per-instance
- wsgi_version = (1,0)
- wsgi_multithread = True
- wsgi_multiprocess = True
- wsgi_run_once = False
- origin_server = True # We are transmitting direct to client
- http_version = "1.0" # Version that should be used for response
- server_software = None # String name of server software, if any
- # os_environ is used to supply configuration from the OS environment:
- # by default it's a copy of 'os.environ' as of import time, but you can
- # override this in e.g. your __init__ method.
- os_environ = dict(os.environ.items())
- # Collaborator classes
- wsgi_file_wrapper = FileWrapper # set to None to disable
- headers_class = Headers # must be a Headers-like class
- # Error handling (also per-subclass or per-instance)
- traceback_limit = None # Print entire traceback to self.get_stderr()
- error_status = "500 Internal Server Error"
- error_headers = [('Content-Type','text/plain')]
- error_body = "A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
- # State variables (don't mess with these)
- status = result = None
- headers_sent = False
- headers = None
- bytes_sent = 0
- def run(self, application):
- """Invoke the application"""
- # Note to self: don't move the close()! Asynchronous servers shouldn't
- # call close() from finish_response(), so if you close() anywhere but
- # the double-error branch here, you'll break asynchronous servers by
- # prematurely closing. Async servers must return from 'run()' without
- # closing if there might still be output to iterate over.
- try:
- self.setup_environ()
- self.result = application(self.environ, self.start_response)
- self.finish_response()
- except:
- try:
- self.handle_error()
- except:
- # If we get an error handling an error, just give up already!
- self.close()
- raise # ...and let the actual server figure it out.
- def setup_environ(self):
- """Set up the environment for one request"""
- env = self.environ = self.os_environ.copy()
- self.add_cgi_vars()
- env['wsgi.input'] = self.get_stdin()
- env['wsgi.errors'] = self.get_stderr()
- env['wsgi.version'] = self.wsgi_version
- env['wsgi.run_once'] = self.wsgi_run_once
- env['wsgi.url_scheme'] = self.get_scheme()
- env['wsgi.multithread'] = self.wsgi_multithread
- env['wsgi.multiprocess'] = self.wsgi_multiprocess
- if self.wsgi_file_wrapper is not None:
- env['wsgi.file_wrapper'] = self.wsgi_file_wrapper
- if self.origin_server and self.server_software:
- env.setdefault('SERVER_SOFTWARE',self.server_software)
- def finish_response(self):
- """Send any iterable data, then close self and the iterable
- Subclasses intended for use in asynchronous servers will
- want to redefine this method, such that it sets up callbacks
- in the event loop to iterate over the data, and to call
- 'self.close()' once the response is finished.
- """
- try:
- if not self.result_is_file() or not self.sendfile():
- for data in self.result:
- self.write(data)
- self.finish_content()
- finally:
- self.close()
- def get_scheme(self):
- """Return the URL scheme being used"""
- return guess_scheme(self.environ)
- def set_content_length(self):
- """Compute Content-Length or switch to chunked encoding if possible"""
- try:
- blocks = len(self.result)
- except (TypeError,AttributeError,NotImplementedError):
- pass
- else:
- if blocks==1:
- self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(self.bytes_sent)
- return
- # XXX Try for chunked encoding if origin server and client is 1.1
- def cleanup_headers(self):
- """Make any necessary header changes or defaults
- Subclasses can extend this to add other defaults.
- """
- if 'Content-Length' not in self.headers:
- self.set_content_length()
- def start_response(self, status, headers,exc_info=None):
- """'start_response()' callable as specified by PEP 333"""
- if exc_info:
- try:
- if self.headers_sent:
- # Re-raise original exception if headers sent
- raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
- finally:
- exc_info = None # avoid dangling circular ref
- elif self.headers is not None:
- raise AssertionError("Headers already set!")
- assert type(status) is StringType,"Status must be a string"
- assert len(status)>=4,"Status must be at least 4 characters"
- assert int(status[:3]),"Status message must begin w/3-digit code"
- assert status[3]==" ", "Status message must have a space after code"
- if __debug__:
- for name,val in headers:
- assert type(name) is StringType,"Header names must be strings"
- assert type(val) is StringType,"Header values must be strings"
- assert not is_hop_by_hop(name),"Hop-by-hop headers not allowed"
- self.status = status
- self.headers = self.headers_class(headers)
- return self.write
- def send_preamble(self):
- """Transmit version/status/date/server, via self._write()"""
- if self.origin_server:
- if self.client_is_modern():
- self._write('HTTP/%s %s\r\n' % (self.http_version,self.status))
- if 'Date' not in self.headers:
- self._write(
- 'Date: %s\r\n' % format_date_time(time.time())
- )
- if self.server_software and 'Server' not in self.headers:
- self._write('Server: %s\r\n' % self.server_software)
- else:
- self._write('Status: %s\r\n' % self.status)
- def write(self, data):
- """'write()' callable as specified by PEP 333"""
- assert type(data) is StringType,"write() argument must be string"
- if not self.status:
- raise AssertionError("write() before start_response()")
- elif not self.headers_sent:
- # Before the first output, send the stored headers
- self.bytes_sent = len(data) # make sure we know content-length
- self.send_headers()
- else:
- self.bytes_sent += len(data)
- # XXX check Content-Length and truncate if too many bytes written?
- self._write(data)
- self._flush()
- def sendfile(self):
- """Platform-specific file transmission
- Override this method in subclasses to support platform-specific
- file transmission. It is only called if the application's
- return iterable ('self.result') is an instance of
- 'self.wsgi_file_wrapper'.
- This method should return a true value if it was able to actually
- transmit the wrapped file-like object using a platform-specific
- approach. It should return a false value if normal iteration
- should be used instead. An exception can be raised to indicate
- that transmission was attempted, but failed.
- NOTE: this method should call 'self.send_headers()' if
- 'self.headers_sent' is false and it is going to attempt direct
- transmission of the file.
- """
- return False # No platform-specific transmission by default
- def finish_content(self):
- """Ensure headers and content have both been sent"""
- if not self.headers_sent:
- # Only zero Content-Length if not set by the application (so
- # that HEAD requests can be satisfied properly, see #3839)
- self.headers.setdefault('Content-Length', "0")
- self.send_headers()
- else:
- pass # XXX check if content-length was too short?
- def close(self):
- """Close the iterable (if needed) and reset all instance vars
- Subclasses may want to also drop the client connection.
- """
- try:
- if hasattr(self.result,'close'):
- self.result.close()
- finally:
- self.result = self.headers = self.status = self.environ = None
- self.bytes_sent = 0; self.headers_sent = False
- def send_headers(self):
- """Transmit headers to the client, via self._write()"""
- self.cleanup_headers()
- self.headers_sent = True
- if not self.origin_server or self.client_is_modern():
- self.send_preamble()
- self._write(str(self.headers))
- def result_is_file(self):
- """True if 'self.result' is an instance of 'self.wsgi_file_wrapper'"""
- wrapper = self.wsgi_file_wrapper
- return wrapper is not None and isinstance(self.result,wrapper)
- def client_is_modern(self):
- """True if client can accept status and headers"""
- return self.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].upper() != 'HTTP/0.9'
- def log_exception(self,exc_info):
- """Log the 'exc_info' tuple in the server log
- Subclasses may override to retarget the output or change its format.
- """
- try:
- from traceback import print_exception
- stderr = self.get_stderr()
- print_exception(
- exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2],
- self.traceback_limit, stderr
- )
- stderr.flush()
- finally:
- exc_info = None
- def handle_error(self):
- """Log current error, and send error output to client if possible"""
- self.log_exception(sys.exc_info())
- if not self.headers_sent:
- self.result = self.error_output(self.environ, self.start_response)
- self.finish_response()
- # XXX else: attempt advanced recovery techniques for HTML or text?
- def error_output(self, environ, start_response):
- """WSGI mini-app to create error output
- By default, this just uses the 'error_status', 'error_headers',
- and 'error_body' attributes to generate an output page. It can
- be overridden in a subclass to dynamically generate diagnostics,
- choose an appropriate message for the user's preferred language, etc.
- Note, however, that it's not recommended from a security perspective to
- spit out diagnostics to any old user; ideally, you should have to do
- something special to enable diagnostic output, which is why we don't
- include any here!
- """
- start_response(self.error_status,self.error_headers[:],sys.exc_info())
- return [self.error_body]
- # Pure abstract methods; *must* be overridden in subclasses
- def _write(self,data):
- """Override in subclass to buffer data for send to client
- It's okay if this method actually transmits the data; BaseHandler
- just separates write and flush operations for greater efficiency
- when the underlying system actually has such a distinction.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _flush(self):
- """Override in subclass to force sending of recent '_write()' calls
- It's okay if this method is a no-op (i.e., if '_write()' actually
- sends the data.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_stdin(self):
- """Override in subclass to return suitable 'wsgi.input'"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_stderr(self):
- """Override in subclass to return suitable 'wsgi.errors'"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def add_cgi_vars(self):
- """Override in subclass to insert CGI variables in 'self.environ'"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- class SimpleHandler(BaseHandler):
- """Handler that's just initialized with streams, environment, etc.
- This handler subclass is intended for synchronous HTTP/1.0 origin servers,
- and handles sending the entire response output, given the correct inputs.
- Usage::
- handler = SimpleHandler(
- inp,out,err,env, multithread=False, multiprocess=True
- )
- handler.run(app)"""
- def __init__(self,stdin,stdout,stderr,environ,
- multithread=True, multiprocess=False
- ):
- self.stdin = stdin
- self.stdout = stdout
- self.stderr = stderr
- self.base_env = environ
- self.wsgi_multithread = multithread
- self.wsgi_multiprocess = multiprocess
- def get_stdin(self):
- return self.stdin
- def get_stderr(self):
- return self.stderr
- def add_cgi_vars(self):
- self.environ.update(self.base_env)
- def _write(self,data):
- self.stdout.write(data)
- self._write = self.stdout.write
- def _flush(self):
- self.stdout.flush()
- self._flush = self.stdout.flush
- class BaseCGIHandler(SimpleHandler):
- """CGI-like systems using input/output/error streams and environ mapping
- Usage::
- handler = BaseCGIHandler(inp,out,err,env)
- handler.run(app)
- This handler class is useful for gateway protocols like ReadyExec and
- FastCGI, that have usable input/output/error streams and an environment
- mapping. It's also the base class for CGIHandler, which just uses
- sys.stdin, os.environ, and so on.
- The constructor also takes keyword arguments 'multithread' and
- 'multiprocess' (defaulting to 'True' and 'False' respectively) to control
- the configuration sent to the application. It sets 'origin_server' to
- False (to enable CGI-like output), and assumes that 'wsgi.run_once' is
- False.
- """
- origin_server = False
- class CGIHandler(BaseCGIHandler):
- """CGI-based invocation via sys.stdin/stdout/stderr and os.environ
- Usage::
- CGIHandler().run(app)
- The difference between this class and BaseCGIHandler is that it always
- uses 'wsgi.run_once' of 'True', 'wsgi.multithread' of 'False', and
- 'wsgi.multiprocess' of 'True'. It does not take any initialization
- parameters, but always uses 'sys.stdin', 'os.environ', and friends.
- If you need to override any of these parameters, use BaseCGIHandler
- instead.
- """
- wsgi_run_once = True
- # Do not allow os.environ to leak between requests in Google App Engine
- # and other multi-run CGI use cases. This is not easily testable.
- # See http://bugs.python.org/issue7250
- os_environ = {}
- def __init__(self):
- BaseCGIHandler.__init__(
- self, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr, dict(os.environ.items()),
- multithread=False, multiprocess=True
- )