123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379 |
- """Support for remote Python debugging.
- Some ASCII art to describe the structure:
- #
- # oid='gui_adapter'
- +----------+ # +------------+ +-----+
- | GUIProxy |--remote#call-->| GUIAdapter |--calls-->| GUI |
- +-----+--calls-->+----------+ # +------------+ +-----+
- | Idb | # /
- +-----+<-calls--+------------+ # +----------+<--calls-/
- | IdbAdapter |<--remote#call--| IdbProxy |
- +------------+ # +----------+
- oid='idb_adapter' #
- The purpose of the Proxy and Adapter classes is to translate certain
- arguments and return values that cannot be transported through the RPC
- barrier, in particular frame and traceback objects.
- """
- import types
- from idlelib import Debugger
- debugging = 0
- idb_adap_oid = "idb_adapter"
- gui_adap_oid = "gui_adapter"
- #=======================================
- #
- # In the PYTHON subprocess:
- frametable = {}
- dicttable = {}
- codetable = {}
- tracebacktable = {}
- def wrap_frame(frame):
- fid = id(frame)
- frametable[fid] = frame
- return fid
- def wrap_info(info):
- "replace info[2], a traceback instance, by its ID"
- if info is None:
- return None
- else:
- traceback = info[2]
- assert isinstance(traceback, types.TracebackType)
- traceback_id = id(traceback)
- tracebacktable[traceback_id] = traceback
- modified_info = (info[0], info[1], traceback_id)
- return modified_info
- class GUIProxy:
- def __init__(self, conn, gui_adap_oid):
- self.conn = conn
- self.oid = gui_adap_oid
- def interaction(self, message, frame, info=None):
- # calls rpc.SocketIO.remotecall() via run.MyHandler instance
- # pass frame and traceback object IDs instead of the objects themselves
- self.conn.remotecall(self.oid, "interaction",
- (message, wrap_frame(frame), wrap_info(info)),
- {})
- class IdbAdapter:
- def __init__(self, idb):
- self.idb = idb
- #----------called by an IdbProxy----------
- def set_step(self):
- self.idb.set_step()
- def set_quit(self):
- self.idb.set_quit()
- def set_continue(self):
- self.idb.set_continue()
- def set_next(self, fid):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- self.idb.set_next(frame)
- def set_return(self, fid):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- self.idb.set_return(frame)
- def get_stack(self, fid, tbid):
- ##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack(%r, %r)" % (fid, tbid)
- frame = frametable[fid]
- if tbid is None:
- tb = None
- else:
- tb = tracebacktable[tbid]
- stack, i = self.idb.get_stack(frame, tb)
- ##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack() ->", stack
- stack = [(wrap_frame(frame2), k) for frame2, k in stack]
- ##print >>sys.__stderr__, "get_stack() ->", stack
- return stack, i
- def run(self, cmd):
- import __main__
- self.idb.run(cmd, __main__.__dict__)
- def set_break(self, filename, lineno):
- msg = self.idb.set_break(filename, lineno)
- return msg
- def clear_break(self, filename, lineno):
- msg = self.idb.clear_break(filename, lineno)
- return msg
- def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename):
- msg = self.idb.clear_all_file_breaks(filename)
- return msg
- #----------called by a FrameProxy----------
- def frame_attr(self, fid, name):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- return getattr(frame, name)
- def frame_globals(self, fid):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- dict = frame.f_globals
- did = id(dict)
- dicttable[did] = dict
- return did
- def frame_locals(self, fid):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- dict = frame.f_locals
- did = id(dict)
- dicttable[did] = dict
- return did
- def frame_code(self, fid):
- frame = frametable[fid]
- code = frame.f_code
- cid = id(code)
- codetable[cid] = code
- return cid
- #----------called by a CodeProxy----------
- def code_name(self, cid):
- code = codetable[cid]
- return code.co_name
- def code_filename(self, cid):
- code = codetable[cid]
- return code.co_filename
- #----------called by a DictProxy----------
- def dict_keys(self, did):
- dict = dicttable[did]
- return dict.keys()
- def dict_item(self, did, key):
- dict = dicttable[did]
- value = dict[key]
- value = repr(value)
- return value
- #----------end class IdbAdapter----------
- def start_debugger(rpchandler, gui_adap_oid):
- """Start the debugger and its RPC link in the Python subprocess
- Start the subprocess side of the split debugger and set up that side of the
- RPC link by instantiating the GUIProxy, Idb debugger, and IdbAdapter
- objects and linking them together. Register the IdbAdapter with the
- RPCServer to handle RPC requests from the split debugger GUI via the
- IdbProxy.
- """
- gui_proxy = GUIProxy(rpchandler, gui_adap_oid)
- idb = Debugger.Idb(gui_proxy)
- idb_adap = IdbAdapter(idb)
- rpchandler.register(idb_adap_oid, idb_adap)
- return idb_adap_oid
- #=======================================
- #
- # In the IDLE process:
- class FrameProxy:
- def __init__(self, conn, fid):
- self._conn = conn
- self._fid = fid
- self._oid = "idb_adapter"
- self._dictcache = {}
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name[:1] == "_":
- raise AttributeError, name
- if name == "f_code":
- return self._get_f_code()
- if name == "f_globals":
- return self._get_f_globals()
- if name == "f_locals":
- return self._get_f_locals()
- return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_attr",
- (self._fid, name), {})
- def _get_f_code(self):
- cid = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_code", (self._fid,), {})
- return CodeProxy(self._conn, self._oid, cid)
- def _get_f_globals(self):
- did = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_globals",
- (self._fid,), {})
- return self._get_dict_proxy(did)
- def _get_f_locals(self):
- did = self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "frame_locals",
- (self._fid,), {})
- return self._get_dict_proxy(did)
- def _get_dict_proxy(self, did):
- if did in self._dictcache:
- return self._dictcache[did]
- dp = DictProxy(self._conn, self._oid, did)
- self._dictcache[did] = dp
- return dp
- class CodeProxy:
- def __init__(self, conn, oid, cid):
- self._conn = conn
- self._oid = oid
- self._cid = cid
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name == "co_name":
- return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "code_name",
- (self._cid,), {})
- if name == "co_filename":
- return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "code_filename",
- (self._cid,), {})
- class DictProxy:
- def __init__(self, conn, oid, did):
- self._conn = conn
- self._oid = oid
- self._did = did
- def keys(self):
- return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "dict_keys", (self._did,), {})
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self._conn.remotecall(self._oid, "dict_item",
- (self._did, key), {})
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- ##print >>sys.__stderr__, "failed DictProxy.__getattr__:", name
- raise AttributeError, name
- class GUIAdapter:
- def __init__(self, conn, gui):
- self.conn = conn
- self.gui = gui
- def interaction(self, message, fid, modified_info):
- ##print "interaction: (%s, %s, %s)" % (message, fid, modified_info)
- frame = FrameProxy(self.conn, fid)
- self.gui.interaction(message, frame, modified_info)
- class IdbProxy:
- def __init__(self, conn, shell, oid):
- self.oid = oid
- self.conn = conn
- self.shell = shell
- def call(self, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
- ##print "**IdbProxy.call %s %s %s" % (methodname, args, kwargs)
- value = self.conn.remotecall(self.oid, methodname, args, kwargs)
- ##print "**IdbProxy.call %s returns %r" % (methodname, value)
- return value
- def run(self, cmd, locals):
- # Ignores locals on purpose!
- seq = self.conn.asyncqueue(self.oid, "run", (cmd,), {})
- self.shell.interp.active_seq = seq
- def get_stack(self, frame, tbid):
- # passing frame and traceback IDs, not the objects themselves
- stack, i = self.call("get_stack", frame._fid, tbid)
- stack = [(FrameProxy(self.conn, fid), k) for fid, k in stack]
- return stack, i
- def set_continue(self):
- self.call("set_continue")
- def set_step(self):
- self.call("set_step")
- def set_next(self, frame):
- self.call("set_next", frame._fid)
- def set_return(self, frame):
- self.call("set_return", frame._fid)
- def set_quit(self):
- self.call("set_quit")
- def set_break(self, filename, lineno):
- msg = self.call("set_break", filename, lineno)
- return msg
- def clear_break(self, filename, lineno):
- msg = self.call("clear_break", filename, lineno)
- return msg
- def clear_all_file_breaks(self, filename):
- msg = self.call("clear_all_file_breaks", filename)
- return msg
- def start_remote_debugger(rpcclt, pyshell):
- """Start the subprocess debugger, initialize the debugger GUI and RPC link
- Request the RPCServer start the Python subprocess debugger and link. Set
- up the Idle side of the split debugger by instantiating the IdbProxy,
- debugger GUI, and debugger GUIAdapter objects and linking them together.
- Register the GUIAdapter with the RPCClient to handle debugger GUI
- interaction requests coming from the subprocess debugger via the GUIProxy.
- The IdbAdapter will pass execution and environment requests coming from the
- Idle debugger GUI to the subprocess debugger via the IdbProxy.
- """
- global idb_adap_oid
- idb_adap_oid = rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "start_the_debugger",\
- (gui_adap_oid,), {})
- idb_proxy = IdbProxy(rpcclt, pyshell, idb_adap_oid)
- gui = Debugger.Debugger(pyshell, idb_proxy)
- gui_adap = GUIAdapter(rpcclt, gui)
- rpcclt.register(gui_adap_oid, gui_adap)
- return gui
- def close_remote_debugger(rpcclt):
- """Shut down subprocess debugger and Idle side of debugger RPC link
- Request that the RPCServer shut down the subprocess debugger and link.
- Unregister the GUIAdapter, which will cause a GC on the Idle process
- debugger and RPC link objects. (The second reference to the debugger GUI
- is deleted in PyShell.close_remote_debugger().)
- """
- close_subprocess_debugger(rpcclt)
- rpcclt.unregister(gui_adap_oid)
- def close_subprocess_debugger(rpcclt):
- rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "stop_the_debugger", (idb_adap_oid,), {})
- def restart_subprocess_debugger(rpcclt):
- idb_adap_oid_ret = rpcclt.remotecall("exec", "start_the_debugger",\
- (gui_adap_oid,), {})
- assert idb_adap_oid_ret == idb_adap_oid, 'Idb restarted with different oid'