123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161 |
- """A CallTip window class for Tkinter/IDLE.
- After ToolTip.py, which uses ideas gleaned from PySol
- Used by the CallTips IDLE extension.
- """
- from Tkinter import Toplevel, Label, LEFT, SOLID, TclError
- HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<calltipwindow-hide>>"
- HIDE_SEQUENCES = ("<Key-Escape>", "<FocusOut>")
- CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME = "<<calltipwindow-checkhide>>"
- CHECKHIDE_SEQUENCES = ("<KeyRelease>", "<ButtonRelease>")
- CHECKHIDE_TIME = 100 # miliseconds
- MARK_RIGHT = "calltipwindowregion_right"
- class CallTip:
- def __init__(self, widget):
- self.widget = widget
- self.tipwindow = self.label = None
- self.parenline = self.parencol = None
- self.lastline = None
- self.hideid = self.checkhideid = None
- self.checkhide_after_id = None
- def position_window(self):
- """Check if needs to reposition the window, and if so - do it."""
- curline = int(self.widget.index("insert").split('.')[0])
- if curline == self.lastline:
- return
- self.lastline = curline
- self.widget.see("insert")
- if curline == self.parenline:
- box = self.widget.bbox("%d.%d" % (self.parenline,
- self.parencol))
- else:
- box = self.widget.bbox("%d.0" % curline)
- if not box:
- box = list(self.widget.bbox("insert"))
- # align to left of window
- box[0] = 0
- box[2] = 0
- x = box[0] + self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 2
- y = box[1] + box[3] + self.widget.winfo_rooty()
- self.tipwindow.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
- def showtip(self, text, parenleft, parenright):
- """Show the calltip, bind events which will close it and reposition it.
- """
- # Only called in CallTips, where lines are truncated
- self.text = text
- if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
- return
- self.widget.mark_set(MARK_RIGHT, parenright)
- self.parenline, self.parencol = map(
- int, self.widget.index(parenleft).split("."))
- self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.widget)
- self.position_window()
- # remove border on calltip window
- tw.wm_overrideredirect(1)
- try:
- # This command is only needed and available on Tk >= 8.4.0 for OSX
- # Without it, call tips intrude on the typing process by grabbing
- # the focus.
- tw.tk.call("::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", tw._w,
- "help", "noActivates")
- except TclError:
- pass
- self.label = Label(tw, text=self.text, justify=LEFT,
- background="#ffffe0", relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1,
- font = self.widget['font'])
- self.label.pack()
- tw.lift() # work around bug in Tk 8.5.18+ (issue #24570)
- self.checkhideid = self.widget.bind(CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME,
- self.checkhide_event)
- self.widget.event_add(CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
- self.widget.after(CHECKHIDE_TIME, self.checkhide_event)
- self.hideid = self.widget.bind(HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME,
- self.hide_event)
- for seq in HIDE_SEQUENCES:
- self.widget.event_add(HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
- def checkhide_event(self, event=None):
- if not self.tipwindow:
- # If the event was triggered by the same event that unbinded
- # this function, the function will be called nevertheless,
- # so do nothing in this case.
- return
- curline, curcol = map(int, self.widget.index("insert").split('.'))
- if curline < self.parenline or \
- (curline == self.parenline and curcol <= self.parencol) or \
- self.widget.compare("insert", ">", MARK_RIGHT):
- self.hidetip()
- else:
- self.position_window()
- if self.checkhide_after_id is not None:
- self.widget.after_cancel(self.checkhide_after_id)
- self.checkhide_after_id = \
- self.widget.after(CHECKHIDE_TIME, self.checkhide_event)
- def hide_event(self, event):
- if not self.tipwindow:
- # See the explanation in checkhide_event.
- return
- self.hidetip()
- def hidetip(self):
- if not self.tipwindow:
- return
- self.widget.event_delete(CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
- self.widget.unbind(CHECKHIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, self.checkhideid)
- self.checkhideid = None
- for seq in HIDE_SEQUENCES:
- self.widget.event_delete(HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, seq)
- self.widget.unbind(HIDE_VIRTUAL_EVENT_NAME, self.hideid)
- self.hideid = None
- self.label.destroy()
- self.label = None
- self.tipwindow.destroy()
- self.tipwindow = None
- self.widget.mark_unset(MARK_RIGHT)
- self.parenline = self.parencol = self.lastline = None
- def is_active(self):
- return bool(self.tipwindow)
- def _calltip_window(parent): # htest #
- from Tkinter import Toplevel, Text, LEFT, BOTH
- top = Toplevel(parent)
- top.title("Test calltips")
- top.geometry("200x100+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx() + 200,
- parent.winfo_rooty() + 150))
- text = Text(top)
- text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)
- text.insert("insert", "string.split")
- top.update()
- calltip = CallTip(text)
- def calltip_show(event):
- calltip.showtip("(s=Hello world)", "insert", "end")
- def calltip_hide(event):
- calltip.hidetip()
- text.event_add("<<calltip-show>>", "(")
- text.event_add("<<calltip-hide>>", ")")
- text.bind("<<calltip-show>>", calltip_show)
- text.bind("<<calltip-hide>>", calltip_hide)
- text.focus_set()
- if __name__=='__main__':
- from idlelib.idle_test.htest import run
- run(_calltip_window)