123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605 |
- # Originally contributed by Sjoerd Mullender.
- # Significantly modified by Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin at gmail.com>.
- """Rational, infinite-precision, real numbers."""
- from __future__ import division
- from decimal import Decimal
- import math
- import numbers
- import operator
- import re
- __all__ = ['Fraction', 'gcd']
- Rational = numbers.Rational
- def gcd(a, b):
- """Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor of a and b.
- Unless b==0, the result will have the same sign as b (so that when
- b is divided by it, the result comes out positive).
- """
- while b:
- a, b = b, a%b
- return a
- _RATIONAL_FORMAT = re.compile(r"""
- \A\s* # optional whitespace at the start, then
- (?P<sign>[-+]?) # an optional sign, then
- (?=\d|\.\d) # lookahead for digit or .digit
- (?P<num>\d*) # numerator (possibly empty)
- (?: # followed by
- (?:/(?P<denom>\d+))? # an optional denominator
- | # or
- (?:\.(?P<decimal>\d*))? # an optional fractional part
- (?:E(?P<exp>[-+]?\d+))? # and optional exponent
- )
- \s*\Z # and optional whitespace to finish
- """, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
- class Fraction(Rational):
- """This class implements rational numbers.
- In the two-argument form of the constructor, Fraction(8, 6) will
- produce a rational number equivalent to 4/3. Both arguments must
- be Rational. The numerator defaults to 0 and the denominator
- defaults to 1 so that Fraction(3) == 3 and Fraction() == 0.
- Fractions can also be constructed from:
- - numeric strings similar to those accepted by the
- float constructor (for example, '-2.3' or '1e10')
- - strings of the form '123/456'
- - float and Decimal instances
- - other Rational instances (including integers)
- """
- __slots__ = ('_numerator', '_denominator')
- # We're immutable, so use __new__ not __init__
- def __new__(cls, numerator=0, denominator=None):
- """Constructs a Fraction.
- Takes a string like '3/2' or '1.5', another Rational instance, a
- numerator/denominator pair, or a float.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> Fraction(10, -8)
- Fraction(-5, 4)
- >>> Fraction(Fraction(1, 7), 5)
- Fraction(1, 35)
- >>> Fraction(Fraction(1, 7), Fraction(2, 3))
- Fraction(3, 14)
- >>> Fraction('314')
- Fraction(314, 1)
- >>> Fraction('-35/4')
- Fraction(-35, 4)
- >>> Fraction('3.1415') # conversion from numeric string
- Fraction(6283, 2000)
- >>> Fraction('-47e-2') # string may include a decimal exponent
- Fraction(-47, 100)
- >>> Fraction(1.47) # direct construction from float (exact conversion)
- Fraction(6620291452234629, 4503599627370496)
- >>> Fraction(2.25)
- Fraction(9, 4)
- >>> Fraction(Decimal('1.47'))
- Fraction(147, 100)
- """
- self = super(Fraction, cls).__new__(cls)
- if denominator is None:
- if isinstance(numerator, Rational):
- self._numerator = numerator.numerator
- self._denominator = numerator.denominator
- return self
- elif isinstance(numerator, float):
- # Exact conversion from float
- value = Fraction.from_float(numerator)
- self._numerator = value._numerator
- self._denominator = value._denominator
- return self
- elif isinstance(numerator, Decimal):
- value = Fraction.from_decimal(numerator)
- self._numerator = value._numerator
- self._denominator = value._denominator
- return self
- elif isinstance(numerator, basestring):
- # Handle construction from strings.
- m = _RATIONAL_FORMAT.match(numerator)
- if m is None:
- raise ValueError('Invalid literal for Fraction: %r' %
- numerator)
- numerator = int(m.group('num') or '0')
- denom = m.group('denom')
- if denom:
- denominator = int(denom)
- else:
- denominator = 1
- decimal = m.group('decimal')
- if decimal:
- scale = 10**len(decimal)
- numerator = numerator * scale + int(decimal)
- denominator *= scale
- exp = m.group('exp')
- if exp:
- exp = int(exp)
- if exp >= 0:
- numerator *= 10**exp
- else:
- denominator *= 10**-exp
- if m.group('sign') == '-':
- numerator = -numerator
- else:
- raise TypeError("argument should be a string "
- "or a Rational instance")
- elif (isinstance(numerator, Rational) and
- isinstance(denominator, Rational)):
- numerator, denominator = (
- numerator.numerator * denominator.denominator,
- denominator.numerator * numerator.denominator
- )
- else:
- raise TypeError("both arguments should be "
- "Rational instances")
- if denominator == 0:
- raise ZeroDivisionError('Fraction(%s, 0)' % numerator)
- g = gcd(numerator, denominator)
- self._numerator = numerator // g
- self._denominator = denominator // g
- return self
- @classmethod
- def from_float(cls, f):
- """Converts a finite float to a rational number, exactly.
- Beware that Fraction.from_float(0.3) != Fraction(3, 10).
- """
- if isinstance(f, numbers.Integral):
- return cls(f)
- elif not isinstance(f, float):
- raise TypeError("%s.from_float() only takes floats, not %r (%s)" %
- (cls.__name__, f, type(f).__name__))
- if math.isnan(f) or math.isinf(f):
- raise TypeError("Cannot convert %r to %s." % (f, cls.__name__))
- return cls(*f.as_integer_ratio())
- @classmethod
- def from_decimal(cls, dec):
- """Converts a finite Decimal instance to a rational number, exactly."""
- from decimal import Decimal
- if isinstance(dec, numbers.Integral):
- dec = Decimal(int(dec))
- elif not isinstance(dec, Decimal):
- raise TypeError(
- "%s.from_decimal() only takes Decimals, not %r (%s)" %
- (cls.__name__, dec, type(dec).__name__))
- if not dec.is_finite():
- # Catches infinities and nans.
- raise TypeError("Cannot convert %s to %s." % (dec, cls.__name__))
- sign, digits, exp = dec.as_tuple()
- digits = int(''.join(map(str, digits)))
- if sign:
- digits = -digits
- if exp >= 0:
- return cls(digits * 10 ** exp)
- else:
- return cls(digits, 10 ** -exp)
- def limit_denominator(self, max_denominator=1000000):
- """Closest Fraction to self with denominator at most max_denominator.
- >>> Fraction('3.141592653589793').limit_denominator(10)
- Fraction(22, 7)
- >>> Fraction('3.141592653589793').limit_denominator(100)
- Fraction(311, 99)
- >>> Fraction(4321, 8765).limit_denominator(10000)
- Fraction(4321, 8765)
- """
- # Algorithm notes: For any real number x, define a *best upper
- # approximation* to x to be a rational number p/q such that:
- #
- # (1) p/q >= x, and
- # (2) if p/q > r/s >= x then s > q, for any rational r/s.
- #
- # Define *best lower approximation* similarly. Then it can be
- # proved that a rational number is a best upper or lower
- # approximation to x if, and only if, it is a convergent or
- # semiconvergent of the (unique shortest) continued fraction
- # associated to x.
- #
- # To find a best rational approximation with denominator <= M,
- # we find the best upper and lower approximations with
- # denominator <= M and take whichever of these is closer to x.
- # In the event of a tie, the bound with smaller denominator is
- # chosen. If both denominators are equal (which can happen
- # only when max_denominator == 1 and self is midway between
- # two integers) the lower bound---i.e., the floor of self, is
- # taken.
- if max_denominator < 1:
- raise ValueError("max_denominator should be at least 1")
- if self._denominator <= max_denominator:
- return Fraction(self)
- p0, q0, p1, q1 = 0, 1, 1, 0
- n, d = self._numerator, self._denominator
- while True:
- a = n//d
- q2 = q0+a*q1
- if q2 > max_denominator:
- break
- p0, q0, p1, q1 = p1, q1, p0+a*p1, q2
- n, d = d, n-a*d
- k = (max_denominator-q0)//q1
- bound1 = Fraction(p0+k*p1, q0+k*q1)
- bound2 = Fraction(p1, q1)
- if abs(bound2 - self) <= abs(bound1-self):
- return bound2
- else:
- return bound1
- @property
- def numerator(a):
- return a._numerator
- @property
- def denominator(a):
- return a._denominator
- def __repr__(self):
- """repr(self)"""
- return ('Fraction(%s, %s)' % (self._numerator, self._denominator))
- def __str__(self):
- """str(self)"""
- if self._denominator == 1:
- return str(self._numerator)
- else:
- return '%s/%s' % (self._numerator, self._denominator)
- def _operator_fallbacks(monomorphic_operator, fallback_operator):
- """Generates forward and reverse operators given a purely-rational
- operator and a function from the operator module.
- Use this like:
- __op__, __rop__ = _operator_fallbacks(just_rational_op, operator.op)
- In general, we want to implement the arithmetic operations so
- that mixed-mode operations either call an implementation whose
- author knew about the types of both arguments, or convert both
- to the nearest built in type and do the operation there. In
- Fraction, that means that we define __add__ and __radd__ as:
- def __add__(self, other):
- # Both types have numerators/denominator attributes,
- # so do the operation directly
- if isinstance(other, (int, long, Fraction)):
- return Fraction(self.numerator * other.denominator +
- other.numerator * self.denominator,
- self.denominator * other.denominator)
- # float and complex don't have those operations, but we
- # know about those types, so special case them.
- elif isinstance(other, float):
- return float(self) + other
- elif isinstance(other, complex):
- return complex(self) + other
- # Let the other type take over.
- return NotImplemented
- def __radd__(self, other):
- # radd handles more types than add because there's
- # nothing left to fall back to.
- if isinstance(other, Rational):
- return Fraction(self.numerator * other.denominator +
- other.numerator * self.denominator,
- self.denominator * other.denominator)
- elif isinstance(other, Real):
- return float(other) + float(self)
- elif isinstance(other, Complex):
- return complex(other) + complex(self)
- return NotImplemented
- There are 5 different cases for a mixed-type addition on
- Fraction. I'll refer to all of the above code that doesn't
- refer to Fraction, float, or complex as "boilerplate". 'r'
- will be an instance of Fraction, which is a subtype of
- Rational (r : Fraction <: Rational), and b : B <:
- Complex. The first three involve 'r + b':
- 1. If B <: Fraction, int, float, or complex, we handle
- that specially, and all is well.
- 2. If Fraction falls back to the boilerplate code, and it
- were to return a value from __add__, we'd miss the
- possibility that B defines a more intelligent __radd__,
- so the boilerplate should return NotImplemented from
- __add__. In particular, we don't handle Rational
- here, even though we could get an exact answer, in case
- the other type wants to do something special.
- 3. If B <: Fraction, Python tries B.__radd__ before
- Fraction.__add__. This is ok, because it was
- implemented with knowledge of Fraction, so it can
- handle those instances before delegating to Real or
- Complex.
- The next two situations describe 'b + r'. We assume that b
- didn't know about Fraction in its implementation, and that it
- uses similar boilerplate code:
- 4. If B <: Rational, then __radd_ converts both to the
- builtin rational type (hey look, that's us) and
- proceeds.
- 5. Otherwise, __radd__ tries to find the nearest common
- base ABC, and fall back to its builtin type. Since this
- class doesn't subclass a concrete type, there's no
- implementation to fall back to, so we need to try as
- hard as possible to return an actual value, or the user
- will get a TypeError.
- """
- def forward(a, b):
- if isinstance(b, (int, long, Fraction)):
- return monomorphic_operator(a, b)
- elif isinstance(b, float):
- return fallback_operator(float(a), b)
- elif isinstance(b, complex):
- return fallback_operator(complex(a), b)
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- forward.__name__ = '__' + fallback_operator.__name__ + '__'
- forward.__doc__ = monomorphic_operator.__doc__
- def reverse(b, a):
- if isinstance(a, Rational):
- # Includes ints.
- return monomorphic_operator(a, b)
- elif isinstance(a, numbers.Real):
- return fallback_operator(float(a), float(b))
- elif isinstance(a, numbers.Complex):
- return fallback_operator(complex(a), complex(b))
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- reverse.__name__ = '__r' + fallback_operator.__name__ + '__'
- reverse.__doc__ = monomorphic_operator.__doc__
- return forward, reverse
- def _add(a, b):
- """a + b"""
- return Fraction(a.numerator * b.denominator +
- b.numerator * a.denominator,
- a.denominator * b.denominator)
- __add__, __radd__ = _operator_fallbacks(_add, operator.add)
- def _sub(a, b):
- """a - b"""
- return Fraction(a.numerator * b.denominator -
- b.numerator * a.denominator,
- a.denominator * b.denominator)
- __sub__, __rsub__ = _operator_fallbacks(_sub, operator.sub)
- def _mul(a, b):
- """a * b"""
- return Fraction(a.numerator * b.numerator, a.denominator * b.denominator)
- __mul__, __rmul__ = _operator_fallbacks(_mul, operator.mul)
- def _div(a, b):
- """a / b"""
- return Fraction(a.numerator * b.denominator,
- a.denominator * b.numerator)
- __truediv__, __rtruediv__ = _operator_fallbacks(_div, operator.truediv)
- __div__, __rdiv__ = _operator_fallbacks(_div, operator.div)
- def __floordiv__(a, b):
- """a // b"""
- # Will be math.floor(a / b) in 3.0.
- div = a / b
- if isinstance(div, Rational):
- # trunc(math.floor(div)) doesn't work if the rational is
- # more precise than a float because the intermediate
- # rounding may cross an integer boundary.
- return div.numerator // div.denominator
- else:
- return math.floor(div)
- def __rfloordiv__(b, a):
- """a // b"""
- # Will be math.floor(a / b) in 3.0.
- div = a / b
- if isinstance(div, Rational):
- # trunc(math.floor(div)) doesn't work if the rational is
- # more precise than a float because the intermediate
- # rounding may cross an integer boundary.
- return div.numerator // div.denominator
- else:
- return math.floor(div)
- def __mod__(a, b):
- """a % b"""
- div = a // b
- return a - b * div
- def __rmod__(b, a):
- """a % b"""
- div = a // b
- return a - b * div
- def __pow__(a, b):
- """a ** b
- If b is not an integer, the result will be a float or complex
- since roots are generally irrational. If b is an integer, the
- result will be rational.
- """
- if isinstance(b, Rational):
- if b.denominator == 1:
- power = b.numerator
- if power >= 0:
- return Fraction(a._numerator ** power,
- a._denominator ** power)
- else:
- return Fraction(a._denominator ** -power,
- a._numerator ** -power)
- else:
- # A fractional power will generally produce an
- # irrational number.
- return float(a) ** float(b)
- else:
- return float(a) ** b
- def __rpow__(b, a):
- """a ** b"""
- if b._denominator == 1 and b._numerator >= 0:
- # If a is an int, keep it that way if possible.
- return a ** b._numerator
- if isinstance(a, Rational):
- return Fraction(a.numerator, a.denominator) ** b
- if b._denominator == 1:
- return a ** b._numerator
- return a ** float(b)
- def __pos__(a):
- """+a: Coerces a subclass instance to Fraction"""
- return Fraction(a._numerator, a._denominator)
- def __neg__(a):
- """-a"""
- return Fraction(-a._numerator, a._denominator)
- def __abs__(a):
- """abs(a)"""
- return Fraction(abs(a._numerator), a._denominator)
- def __trunc__(a):
- """trunc(a)"""
- if a._numerator < 0:
- return -(-a._numerator // a._denominator)
- else:
- return a._numerator // a._denominator
- def __hash__(self):
- """hash(self)
- Tricky because values that are exactly representable as a
- float must have the same hash as that float.
- """
- # XXX since this method is expensive, consider caching the result
- if self._denominator == 1:
- # Get integers right.
- return hash(self._numerator)
- # Expensive check, but definitely correct.
- if self == float(self):
- return hash(float(self))
- else:
- # Use tuple's hash to avoid a high collision rate on
- # simple fractions.
- return hash((self._numerator, self._denominator))
- def __eq__(a, b):
- """a == b"""
- if isinstance(b, Rational):
- return (a._numerator == b.numerator and
- a._denominator == b.denominator)
- if isinstance(b, numbers.Complex) and b.imag == 0:
- b = b.real
- if isinstance(b, float):
- if math.isnan(b) or math.isinf(b):
- # comparisons with an infinity or nan should behave in
- # the same way for any finite a, so treat a as zero.
- return 0.0 == b
- else:
- return a == a.from_float(b)
- else:
- # Since a doesn't know how to compare with b, let's give b
- # a chance to compare itself with a.
- return NotImplemented
- def _richcmp(self, other, op):
- """Helper for comparison operators, for internal use only.
- Implement comparison between a Rational instance `self`, and
- either another Rational instance or a float `other`. If
- `other` is not a Rational instance or a float, return
- NotImplemented. `op` should be one of the six standard
- comparison operators.
- """
- # convert other to a Rational instance where reasonable.
- if isinstance(other, Rational):
- return op(self._numerator * other.denominator,
- self._denominator * other.numerator)
- # comparisons with complex should raise a TypeError, for consistency
- # with int<->complex, float<->complex, and complex<->complex comparisons.
- if isinstance(other, complex):
- raise TypeError("no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers")
- if isinstance(other, float):
- if math.isnan(other) or math.isinf(other):
- return op(0.0, other)
- else:
- return op(self, self.from_float(other))
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- def __lt__(a, b):
- """a < b"""
- return a._richcmp(b, operator.lt)
- def __gt__(a, b):
- """a > b"""
- return a._richcmp(b, operator.gt)
- def __le__(a, b):
- """a <= b"""
- return a._richcmp(b, operator.le)
- def __ge__(a, b):
- """a >= b"""
- return a._richcmp(b, operator.ge)
- def __nonzero__(a):
- """a != 0"""
- return a._numerator != 0
- # support for pickling, copy, and deepcopy
- def __reduce__(self):
- return (self.__class__, (str(self),))
- def __copy__(self):
- if type(self) == Fraction:
- return self # I'm immutable; therefore I am my own clone
- return self.__class__(self._numerator, self._denominator)
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- if type(self) == Fraction:
- return self # My components are also immutable
- return self.__class__(self._numerator, self._denominator)