123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554 |
- package attributes;
- our $VERSION = 0.27;
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(get reftype);
- @EXPORT = ();
- use strict;
- sub croak {
- require Carp;
- goto &Carp::croak;
- }
- sub carp {
- require Carp;
- goto &Carp::carp;
- }
- my %deprecated;
- $deprecated{CODE} = qr/\A-?(locked)\z/;
- $deprecated{ARRAY} = $deprecated{HASH} = $deprecated{SCALAR}
- = qr/\A-?(unique)\z/;
- my %msg = (
- lvalue => 'lvalue attribute applied to already-defined subroutine',
- -lvalue => 'lvalue attribute removed from already-defined subroutine',
- const => 'Useless use of attribute "const"',
- );
- sub _modify_attrs_and_deprecate {
- my $svtype = shift;
- # Now that we've removed handling of locked from the XS code, we need to
- # remove it here, else it ends up in @badattrs. (If we do the deprecation in
- # XS, we can't control the warning based on *our* caller's lexical settings,
- # and the warned line is in this package)
- grep {
- $deprecated{$svtype} && /$deprecated{$svtype}/ ? do {
- require warnings;
- warnings::warnif('deprecated', "Attribute \"$1\" is deprecated");
- 0;
- } : $svtype eq 'CODE' && exists $msg{$_} ? do {
- require warnings;
- warnings::warnif(
- 'misc',
- $msg{$_}
- );
- 0;
- } : 1
- } _modify_attrs(@_);
- }
- sub import {
- @_ > 2 && ref $_[2] or do {
- require Exporter;
- goto &Exporter::import;
- };
- my (undef,$home_stash,$svref,@attrs) = @_;
- my $svtype = uc reftype($svref);
- my $pkgmeth;
- $pkgmeth = UNIVERSAL::can($home_stash, "MODIFY_${svtype}_ATTRIBUTES")
- if defined $home_stash && $home_stash ne '';
- my @badattrs;
- if ($pkgmeth) {
- my @pkgattrs = _modify_attrs_and_deprecate($svtype, $svref, @attrs);
- @badattrs = $pkgmeth->($home_stash, $svref, @pkgattrs);
- if (!@badattrs && @pkgattrs) {
- require warnings;
- return unless warnings::enabled('reserved');
- @pkgattrs = grep { m/\A[[:lower:]]+(?:\z|\()/ } @pkgattrs;
- if (@pkgattrs) {
- for my $attr (@pkgattrs) {
- $attr =~ s/\(.+\z//s;
- }
- my $s = ((@pkgattrs == 1) ? '' : 's');
- carp "$svtype package attribute$s " .
- "may clash with future reserved word$s: " .
- join(' : ' , @pkgattrs);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- @badattrs = _modify_attrs_and_deprecate($svtype, $svref, @attrs);
- }
- if (@badattrs) {
- croak "Invalid $svtype attribute" .
- (( @badattrs == 1 ) ? '' : 's') .
- ": " .
- join(' : ', @badattrs);
- }
- }
- sub get ($) {
- @_ == 1 && ref $_[0] or
- croak 'Usage: '.__PACKAGE__.'::get $ref';
- my $svref = shift;
- my $svtype = uc reftype($svref);
- my $stash = _guess_stash($svref);
- $stash = caller unless defined $stash;
- my $pkgmeth;
- $pkgmeth = UNIVERSAL::can($stash, "FETCH_${svtype}_ATTRIBUTES")
- if defined $stash && $stash ne '';
- return $pkgmeth ?
- (_fetch_attrs($svref), $pkgmeth->($stash, $svref)) :
- (_fetch_attrs($svref))
- ;
- }
- sub require_version { goto &UNIVERSAL::VERSION }
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load();
- 1;
- __END__
- #The POD goes here
- =head1 NAME
- attributes - get/set subroutine or variable attributes
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- sub foo : method ;
- my ($x,@y,%z) : Bent = 1;
- my $s = sub : method { ... };
- use attributes (); # optional, to get subroutine declarations
- my @attrlist = attributes::get(\&foo);
- use attributes 'get'; # import the attributes::get subroutine
- my @attrlist = get \&foo;
- Subroutine declarations and definitions may optionally have attribute lists
- associated with them. (Variable C<my> declarations also may, but see the
- warning below.) Perl handles these declarations by passing some information
- about the call site and the thing being declared along with the attribute
- list to this module. In particular, the first example above is equivalent to
- the following:
- use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&foo, 'method';
- The second example in the synopsis does something equivalent to this:
- use attributes ();
- my ($x,@y,%z);
- attributes::->import(__PACKAGE__, \$x, 'Bent');
- attributes::->import(__PACKAGE__, \@y, 'Bent');
- attributes::->import(__PACKAGE__, \%z, 'Bent');
- ($x,@y,%z) = 1;
- Yes, that's a lot of expansion.
- B<WARNING>: attribute declarations for variables are still evolving.
- The semantics and interfaces of such declarations could change in
- future versions. They are present for purposes of experimentation
- with what the semantics ought to be. Do not rely on the current
- implementation of this feature.
- There are only a few attributes currently handled by Perl itself (or
- directly by this module, depending on how you look at it.) However,
- package-specific attributes are allowed by an extension mechanism.
- (See L<"Package-specific Attribute Handling"> below.)
- The setting of subroutine attributes happens at compile time.
- Variable attributes in C<our> declarations are also applied at compile time.
- However, C<my> variables get their attributes applied at run-time.
- This means that you have to I<reach> the run-time component of the C<my>
- before those attributes will get applied. For example:
- my $x : Bent = 42 if 0;
- will neither assign 42 to $x I<nor> will it apply the C<Bent> attribute
- to the variable.
- An attempt to set an unrecognized attribute is a fatal error. (The
- error is trappable, but it still stops the compilation within that
- C<eval>.) Setting an attribute with a name that's all lowercase
- letters that's not a built-in attribute (such as "foo") will result in
- a warning with B<-w> or C<use warnings 'reserved'>.
- =head2 What C<import> does
- In the description it is mentioned that
- sub foo : method;
- is equivalent to
- use attributes __PACKAGE__, \&foo, 'method';
- As you might know this calls the C<import> function of C<attributes> at compile
- time with these parameters: 'attributes', the caller's package name, the reference
- to the code and 'method'.
- attributes->import( __PACKAGE__, \&foo, 'method' );
- So you want to know what C<import> actually does?
- First of all C<import> gets the type of the third parameter ('CODE' in this case).
- C<attributes.pm> checks if there is a subroutine called C<< MODIFY_<reftype>_ATTRIBUTES >>
- in the caller's namespace (here: 'main'). In this case a
- subroutine C<MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES> is required. Then this
- method is called to check if you have used a "bad attribute".
- The subroutine call in this example would look like
- MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES( 'main', \&foo, 'method' );
- C<< MODIFY_<reftype>_ATTRIBUTES >> has to return a list of all "bad attributes".
- If there are any bad attributes C<import> croaks.
- (See L<"Package-specific Attribute Handling"> below.)
- =head2 Built-in Attributes
- The following are the built-in attributes for subroutines:
- =over 4
- =item lvalue
- Indicates that the referenced subroutine is a valid lvalue and can
- be assigned to. The subroutine must return a modifiable value such
- as a scalar variable, as described in L<perlsub>.
- This module allows one to set this attribute on a subroutine that is
- already defined. For Perl subroutines (XSUBs are fine), it may or may not
- do what you want, depending on the code inside the subroutine, with details
- subject to change in future Perl versions. You may run into problems with
- lvalue context not being propagated properly into the subroutine, or maybe
- even assertion failures. For this reason, a warning is emitted if warnings
- are enabled. In other words, you should only do this if you really know
- what you are doing. You have been warned.
- =item method
- Indicates that the referenced subroutine
- is a method. A subroutine so marked
- will not trigger the "Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::%s" warning.
- =item prototype(..)
- The "prototype" attribute is an alternate means of specifying a prototype
- on a sub. The desired prototype is within the parens.
- The prototype from the attribute is assigned to the sub immediately after
- the prototype from the sub, which means that if both are declared at the
- same time, the traditionally defined prototype is ignored. In other words,
- C<sub foo($$) : prototype(@) {}> is indistinguishable from C<sub foo(@){}>.
- If illegalproto warnings are enabled, the prototype declared inside this
- attribute will be sanity checked at compile time.
- =item locked
- The "locked" attribute is deprecated, and has no effect in 5.10.0 and later.
- It was used as part of the now-removed "Perl 5.005 threads".
- =item const
- This experimental attribute, introduced in Perl 5.22, only applies to
- anonymous subroutines. It causes the subroutine to be called as soon as
- the C<sub> expression is evaluated. The return value is captured and
- turned into a constant subroutine.
- =back
- The following are the built-in attributes for variables:
- =over 4
- =item shared
- Indicates that the referenced variable can be shared across different threads
- when used in conjunction with the L<threads> and L<threads::shared> modules.
- =item unique
- The "unique" attribute is deprecated, and has no effect in 5.10.0 and later.
- It used to indicate that a single copy of an C<our> variable was to be used by
- all interpreters should the program happen to be running in a
- multi-interpreter environment.
- =back
- =head2 Available Subroutines
- The following subroutines are available for general use once this module
- has been loaded:
- =over 4
- =item get
- This routine expects a single parameter--a reference to a
- subroutine or variable. It returns a list of attributes, which may be
- empty. If passed invalid arguments, it uses die() (via L<Carp::croak|Carp>)
- to raise a fatal exception. If it can find an appropriate package name
- for a class method lookup, it will include the results from a
- C<FETCH_I<type>_ATTRIBUTES> call in its return list, as described in
- L<"Package-specific Attribute Handling"> below.
- Otherwise, only L<built-in attributes|"Built-in Attributes"> will be returned.
- =item reftype
- This routine expects a single parameter--a reference to a subroutine or
- variable. It returns the built-in type of the referenced variable,
- ignoring any package into which it might have been blessed.
- This can be useful for determining the I<type> value which forms part of
- the method names described in L<"Package-specific Attribute Handling"> below.
- =back
- Note that these routines are I<not> exported by default.
- =head2 Package-specific Attribute Handling
- B<WARNING>: the mechanisms described here are still experimental. Do not
- rely on the current implementation. In particular, there is no provision
- for applying package attributes to 'cloned' copies of subroutines used as
- closures. (See L<perlref/"Making References"> for information on closures.)
- Package-specific attribute handling may change incompatibly in a future
- release.
- When an attribute list is present in a declaration, a check is made to see
- whether an attribute 'modify' handler is present in the appropriate package
- (or its @ISA inheritance tree). Similarly, when C<attributes::get> is
- called on a valid reference, a check is made for an appropriate attribute
- 'fetch' handler. See L<"EXAMPLES"> to see how the "appropriate package"
- determination works.
- The handler names are based on the underlying type of the variable being
- declared or of the reference passed. Because these attributes are
- associated with subroutine or variable declarations, this deliberately
- ignores any possibility of being blessed into some package. Thus, a
- subroutine declaration uses "CODE" as its I<type>, and even a blessed
- hash reference uses "HASH" as its I<type>.
- The class methods invoked for modifying and fetching are these:
- =over 4
- =item FETCH_I<type>_ATTRIBUTES
- This method is called with two arguments: the relevant package name,
- and a reference to a variable or subroutine for which package-defined
- attributes are desired. The expected return value is a list of
- associated attributes. This list may be empty.
- This method is called with two fixed arguments, followed by the list of
- attributes from the relevant declaration. The two fixed arguments are
- the relevant package name and a reference to the declared subroutine or
- variable. The expected return value is a list of attributes which were
- not recognized by this handler. Note that this allows for a derived class
- to delegate a call to its base class, and then only examine the attributes
- which the base class didn't already handle for it.
- The call to this method is currently made I<during> the processing of the
- declaration. In particular, this means that a subroutine reference will
- probably be for an undefined subroutine, even if this declaration is
- actually part of the definition.
- =back
- Calling C<attributes::get()> from within the scope of a null package
- declaration C<package ;> for an unblessed variable reference will
- not provide any starting package name for the 'fetch' method lookup.
- Thus, this circumstance will not result in a method call for package-defined
- attributes. A named subroutine knows to which symbol table entry it belongs
- (or originally belonged), and it will use the corresponding package.
- An anonymous subroutine knows the package name into which it was compiled
- (unless it was also compiled with a null package declaration), and so it
- will use that package name.
- =head2 Syntax of Attribute Lists
- An attribute list is a sequence of attribute specifications, separated by
- whitespace or a colon (with optional whitespace).
- Each attribute specification is a simple
- name, optionally followed by a parenthesised parameter list.
- If such a parameter list is present, it is scanned past as for the rules
- for the C<q()> operator. (See L<perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators">.)
- The parameter list is passed as it was found, however, and not as per C<q()>.
- Some examples of syntactically valid attribute lists:
- switch(10,foo(7,3)) : expensive
- Ugly('\(") :Bad
- _5x5
- lvalue method
- Some examples of syntactically invalid attribute lists (with annotation):
- switch(10,foo() # ()-string not balanced
- Ugly('(') # ()-string not balanced
- 5x5 # "5x5" not a valid identifier
- Y2::north # "Y2::north" not a simple identifier
- foo + bar # "+" neither a colon nor whitespace
- =head1 EXPORTS
- =head2 Default exports
- None.
- =head2 Available exports
- The routines C<get> and C<reftype> are exportable.
- =head2 Export tags defined
- The C<:ALL> tag will get all of the above exports.
- =head1 EXAMPLES
- Here are some samples of syntactically valid declarations, with annotation
- as to how they resolve internally into C<use attributes> invocations by
- perl. These examples are primarily useful to see how the "appropriate
- package" is found for the possible method lookups for package-defined
- attributes.
- =over 4
- =item 1.
- Code:
- package Canine;
- package Dog;
- my Canine $spot : Watchful ;
- Effect:
- use attributes ();
- attributes::->import(Canine => \$spot, "Watchful");
- =item 2.
- Code:
- package Felis;
- my $cat : Nervous;
- Effect:
- use attributes ();
- attributes::->import(Felis => \$cat, "Nervous");
- =item 3.
- Code:
- package X;
- sub foo : lvalue ;
- Effect:
- use attributes X => \&foo, "lvalue";
- =item 4.
- Code:
- package X;
- sub Y::x : lvalue { 1 }
- Effect:
- use attributes Y => \&Y::x, "lvalue";
- =item 5.
- Code:
- package X;
- sub foo { 1 }
- package Y;
- BEGIN { *bar = \&X::foo; }
- package Z;
- sub Y::bar : lvalue ;
- Effect:
- use attributes X => \&X::foo, "lvalue";
- =back
- This last example is purely for purposes of completeness. You should not
- be trying to mess with the attributes of something in a package that's
- not your own.
- =over 4
- =item 1.
- my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
- my $allowed = 'MyAttribute';
- my @bad = grep { $_ ne $allowed } @attrs;
- return @bad;
- }
- sub foo : MyAttribute {
- print "foo\n";
- }
- This example runs. At compile time
- C<MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES> is called. In that
- subroutine, we check if any attribute is disallowed and we return a list of
- these "bad attributes".
- As we return an empty list, everything is fine.
- =item 2.
- my ($class,$code,@attrs) = @_;
- my $allowed = 'MyAttribute';
- my @bad = grep{ $_ ne $allowed }@attrs;
- return @bad;
- }
- sub foo : MyAttribute Test {
- print "foo\n";
- }
- This example is aborted at compile time as we use the attribute "Test" which
- isn't allowed. C<MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES>
- returns a list that contains a single
- element ('Test').
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<perlsub/"Private Variables via my()"> and
- L<perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes"> for details on the basic declarations;
- L<perlfunc/use> for details on the normal invocation mechanism.
- =cut