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- LatGrkCyr - brief notes, primarily about which glyphs are available.
- These two fonts are intended to cover current European languages
- written with latin, greek, and cyrillic alphabets. Also esperanto.
- For a long time I've been happy with an 8x16 font, but now that I use
- kms on a big screen I thought it best to have a bigger font (but I
- still use the 1024x768 setting with an 8x16 font on that screen with
- one machine).
- The 8x16 version will also be available in my sigma-consolefonts
- package (a bdf font, some map files to identify which glyphs to use,
- some perl, and a Makefile). That package is targetted at people who
- build from source and allows you to easily change the letter forms or
- to add different glyphs if you need to. Because of the limited size
- of the character cell, it is sans-serif. The font is public domain,
- the other items are under BSD-style licenses.
- The 12x22 font is derived from iso01-12x22 and hence from the sun
- 12x22 font included in the linux kernel, therefore it is licensed
- under the GPLv2. This font has serifs, although for a few of the
- added glyphs I've had to trim them. As with the sigma font, the
- letters have been resized to better allow for accents and diacritical
- marks.
- My aim is to make the different glyphs reasonably easy to identify,
- so I often ignore the "rules" about how to write them - in particular
- see the acute, circumflex, and grave accents in the 12x22 font.
- Similarly, letters with descenders such as g, p, q have a raised base
- so that the descender appears longer.
- I've also added a few obscure glyphs which are in the iso01 or latin1
- fonts, just in case anyone still uses them.
- Latin letters and variants
- --------------------------
- Aa Àà Áá Ââ Ãã Ää Åå Āā Ăă Ąą
- Bb
- Cc Çç Ćć Ĉĉ Ċċ Čč
- Dd Ďď Đđ
- Ee Èè Éé Êê Ëë Ēē Ėė Ęę Ěě
- Ff
- Gg Ĝĝ Ğğ Ġġ Ģģ Ǥǥ Ǧǧ
- Hh Ĥĥ Ħħ
- Ii Ìì Íí Îî Ïï Īī Įį İı
- Jj Ĵĵ
- Kk Ķķ Ǩǩ
- Ll Ĺĺ Ļļ Ľľ Ŀŀ Łł
- Mm
- Nn Ññ Ńń Ņņ Ňň
- Oo Òò Óó Ôô Õõ Öö Øø Ōō Őő
- Pp
- Qq
- Rr Ŕŕ Řř
- Ss ß Śś Ŝŝ Şş Šš Șș
- Tt Ťť Ŧŧ Țț (also maps Ţţ for old romanian text)
- Uu Ùù Úú Ûû Üü Ūū Ŭŭ Ůů Űű Ųų
- Vv
- Ww Ŵŵ Ẁẁ Ẃẃ Ẅẅ
- Xx
- Yy Ýý Ŷŷ Ÿÿ Ỳỳ [ NB these are ordered by the capitals! ]
- Zz Źź Żż Žž
- Ææ
- Ðð
- Þþ
- Ŋŋ
- Œœ
- Əə [ not really a european letter ]
- Ʒʒ Ǯǯ
- ĸ [ obsolete, but it's presence is my 'signature' ]
- Greek letters, etc
- ------------------
- ʹ number sign ͵ lower number sign ΄ tonos ΅ dialytika and tonos
- ; greek question mark
- Αα Άά Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Έέ Ζζ Ηη Ήή Θθ Ιι Ίί Ϊϊ ΐ Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Όό Ππ
- Ρρ Σςσ Ττ Υυ Ύύ Ϋϋ ΰ [ again, ordered by the uppercase versions ]
- Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω Ώώ
- Cyrillic letters and variants
- -----------------------------
- Аа Ӓӓ Бб Вв Гг Ѓѓ Ґґ Дд Ее Ѐѐ Ёё Жж Ӂӂ Зз Ии Йй Ѝѝ Ҋҋ Кк Лл Ӆӆ Мм Ӎӎ
- Нн Ӈӈ Ӊӊ Оо Пп Рр Ҏҏ Сс Тт Уу Ўў Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ Ъъ Ыы Ьь Ээ Ӭӭ Юю
- Яя Ђђ Єє Ѕѕ Іі Її Јј Љљ Њњ Ћћ Ќќ Џџ Ҍҍ Һһ
- Digits
- ------
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Currencies
- ----------
- $ dollar
- ¢ cent
- £ sterling
- ¤ number sign used for other currencies
- ¥ yen
- ƒ florin (a cheat, but costs nothing)
- € euro
- ₴ hryvnia
- Punctuation
- -----------
- ! " ' ( ) , - : ; ? [ ] _ ` { | } ¡ « » ¿ „ … ‹ ›
- Accents and other diacriticals
- ^ ~ ¨ ¯ ° ´ ¸ ˇ ˘ ˙ ˛
- Other symbols
- # $ % & * + < = > @ \ § © ª ® ° ± ² ³ µ ¶ · ¹ º ¼ ½ ¾ × ÷ ‰ ™ Ω K Å ← ↑ → ↓
- and of course � (U+fffd) for invalid-unicode or no-glyph
- There are also some graphics characters, but I doubt anyone uses
- those now.