123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354 |
- /*
- Copyright 2005-2013 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
- Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
- library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
- templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
- this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
- file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
- the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
- invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
- the GNU General Public License.
- */
- #ifndef __TBB_parallel_scan_H
- #define __TBB_parallel_scan_H
- #include "task.h"
- #include "aligned_space.h"
- #include <new>
- #include "partitioner.h"
- namespace tbb {
- //! Used to indicate that the initial scan is being performed.
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- struct pre_scan_tag {
- static bool is_final_scan() {return false;}
- };
- //! Used to indicate that the final scan is being performed.
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- struct final_scan_tag {
- static bool is_final_scan() {return true;}
- };
- //! @cond INTERNAL
- namespace internal {
- //! Performs final scan for a leaf
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- class final_sum: public task {
- public:
- Body my_body;
- private:
- aligned_space<Range,1> my_range;
- //! Where to put result of last subrange, or NULL if not last subrange.
- Body* my_stuff_last;
- public:
- final_sum( Body& body_ ) :
- my_body(body_,split())
- {
- poison_pointer(my_stuff_last);
- }
- ~final_sum() {
- my_range.begin()->~Range();
- }
- void finish_construction( const Range& range_, Body* stuff_last_ ) {
- new( my_range.begin() ) Range(range_);
- my_stuff_last = stuff_last_;
- }
- private:
- /*override*/ task* execute() {
- my_body( *my_range.begin(), final_scan_tag() );
- if( my_stuff_last )
- my_stuff_last->assign(my_body);
- return NULL;
- }
- };
- //! Split work to be done in the scan.
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- class sum_node: public task {
- typedef final_sum<Range,Body> final_sum_type;
- public:
- final_sum_type *my_incoming;
- final_sum_type *my_body;
- Body *my_stuff_last;
- private:
- final_sum_type *my_left_sum;
- sum_node *my_left;
- sum_node *my_right;
- bool my_left_is_final;
- Range my_range;
- sum_node( const Range range_, bool left_is_final_ ) :
- my_left_sum(NULL),
- my_left(NULL),
- my_right(NULL),
- my_left_is_final(left_is_final_),
- my_range(range_)
- {
- // Poison fields that will be set by second pass.
- poison_pointer(my_body);
- poison_pointer(my_incoming);
- }
- task* create_child( const Range& range_, final_sum_type& f, sum_node* n, final_sum_type* incoming_, Body* stuff_last_ ) {
- if( !n ) {
- f.recycle_as_child_of( *this );
- f.finish_construction( range_, stuff_last_ );
- return &f;
- } else {
- n->my_body = &f;
- n->my_incoming = incoming_;
- n->my_stuff_last = stuff_last_;
- return n;
- }
- }
- /*override*/ task* execute() {
- if( my_body ) {
- if( my_incoming )
- my_left_sum->my_body.reverse_join( my_incoming->my_body );
- recycle_as_continuation();
- sum_node& c = *this;
- task* b = c.create_child(Range(my_range,split()),*my_left_sum,my_right,my_left_sum,my_stuff_last);
- task* a = my_left_is_final ? NULL : c.create_child(my_range,*my_body,my_left,my_incoming,NULL);
- set_ref_count( (a!=NULL)+(b!=NULL) );
- my_body = NULL;
- if( a ) spawn(*b);
- else a = b;
- return a;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- template<typename Range_,typename Body_,typename Partitioner_>
- friend class start_scan;
- template<typename Range_,typename Body_>
- friend class finish_scan;
- };
- //! Combine partial results
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- class finish_scan: public task {
- typedef sum_node<Range,Body> sum_node_type;
- typedef final_sum<Range,Body> final_sum_type;
- final_sum_type** const my_sum;
- sum_node_type*& my_return_slot;
- public:
- final_sum_type* my_right_zombie;
- sum_node_type& my_result;
- /*override*/ task* execute() {
- __TBB_ASSERT( my_result.ref_count()==(my_result.my_left!=NULL)+(my_result.my_right!=NULL), NULL );
- if( my_result.my_left )
- my_result.my_left_is_final = false;
- if( my_right_zombie && my_sum )
- ((*my_sum)->my_body).reverse_join(my_result.my_left_sum->my_body);
- __TBB_ASSERT( !my_return_slot, NULL );
- if( my_right_zombie || my_result.my_right ) {
- my_return_slot = &my_result;
- } else {
- destroy( my_result );
- }
- if( my_right_zombie && !my_sum && !my_result.my_right ) {
- destroy(*my_right_zombie);
- my_right_zombie = NULL;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- finish_scan( sum_node_type*& return_slot_, final_sum_type** sum_, sum_node_type& result_ ) :
- my_sum(sum_),
- my_return_slot(return_slot_),
- my_right_zombie(NULL),
- my_result(result_)
- {
- __TBB_ASSERT( !my_return_slot, NULL );
- }
- };
- //! Initial task to split the work
- /** @ingroup algorithms */
- template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner=simple_partitioner>
- class start_scan: public task {
- typedef sum_node<Range,Body> sum_node_type;
- typedef final_sum<Range,Body> final_sum_type;
- final_sum_type* my_body;
- /** Non-null if caller is requesting total. */
- final_sum_type** my_sum;
- sum_node_type** my_return_slot;
- /** Null if computing root. */
- sum_node_type* my_parent_sum;
- bool my_is_final;
- bool my_is_right_child;
- Range my_range;
- typename Partitioner::partition_type my_partition;
- /*override*/ task* execute();
- public:
- start_scan( sum_node_type*& return_slot_, start_scan& parent_, sum_node_type* parent_sum_ ) :
- my_body(parent_.my_body),
- my_sum(parent_.my_sum),
- my_return_slot(&return_slot_),
- my_parent_sum(parent_sum_),
- my_is_final(parent_.my_is_final),
- my_is_right_child(false),
- my_range(parent_.my_range,split()),
- my_partition(parent_.my_partition,split())
- {
- __TBB_ASSERT( !*my_return_slot, NULL );
- }
- start_scan( sum_node_type*& return_slot_, const Range& range_, final_sum_type& body_, const Partitioner& partitioner_) :
- my_body(&body_),
- my_sum(NULL),
- my_return_slot(&return_slot_),
- my_parent_sum(NULL),
- my_is_final(true),
- my_is_right_child(false),
- my_range(range_),
- my_partition(partitioner_)
- {
- __TBB_ASSERT( !*my_return_slot, NULL );
- }
- static void run( const Range& range_, Body& body_, const Partitioner& partitioner_ ) {
- if( !range_.empty() ) {
- typedef internal::start_scan<Range,Body,Partitioner> start_pass1_type;
- internal::sum_node<Range,Body>* root = NULL;
- typedef internal::final_sum<Range,Body> final_sum_type;
- final_sum_type* temp_body = new(task::allocate_root()) final_sum_type( body_ );
- start_pass1_type& pass1 = *new(task::allocate_root()) start_pass1_type(
- /*my_return_slot=*/root,
- range_,
- *temp_body,
- partitioner_ );
- task::spawn_root_and_wait( pass1 );
- if( root ) {
- root->my_body = temp_body;
- root->my_incoming = NULL;
- root->my_stuff_last = &body_;
- task::spawn_root_and_wait( *root );
- } else {
- body_.assign(temp_body->my_body);
- temp_body->finish_construction( range_, NULL );
- temp_body->destroy(*temp_body);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
- task* start_scan<Range,Body,Partitioner>::execute() {
- typedef internal::finish_scan<Range,Body> finish_pass1_type;
- finish_pass1_type* p = my_parent_sum ? static_cast<finish_pass1_type*>( parent() ) : NULL;
- // Inspecting p->result.left_sum would ordinarily be a race condition.
- // But we inspect it only if we are not a stolen task, in which case we
- // know that task assigning to p->result.left_sum has completed.
- bool treat_as_stolen = my_is_right_child && (is_stolen_task() || my_body!=p->my_result.my_left_sum);
- if( treat_as_stolen ) {
- // Invocation is for right child that has been really stolen or needs to be virtually stolen
- p->my_right_zombie = my_body = new( allocate_root() ) final_sum_type(my_body->my_body);
- my_is_final = false;
- }
- task* next_task = NULL;
- if( (my_is_right_child && !treat_as_stolen) || !my_range.is_divisible() || my_partition.should_execute_range(*this) ) {
- if( my_is_final )
- (my_body->my_body)( my_range, final_scan_tag() );
- else if( my_sum )
- (my_body->my_body)( my_range, pre_scan_tag() );
- if( my_sum )
- *my_sum = my_body;
- __TBB_ASSERT( !*my_return_slot, NULL );
- } else {
- sum_node_type* result;
- if( my_parent_sum )
- result = new(allocate_additional_child_of(*my_parent_sum)) sum_node_type(my_range,/*my_left_is_final=*/my_is_final);
- else
- result = new(task::allocate_root()) sum_node_type(my_range,/*my_left_is_final=*/my_is_final);
- finish_pass1_type& c = *new( allocate_continuation()) finish_pass1_type(*my_return_slot,my_sum,*result);
- // Split off right child
- start_scan& b = *new( c.allocate_child() ) start_scan( /*my_return_slot=*/result->my_right, *this, result );
- b.my_is_right_child = true;
- // Left child is recycling of *this. Must recycle this before spawning b,
- // otherwise b might complete and decrement c.ref_count() to zero, which
- // would cause c.execute() to run prematurely.
- recycle_as_child_of(c);
- c.set_ref_count(2);
- c.spawn(b);
- my_sum = &result->my_left_sum;
- my_return_slot = &result->my_left;
- my_is_right_child = false;
- next_task = this;
- my_parent_sum = result;
- __TBB_ASSERT( !*my_return_slot, NULL );
- }
- return next_task;
- }
- } // namespace internal
- //! @endcond
- // Requirements on Range concept are documented in blocked_range.h
- /** \page parallel_scan_body_req Requirements on parallel_scan body
- Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_scan body must define:
- - \code Body::Body( Body&, split ); \endcode Splitting constructor.
- Split \c b so that \c this and \c b can accumulate separately
- - \code Body::~Body(); \endcode Destructor
- - \code void Body::operator()( const Range& r, pre_scan_tag ); \endcode
- Preprocess iterations for range \c r
- - \code void Body::operator()( const Range& r, final_scan_tag ); \endcode
- Do final processing for iterations of range \c r
- - \code void Body::reverse_join( Body& a ); \endcode
- Merge preprocessing state of \c a into \c this, where \c a was
- created earlier from \c b by b's splitting constructor
- **/
- /** \name parallel_scan
- See also requirements on \ref range_req "Range" and \ref parallel_scan_body_req "parallel_scan Body". **/
- //@{
- //! Parallel prefix with default partitioner
- /** @ingroup algorithms **/
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- void parallel_scan( const Range& range, Body& body ) {
- internal::start_scan<Range,Body,__TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run(range,body,__TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER());
- }
- //! Parallel prefix with simple_partitioner
- /** @ingroup algorithms **/
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- void parallel_scan( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
- internal::start_scan<Range,Body,simple_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);
- }
- //! Parallel prefix with auto_partitioner
- /** @ingroup algorithms **/
- template<typename Range, typename Body>
- void parallel_scan( const Range& range, Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
- internal::start_scan<Range,Body,auto_partitioner>::run(range,body,partitioner);
- }
- //@}
- } // namespace tbb
- #endif /* __TBB_parallel_scan_H */