uec.h 24 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
  3. *
  4. * Dave Liu <daveliu@freescale.com>
  5. * based on source code of Shlomi Gridish
  6. *
  7. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
  8. */
  9. #ifndef __UEC_H__
  10. #define __UEC_H__
  11. #include "uccf.h"
  12. #include <fsl_qe.h>
  13. #include <phy.h>
  14. #define MAX_TX_THREADS 8
  15. #define MAX_RX_THREADS 8
  16. #define MAX_TX_QUEUES 8
  17. #define MAX_RX_QUEUES 8
  18. #define MAX_PREFETCHED_BDS 4
  19. #define MAX_IPH_OFFSET_ENTRY 8
  22. /* UEC UPSMR (Protocol Specific Mode Register)
  23. */
  24. #define UPSMR_ECM 0x04000000 /* Enable CAM Miss */
  25. #define UPSMR_HSE 0x02000000 /* Hardware Statistics Enable */
  26. #define UPSMR_PRO 0x00400000 /* Promiscuous */
  27. #define UPSMR_CAP 0x00200000 /* CAM polarity */
  28. #define UPSMR_RSH 0x00100000 /* Receive Short Frames */
  29. #define UPSMR_RPM 0x00080000 /* Reduced Pin Mode interfaces */
  30. #define UPSMR_R10M 0x00040000 /* RGMII/RMII 10 Mode */
  31. #define UPSMR_RLPB 0x00020000 /* RMII Loopback Mode */
  32. #define UPSMR_TBIM 0x00010000 /* Ten-bit Interface Mode */
  33. #define UPSMR_RMM 0x00001000 /* RMII/RGMII Mode */
  34. #define UPSMR_CAM 0x00000400 /* CAM Address Matching */
  35. #define UPSMR_BRO 0x00000200 /* Broadcast Address */
  36. #define UPSMR_RES1 0x00002000 /* Reserved feild - must be 1 */
  37. #define UPSMR_SGMM 0x00000020 /* SGMII mode */
  39. /* UEC MACCFG1 (MAC Configuration 1 Register)
  40. */
  41. #define MACCFG1_FLOW_RX 0x00000020 /* Flow Control Rx */
  42. #define MACCFG1_FLOW_TX 0x00000010 /* Flow Control Tx */
  43. #define MACCFG1_ENABLE_SYNCHED_RX 0x00000008 /* Enable Rx Sync */
  44. #define MACCFG1_ENABLE_RX 0x00000004 /* Enable Rx */
  45. #define MACCFG1_ENABLE_SYNCHED_TX 0x00000002 /* Enable Tx Sync */
  46. #define MACCFG1_ENABLE_TX 0x00000001 /* Enable Tx */
  47. #define MACCFG1_INIT_VALUE (0)
  48. /* UEC MACCFG2 (MAC Configuration 2 Register)
  49. */
  50. #define MACCFG2_PREL 0x00007000
  51. #define MACCFG2_PREL_SHIFT (31 - 19)
  52. #define MACCFG2_PREL_MASK 0x0000f000
  53. #define MACCFG2_SRP 0x00000080
  54. #define MACCFG2_STP 0x00000040
  55. #define MACCFG2_RESERVED_1 0x00000020 /* must be set */
  56. #define MACCFG2_LC 0x00000010 /* Length Check */
  57. #define MACCFG2_MPE 0x00000008
  58. #define MACCFG2_FDX 0x00000001 /* Full Duplex */
  59. #define MACCFG2_FDX_MASK 0x00000001
  60. #define MACCFG2_PAD_CRC 0x00000004
  61. #define MACCFG2_CRC_EN 0x00000002
  62. #define MACCFG2_PAD_AND_CRC_MODE_NONE 0x00000000
  63. #define MACCFG2_PAD_AND_CRC_MODE_CRC_ONLY 0x00000002
  64. #define MACCFG2_PAD_AND_CRC_MODE_PAD_AND_CRC 0x00000004
  65. #define MACCFG2_INTERFACE_MODE_NIBBLE 0x00000100
  66. #define MACCFG2_INTERFACE_MODE_BYTE 0x00000200
  67. #define MACCFG2_INTERFACE_MODE_MASK 0x00000300
  70. /* UEC Event Register
  71. */
  72. #define UCCE_MPD 0x80000000
  73. #define UCCE_SCAR 0x40000000
  74. #define UCCE_GRA 0x20000000
  75. #define UCCE_CBPR 0x10000000
  76. #define UCCE_BSY 0x08000000
  77. #define UCCE_RXC 0x04000000
  78. #define UCCE_TXC 0x02000000
  79. #define UCCE_TXE 0x01000000
  80. #define UCCE_TXB7 0x00800000
  81. #define UCCE_TXB6 0x00400000
  82. #define UCCE_TXB5 0x00200000
  83. #define UCCE_TXB4 0x00100000
  84. #define UCCE_TXB3 0x00080000
  85. #define UCCE_TXB2 0x00040000
  86. #define UCCE_TXB1 0x00020000
  87. #define UCCE_TXB0 0x00010000
  88. #define UCCE_RXB7 0x00008000
  89. #define UCCE_RXB6 0x00004000
  90. #define UCCE_RXB5 0x00002000
  91. #define UCCE_RXB4 0x00001000
  92. #define UCCE_RXB3 0x00000800
  93. #define UCCE_RXB2 0x00000400
  94. #define UCCE_RXB1 0x00000200
  95. #define UCCE_RXB0 0x00000100
  96. #define UCCE_RXF7 0x00000080
  97. #define UCCE_RXF6 0x00000040
  98. #define UCCE_RXF5 0x00000020
  99. #define UCCE_RXF4 0x00000010
  100. #define UCCE_RXF3 0x00000008
  101. #define UCCE_RXF2 0x00000004
  102. #define UCCE_RXF1 0x00000002
  103. #define UCCE_RXF0 0x00000001
  104. #define UCCE_TXB (UCCE_TXB7 | UCCE_TXB6 | UCCE_TXB5 | UCCE_TXB4 | \
  106. #define UCCE_RXB (UCCE_RXB7 | UCCE_RXB6 | UCCE_RXB5 | UCCE_RXB4 | \
  108. #define UCCE_RXF (UCCE_RXF7 | UCCE_RXF6 | UCCE_RXF5 | UCCE_RXF4 | \
  112. /* UEC TEMODR Register
  113. */
  114. #define TEMODER_SCHEDULER_ENABLE 0x2000
  115. #define TEMODER_IP_CHECKSUM_GENERATE 0x0400
  117. #define TEMODER_RMON_STATISTICS 0x0100
  118. #define TEMODER_NUM_OF_QUEUES_SHIFT (15-15)
  119. #define TEMODER_INIT_VALUE 0xc000
  120. /* UEC REMODR Register
  121. */
  122. #define REMODER_RX_RMON_STATISTICS_ENABLE 0x00001000
  123. #define REMODER_RX_EXTENDED_FEATURES 0x80000000
  126. #define REMODER_RX_QOS_MODE_SHIFT (31-15)
  127. #define REMODER_RMON_STATISTICS 0x00001000
  128. #define REMODER_RX_EXTENDED_FILTERING 0x00000800
  129. #define REMODER_NUM_OF_QUEUES_SHIFT (31-23)
  130. #define REMODER_DYNAMIC_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH 0x00000008
  131. #define REMODER_DYNAMIC_MIN_FRAME_LENGTH 0x00000004
  132. #define REMODER_IP_CHECKSUM_CHECK 0x00000002
  133. #define REMODER_IP_ADDRESS_ALIGNMENT 0x00000001
  134. #define REMODER_INIT_VALUE 0
  135. /* BMRx - Bus Mode Register */
  136. #define BMR_GLB 0x20
  137. #define BMR_BO_BE 0x10
  138. #define BMR_DTB_SECONDARY_BUS 0x02
  139. #define BMR_BDB_SECONDARY_BUS 0x01
  140. #define BMR_SHIFT 24
  141. #define BMR_INIT_VALUE (BMR_GLB | BMR_BO_BE)
  142. /* UEC UCCS (Ethernet Status Register)
  143. */
  144. #define UCCS_BPR 0x02
  145. #define UCCS_PAU 0x02
  146. #define UCCS_MPD 0x01
  147. /* UEC MIIMCFG (MII Management Configuration Register)
  148. */
  149. #define MIIMCFG_RESET_MANAGEMENT 0x80000000
  150. #define MIIMCFG_NO_PREAMBLE 0x00000010
  151. #define MIIMCFG_CLOCK_DIVIDE_SHIFT (31 - 31)
  152. #define MIIMCFG_CLOCK_DIVIDE_MASK 0x0000000f
  153. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_4 0x00000001
  154. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_6 0x00000002
  155. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_8 0x00000003
  156. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_10 0x00000004
  157. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_14 0x00000005
  158. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_20 0x00000006
  159. #define MIIMCFG_MANAGEMENT_CLOCK_DIVIDE_BY_28 0x00000007
  162. /* UEC MIIMCOM (MII Management Command Register)
  163. */
  164. #define MIIMCOM_SCAN_CYCLE 0x00000002 /* Scan cycle */
  165. #define MIIMCOM_READ_CYCLE 0x00000001 /* Read cycle */
  166. /* UEC MIIMADD (MII Management Address Register)
  167. */
  168. #define MIIMADD_PHY_ADDRESS_SHIFT (31 - 23)
  169. #define MIIMADD_PHY_REGISTER_SHIFT (31 - 31)
  170. /* UEC MIIMCON (MII Management Control Register)
  171. */
  172. #define MIIMCON_PHY_CONTROL_SHIFT (31 - 31)
  173. #define MIIMCON_PHY_STATUS_SHIFT (31 - 31)
  174. /* UEC MIIMIND (MII Management Indicator Register)
  175. */
  176. #define MIIMIND_NOT_VALID 0x00000004
  177. #define MIIMIND_SCAN 0x00000002
  178. #define MIIMIND_BUSY 0x00000001
  179. /* UEC UTBIPAR (Ten Bit Interface Physical Address Register)
  180. */
  181. #define UTBIPAR_PHY_ADDRESS_SHIFT (31 - 31)
  182. #define UTBIPAR_PHY_ADDRESS_MASK 0x0000001f
  183. /* UEC UESCR (Ethernet Statistics Control Register)
  184. */
  185. #define UESCR_AUTOZ 0x8000
  186. #define UESCR_CLRCNT 0x4000
  187. #define UESCR_MAXCOV_SHIFT (15 - 7)
  188. #define UESCR_SCOV_SHIFT (15 - 15)
  189. /****** Tx data struct collection ******/
  190. /* Tx thread data, each Tx thread has one this struct.
  191. */
  192. typedef struct uec_thread_data_tx {
  193. u8 res0[136];
  194. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_thread_data_tx_t;
  195. /* Tx thread parameter, each Tx thread has one this struct.
  196. */
  197. typedef struct uec_thread_tx_pram {
  198. u8 res0[64];
  199. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_thread_tx_pram_t;
  200. /* Send queue queue-descriptor, each Tx queue has one this QD
  201. */
  202. typedef struct uec_send_queue_qd {
  203. u32 bd_ring_base; /* pointer to BD ring base address */
  204. u8 res0[0x8];
  205. u32 last_bd_completed_address; /* last entry in BD ring */
  206. u8 res1[0x30];
  207. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_send_queue_qd_t;
  208. /* Send queue memory region */
  209. typedef struct uec_send_queue_mem_region {
  210. uec_send_queue_qd_t sqqd[MAX_TX_QUEUES];
  211. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_send_queue_mem_region_t;
  212. /* Scheduler struct
  213. */
  214. typedef struct uec_scheduler {
  215. u16 cpucount0; /* CPU packet counter */
  216. u16 cpucount1; /* CPU packet counter */
  217. u16 cecount0; /* QE packet counter */
  218. u16 cecount1; /* QE packet counter */
  219. u16 cpucount2; /* CPU packet counter */
  220. u16 cpucount3; /* CPU packet counter */
  221. u16 cecount2; /* QE packet counter */
  222. u16 cecount3; /* QE packet counter */
  223. u16 cpucount4; /* CPU packet counter */
  224. u16 cpucount5; /* CPU packet counter */
  225. u16 cecount4; /* QE packet counter */
  226. u16 cecount5; /* QE packet counter */
  227. u16 cpucount6; /* CPU packet counter */
  228. u16 cpucount7; /* CPU packet counter */
  229. u16 cecount6; /* QE packet counter */
  230. u16 cecount7; /* QE packet counter */
  231. u32 weightstatus[MAX_TX_QUEUES]; /* accumulated weight factor */
  232. u32 rtsrshadow; /* temporary variable handled by QE */
  233. u32 time; /* temporary variable handled by QE */
  234. u32 ttl; /* temporary variable handled by QE */
  235. u32 mblinterval; /* max burst length interval */
  236. u16 nortsrbytetime; /* normalized value of byte time in tsr units */
  237. u8 fracsiz;
  238. u8 res0[1];
  239. u8 strictpriorityq; /* Strict Priority Mask register */
  240. u8 txasap; /* Transmit ASAP register */
  241. u8 extrabw; /* Extra BandWidth register */
  242. u8 oldwfqmask; /* temporary variable handled by QE */
  243. u8 weightfactor[MAX_TX_QUEUES]; /**< weight factor for queues */
  244. u32 minw; /* temporary variable handled by QE */
  245. u8 res1[0x70-0x64];
  246. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_scheduler_t;
  247. /* Tx firmware counters
  248. */
  249. typedef struct uec_tx_firmware_statistics_pram {
  250. u32 sicoltx; /* single collision */
  251. u32 mulcoltx; /* multiple collision */
  252. u32 latecoltxfr; /* late collision */
  253. u32 frabortduecol; /* frames aborted due to tx collision */
  254. u32 frlostinmactxer; /* frames lost due to internal MAC error tx */
  255. u32 carriersenseertx; /* carrier sense error */
  256. u32 frtxok; /* frames transmitted OK */
  257. u32 txfrexcessivedefer;
  258. u32 txpkts256; /* total packets(including bad) 256~511 B */
  259. u32 txpkts512; /* total packets(including bad) 512~1023B */
  260. u32 txpkts1024; /* total packets(including bad) 1024~1518B */
  261. u32 txpktsjumbo; /* total packets(including bad) >1024 */
  262. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_tx_firmware_statistics_pram_t;
  263. /* Tx global parameter table
  264. */
  265. typedef struct uec_tx_global_pram {
  266. u16 temoder;
  267. u8 res0[0x38-0x02];
  268. u32 sqptr;
  269. u32 schedulerbasepointer;
  270. u32 txrmonbaseptr;
  271. u32 tstate;
  272. u8 iphoffset[MAX_IPH_OFFSET_ENTRY];
  273. u32 vtagtable[0x8];
  274. u32 tqptr;
  275. u8 res2[0x80-0x74];
  276. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_tx_global_pram_t;
  277. /****** Rx data struct collection ******/
  278. /* Rx thread data, each Rx thread has one this struct.
  279. */
  280. typedef struct uec_thread_data_rx {
  281. u8 res0[40];
  282. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_thread_data_rx_t;
  283. /* Rx thread parameter, each Rx thread has one this struct.
  284. */
  285. typedef struct uec_thread_rx_pram {
  286. u8 res0[128];
  287. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_thread_rx_pram_t;
  288. /* Rx firmware counters
  289. */
  290. typedef struct uec_rx_firmware_statistics_pram {
  291. u32 frrxfcser; /* frames with crc error */
  292. u32 fraligner; /* frames with alignment error */
  293. u32 inrangelenrxer; /* in range length error */
  294. u32 outrangelenrxer; /* out of range length error */
  295. u32 frtoolong; /* frame too long */
  296. u32 runt; /* runt */
  297. u32 verylongevent; /* very long event */
  298. u32 symbolerror; /* symbol error */
  299. u32 dropbsy; /* drop because of BD not ready */
  300. u8 res0[0x8];
  301. u32 mismatchdrop; /* drop because of MAC filtering */
  302. u32 underpkts; /* total frames less than 64 octets */
  303. u32 pkts256; /* total frames(including bad)256~511 B */
  304. u32 pkts512; /* total frames(including bad)512~1023 B */
  305. u32 pkts1024; /* total frames(including bad)1024~1518 B */
  306. u32 pktsjumbo; /* total frames(including bad) >1024 B */
  307. u32 frlossinmacer;
  308. u32 pausefr; /* pause frames */
  309. u8 res1[0x4];
  310. u32 removevlan;
  311. u32 replacevlan;
  312. u32 insertvlan;
  313. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_firmware_statistics_pram_t;
  314. /* Rx interrupt coalescing entry, each Rx queue has one this entry.
  315. */
  316. typedef struct uec_rx_interrupt_coalescing_entry {
  317. u32 maxvalue;
  318. u32 counter;
  319. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_interrupt_coalescing_entry_t;
  320. typedef struct uec_rx_interrupt_coalescing_table {
  321. uec_rx_interrupt_coalescing_entry_t entry[MAX_RX_QUEUES];
  322. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_interrupt_coalescing_table_t;
  323. /* RxBD queue entry, each Rx queue has one this entry.
  324. */
  325. typedef struct uec_rx_bd_queues_entry {
  326. u32 bdbaseptr; /* BD base pointer */
  327. u32 bdptr; /* BD pointer */
  328. u32 externalbdbaseptr; /* external BD base pointer */
  329. u32 externalbdptr; /* external BD pointer */
  330. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_bd_queues_entry_t;
  331. /* Rx global paramter table
  332. */
  333. typedef struct uec_rx_global_pram {
  334. u32 remoder; /* ethernet mode reg. */
  335. u32 rqptr; /* base pointer to the Rx Queues */
  336. u32 res0[0x1];
  337. u8 res1[0x20-0xC];
  338. u16 typeorlen;
  339. u8 res2[0x1];
  340. u8 rxgstpack; /* ack on GRACEFUL STOP RX command */
  341. u32 rxrmonbaseptr; /* Rx RMON statistics base */
  342. u8 res3[0x30-0x28];
  343. u32 intcoalescingptr; /* Interrupt coalescing table pointer */
  344. u8 res4[0x36-0x34];
  345. u8 rstate;
  346. u8 res5[0x46-0x37];
  347. u16 mrblr; /* max receive buffer length reg. */
  348. u32 rbdqptr; /* RxBD parameter table description */
  349. u16 mflr; /* max frame length reg. */
  350. u16 minflr; /* min frame length reg. */
  351. u16 maxd1; /* max dma1 length reg. */
  352. u16 maxd2; /* max dma2 length reg. */
  353. u32 ecamptr; /* external CAM address */
  354. u32 l2qt; /* VLAN priority mapping table. */
  355. u32 l3qt[0x8]; /* IP priority mapping table. */
  356. u16 vlantype; /* vlan type */
  357. u16 vlantci; /* default vlan tci */
  358. u8 addressfiltering[64];/* address filtering data structure */
  359. u32 exfGlobalParam; /* extended filtering global parameters */
  360. u8 res6[0x100-0xC4]; /* Initialize to zero */
  361. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_global_pram_t;
  363. /****** UEC common ******/
  364. /* UCC statistics - hardware counters
  365. */
  366. typedef struct uec_hardware_statistics {
  367. u32 tx64;
  368. u32 tx127;
  369. u32 tx255;
  370. u32 rx64;
  371. u32 rx127;
  372. u32 rx255;
  373. u32 txok;
  374. u16 txcf;
  375. u32 tmca;
  376. u32 tbca;
  377. u32 rxfok;
  378. u32 rxbok;
  379. u32 rbyt;
  380. u32 rmca;
  381. u32 rbca;
  382. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_hardware_statistics_t;
  383. /* InitEnet command parameter
  384. */
  385. typedef struct uec_init_cmd_pram {
  386. u8 resinit0;
  387. u8 resinit1;
  388. u8 resinit2;
  389. u8 resinit3;
  390. u16 resinit4;
  391. u8 res1[0x1];
  392. u8 largestexternallookupkeysize;
  393. u32 rgftgfrxglobal;
  394. u32 rxthread[MAX_ENET_INIT_PARAM_ENTRIES_RX]; /* rx threads */
  395. u8 res2[0x38 - 0x30];
  396. u32 txglobal; /* tx global */
  397. u32 txthread[MAX_ENET_INIT_PARAM_ENTRIES_TX]; /* tx threads */
  398. u8 res3[0x1];
  399. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_init_cmd_pram_t;
  400. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_RGF_SHIFT (32 - 4)
  401. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_TGF_SHIFT (32 - 8)
  402. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_RISC_MASK 0x0000003f
  403. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_PTR_MASK 0x00ffffc0
  404. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_SNUM_MASK 0xff000000
  405. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_SNUM_SHIFT 24
  406. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_MAGIC_RES_INIT0 0x06
  407. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_MAGIC_RES_INIT1 0x30
  408. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_MAGIC_RES_INIT2 0xff
  409. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_MAGIC_RES_INIT3 0x00
  410. #define ENET_INIT_PARAM_MAGIC_RES_INIT4 0x0400
  411. /* structure representing 82xx Address Filtering Enet Address in PRAM
  412. */
  413. typedef struct uec_82xx_enet_address {
  414. u8 res1[0x2];
  415. u16 h; /* address (MSB) */
  416. u16 m; /* address */
  417. u16 l; /* address (LSB) */
  418. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_82xx_enet_address_t;
  419. /* structure representing 82xx Address Filtering PRAM
  420. */
  421. typedef struct uec_82xx_address_filtering_pram {
  422. u32 iaddr_h; /* individual address filter, high */
  423. u32 iaddr_l; /* individual address filter, low */
  424. u32 gaddr_h; /* group address filter, high */
  425. u32 gaddr_l; /* group address filter, low */
  426. uec_82xx_enet_address_t taddr;
  427. uec_82xx_enet_address_t paddr[4];
  428. u8 res0[0x40-0x38];
  429. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_82xx_address_filtering_pram_t;
  430. /* Buffer Descriptor
  431. */
  432. typedef struct buffer_descriptor {
  433. u16 status;
  434. u16 len;
  435. u32 data;
  436. } __attribute__ ((packed)) qe_bd_t, *p_bd_t;
  437. #define SIZEOFBD sizeof(qe_bd_t)
  438. /* Common BD flags
  439. */
  440. #define BD_WRAP 0x2000
  441. #define BD_INT 0x1000
  442. #define BD_LAST 0x0800
  443. #define BD_CLEAN 0x3000
  444. /* TxBD status flags
  445. */
  446. #define TxBD_READY 0x8000
  447. #define TxBD_PADCRC 0x4000
  448. #define TxBD_WRAP BD_WRAP
  449. #define TxBD_INT BD_INT
  450. #define TxBD_LAST BD_LAST
  451. #define TxBD_TXCRC 0x0400
  452. #define TxBD_DEF 0x0200
  453. #define TxBD_PP 0x0100
  454. #define TxBD_LC 0x0080
  455. #define TxBD_RL 0x0040
  456. #define TxBD_RC 0x003C
  457. #define TxBD_UNDERRUN 0x0002
  458. #define TxBD_TRUNC 0x0001
  459. #define TxBD_ERROR (TxBD_UNDERRUN | TxBD_TRUNC)
  460. /* RxBD status flags
  461. */
  462. #define RxBD_EMPTY 0x8000
  463. #define RxBD_OWNER 0x4000
  464. #define RxBD_WRAP BD_WRAP
  465. #define RxBD_INT BD_INT
  466. #define RxBD_LAST BD_LAST
  467. #define RxBD_FIRST 0x0400
  468. #define RxBD_CMR 0x0200
  469. #define RxBD_MISS 0x0100
  470. #define RxBD_BCAST 0x0080
  471. #define RxBD_MCAST 0x0040
  472. #define RxBD_LG 0x0020
  473. #define RxBD_NO 0x0010
  474. #define RxBD_SHORT 0x0008
  475. #define RxBD_CRCERR 0x0004
  476. #define RxBD_OVERRUN 0x0002
  477. #define RxBD_IPCH 0x0001
  478. #define RxBD_ERROR (RxBD_LG | RxBD_NO | RxBD_SHORT | \
  480. /* BD access macros
  481. */
  482. #define BD_STATUS(_bd) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->status)
  483. #define BD_STATUS_SET(_bd, _val) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->status = _val)
  484. #define BD_LENGTH(_bd) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->len)
  485. #define BD_LENGTH_SET(_bd, _val) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->len = _val)
  486. #define BD_DATA_CLEAR(_bd) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->data = 0)
  487. #define BD_IS_DATA(_bd) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->data)
  488. #define BD_DATA(_bd) ((u8 *)(((p_bd_t)(_bd))->data))
  489. #define BD_DATA_SET(_bd, _data) (((p_bd_t)(_bd))->data = (u32)(_data))
  490. #define BD_ADVANCE(_bd,_status,_base) \
  491. (((_status) & BD_WRAP) ? (_bd) = ((p_bd_t)(_base)) : ++(_bd))
  492. /* Rx Prefetched BDs
  493. */
  494. typedef struct uec_rx_prefetched_bds {
  495. qe_bd_t bd[MAX_PREFETCHED_BDS]; /* prefetched bd */
  496. } __attribute__ ((packed)) uec_rx_prefetched_bds_t;
  497. /* Alignments
  498. */
  503. #define UEC_THREAD_DATA_ALIGNMENT 256
  512. #define UEC_RX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT 32
  513. #define UEC_TX_BD_RING_ALIGNMENT 32
  514. #define UEC_MRBLR_ALIGNMENT 128
  517. #define UEC_RX_DATA_BUF_ALIGNMENT 64
  518. #define UEC_VLAN_PRIORITY_MAX 8
  519. #define UEC_IP_PRIORITY_MAX 64
  520. #define UEC_TX_VTAG_TABLE_ENTRY_MAX 8
  521. #define UEC_RX_BD_RING_SIZE_MIN 8
  522. #define UEC_TX_BD_RING_SIZE_MIN 2
  523. /* Ethernet speed
  524. */
  525. typedef enum enet_speed {
  526. ENET_SPEED_10BT, /* 10 Base T */
  527. ENET_SPEED_100BT, /* 100 Base T */
  528. ENET_SPEED_1000BT /* 1000 Base T */
  529. } enet_speed_e;
  530. /* Ethernet Address Type.
  531. */
  532. typedef enum enet_addr_type {
  536. } enet_addr_type_e;
  537. /* TBI / MII Set Register
  538. */
  539. typedef enum enet_tbi_mii_reg {
  540. ENET_TBI_MII_CR = 0x00,
  541. ENET_TBI_MII_SR = 0x01,
  542. ENET_TBI_MII_ANA = 0x04,
  543. ENET_TBI_MII_ANLPBPA = 0x05,
  544. ENET_TBI_MII_ANEX = 0x06,
  545. ENET_TBI_MII_ANNPT = 0x07,
  546. ENET_TBI_MII_ANLPANP = 0x08,
  547. ENET_TBI_MII_EXST = 0x0F,
  548. ENET_TBI_MII_JD = 0x10,
  549. ENET_TBI_MII_TBICON = 0x11
  550. } enet_tbi_mii_reg_e;
  551. /* TBI MDIO register bit fields*/
  552. #define TBICON_CLK_SELECT 0x0020
  553. #define TBIANA_ASYMMETRIC_PAUSE 0x0100
  554. #define TBIANA_SYMMETRIC_PAUSE 0x0080
  555. #define TBIANA_HALF_DUPLEX 0x0040
  556. #define TBIANA_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0020
  557. #define TBICR_PHY_RESET 0x8000
  558. #define TBICR_ANEG_ENABLE 0x1000
  559. #define TBICR_RESTART_ANEG 0x0200
  560. #define TBICR_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100
  561. #define TBICR_SPEED1_SET 0x0040
  562. #define TBIANA_SETTINGS ( \
  566. )
  567. #define TBICR_SETTINGS ( \
  571. | TBICR_SPEED1_SET \
  572. )
  573. /* UEC number of threads
  574. */
  575. typedef enum uec_num_of_threads {
  576. UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_1 = 0x1, /* 1 */
  577. UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_2 = 0x2, /* 2 */
  578. UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_4 = 0x0, /* 4 */
  579. UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_6 = 0x3, /* 6 */
  580. UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_8 = 0x4 /* 8 */
  581. } uec_num_of_threads_e;
  582. /* UEC initialization info struct
  583. */
  584. #define STD_UEC_INFO(num) \
  585. { \
  586. .uf_info = { \
  587. .ucc_num = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_UCC_NUM,\
  588. .rx_clock = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_RX_CLK, \
  589. .tx_clock = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_TX_CLK, \
  590. .eth_type = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_ETH_TYPE,\
  591. }, \
  592. .num_threads_tx = UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_1, \
  593. .num_threads_rx = UEC_NUM_OF_THREADS_1, \
  594. .risc_tx = QE_RISC_ALLOCATION_RISC1_AND_RISC2, \
  595. .risc_rx = QE_RISC_ALLOCATION_RISC1_AND_RISC2, \
  596. .tx_bd_ring_len = 16, \
  597. .rx_bd_ring_len = 16, \
  598. .phy_address = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_PHY_ADDR, \
  599. .enet_interface_type = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_INTERFACE_TYPE, \
  600. .speed = CONFIG_SYS_UEC##num##_INTERFACE_SPEED, \
  601. }
  602. typedef struct uec_info {
  603. ucc_fast_info_t uf_info;
  604. uec_num_of_threads_e num_threads_tx;
  605. uec_num_of_threads_e num_threads_rx;
  606. unsigned int risc_tx;
  607. unsigned int risc_rx;
  608. u16 rx_bd_ring_len;
  609. u16 tx_bd_ring_len;
  610. u8 phy_address;
  611. phy_interface_t enet_interface_type;
  612. int speed;
  613. } uec_info_t;
  614. /* UEC driver initialized info
  615. */
  616. #define MAX_RXBUF_LEN 1536
  617. #define MAX_FRAME_LEN 1518
  618. #define MIN_FRAME_LEN 64
  619. #define MAX_DMA1_LEN 1520
  620. #define MAX_DMA2_LEN 1520
  621. /* UEC driver private struct
  622. */
  623. typedef struct uec_private {
  624. uec_info_t *uec_info;
  625. ucc_fast_private_t *uccf;
  626. struct eth_device *dev;
  627. uec_t *uec_regs;
  628. uec_mii_t *uec_mii_regs;
  629. /* enet init command parameter */
  630. uec_init_cmd_pram_t *p_init_enet_param;
  631. u32 init_enet_param_offset;
  632. /* Rx and Tx paramter */
  633. uec_rx_global_pram_t *p_rx_glbl_pram;
  634. u32 rx_glbl_pram_offset;
  635. uec_tx_global_pram_t *p_tx_glbl_pram;
  636. u32 tx_glbl_pram_offset;
  637. uec_send_queue_mem_region_t *p_send_q_mem_reg;
  638. u32 send_q_mem_reg_offset;
  639. uec_thread_data_tx_t *p_thread_data_tx;
  640. u32 thread_dat_tx_offset;
  641. uec_thread_data_rx_t *p_thread_data_rx;
  642. u32 thread_dat_rx_offset;
  643. uec_rx_bd_queues_entry_t *p_rx_bd_qs_tbl;
  644. u32 rx_bd_qs_tbl_offset;
  645. /* BDs specific */
  646. u8 *p_tx_bd_ring;
  647. u32 tx_bd_ring_offset;
  648. u8 *p_rx_bd_ring;
  649. u32 rx_bd_ring_offset;
  650. u8 *p_rx_buf;
  651. u32 rx_buf_offset;
  652. volatile qe_bd_t *txBd;
  653. volatile qe_bd_t *rxBd;
  654. /* Status */
  655. int mac_tx_enabled;
  656. int mac_rx_enabled;
  657. int grace_stopped_tx;
  658. int grace_stopped_rx;
  659. int the_first_run;
  660. /* PHY specific */
  661. struct uec_mii_info *mii_info;
  662. int oldspeed;
  663. int oldduplex;
  664. int oldlink;
  665. } uec_private_t;
  666. int uec_initialize(bd_t *bis, uec_info_t *uec_info);
  667. int uec_eth_init(bd_t *bis, uec_info_t *uecs, int num);
  668. int uec_standard_init(bd_t *bis);
  669. #endif /* __UEC_H__ */