ql4_fw.h 45 KB

  1. /*
  2. * QLogic iSCSI HBA Driver
  3. * Copyright (c) 2003-2013 QLogic Corporation
  4. *
  5. * See LICENSE.qla4xxx for copyright and licensing details.
  6. */
  7. #ifndef _QLA4X_FW_H
  8. #define _QLA4X_FW_H
  9. #define MAX_PRST_DEV_DB_ENTRIES 64
  11. #define MAX_DEV_DB_ENTRIES 512
  12. #define MAX_DEV_DB_ENTRIES_40XX 256
  13. /*************************************************************************
  14. *
  15. * ISP 4010 I/O Register Set Structure and Definitions
  16. *
  17. *************************************************************************/
  18. struct port_ctrl_stat_regs {
  19. __le32 ext_hw_conf; /* 0x50 R/W */
  20. __le32 rsrvd0; /* 0x54 */
  21. __le32 port_ctrl; /* 0x58 */
  22. __le32 port_status; /* 0x5c */
  23. __le32 rsrvd1[32]; /* 0x60-0xdf */
  24. __le32 gp_out; /* 0xe0 */
  25. __le32 gp_in; /* 0xe4 */
  26. __le32 rsrvd2[5]; /* 0xe8-0xfb */
  27. __le32 port_err_status; /* 0xfc */
  28. };
  29. struct host_mem_cfg_regs {
  30. __le32 rsrvd0[12]; /* 0x50-0x79 */
  31. __le32 req_q_out; /* 0x80 */
  32. __le32 rsrvd1[31]; /* 0x84-0xFF */
  33. };
  34. /*
  35. * ISP 82xx I/O Register Set structure definitions.
  36. */
  37. struct device_reg_82xx {
  38. __le32 req_q_out; /* 0x0000 (R): Request Queue out-Pointer. */
  39. __le32 reserve1[63]; /* Request Queue out-Pointer. (64 * 4) */
  40. __le32 rsp_q_in; /* 0x0100 (R/W): Response Queue In-Pointer. */
  41. __le32 reserve2[63]; /* Response Queue In-Pointer. */
  42. __le32 rsp_q_out; /* 0x0200 (R/W): Response Queue Out-Pointer. */
  43. __le32 reserve3[63]; /* Response Queue Out-Pointer. */
  44. __le32 mailbox_in[8]; /* 0x0300 (R/W): Mail box In registers */
  45. __le32 reserve4[24];
  46. __le32 hint; /* 0x0380 (R/W): Host interrupt register */
  47. #define HINT_MBX_INT_PENDING BIT_0
  48. __le32 reserve5[31];
  49. __le32 mailbox_out[8]; /* 0x0400 (R): Mail box Out registers */
  50. __le32 reserve6[56];
  51. __le32 host_status; /* Offset 0x500 (R): host status */
  52. #define HSRX_RISC_MB_INT BIT_0 /* RISC to Host Mailbox interrupt */
  53. #define HSRX_RISC_IOCB_INT BIT_1 /* RISC to Host IOCB interrupt */
  54. __le32 host_int; /* Offset 0x0504 (R/W): Interrupt status. */
  55. #define ISRX_82XX_RISC_INT BIT_0 /* RISC interrupt. */
  56. };
  57. /* ISP 83xx I/O Register Set structure */
  58. struct device_reg_83xx {
  59. __le32 mailbox_in[16]; /* 0x0000 */
  60. __le32 reserve1[496]; /* 0x0040 */
  61. __le32 mailbox_out[16]; /* 0x0800 */
  62. __le32 reserve2[496];
  63. __le32 mbox_int; /* 0x1000 */
  64. __le32 reserve3[63];
  65. __le32 req_q_out; /* 0x1100 */
  66. __le32 reserve4[63];
  67. __le32 rsp_q_in; /* 0x1200 */
  68. __le32 reserve5[1919];
  69. __le32 req_q_in; /* 0x3000 */
  70. __le32 reserve6[3];
  71. __le32 iocb_int_mask; /* 0x3010 */
  72. __le32 reserve7[3];
  73. __le32 rsp_q_out; /* 0x3020 */
  74. __le32 reserve8[3];
  75. __le32 anonymousbuff; /* 0x3030 */
  76. __le32 mb_int_mask; /* 0x3034 */
  77. __le32 host_intr; /* 0x3038 - Host Interrupt Register */
  78. __le32 risc_intr; /* 0x303C - RISC Interrupt Register */
  79. __le32 reserve9[544];
  80. __le32 leg_int_ptr; /* 0x38C0 - Legacy Interrupt Pointer Register */
  81. __le32 leg_int_trig; /* 0x38C4 - Legacy Interrupt Trigger Control */
  82. __le32 leg_int_mask; /* 0x38C8 - Legacy Interrupt Mask Register */
  83. };
  84. #define INT_ENABLE_FW_MB (1 << 2)
  85. #define INT_MASK_FW_MB (1 << 2)
  86. /* remote register set (access via PCI memory read/write) */
  87. struct isp_reg {
  88. #define MBOX_REG_COUNT 8
  89. __le32 mailbox[MBOX_REG_COUNT];
  90. __le32 flash_address; /* 0x20 */
  91. __le32 flash_data;
  92. __le32 ctrl_status;
  93. union {
  94. struct {
  95. __le32 nvram;
  96. __le32 reserved1[2]; /* 0x30 */
  97. } __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4010;
  98. struct {
  99. __le32 intr_mask;
  100. __le32 nvram; /* 0x30 */
  101. __le32 semaphore;
  102. } __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4022;
  103. } u1;
  104. __le32 req_q_in; /* SCSI Request Queue Producer Index */
  105. __le32 rsp_q_out; /* SCSI Completion Queue Consumer Index */
  106. __le32 reserved2[4]; /* 0x40 */
  107. union {
  108. struct {
  109. __le32 ext_hw_conf; /* 0x50 */
  110. __le32 flow_ctrl;
  111. __le32 port_ctrl;
  112. __le32 port_status;
  113. __le32 reserved3[8]; /* 0x60 */
  114. __le32 req_q_out; /* 0x80 */
  115. __le32 reserved4[23]; /* 0x84 */
  116. __le32 gp_out; /* 0xe0 */
  117. __le32 gp_in;
  118. __le32 reserved5[5];
  119. __le32 port_err_status; /* 0xfc */
  120. } __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4010;
  121. struct {
  122. union {
  123. struct port_ctrl_stat_regs p0;
  124. struct host_mem_cfg_regs p1;
  125. };
  126. } __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4022;
  127. } u2;
  128. }; /* 256 x100 */
  129. /* Semaphore Defines for 4010 */
  130. #define QL4010_DRVR_SEM_BITS 0x00000030
  131. #define QL4010_GPIO_SEM_BITS 0x000000c0
  132. #define QL4010_SDRAM_SEM_BITS 0x00000300
  133. #define QL4010_PHY_SEM_BITS 0x00000c00
  134. #define QL4010_NVRAM_SEM_BITS 0x00003000
  135. #define QL4010_FLASH_SEM_BITS 0x0000c000
  136. #define QL4010_DRVR_SEM_MASK 0x00300000
  137. #define QL4010_GPIO_SEM_MASK 0x00c00000
  138. #define QL4010_SDRAM_SEM_MASK 0x03000000
  139. #define QL4010_PHY_SEM_MASK 0x0c000000
  140. #define QL4010_NVRAM_SEM_MASK 0x30000000
  141. #define QL4010_FLASH_SEM_MASK 0xc0000000
  142. /* Semaphore Defines for 4022 */
  143. #define QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE 0x7
  144. #define QL4022_RESOURCE_BITS_BASE_CODE 0x4
  145. #define QL4022_DRVR_SEM_MASK (QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE << (1+16))
  146. #define QL4022_DDR_RAM_SEM_MASK (QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE << (4+16))
  147. #define QL4022_PHY_GIO_SEM_MASK (QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE << (7+16))
  148. #define QL4022_NVRAM_SEM_MASK (QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE << (10+16))
  149. #define QL4022_FLASH_SEM_MASK (QL4022_RESOURCE_MASK_BASE_CODE << (13+16))
  150. /* nvram address for 4032 */
  151. #define NVRAM_PORT0_BOOT_MODE 0x03b1
  152. #define NVRAM_PORT0_BOOT_PRI_TGT 0x03b2
  153. #define NVRAM_PORT0_BOOT_SEC_TGT 0x03bb
  154. #define NVRAM_PORT1_BOOT_MODE 0x07b1
  155. #define NVRAM_PORT1_BOOT_PRI_TGT 0x07b2
  156. #define NVRAM_PORT1_BOOT_SEC_TGT 0x07bb
  157. /* Page # defines for 4022 */
  158. #define PORT_CTRL_STAT_PAGE 0 /* 4022 */
  159. #define HOST_MEM_CFG_PAGE 1 /* 4022 */
  160. #define LOCAL_RAM_CFG_PAGE 2 /* 4022 */
  161. #define PROT_STAT_PAGE 3 /* 4022 */
  162. /* Register Mask - sets corresponding mask bits in the upper word */
  163. static inline uint32_t set_rmask(uint32_t val)
  164. {
  165. return (val & 0xffff) | (val << 16);
  166. }
  167. static inline uint32_t clr_rmask(uint32_t val)
  168. {
  169. return 0 | (val << 16);
  170. }
  171. /* ctrl_status definitions */
  172. #define CSR_SCSI_PAGE_SELECT 0x00000003
  173. #define CSR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE 0x00000004 /* 4010 */
  174. #define CSR_SCSI_RESET_INTR 0x00000008
  175. #define CSR_SCSI_COMPLETION_INTR 0x00000010
  176. #define CSR_SCSI_PROCESSOR_INTR 0x00000020
  177. #define CSR_INTR_RISC 0x00000040
  178. #define CSR_BOOT_ENABLE 0x00000080
  179. #define CSR_NET_PAGE_SELECT 0x00000300 /* 4010 */
  180. #define CSR_FUNC_NUM 0x00000700 /* 4022 */
  181. #define CSR_NET_RESET_INTR 0x00000800 /* 4010 */
  182. #define CSR_FORCE_SOFT_RESET 0x00002000 /* 4022 */
  183. #define CSR_FATAL_ERROR 0x00004000
  184. #define CSR_SOFT_RESET 0x00008000
  186. #define ISP_CONTROL_FN0_SCSI 0x0500
  187. #define ISP_CONTROL_FN1_SCSI 0x0700
  191. /* ISP InterruptMask definitions */
  192. #define IMR_SCSI_INTR_ENABLE 0x00000004 /* 4022 */
  193. /* ISP 4022 nvram definitions */
  194. #define NVR_WRITE_ENABLE 0x00000010 /* 4022 */
  195. #define QL4010_NVRAM_SIZE 0x200
  196. #define QL40X2_NVRAM_SIZE 0x800
  197. /* ISP port_status definitions */
  198. /* ISP Semaphore definitions */
  199. /* ISP General Purpose Output definitions */
  200. #define GPOR_TOPCAT_RESET 0x00000004
  201. /* shadow registers (DMA'd from HA to system memory. read only) */
  202. struct shadow_regs {
  203. /* SCSI Request Queue Consumer Index */
  204. __le32 req_q_out; /* 0 x0 R */
  205. /* SCSI Completion Queue Producer Index */
  206. __le32 rsp_q_in; /* 4 x4 R */
  207. }; /* 8 x8 */
  208. /* External hardware configuration register */
  209. union external_hw_config_reg {
  210. struct {
  211. /* FIXME: Do we even need this? All values are
  212. * referred to by 16 bit quantities. Platform and
  213. * endianess issues. */
  214. __le32 bReserved0:1;
  215. __le32 bSDRAMProtectionMethod:2;
  216. __le32 bSDRAMBanks:1;
  217. __le32 bSDRAMChipWidth:1;
  218. __le32 bSDRAMChipSize:2;
  219. __le32 bParityDisable:1;
  220. __le32 bExternalMemoryType:1;
  221. __le32 bFlashBIOSWriteEnable:1;
  222. __le32 bFlashUpperBankSelect:1;
  223. __le32 bWriteBurst:2;
  224. __le32 bReserved1:3;
  225. __le32 bMask:16;
  226. };
  227. uint32_t Asuint32_t;
  228. };
  229. /* 82XX Support start */
  230. /* 82xx Default FLT Addresses */
  231. #define FA_FLASH_LAYOUT_ADDR_82 0xFC400
  232. #define FA_FLASH_DESCR_ADDR_82 0xFC000
  233. #define FA_BOOT_LOAD_ADDR_82 0x04000
  234. #define FA_BOOT_CODE_ADDR_82 0x20000
  235. #define FA_RISC_CODE_ADDR_82 0x40000
  236. #define FA_GOLD_RISC_CODE_ADDR_82 0x80000
  237. #define FA_FLASH_ISCSI_CHAP 0x540000
  238. #define FA_FLASH_CHAP_SIZE 0xC0000
  239. #define FA_FLASH_ISCSI_DDB 0x420000
  240. #define FA_FLASH_DDB_SIZE 0x080000
  241. /* Flash Description Table */
  242. struct qla_fdt_layout {
  243. uint8_t sig[4];
  244. uint16_t version;
  245. uint16_t len;
  246. uint16_t checksum;
  247. uint8_t unused1[2];
  248. uint8_t model[16];
  249. uint16_t man_id;
  250. uint16_t id;
  251. uint8_t flags;
  252. uint8_t erase_cmd;
  253. uint8_t alt_erase_cmd;
  254. uint8_t wrt_enable_cmd;
  255. uint8_t wrt_enable_bits;
  256. uint8_t wrt_sts_reg_cmd;
  257. uint8_t unprotect_sec_cmd;
  258. uint8_t read_man_id_cmd;
  259. uint32_t block_size;
  260. uint32_t alt_block_size;
  261. uint32_t flash_size;
  262. uint32_t wrt_enable_data;
  263. uint8_t read_id_addr_len;
  264. uint8_t wrt_disable_bits;
  265. uint8_t read_dev_id_len;
  266. uint8_t chip_erase_cmd;
  267. uint16_t read_timeout;
  268. uint8_t protect_sec_cmd;
  269. uint8_t unused2[65];
  270. };
  271. /* Flash Layout Table */
  272. struct qla_flt_location {
  273. uint8_t sig[4];
  274. uint16_t start_lo;
  275. uint16_t start_hi;
  276. uint8_t version;
  277. uint8_t unused[5];
  278. uint16_t checksum;
  279. };
  280. struct qla_flt_header {
  281. uint16_t version;
  282. uint16_t length;
  283. uint16_t checksum;
  284. uint16_t unused;
  285. };
  286. /* 82xx FLT Regions */
  287. #define FLT_REG_FDT 0x1a
  288. #define FLT_REG_FLT 0x1c
  289. #define FLT_REG_BOOTLOAD_82 0x72
  290. #define FLT_REG_FW_82 0x74
  291. #define FLT_REG_FW_82_1 0x97
  292. #define FLT_REG_GOLD_FW_82 0x75
  293. #define FLT_REG_BOOT_CODE_82 0x78
  294. #define FLT_REG_ISCSI_PARAM 0x65
  295. #define FLT_REG_ISCSI_CHAP 0x63
  296. #define FLT_REG_ISCSI_DDB 0x6A
  297. struct qla_flt_region {
  298. uint32_t code;
  299. uint32_t size;
  300. uint32_t start;
  301. uint32_t end;
  302. };
  303. /*************************************************************************
  304. *
  305. * Mailbox Commands Structures and Definitions
  306. *
  307. *************************************************************************/
  308. /* Mailbox command definitions */
  309. #define MBOX_CMD_ABOUT_FW 0x0009
  310. #define MBOX_CMD_PING 0x000B
  311. #define PING_IPV6_PROTOCOL_ENABLE 0x1
  312. #define PING_IPV6_LINKLOCAL_ADDR 0x4
  313. #define PING_IPV6_ADDR0 0x8
  314. #define PING_IPV6_ADDR1 0xC
  315. #define MBOX_CMD_ENABLE_INTRS 0x0010
  316. #define INTR_DISABLE 0
  317. #define INTR_ENABLE 1
  318. #define MBOX_CMD_STOP_FW 0x0014
  319. #define MBOX_CMD_ABORT_TASK 0x0015
  320. #define MBOX_CMD_LUN_RESET 0x0016
  321. #define MBOX_CMD_TARGET_WARM_RESET 0x0017
  322. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_MANAGEMENT_DATA 0x001E
  323. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATUS 0x001F
  324. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_ISNS_SERVICE 0x0021
  325. #define ISNS_DISABLE 0
  326. #define ISNS_ENABLE 1
  327. #define MBOX_CMD_COPY_FLASH 0x0024
  328. #define MBOX_CMD_WRITE_FLASH 0x0025
  329. #define MBOX_CMD_READ_FLASH 0x0026
  330. #define MBOX_CMD_CLEAR_DATABASE_ENTRY 0x0031
  331. #define MBOX_CMD_CONN_OPEN 0x0074
  332. #define MBOX_CMD_CONN_CLOSE_SESS_LOGOUT 0x0056
  333. #define DDB_NOT_LOGGED_IN 0x09
  334. #define LOGOUT_OPTION_CLOSE_SESSION 0x0002
  335. #define LOGOUT_OPTION_RELOGIN 0x0004
  336. #define LOGOUT_OPTION_FREE_DDB 0x0008
  337. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_PARAM 0x0059
  338. #define SET_DRVR_VERSION 0x200
  339. #define MAX_DRVR_VER_LEN 24
  340. #define MBOX_CMD_EXECUTE_IOCB_A64 0x005A
  341. #define MBOX_CMD_INITIALIZE_FIRMWARE 0x0060
  342. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_INIT_FW_CTRL_BLOCK 0x0061
  344. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_DATABASE_ENTRY 0x0063
  345. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_DATABASE_ENTRY 0x0064
  346. #define DDB_DS_UNASSIGNED 0x00
  347. #define DDB_DS_NO_CONNECTION_ACTIVE 0x01
  348. #define DDB_DS_DISCOVERY 0x02
  349. #define DDB_DS_SESSION_ACTIVE 0x04
  350. #define DDB_DS_SESSION_FAILED 0x06
  351. #define DDB_DS_LOGIN_IN_PROCESS 0x07
  352. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_FW_STATE 0x0069
  354. #define MBOX_CMD_DIAG_TEST 0x0075
  355. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_SYS_INFO 0x0078
  356. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_NVRAM 0x0078 /* For 40xx */
  357. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_NVRAM 0x0079 /* For 40xx */
  359. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_ACB 0x0088
  360. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_ACB 0x0089
  361. #define MBOX_CMD_DISABLE_ACB 0x008A
  362. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_IPV6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE 0x008B
  363. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_IPV6_DEST_CACHE 0x008C
  364. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_IPV6_DEF_ROUTER_LIST 0x008D
  365. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_IPV6_LCL_PREFIX_LIST 0x008E
  366. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_IPV6_NEIGHBOR_CACHE 0x0090
  367. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_IP_ADDR_STATE 0x0091
  368. #define MBOX_CMD_SEND_IPV6_ROUTER_SOL 0x0092
  370. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_PORT_CONFIG 0x0122
  371. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_PORT_CONFIG 0x0123
  372. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_LED_CONFIG 0x0125
  373. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_LED_CONFIG 0x0126
  374. #define MBOX_CMD_MINIDUMP 0x0129
  375. /* Port Config */
  376. #define ENABLE_INTERNAL_LOOPBACK 0x04
  377. #define ENABLE_EXTERNAL_LOOPBACK 0x08
  378. #define ENABLE_DCBX 0x10
  379. /* Minidump subcommand */
  382. /* Mailbox 1 */
  383. #define FW_STATE_READY 0x0000
  384. #define FW_STATE_CONFIG_WAIT 0x0001
  385. #define FW_STATE_WAIT_AUTOCONNECT 0x0002
  386. #define FW_STATE_ERROR 0x0004
  387. #define FW_STATE_CONFIGURING_IP 0x0008
  388. /* Mailbox 3 */
  389. #define FW_ADDSTATE_OPTICAL_MEDIA 0x0001
  390. #define FW_ADDSTATE_DHCPv4_ENABLED 0x0002
  391. #define FW_ADDSTATE_DHCPv4_LEASE_ACQUIRED 0x0004
  392. #define FW_ADDSTATE_DHCPv4_LEASE_EXPIRED 0x0008
  393. #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_UP 0x0010
  394. #define FW_ADDSTATE_ISNS_SVC_ENABLED 0x0020
  395. #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_SPEED_10MBPS 0x0100
  396. #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_SPEED_100MBPS 0x0200
  397. #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_SPEED_1GBPS 0x0400
  398. #define FW_ADDSTATE_LINK_SPEED_10GBPS 0x0800
  400. #define IPV6_DEFAULT_DDB_ENTRY 0x0001
  401. #define MBOX_CMD_CONN_OPEN_SESS_LOGIN 0x0074
  402. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_CRASH_RECORD 0x0076 /* 4010 only */
  403. #define MBOX_CMD_GET_CONN_EVENT_LOG 0x0077
  404. #define MBOX_CMD_IDC_ACK 0x0101
  405. #define MBOX_CMD_IDC_TIME_EXTEND 0x0102
  406. #define MBOX_CMD_PORT_RESET 0x0120
  407. #define MBOX_CMD_SET_PORT_CONFIG 0x0122
  408. /* Mailbox status definitions */
  410. #define MBOX_STS_BUSY 0x0007
  412. #define MBOX_STS_COMMAND_COMPLETE 0x4000
  413. #define MBOX_STS_COMMAND_ERROR 0x4005
  414. #define MBOX_ASYNC_EVENT_STATUS 8
  415. #define MBOX_ASTS_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x8002
  420. #define MBOX_ASTS_LINK_UP 0x8010
  421. #define MBOX_ASTS_LINK_DOWN 0x8011
  422. #define MBOX_ASTS_DATABASE_CHANGED 0x8014
  424. #define MBOX_ASTS_SELF_TEST_FAILED 0x8016
  425. #define MBOX_ASTS_LOGIN_FAILED 0x8017
  426. #define MBOX_ASTS_DNS 0x8018
  427. #define MBOX_ASTS_HEARTBEAT 0x8019
  428. #define MBOX_ASTS_NVRAM_INVALID 0x801A
  430. #define MBOX_ASTS_IP_ADDRESS_CHANGED 0x801C
  431. #define MBOX_ASTS_DHCP_LEASE_EXPIRED 0x801D
  434. #define MBOX_ASTS_DUPLICATE_IP 0x8025
  435. #define MBOX_ASTS_ARP_COMPLETE 0x8026
  436. #define MBOX_ASTS_SUBNET_STATE_CHANGE 0x8027
  437. #define MBOX_ASTS_RESPONSE_QUEUE_FULL 0x8028
  438. #define MBOX_ASTS_IP_ADDR_STATE_CHANGED 0x8029
  440. #define MBOX_ASTS_IPV6_LINK_MTU_CHANGE 0x802B
  443. #define MBOX_ASTS_ICMPV6_ERROR_MSG_RCVD 0x802E
  445. #define MBOX_ASTS_SYSTEM_WARNING_EVENT 0x8036
  446. #define MBOX_ASTS_IDC_COMPLETE 0x8100
  449. #define MBOX_ASTS_DCBX_CONF_CHANGE 0x8110
  450. #define MBOX_ASTS_TXSCVR_INSERTED 0x8130
  451. #define MBOX_ASTS_TXSCVR_REMOVED 0x8131
  452. #define ISNS_EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED 0x0000
  453. #define ISNS_EVENT_CONNECTION_OPENED 0x0001
  454. #define ISNS_EVENT_CONNECTION_FAILED 0x0002
  456. #define MBOX_ASTS_SUBNET_STATE_CHANGE 0x8027
  457. /* ACB Configuration Defines */
  458. #define ACB_CONFIG_DISABLE 0x00
  459. #define ACB_CONFIG_SET 0x01
  460. /* ACB/IP Address State Defines */
  462. #define IP_ADDRSTATE_INVALID 1
  468. /* FLASH offsets */
  469. #define FLASH_SEGMENT_IFCB 0x04000000
  470. #define FLASH_OPT_RMW_HOLD 0
  471. #define FLASH_OPT_RMW_INIT 1
  472. #define FLASH_OPT_COMMIT 2
  473. #define FLASH_OPT_RMW_COMMIT 3
  474. /* generic defines to enable/disable params */
  475. #define QL4_PARAM_DISABLE 0
  476. #define QL4_PARAM_ENABLE 1
  477. /*************************************************************************/
  478. /* Host Adapter Initialization Control Block (from host) */
  479. struct addr_ctrl_blk {
  480. uint8_t version; /* 00 */
  481. #define IFCB_VER_MIN 0x01
  482. #define IFCB_VER_MAX 0x02
  483. uint8_t control; /* 01 */
  484. #define CTRLOPT_NEW_CONN_DISABLE 0x0002
  485. uint16_t fw_options; /* 02-03 */
  486. #define FWOPT_HEARTBEAT_ENABLE 0x1000
  487. #define FWOPT_SESSION_MODE 0x0040
  488. #define FWOPT_INITIATOR_MODE 0x0020
  489. #define FWOPT_TARGET_MODE 0x0010
  490. #define FWOPT_ENABLE_CRBDB 0x8000
  491. uint16_t exec_throttle; /* 04-05 */
  492. uint8_t zio_count; /* 06 */
  493. uint8_t res0; /* 07 */
  494. uint16_t eth_mtu_size; /* 08-09 */
  495. uint16_t add_fw_options; /* 0A-0B */
  496. #define ADFWOPT_SERIALIZE_TASK_MGMT 0x0400
  497. #define ADFWOPT_AUTOCONN_DISABLE 0x0002
  498. uint8_t hb_interval; /* 0C */
  499. uint8_t inst_num; /* 0D */
  500. uint16_t res1; /* 0E-0F */
  501. uint16_t rqq_consumer_idx; /* 10-11 */
  502. uint16_t compq_producer_idx; /* 12-13 */
  503. uint16_t rqq_len; /* 14-15 */
  504. uint16_t compq_len; /* 16-17 */
  505. uint32_t rqq_addr_lo; /* 18-1B */
  506. uint32_t rqq_addr_hi; /* 1C-1F */
  507. uint32_t compq_addr_lo; /* 20-23 */
  508. uint32_t compq_addr_hi; /* 24-27 */
  509. uint32_t shdwreg_addr_lo; /* 28-2B */
  510. uint32_t shdwreg_addr_hi; /* 2C-2F */
  511. uint16_t iscsi_opts; /* 30-31 */
  512. #define ISCSIOPTS_HEADER_DIGEST_EN 0x2000
  513. #define ISCSIOPTS_DATA_DIGEST_EN 0x1000
  514. #define ISCSIOPTS_IMMEDIATE_DATA_EN 0x0800
  515. #define ISCSIOPTS_INITIAL_R2T_EN 0x0400
  516. #define ISCSIOPTS_DATA_SEQ_INORDER_EN 0x0200
  517. #define ISCSIOPTS_DATA_PDU_INORDER_EN 0x0100
  518. #define ISCSIOPTS_CHAP_AUTH_EN 0x0080
  519. #define ISCSIOPTS_SNACK_EN 0x0040
  521. #define ISCSIOPTS_BIDI_CHAP_EN 0x0010
  522. #define ISCSIOPTS_DISCOVERY_AUTH_EN 0x0008
  523. #define ISCSIOPTS_STRICT_LOGIN_COMP_EN 0x0004
  524. #define ISCSIOPTS_ERL 0x0003
  525. uint16_t ipv4_tcp_opts; /* 32-33 */
  526. #define TCPOPT_DELAYED_ACK_DISABLE 0x8000
  527. #define TCPOPT_DHCP_ENABLE 0x0200
  528. #define TCPOPT_DNS_SERVER_IP_EN 0x0100
  529. #define TCPOPT_SLP_DA_INFO_EN 0x0080
  530. #define TCPOPT_NAGLE_ALGO_DISABLE 0x0020
  531. #define TCPOPT_WINDOW_SCALE_DISABLE 0x0010
  532. #define TCPOPT_TIMER_SCALE 0x000E
  533. #define TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP_ENABLE 0x0001
  534. uint16_t ipv4_ip_opts; /* 34-35 */
  535. #define IPOPT_IPV4_PROTOCOL_ENABLE 0x8000
  536. #define IPOPT_IPV4_TOS_EN 0x4000
  537. #define IPOPT_VLAN_TAGGING_ENABLE 0x2000
  538. #define IPOPT_GRAT_ARP_EN 0x1000
  539. #define IPOPT_ALT_CID_EN 0x0800
  540. #define IPOPT_REQ_VID_EN 0x0400
  541. #define IPOPT_USE_VID_EN 0x0200
  542. #define IPOPT_LEARN_IQN_EN 0x0100
  544. #define IPOPT_IN_FORWARD_EN 0x0008
  545. #define IPOPT_ARP_REDIRECT_EN 0x0004
  546. uint16_t iscsi_max_pdu_size; /* 36-37 */
  547. uint8_t ipv4_tos; /* 38 */
  548. uint8_t ipv4_ttl; /* 39 */
  549. uint8_t acb_version; /* 3A */
  550. #define ACB_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00
  551. #define ACB_SUPPORTED 0x02 /* Capable of ACB Version 2
  552. Features */
  553. uint8_t res2; /* 3B */
  554. uint16_t def_timeout; /* 3C-3D */
  555. uint16_t iscsi_fburst_len; /* 3E-3F */
  556. uint16_t iscsi_def_time2wait; /* 40-41 */
  557. uint16_t iscsi_def_time2retain; /* 42-43 */
  558. uint16_t iscsi_max_outstnd_r2t; /* 44-45 */
  559. uint16_t conn_ka_timeout; /* 46-47 */
  560. uint16_t ipv4_port; /* 48-49 */
  561. uint16_t iscsi_max_burst_len; /* 4A-4B */
  562. uint32_t res5; /* 4C-4F */
  563. uint8_t ipv4_addr[4]; /* 50-53 */
  564. uint16_t ipv4_vlan_tag; /* 54-55 */
  565. uint8_t ipv4_addr_state; /* 56 */
  566. uint8_t ipv4_cacheid; /* 57 */
  567. uint8_t res6[8]; /* 58-5F */
  568. uint8_t ipv4_subnet[4]; /* 60-63 */
  569. uint8_t res7[12]; /* 64-6F */
  570. uint8_t ipv4_gw_addr[4]; /* 70-73 */
  571. uint8_t res8[0xc]; /* 74-7F */
  572. uint8_t pri_dns_srvr_ip[4];/* 80-83 */
  573. uint8_t sec_dns_srvr_ip[4];/* 84-87 */
  574. uint16_t min_eph_port; /* 88-89 */
  575. uint16_t max_eph_port; /* 8A-8B */
  576. uint8_t res9[4]; /* 8C-8F */
  577. uint8_t iscsi_alias[32];/* 90-AF */
  578. uint8_t res9_1[0x16]; /* B0-C5 */
  579. uint16_t tgt_portal_grp;/* C6-C7 */
  580. uint8_t abort_timer; /* C8 */
  581. uint8_t ipv4_tcp_wsf; /* C9 */
  582. uint8_t res10[6]; /* CA-CF */
  583. uint8_t ipv4_sec_ip_addr[4]; /* D0-D3 */
  584. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_vid_len; /* D4 */
  585. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_vid[11]; /* D5-DF */
  586. uint8_t res11[20]; /* E0-F3 */
  587. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_alt_cid_len; /* F4 */
  588. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_alt_cid[11]; /* F5-FF */
  589. uint8_t iscsi_name[224]; /* 100-1DF */
  590. uint8_t res12[32]; /* 1E0-1FF */
  591. uint32_t cookie; /* 200-203 */
  592. uint16_t ipv6_port; /* 204-205 */
  593. uint16_t ipv6_opts; /* 206-207 */
  594. #define IPV6_OPT_IPV6_PROTOCOL_ENABLE 0x8000
  595. #define IPV6_OPT_VLAN_TAGGING_ENABLE 0x2000
  596. #define IPV6_OPT_GRAT_NEIGHBOR_ADV_EN 0x1000
  597. #define IPV6_OPT_REDIRECT_EN 0x0004
  598. uint16_t ipv6_addtl_opts; /* 208-209 */
  599. #define IPV6_ADDOPT_IGNORE_ICMP_ECHO_REQ 0x0040
  600. #define IPV6_ADDOPT_MLD_EN 0x0004
  602. Only */
  604. uint16_t ipv6_tcp_opts; /* 20A-20B */
  605. #define IPV6_TCPOPT_DELAYED_ACK_DISABLE 0x8000
  606. #define IPV6_TCPOPT_NAGLE_ALGO_DISABLE 0x0020
  607. #define IPV6_TCPOPT_WINDOW_SCALE_DISABLE 0x0010
  608. #define IPV6_TCPOPT_TIMER_SCALE 0x000E
  609. #define IPV6_TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP_EN 0x0001
  610. uint8_t ipv6_tcp_wsf; /* 20C */
  611. uint16_t ipv6_flow_lbl; /* 20D-20F */
  612. uint8_t ipv6_dflt_rtr_addr[16]; /* 210-21F */
  613. uint16_t ipv6_vlan_tag; /* 220-221 */
  614. uint8_t ipv6_lnk_lcl_addr_state;/* 222 */
  615. uint8_t ipv6_addr0_state; /* 223 */
  616. uint8_t ipv6_addr1_state; /* 224 */
  617. uint8_t ipv6_dflt_rtr_state; /* 225 */
  618. #define IPV6_RTRSTATE_UNKNOWN 0
  619. #define IPV6_RTRSTATE_MANUAL 1
  621. #define IPV6_RTRSTATE_STALE 4
  622. uint8_t ipv6_traffic_class; /* 226 */
  623. uint8_t ipv6_hop_limit; /* 227 */
  624. uint8_t ipv6_if_id[8]; /* 228-22F */
  625. uint8_t ipv6_addr0[16]; /* 230-23F */
  626. uint8_t ipv6_addr1[16]; /* 240-24F */
  627. uint32_t ipv6_nd_reach_time; /* 250-253 */
  628. uint32_t ipv6_nd_rexmit_timer; /* 254-257 */
  629. uint32_t ipv6_nd_stale_timeout; /* 258-25B */
  630. uint8_t ipv6_dup_addr_detect_count; /* 25C */
  631. uint8_t ipv6_cache_id; /* 25D */
  632. uint8_t res13[18]; /* 25E-26F */
  633. uint32_t ipv6_gw_advrt_mtu; /* 270-273 */
  634. uint8_t res14[140]; /* 274-2FF */
  635. };
  636. #define IP_ADDR_COUNT 4 /* Total 4 IP address supported in one interface
  637. * One IPv4, one IPv6 link local and 2 IPv6
  638. */
  639. #define IP_STATE_MASK 0x0F000000
  640. #define IP_STATE_SHIFT 24
  641. struct init_fw_ctrl_blk {
  642. struct addr_ctrl_blk pri;
  643. /* struct addr_ctrl_blk sec;*/
  644. };
  645. #define PRIMARI_ACB 0
  646. #define SECONDARY_ACB 1
  647. struct addr_ctrl_blk_def {
  648. uint8_t reserved1[1]; /* 00 */
  649. uint8_t control; /* 01 */
  650. uint8_t reserved2[11]; /* 02-0C */
  651. uint8_t inst_num; /* 0D */
  652. uint8_t reserved3[34]; /* 0E-2F */
  653. uint16_t iscsi_opts; /* 30-31 */
  654. uint16_t ipv4_tcp_opts; /* 32-33 */
  655. uint16_t ipv4_ip_opts; /* 34-35 */
  656. uint16_t iscsi_max_pdu_size; /* 36-37 */
  657. uint8_t ipv4_tos; /* 38 */
  658. uint8_t ipv4_ttl; /* 39 */
  659. uint8_t reserved4[2]; /* 3A-3B */
  660. uint16_t def_timeout; /* 3C-3D */
  661. uint16_t iscsi_fburst_len; /* 3E-3F */
  662. uint8_t reserved5[4]; /* 40-43 */
  663. uint16_t iscsi_max_outstnd_r2t; /* 44-45 */
  664. uint8_t reserved6[2]; /* 46-47 */
  665. uint16_t ipv4_port; /* 48-49 */
  666. uint16_t iscsi_max_burst_len; /* 4A-4B */
  667. uint8_t reserved7[4]; /* 4C-4F */
  668. uint8_t ipv4_addr[4]; /* 50-53 */
  669. uint16_t ipv4_vlan_tag; /* 54-55 */
  670. uint8_t ipv4_addr_state; /* 56 */
  671. uint8_t ipv4_cacheid; /* 57 */
  672. uint8_t reserved8[8]; /* 58-5F */
  673. uint8_t ipv4_subnet[4]; /* 60-63 */
  674. uint8_t reserved9[12]; /* 64-6F */
  675. uint8_t ipv4_gw_addr[4]; /* 70-73 */
  676. uint8_t reserved10[84]; /* 74-C7 */
  677. uint8_t abort_timer; /* C8 */
  678. uint8_t ipv4_tcp_wsf; /* C9 */
  679. uint8_t reserved11[10]; /* CA-D3 */
  680. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_vid_len; /* D4 */
  681. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_vid[11]; /* D5-DF */
  682. uint8_t reserved12[20]; /* E0-F3 */
  683. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_alt_cid_len; /* F4 */
  684. uint8_t ipv4_dhcp_alt_cid[11]; /* F5-FF */
  685. uint8_t iscsi_name[224]; /* 100-1DF */
  686. uint8_t reserved13[32]; /* 1E0-1FF */
  687. uint32_t cookie; /* 200-203 */
  688. uint16_t ipv6_port; /* 204-205 */
  689. uint16_t ipv6_opts; /* 206-207 */
  690. uint16_t ipv6_addtl_opts; /* 208-209 */
  691. uint16_t ipv6_tcp_opts; /* 20A-20B */
  692. uint8_t ipv6_tcp_wsf; /* 20C */
  693. uint16_t ipv6_flow_lbl; /* 20D-20F */
  694. uint8_t ipv6_dflt_rtr_addr[16]; /* 210-21F */
  695. uint16_t ipv6_vlan_tag; /* 220-221 */
  696. uint8_t ipv6_lnk_lcl_addr_state; /* 222 */
  697. uint8_t ipv6_addr0_state; /* 223 */
  698. uint8_t ipv6_addr1_state; /* 224 */
  699. uint8_t ipv6_dflt_rtr_state; /* 225 */
  700. uint8_t ipv6_traffic_class; /* 226 */
  701. uint8_t ipv6_hop_limit; /* 227 */
  702. uint8_t ipv6_if_id[8]; /* 228-22F */
  703. uint8_t ipv6_addr0[16]; /* 230-23F */
  704. uint8_t ipv6_addr1[16]; /* 240-24F */
  705. uint32_t ipv6_nd_reach_time; /* 250-253 */
  706. uint32_t ipv6_nd_rexmit_timer; /* 254-257 */
  707. uint32_t ipv6_nd_stale_timeout; /* 258-25B */
  708. uint8_t ipv6_dup_addr_detect_count; /* 25C */
  709. uint8_t ipv6_cache_id; /* 25D */
  710. uint8_t reserved14[18]; /* 25E-26F */
  711. uint32_t ipv6_gw_advrt_mtu; /* 270-273 */
  712. uint8_t reserved15[140]; /* 274-2FF */
  713. };
  714. /*************************************************************************/
  715. #define MAX_CHAP_ENTRIES_40XX 128
  716. #define MAX_CHAP_ENTRIES_82XX 1024
  717. #define MAX_RESRV_CHAP_IDX 3
  718. #define FLASH_CHAP_OFFSET 0x06000000
  719. struct ql4_chap_table {
  720. uint16_t link;
  721. uint8_t flags;
  722. uint8_t secret_len;
  723. #define MIN_CHAP_SECRET_LEN 12
  724. #define MAX_CHAP_SECRET_LEN 100
  725. uint8_t secret[MAX_CHAP_SECRET_LEN];
  726. #define MAX_CHAP_NAME_LEN 256
  727. uint8_t name[MAX_CHAP_NAME_LEN];
  728. uint16_t reserved;
  729. #define CHAP_VALID_COOKIE 0x4092
  731. uint16_t cookie;
  732. };
  733. struct dev_db_entry {
  734. uint16_t options; /* 00-01 */
  735. #define DDB_OPT_DISC_SESSION 0x10
  736. #define DDB_OPT_TARGET 0x02 /* device is a target */
  737. #define DDB_OPT_IPV6_DEVICE 0x100
  739. #define DDB_OPT_IPV6_NULL_LINK_LOCAL 0x800 /* post connection */
  740. #define DDB_OPT_IPV6_FW_DEFINED_LINK_LOCAL 0x800 /* pre connection */
  741. #define OPT_IS_FW_ASSIGNED_IPV6 11
  742. #define OPT_IPV6_DEVICE 8
  744. #define OPT_DISC_SESSION 4
  745. #define OPT_ENTRY_STATE 3
  746. uint16_t exec_throttle; /* 02-03 */
  747. uint16_t exec_count; /* 04-05 */
  748. uint16_t res0; /* 06-07 */
  749. uint16_t iscsi_options; /* 08-09 */
  751. #define ISCSIOPT_DATA_DIGEST_EN 12
  753. #define ISCSIOPT_INITIAL_R2T_EN 10
  756. #define ISCSIOPT_CHAP_AUTH_EN 7
  757. #define ISCSIOPT_SNACK_REQ_EN 6
  759. #define ISCSIOPT_BIDI_CHAP_EN 4
  761. #define ISCSIOPT_ERL1 1
  762. #define ISCSIOPT_ERL0 0
  763. uint16_t tcp_options; /* 0A-0B */
  764. #define TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP_STAT 6
  765. #define TCPOPT_NAGLE_DISABLE 5
  766. #define TCPOPT_WSF_DISABLE 4
  767. #define TCPOPT_TIMER_SCALE3 3
  768. #define TCPOPT_TIMER_SCALE2 2
  769. #define TCPOPT_TIMER_SCALE1 1
  770. #define TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP_EN 0
  771. uint16_t ip_options; /* 0C-0D */
  773. uint16_t iscsi_max_rcv_data_seg_len; /* 0E-0F */
  774. #define BYTE_UNITS 512
  775. uint32_t res1; /* 10-13 */
  776. uint16_t iscsi_max_snd_data_seg_len; /* 14-15 */
  777. uint16_t iscsi_first_burst_len; /* 16-17 */
  778. uint16_t iscsi_def_time2wait; /* 18-19 */
  779. uint16_t iscsi_def_time2retain; /* 1A-1B */
  780. uint16_t iscsi_max_outsnd_r2t; /* 1C-1D */
  781. uint16_t ka_timeout; /* 1E-1F */
  782. uint8_t isid[6]; /* 20-25 big-endian, must be converted
  783. * to little-endian */
  784. uint16_t tsid; /* 26-27 */
  785. uint16_t port; /* 28-29 */
  786. uint16_t iscsi_max_burst_len; /* 2A-2B */
  787. uint16_t def_timeout; /* 2C-2D */
  788. uint16_t res2; /* 2E-2F */
  789. uint8_t ip_addr[0x10]; /* 30-3F */
  790. uint8_t iscsi_alias[0x20]; /* 40-5F */
  791. uint8_t tgt_addr[0x20]; /* 60-7F */
  792. uint16_t mss; /* 80-81 */
  793. uint16_t res3; /* 82-83 */
  794. uint16_t lcl_port; /* 84-85 */
  795. uint8_t ipv4_tos; /* 86 */
  796. uint16_t ipv6_flow_lbl; /* 87-89 */
  797. uint8_t res4[0x36]; /* 8A-BF */
  798. uint8_t iscsi_name[0xE0]; /* C0-19F : xxzzy Make this a
  799. * pointer to a string so we
  800. * don't have to reserve so
  801. * much RAM */
  802. uint8_t link_local_ipv6_addr[0x10]; /* 1A0-1AF */
  803. uint8_t res5[0x10]; /* 1B0-1BF */
  804. #define DDB_NO_LINK 0xFFFF
  805. #define DDB_ISNS 0xFFFD
  806. uint16_t ddb_link; /* 1C0-1C1 */
  807. uint16_t chap_tbl_idx; /* 1C2-1C3 */
  808. uint16_t tgt_portal_grp; /* 1C4-1C5 */
  809. uint8_t tcp_xmt_wsf; /* 1C6 */
  810. uint8_t tcp_rcv_wsf; /* 1C7 */
  811. uint32_t stat_sn; /* 1C8-1CB */
  812. uint32_t exp_stat_sn; /* 1CC-1CF */
  813. uint8_t res6[0x2b]; /* 1D0-1FB */
  814. #define DDB_VALID_COOKIE 0x9034
  815. uint16_t cookie; /* 1FC-1FD */
  816. uint16_t len; /* 1FE-1FF */
  817. };
  818. /*************************************************************************/
  819. /* Flash definitions */
  820. #define FLASH_OFFSET_SYS_INFO 0x02000000
  821. #define FLASH_DEFAULTBLOCKSIZE 0x20000
  823. * for EOF
  824. * signature */
  825. #define FLASH_RAW_ACCESS_ADDR 0x8e000000
  826. #define BOOT_PARAM_OFFSET_PORT0 0x3b0
  827. #define BOOT_PARAM_OFFSET_PORT1 0x7b0
  828. #define FLASH_OFFSET_DB_INFO 0x05000000
  829. #define FLASH_OFFSET_DB_END (FLASH_OFFSET_DB_INFO + 0x7fff)
  830. struct sys_info_phys_addr {
  831. uint8_t address[6]; /* 00-05 */
  832. uint8_t filler[2]; /* 06-07 */
  833. };
  834. struct flash_sys_info {
  835. uint32_t cookie; /* 00-03 */
  836. uint32_t physAddrCount; /* 04-07 */
  837. struct sys_info_phys_addr physAddr[4]; /* 08-27 */
  838. uint8_t vendorId[128]; /* 28-A7 */
  839. uint8_t productId[128]; /* A8-127 */
  840. uint32_t serialNumber; /* 128-12B */
  841. /* PCI Configuration values */
  842. uint32_t pciDeviceVendor; /* 12C-12F */
  843. uint32_t pciDeviceId; /* 130-133 */
  844. uint32_t pciSubsysVendor; /* 134-137 */
  845. uint32_t pciSubsysId; /* 138-13B */
  846. /* This validates version 1. */
  847. uint32_t crumbs; /* 13C-13F */
  848. uint32_t enterpriseNumber; /* 140-143 */
  849. uint32_t mtu; /* 144-147 */
  850. uint32_t reserved0; /* 148-14b */
  851. uint32_t crumbs2; /* 14c-14f */
  852. uint8_t acSerialNumber[16]; /* 150-15f */
  853. uint32_t crumbs3; /* 160-16f */
  854. /* Leave this last in the struct so it is declared invalid if
  855. * any new items are added.
  856. */
  857. uint32_t reserved1[39]; /* 170-1ff */
  858. }; /* 200 */
  859. struct mbx_sys_info {
  860. uint8_t board_id_str[16]; /* 0-f Keep board ID string first */
  861. /* in this structure for GUI. */
  862. uint16_t board_id; /* 10-11 board ID code */
  863. uint16_t phys_port_cnt; /* 12-13 number of physical network ports */
  864. uint16_t port_num; /* 14-15 network port for this PCI function */
  865. /* (port 0 is first port) */
  866. uint8_t mac_addr[6]; /* 16-1b MAC address for this PCI function */
  867. uint32_t iscsi_pci_func_cnt; /* 1c-1f number of iSCSI PCI functions */
  868. uint32_t pci_func; /* 20-23 this PCI function */
  869. unsigned char serial_number[16]; /* 24-33 serial number string */
  870. uint8_t reserved[12]; /* 34-3f */
  871. };
  872. struct about_fw_info {
  873. uint16_t fw_major; /* 00 - 01 */
  874. uint16_t fw_minor; /* 02 - 03 */
  875. uint16_t fw_patch; /* 04 - 05 */
  876. uint16_t fw_build; /* 06 - 07 */
  877. uint8_t fw_build_date[16]; /* 08 - 17 ASCII String */
  878. uint8_t fw_build_time[16]; /* 18 - 27 ASCII String */
  879. uint8_t fw_build_user[16]; /* 28 - 37 ASCII String */
  880. uint16_t fw_load_source; /* 38 - 39 */
  881. /* 1 = Flash Primary,
  882. 2 = Flash Secondary,
  883. 3 = Host Download
  884. */
  885. uint8_t reserved1[6]; /* 3A - 3F */
  886. uint16_t iscsi_major; /* 40 - 41 */
  887. uint16_t iscsi_minor; /* 42 - 43 */
  888. uint16_t bootload_major; /* 44 - 45 */
  889. uint16_t bootload_minor; /* 46 - 47 */
  890. uint16_t bootload_patch; /* 48 - 49 */
  891. uint16_t bootload_build; /* 4A - 4B */
  892. uint8_t extended_timestamp[180];/* 4C - FF */
  893. };
  894. struct crash_record {
  895. uint16_t fw_major_version; /* 00 - 01 */
  896. uint16_t fw_minor_version; /* 02 - 03 */
  897. uint16_t fw_patch_version; /* 04 - 05 */
  898. uint16_t fw_build_version; /* 06 - 07 */
  899. uint8_t build_date[16]; /* 08 - 17 */
  900. uint8_t build_time[16]; /* 18 - 27 */
  901. uint8_t build_user[16]; /* 28 - 37 */
  902. uint8_t card_serial_num[16]; /* 38 - 47 */
  903. uint32_t time_of_crash_in_secs; /* 48 - 4B */
  904. uint32_t time_of_crash_in_ms; /* 4C - 4F */
  905. uint16_t out_RISC_sd_num_frames; /* 50 - 51 */
  906. uint16_t OAP_sd_num_words; /* 52 - 53 */
  907. uint16_t IAP_sd_num_frames; /* 54 - 55 */
  908. uint16_t in_RISC_sd_num_words; /* 56 - 57 */
  909. uint8_t reserved1[28]; /* 58 - 7F */
  910. uint8_t out_RISC_reg_dump[256]; /* 80 -17F */
  911. uint8_t in_RISC_reg_dump[256]; /*180 -27F */
  912. uint8_t in_out_RISC_stack_dump[0]; /*280 - ??? */
  913. };
  914. struct conn_event_log_entry {
  915. #define MAX_CONN_EVENT_LOG_ENTRIES 100
  916. uint32_t timestamp_sec; /* 00 - 03 seconds since boot */
  917. uint32_t timestamp_ms; /* 04 - 07 milliseconds since boot */
  918. uint16_t device_index; /* 08 - 09 */
  919. uint16_t fw_conn_state; /* 0A - 0B */
  920. uint8_t event_type; /* 0C - 0C */
  921. uint8_t error_code; /* 0D - 0D */
  922. uint16_t error_code_detail; /* 0E - 0F */
  923. uint8_t num_consecutive_events; /* 10 - 10 */
  924. uint8_t rsvd[3]; /* 11 - 13 */
  925. };
  926. /*************************************************************************
  927. *
  928. * IOCB Commands Structures and Definitions
  929. *
  930. *************************************************************************/
  931. #define IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN 16 /* Bytes in a CBD */
  932. #define IOCB_MAX_SENSEDATA_LEN 32 /* Bytes of sense data */
  933. #define IOCB_MAX_EXT_SENSEDATA_LEN 60 /* Bytes of extended sense data */
  934. /* IOCB header structure */
  935. struct qla4_header {
  936. uint8_t entryType;
  937. #define ET_STATUS 0x03
  938. #define ET_MARKER 0x04
  939. #define ET_CONT_T1 0x0A
  940. #define ET_STATUS_CONTINUATION 0x10
  941. #define ET_CMND_T3 0x19
  942. #define ET_PASSTHRU0 0x3A
  943. #define ET_PASSTHRU_STATUS 0x3C
  944. #define ET_MBOX_CMD 0x38
  945. #define ET_MBOX_STATUS 0x39
  946. uint8_t entryStatus;
  947. uint8_t systemDefined;
  948. #define SD_ISCSI_PDU 0x01
  949. uint8_t entryCount;
  950. /* SyetemDefined definition */
  951. };
  952. /* Generic queue entry structure*/
  953. struct queue_entry {
  954. uint8_t data[60];
  955. uint32_t signature;
  956. };
  957. /* 64 bit addressing segment counts*/
  958. #define COMMAND_SEG_A64 1
  959. #define CONTINUE_SEG_A64 5
  960. /* 64 bit addressing segment definition*/
  961. struct data_seg_a64 {
  962. struct {
  963. uint32_t addrLow;
  964. uint32_t addrHigh;
  965. } base;
  966. uint32_t count;
  967. };
  968. /* Command Type 3 entry structure*/
  969. struct command_t3_entry {
  970. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  971. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  972. uint16_t target; /* 08-09 */
  973. uint16_t connection_id; /* 0A-0B */
  974. uint8_t control_flags; /* 0C */
  975. /* data direction (bits 5-6) */
  976. #define CF_WRITE 0x20
  977. #define CF_READ 0x40
  978. #define CF_NO_DATA 0x00
  979. /* task attributes (bits 2-0) */
  980. #define CF_HEAD_TAG 0x03
  981. #define CF_ORDERED_TAG 0x02
  982. #define CF_SIMPLE_TAG 0x01
  986. * PROPERLY.
  987. */
  988. uint8_t state_flags; /* 0D */
  989. uint8_t cmdRefNum; /* 0E */
  990. uint8_t reserved1; /* 0F */
  991. uint8_t cdb[IOCB_MAX_CDB_LEN]; /* 10-1F */
  992. struct scsi_lun lun; /* FCP LUN (BE). */
  993. uint32_t cmdSeqNum; /* 28-2B */
  994. uint16_t timeout; /* 2C-2D */
  995. uint16_t dataSegCnt; /* 2E-2F */
  996. uint32_t ttlByteCnt; /* 30-33 */
  997. struct data_seg_a64 dataseg[COMMAND_SEG_A64]; /* 34-3F */
  998. };
  999. /* Continuation Type 1 entry structure*/
  1000. struct continuation_t1_entry {
  1001. struct qla4_header hdr;
  1002. struct data_seg_a64 dataseg[CONTINUE_SEG_A64];
  1003. };
  1004. /* Parameterize for 64 or 32 bits */
  1005. #define COMMAND_SEG COMMAND_SEG_A64
  1007. #define ET_COMMAND ET_CMND_T3
  1008. #define ET_CONTINUE ET_CONT_T1
  1009. /* Marker entry structure*/
  1010. struct qla4_marker_entry {
  1011. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1012. uint32_t system_defined; /* 04-07 */
  1013. uint16_t target; /* 08-09 */
  1014. uint16_t modifier; /* 0A-0B */
  1015. #define MM_LUN_RESET 0
  1016. #define MM_TGT_WARM_RESET 1
  1017. uint16_t flags; /* 0C-0D */
  1018. uint16_t reserved1; /* 0E-0F */
  1019. struct scsi_lun lun; /* FCP LUN (BE). */
  1020. uint64_t reserved2; /* 18-1F */
  1021. uint64_t reserved3; /* 20-27 */
  1022. uint64_t reserved4; /* 28-2F */
  1023. uint64_t reserved5; /* 30-37 */
  1024. uint64_t reserved6; /* 38-3F */
  1025. };
  1026. /* Status entry structure*/
  1027. struct status_entry {
  1028. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1029. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  1030. uint8_t scsiStatus; /* 08 */
  1031. #define SCSI_CHECK_CONDITION 0x02
  1032. uint8_t iscsiFlags; /* 09 */
  1033. #define ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_UNDER 0x02
  1034. #define ISCSI_FLAG_RESIDUAL_OVER 0x04
  1035. uint8_t iscsiResponse; /* 0A */
  1036. uint8_t completionStatus; /* 0B */
  1037. #define SCS_COMPLETE 0x00
  1038. #define SCS_INCOMPLETE 0x01
  1039. #define SCS_RESET_OCCURRED 0x04
  1040. #define SCS_ABORTED 0x05
  1041. #define SCS_TIMEOUT 0x06
  1042. #define SCS_DATA_OVERRUN 0x07
  1043. #define SCS_DATA_UNDERRUN 0x15
  1044. #define SCS_QUEUE_FULL 0x1C
  1045. #define SCS_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE 0x28
  1046. #define SCS_DEVICE_LOGGED_OUT 0x29
  1047. uint8_t reserved1; /* 0C */
  1048. /* state_flags MUST be at the same location as state_flags in
  1049. * the Command_T3/4_Entry */
  1050. uint8_t state_flags; /* 0D */
  1051. uint16_t senseDataByteCnt; /* 0E-0F */
  1052. uint32_t residualByteCnt; /* 10-13 */
  1053. uint32_t bidiResidualByteCnt; /* 14-17 */
  1054. uint32_t expSeqNum; /* 18-1B */
  1055. uint32_t maxCmdSeqNum; /* 1C-1F */
  1056. uint8_t senseData[IOCB_MAX_SENSEDATA_LEN]; /* 20-3F */
  1057. };
  1058. /* Status Continuation entry */
  1059. struct status_cont_entry {
  1060. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1061. uint8_t ext_sense_data[IOCB_MAX_EXT_SENSEDATA_LEN]; /* 04-63 */
  1062. };
  1063. struct passthru0 {
  1064. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1065. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  1066. uint16_t target; /* 08-09 */
  1067. uint16_t connection_id; /* 0A-0B */
  1068. #define ISNS_DEFAULT_SERVER_CONN_ID ((uint16_t)0x8000)
  1069. uint16_t control_flags; /* 0C-0D */
  1070. #define PT_FLAG_ETHERNET_FRAME 0x8000
  1071. #define PT_FLAG_ISNS_PDU 0x8000
  1072. #define PT_FLAG_SEND_BUFFER 0x0200
  1073. #define PT_FLAG_WAIT_4_RESPONSE 0x0100
  1074. #define PT_FLAG_ISCSI_PDU 0x1000
  1075. uint16_t timeout; /* 0E-0F */
  1076. #define PT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 30 /* seconds */
  1077. struct data_seg_a64 out_dsd; /* 10-1B */
  1078. uint32_t res1; /* 1C-1F */
  1079. struct data_seg_a64 in_dsd; /* 20-2B */
  1080. uint8_t res2[20]; /* 2C-3F */
  1081. };
  1082. struct passthru_status {
  1083. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1084. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  1085. uint16_t target; /* 08-09 */
  1086. uint16_t connectionID; /* 0A-0B */
  1087. uint8_t completionStatus; /* 0C */
  1088. #define PASSTHRU_STATUS_COMPLETE 0x01
  1089. uint8_t residualFlags; /* 0D */
  1090. uint16_t timeout; /* 0E-0F */
  1091. uint16_t portNumber; /* 10-11 */
  1092. uint8_t res1[10]; /* 12-1B */
  1093. uint32_t outResidual; /* 1C-1F */
  1094. uint8_t res2[12]; /* 20-2B */
  1095. uint32_t inResidual; /* 2C-2F */
  1096. uint8_t res4[16]; /* 30-3F */
  1097. };
  1098. struct mbox_cmd_iocb {
  1099. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1100. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  1101. uint32_t in_mbox[8]; /* 08-25 */
  1102. uint32_t res1[6]; /* 26-3F */
  1103. };
  1104. struct mbox_status_iocb {
  1105. struct qla4_header hdr; /* 00-03 */
  1106. uint32_t handle; /* 04-07 */
  1107. uint32_t out_mbox[8]; /* 08-25 */
  1108. uint32_t res1[6]; /* 26-3F */
  1109. };
  1110. /*
  1111. * ISP queue - response queue entry definition.
  1112. */
  1113. struct response {
  1114. uint8_t data[60];
  1115. uint32_t signature;
  1116. #define RESPONSE_PROCESSED 0xDEADDEAD /* Signature */
  1117. };
  1118. struct ql_iscsi_stats {
  1119. uint64_t mac_tx_frames; /* 0000–0007 */
  1120. uint64_t mac_tx_bytes; /* 0008–000F */
  1121. uint64_t mac_tx_multicast_frames; /* 0010–0017 */
  1122. uint64_t mac_tx_broadcast_frames; /* 0018–001F */
  1123. uint64_t mac_tx_pause_frames; /* 0020–0027 */
  1124. uint64_t mac_tx_control_frames; /* 0028–002F */
  1125. uint64_t mac_tx_deferral; /* 0030–0037 */
  1126. uint64_t mac_tx_excess_deferral; /* 0038–003F */
  1127. uint64_t mac_tx_late_collision; /* 0040–0047 */
  1128. uint64_t mac_tx_abort; /* 0048–004F */
  1129. uint64_t mac_tx_single_collision; /* 0050–0057 */
  1130. uint64_t mac_tx_multiple_collision; /* 0058–005F */
  1131. uint64_t mac_tx_collision; /* 0060–0067 */
  1132. uint64_t mac_tx_frames_dropped; /* 0068–006F */
  1133. uint64_t mac_tx_jumbo_frames; /* 0070–0077 */
  1134. uint64_t mac_rx_frames; /* 0078–007F */
  1135. uint64_t mac_rx_bytes; /* 0080–0087 */
  1136. uint64_t mac_rx_unknown_control_frames; /* 0088–008F */
  1137. uint64_t mac_rx_pause_frames; /* 0090–0097 */
  1138. uint64_t mac_rx_control_frames; /* 0098–009F */
  1139. uint64_t mac_rx_dribble; /* 00A0–00A7 */
  1140. uint64_t mac_rx_frame_length_error; /* 00A8–00AF */
  1141. uint64_t mac_rx_jabber; /* 00B0–00B7 */
  1142. uint64_t mac_rx_carrier_sense_error; /* 00B8–00BF */
  1143. uint64_t mac_rx_frame_discarded; /* 00C0–00C7 */
  1144. uint64_t mac_rx_frames_dropped; /* 00C8–00CF */
  1145. uint64_t mac_crc_error; /* 00D0–00D7 */
  1146. uint64_t mac_encoding_error; /* 00D8–00DF */
  1147. uint64_t mac_rx_length_error_large; /* 00E0–00E7 */
  1148. uint64_t mac_rx_length_error_small; /* 00E8–00EF */
  1149. uint64_t mac_rx_multicast_frames; /* 00F0–00F7 */
  1150. uint64_t mac_rx_broadcast_frames; /* 00F8–00FF */
  1151. uint64_t ip_tx_packets; /* 0100–0107 */
  1152. uint64_t ip_tx_bytes; /* 0108–010F */
  1153. uint64_t ip_tx_fragments; /* 0110–0117 */
  1154. uint64_t ip_rx_packets; /* 0118–011F */
  1155. uint64_t ip_rx_bytes; /* 0120–0127 */
  1156. uint64_t ip_rx_fragments; /* 0128–012F */
  1157. uint64_t ip_datagram_reassembly; /* 0130–0137 */
  1158. uint64_t ip_invalid_address_error; /* 0138–013F */
  1159. uint64_t ip_error_packets; /* 0140–0147 */
  1160. uint64_t ip_fragrx_overlap; /* 0148–014F */
  1161. uint64_t ip_fragrx_outoforder; /* 0150–0157 */
  1162. uint64_t ip_datagram_reassembly_timeout; /* 0158–015F */
  1163. uint64_t ipv6_tx_packets; /* 0160–0167 */
  1164. uint64_t ipv6_tx_bytes; /* 0168–016F */
  1165. uint64_t ipv6_tx_fragments; /* 0170–0177 */
  1166. uint64_t ipv6_rx_packets; /* 0178–017F */
  1167. uint64_t ipv6_rx_bytes; /* 0180–0187 */
  1168. uint64_t ipv6_rx_fragments; /* 0188–018F */
  1169. uint64_t ipv6_datagram_reassembly; /* 0190–0197 */
  1170. uint64_t ipv6_invalid_address_error; /* 0198–019F */
  1171. uint64_t ipv6_error_packets; /* 01A0–01A7 */
  1172. uint64_t ipv6_fragrx_overlap; /* 01A8–01AF */
  1173. uint64_t ipv6_fragrx_outoforder; /* 01B0–01B7 */
  1174. uint64_t ipv6_datagram_reassembly_timeout; /* 01B8–01BF */
  1175. uint64_t tcp_tx_segments; /* 01C0–01C7 */
  1176. uint64_t tcp_tx_bytes; /* 01C8–01CF */
  1177. uint64_t tcp_rx_segments; /* 01D0–01D7 */
  1178. uint64_t tcp_rx_byte; /* 01D8–01DF */
  1179. uint64_t tcp_duplicate_ack_retx; /* 01E0–01E7 */
  1180. uint64_t tcp_retx_timer_expired; /* 01E8–01EF */
  1181. uint64_t tcp_rx_duplicate_ack; /* 01F0–01F7 */
  1182. uint64_t tcp_rx_pure_ackr; /* 01F8–01FF */
  1183. uint64_t tcp_tx_delayed_ack; /* 0200–0207 */
  1184. uint64_t tcp_tx_pure_ack; /* 0208–020F */
  1185. uint64_t tcp_rx_segment_error; /* 0210–0217 */
  1186. uint64_t tcp_rx_segment_outoforder; /* 0218–021F */
  1187. uint64_t tcp_rx_window_probe; /* 0220–0227 */
  1188. uint64_t tcp_rx_window_update; /* 0228–022F */
  1189. uint64_t tcp_tx_window_probe_persist; /* 0230–0237 */
  1190. uint64_t ecc_error_correction; /* 0238–023F */
  1191. uint64_t iscsi_pdu_tx; /* 0240-0247 */
  1192. uint64_t iscsi_data_bytes_tx; /* 0248-024F */
  1193. uint64_t iscsi_pdu_rx; /* 0250-0257 */
  1194. uint64_t iscsi_data_bytes_rx; /* 0258-025F */
  1195. uint64_t iscsi_io_completed; /* 0260-0267 */
  1196. uint64_t iscsi_unexpected_io_rx; /* 0268-026F */
  1197. uint64_t iscsi_format_error; /* 0270-0277 */
  1198. uint64_t iscsi_hdr_digest_error; /* 0278-027F */
  1199. uint64_t iscsi_data_digest_error; /* 0280-0287 */
  1200. uint64_t iscsi_sequence_error; /* 0288-028F */
  1201. uint32_t tx_cmd_pdu; /* 0290-0293 */
  1202. uint32_t tx_resp_pdu; /* 0294-0297 */
  1203. uint32_t rx_cmd_pdu; /* 0298-029B */
  1204. uint32_t rx_resp_pdu; /* 029C-029F */
  1205. uint64_t tx_data_octets; /* 02A0-02A7 */
  1206. uint64_t rx_data_octets; /* 02A8-02AF */
  1207. uint32_t hdr_digest_err; /* 02B0–02B3 */
  1208. uint32_t data_digest_err; /* 02B4–02B7 */
  1209. uint32_t conn_timeout_err; /* 02B8–02BB */
  1210. uint32_t framing_err; /* 02BC–02BF */
  1211. uint32_t tx_nopout_pdus; /* 02C0–02C3 */
  1212. uint32_t tx_scsi_cmd_pdus; /* 02C4–02C7 */
  1213. uint32_t tx_tmf_cmd_pdus; /* 02C8–02CB */
  1214. uint32_t tx_login_cmd_pdus; /* 02CC–02CF */
  1215. uint32_t tx_text_cmd_pdus; /* 02D0–02D3 */
  1216. uint32_t tx_scsi_write_pdus; /* 02D4–02D7 */
  1217. uint32_t tx_logout_cmd_pdus; /* 02D8–02DB */
  1218. uint32_t tx_snack_req_pdus; /* 02DC–02DF */
  1219. uint32_t rx_nopin_pdus; /* 02E0–02E3 */
  1220. uint32_t rx_scsi_resp_pdus; /* 02E4–02E7 */
  1221. uint32_t rx_tmf_resp_pdus; /* 02E8–02EB */
  1222. uint32_t rx_login_resp_pdus; /* 02EC–02EF */
  1223. uint32_t rx_text_resp_pdus; /* 02F0–02F3 */
  1224. uint32_t rx_scsi_read_pdus; /* 02F4–02F7 */
  1225. uint32_t rx_logout_resp_pdus; /* 02F8–02FB */
  1226. uint32_t rx_r2t_pdus; /* 02FC–02FF */
  1227. uint32_t rx_async_pdus; /* 0300–0303 */
  1228. uint32_t rx_reject_pdus; /* 0304–0307 */
  1229. uint8_t reserved2[264]; /* 0x0308 - 0x040F */
  1230. };
  1231. #define QLA8XXX_DBG_STATE_ARRAY_LEN 16
  1232. #define QLA8XXX_DBG_CAP_SIZE_ARRAY_LEN 8
  1233. #define QLA8XXX_DBG_RSVD_ARRAY_LEN 8
  1234. #define QLA83XX_DBG_OCM_WNDREG_ARRAY_LEN 16
  1235. #define QLA83XX_SS_OCM_WNDREG_INDEX 3
  1236. #define QLA83XX_SS_PCI_INDEX 0
  1237. #define QLA8022_TEMPLATE_CAP_OFFSET 172
  1238. #define QLA83XX_TEMPLATE_CAP_OFFSET 268
  1240. struct qla4_8xxx_minidump_template_hdr {
  1241. uint32_t entry_type;
  1242. uint32_t first_entry_offset;
  1243. uint32_t size_of_template;
  1244. uint32_t capture_debug_level;
  1245. uint32_t num_of_entries;
  1246. uint32_t version;
  1247. uint32_t driver_timestamp;
  1248. uint32_t checksum;
  1249. uint32_t driver_capture_mask;
  1250. uint32_t driver_info_word2;
  1251. uint32_t driver_info_word3;
  1252. uint32_t driver_info_word4;
  1253. uint32_t saved_state_array[QLA8XXX_DBG_STATE_ARRAY_LEN];
  1254. uint32_t capture_size_array[QLA8XXX_DBG_CAP_SIZE_ARRAY_LEN];
  1255. uint32_t ocm_window_reg[QLA83XX_DBG_OCM_WNDREG_ARRAY_LEN];
  1256. uint32_t capabilities[QLA80XX_TEMPLATE_RESERVED_BITS];
  1257. };
  1258. #endif /* _QLA4X_FW_H */