mv_94xx.h 11 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Marvell 88SE94xx hardware specific head file
  3. *
  4. * Copyright 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
  5. * Copyright 2008 Marvell. <>
  6. * Copyright 2009-2011 Marvell. <>
  7. *
  8. * This file is licensed under GPLv2.
  9. *
  10. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  11. * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  12. * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the
  13. * License.
  14. *
  15. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  16. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  18. * General Public License for more details.
  19. *
  20. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  21. * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  22. * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
  23. * USA
  24. */
  25. #ifndef _MVS94XX_REG_H_
  26. #define _MVS94XX_REG_H_
  27. #include <linux/types.h>
  29. enum VANIR_REVISION_ID {
  30. VANIR_A0_REV = 0xA0,
  31. VANIR_B0_REV = 0x01,
  32. VANIR_C0_REV = 0x02,
  33. VANIR_C1_REV = 0x03,
  34. VANIR_C2_REV = 0xC2,
  35. };
  36. enum host_registers {
  37. MVS_HST_CHIP_CONFIG = 0x10104, /* chip configuration */
  38. };
  39. enum hw_registers {
  40. MVS_GBL_CTL = 0x04, /* global control */
  41. MVS_GBL_INT_STAT = 0x00, /* global irq status */
  42. MVS_GBL_PI = 0x0C, /* ports implemented bitmask */
  43. MVS_PHY_CTL = 0x40, /* SOC PHY Control */
  44. MVS_PORTS_IMP = 0x9C, /* SOC Port Implemented */
  45. MVS_GBL_PORT_TYPE = 0xa0, /* port type */
  46. MVS_CTL = 0x100, /* SAS/SATA port configuration */
  47. MVS_PCS = 0x104, /* SAS/SATA port control/status */
  48. MVS_CMD_LIST_LO = 0x108, /* cmd list addr */
  49. MVS_CMD_LIST_HI = 0x10C,
  50. MVS_RX_FIS_LO = 0x110, /* RX FIS list addr */
  51. MVS_RX_FIS_HI = 0x114,
  52. MVS_STP_REG_SET_0 = 0x118, /* STP/SATA Register Set Enable */
  53. MVS_STP_REG_SET_1 = 0x11C,
  54. MVS_TX_CFG = 0x120, /* TX configuration */
  55. MVS_TX_LO = 0x124, /* TX (delivery) ring addr */
  56. MVS_TX_HI = 0x128,
  57. MVS_TX_PROD_IDX = 0x12C, /* TX producer pointer */
  58. MVS_TX_CONS_IDX = 0x130, /* TX consumer pointer (RO) */
  59. MVS_RX_CFG = 0x134, /* RX configuration */
  60. MVS_RX_LO = 0x138, /* RX (completion) ring addr */
  61. MVS_RX_HI = 0x13C,
  62. MVS_RX_CONS_IDX = 0x140, /* RX consumer pointer (RO) */
  63. MVS_INT_COAL = 0x148, /* Int coalescing config */
  64. MVS_INT_COAL_TMOUT = 0x14C, /* Int coalescing timeout */
  65. MVS_INT_STAT = 0x150, /* Central int status */
  66. MVS_INT_MASK = 0x154, /* Central int enable */
  67. MVS_INT_STAT_SRS_0 = 0x158, /* SATA register set status */
  68. MVS_INT_MASK_SRS_0 = 0x15C,
  69. MVS_INT_STAT_SRS_1 = 0x160,
  70. MVS_INT_MASK_SRS_1 = 0x164,
  71. MVS_NON_NCQ_ERR_0 = 0x168, /* SRS Non-specific NCQ Error */
  72. MVS_NON_NCQ_ERR_1 = 0x16C,
  73. MVS_CMD_ADDR = 0x170, /* Command register port (addr) */
  74. MVS_CMD_DATA = 0x174, /* Command register port (data) */
  75. MVS_MEM_PARITY_ERR = 0x178, /* Memory parity error */
  76. /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
  77. MVS_P0_INT_STAT = 0x180, /* port0 interrupt status */
  78. MVS_P0_INT_MASK = 0x184, /* port0 interrupt mask */
  79. /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
  80. MVS_P4_INT_STAT = 0x1A0, /* Port4 interrupt status */
  81. MVS_P4_INT_MASK = 0x1A4, /* Port4 interrupt enable mask */
  82. /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
  83. MVS_P0_SER_CTLSTAT = 0x1D0, /* port0 serial control/status */
  84. /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
  85. MVS_P4_SER_CTLSTAT = 0x1E0, /* port4 serial control/status */
  86. /* ports 1-3 follow after this */
  87. MVS_P0_CFG_ADDR = 0x200, /* port0 phy register address */
  88. MVS_P0_CFG_DATA = 0x204, /* port0 phy register data */
  89. /* ports 5-7 follow after this */
  90. MVS_P4_CFG_ADDR = 0x220, /* Port4 config address */
  91. MVS_P4_CFG_DATA = 0x224, /* Port4 config data */
  92. /* phys 1-3 follow after this */
  93. MVS_P0_VSR_ADDR = 0x250, /* phy0 VSR address */
  94. MVS_P0_VSR_DATA = 0x254, /* phy0 VSR data */
  95. /* phys 1-3 follow after this */
  96. /* multiplexing */
  97. MVS_P4_VSR_ADDR = 0x250, /* phy4 VSR address */
  98. MVS_P4_VSR_DATA = 0x254, /* phy4 VSR data */
  99. MVS_PA_VSR_ADDR = 0x290, /* All port VSR addr */
  100. MVS_PA_VSR_PORT = 0x294, /* All port VSR data */
  101. MVS_COMMAND_ACTIVE = 0x300,
  102. };
  103. enum pci_cfg_registers {
  104. PCR_PHY_CTL = 0x40,
  105. PCR_PHY_CTL2 = 0x90,
  106. PCR_DEV_CTRL = 0x78,
  107. PCR_LINK_STAT = 0x82,
  108. };
  109. /* SAS/SATA Vendor Specific Port Registers */
  110. enum sas_sata_vsp_regs {
  111. VSR_PHY_STAT = 0x00 * 4, /* Phy Interrupt Status */
  112. VSR_PHY_MODE1 = 0x01 * 4, /* phy Interrupt Enable */
  113. VSR_PHY_MODE2 = 0x02 * 4, /* Phy Configuration */
  114. VSR_PHY_MODE3 = 0x03 * 4, /* Phy Status */
  115. VSR_PHY_MODE4 = 0x04 * 4, /* Phy Counter 0 */
  116. VSR_PHY_MODE5 = 0x05 * 4, /* Phy Counter 1 */
  117. VSR_PHY_MODE6 = 0x06 * 4, /* Event Counter Control */
  118. VSR_PHY_MODE7 = 0x07 * 4, /* Event Counter Select */
  119. VSR_PHY_MODE8 = 0x08 * 4, /* Event Counter 0 */
  120. VSR_PHY_MODE9 = 0x09 * 4, /* Event Counter 1 */
  121. VSR_PHY_MODE10 = 0x0A * 4, /* Event Counter 2 */
  122. VSR_PHY_MODE11 = 0x0B * 4, /* Event Counter 3 */
  123. VSR_PHY_ACT_LED = 0x0C * 4, /* Activity LED control */
  124. VSR_PHY_FFE_CONTROL = 0x10C,
  125. VSR_PHY_DFE_UPDATE_CRTL = 0x110,
  126. VSR_REF_CLOCK_CRTL = 0x1A0,
  127. };
  128. enum chip_register_bits {
  129. PHY_MIN_SPP_PHYS_LINK_RATE_MASK = (0x7 << 8),
  130. PHY_MAX_SPP_PHYS_LINK_RATE_MASK = (0x7 << 12),
  134. };
  135. enum pci_interrupt_cause {
  136. /* MAIN_IRQ_CAUSE (R10200) Bits*/
  137. MVS_IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP0 = (1 << 0),
  138. MVS_IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP1 = (1 << 1),
  139. MVS_IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP2 = (1 << 2),
  140. MVS_IRQ_COM_IN_I2O_IOP3 = (1 << 3),
  141. MVS_IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS0 = (1 << 4),
  142. MVS_IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS1 = (1 << 5),
  143. MVS_IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS2 = (1 << 6),
  144. MVS_IRQ_COM_OUT_I2O_HOS3 = (1 << 7),
  145. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL0 = (1 << 8),
  146. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL1 = (1 << 9),
  147. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL2 = (1 << 10),
  148. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_TO_CPU_DRBL3 = (1 << 11),
  149. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_DRBL0 = (1 << 12),
  150. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_DRBL1 = (1 << 13),
  151. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_DRBL2 = (1 << 14),
  152. MVS_IRQ_PCIF_DRBL3 = (1 << 15),
  153. MVS_IRQ_XOR_A = (1 << 16),
  154. MVS_IRQ_XOR_B = (1 << 17),
  155. MVS_IRQ_SAS_A = (1 << 18),
  156. MVS_IRQ_SAS_B = (1 << 19),
  157. MVS_IRQ_CPU_CNTRL = (1 << 20),
  158. MVS_IRQ_GPIO = (1 << 21),
  159. MVS_IRQ_UART = (1 << 22),
  160. MVS_IRQ_SPI = (1 << 23),
  161. MVS_IRQ_I2C = (1 << 24),
  162. MVS_IRQ_SGPIO = (1 << 25),
  163. MVS_IRQ_COM_ERR = (1 << 29),
  164. MVS_IRQ_I2O_ERR = (1 << 30),
  165. MVS_IRQ_PCIE_ERR = (1 << 31),
  166. };
  167. union reg_phy_cfg {
  168. u32 v;
  169. struct {
  170. u32 phy_reset:1;
  171. u32 sas_support:1;
  172. u32 sata_support:1;
  173. u32 sata_host_mode:1;
  174. /*
  175. * bit 2: 6Gbps support
  176. * bit 1: 3Gbps support
  177. * bit 0: 1.5Gbps support
  178. */
  179. u32 speed_support:3;
  180. u32 snw_3_support:1;
  181. u32 tx_lnk_parity:1;
  182. /*
  183. * bit 5: G1 (1.5Gbps) Without SSC
  184. * bit 4: G1 (1.5Gbps) with SSC
  185. * bit 3: G2 (3.0Gbps) Without SSC
  186. * bit 2: G2 (3.0Gbps) with SSC
  187. * bit 1: G3 (6.0Gbps) without SSC
  188. * bit 0: G3 (6.0Gbps) with SSC
  189. */
  190. u32 tx_spt_phs_lnk_rate:6;
  191. /* 8h: 1.5Gbps 9h: 3Gbps Ah: 6Gbps */
  192. u32 tx_lgcl_lnk_rate:4;
  193. u32 tx_ssc_type:1;
  194. u32 sata_spin_up_spt:1;
  195. u32 sata_spin_up_en:1;
  196. u32 bypass_oob:1;
  197. u32 disable_phy:1;
  198. u32 rsvd:8;
  199. } u;
  200. };
  201. #define MAX_SG_ENTRY 255
  202. struct mvs_prd_imt {
  203. #ifndef __BIG_ENDIAN
  204. __le32 len:22;
  205. u8 _r_a:2;
  206. u8 misc_ctl:4;
  207. u8 inter_sel:4;
  208. #else
  209. u32 inter_sel:4;
  210. u32 misc_ctl:4;
  211. u32 _r_a:2;
  212. u32 len:22;
  213. #endif
  214. };
  215. struct mvs_prd {
  216. /* 64-bit buffer address */
  217. __le64 addr;
  218. /* 22-bit length */
  219. __le32 im_len;
  220. } __attribute__ ((packed));
  221. enum sgpio_registers {
  222. MVS_SGPIO_HOST_OFFSET = 0x100, /* offset between hosts */
  223. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0 = 0xc200,
  224. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_ENABLE = (1 << 0), /* enable pins */
  225. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_BLINKB = (1 << 1), /* blink generators */
  226. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_BLINKA = (1 << 2),
  227. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_INVSCLK = (1 << 3), /* invert signal? */
  228. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_INVSLOAD = (1 << 4),
  229. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_INVSDOUT = (1 << 5),
  230. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_SLOAD_FALLEDGE = (1 << 6), /* rise/fall edge? */
  231. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_SDOUT_FALLEDGE = (1 << 7),
  232. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_SDIN_RISEEDGE = (1 << 8),
  233. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_MAN_BITLEN_SHIFT = 18, /* bits/frame manual mode */
  234. MVS_SGPIO_CFG0_AUT_BITLEN_SHIFT = 24, /* bits/frame auto mode */
  235. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1 = 0xc204, /* blink timing register */
  236. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1_LOWA_SHIFT = 0, /* A off time */
  237. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1_HIA_SHIFT = 4, /* A on time */
  238. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1_LOWB_SHIFT = 8, /* B off time */
  239. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1_HIB_SHIFT = 12, /* B on time */
  240. MVS_SGPIO_CFG1_MAXACTON_SHIFT = 16, /* max activity on time */
  241. /* force activity off time */
  243. /* stretch activity on time */
  245. /* stretch activiity off time */
  247. MVS_SGPIO_CFG2 = 0xc208, /* clock speed register */
  250. MVS_SGPIO_CTRL = 0xc20c, /* SDOUT/SDIN mode control */
  253. MVS_SGPIO_DSRC = 0xc220, /* map ODn bits to drives */
  254. MVS_SGPIO_DCTRL = 0xc238,
  258. };
  259. enum sgpio_led_status {
  260. LED_OFF = 0,
  261. LED_ON = 1,
  262. LED_BLINKA = 2,
  263. LED_BLINKA_INV = 3,
  264. LED_BLINKA_SOF = 4,
  265. LED_BLINKA_EOF = 5,
  266. LED_BLINKB = 6,
  267. LED_BLINKB_INV = 7,
  268. };
  270. MVS_SGPIO_DCTRL_ACT_SHIFT) << (8 * 3) | \
  271. (LED_BLINKA_SOF << \
  272. MVS_SGPIO_DCTRL_ACT_SHIFT) << (8 * 2) | \
  273. (LED_BLINKA_SOF << \
  274. MVS_SGPIO_DCTRL_ACT_SHIFT) << (8 * 1) | \
  275. (LED_BLINKA_SOF << \
  276. MVS_SGPIO_DCTRL_ACT_SHIFT) << (8 * 0))
  277. /*
  278. * these registers are accessed through port vendor
  279. * specific address/data registers
  280. */
  281. enum sas_sata_phy_regs {
  282. GENERATION_1_SETTING = 0x118,
  283. GENERATION_1_2_SETTING = 0x11C,
  284. GENERATION_2_3_SETTING = 0x120,
  285. GENERATION_3_4_SETTING = 0x124,
  286. };
  287. #define SPI_CTRL_REG_94XX 0xc800
  288. #define SPI_ADDR_REG_94XX 0xc804
  289. #define SPI_WR_DATA_REG_94XX 0xc808
  290. #define SPI_RD_DATA_REG_94XX 0xc80c
  291. #define SPI_CTRL_READ_94XX (1U << 2)
  292. #define SPI_ADDR_VLD_94XX (1U << 1)
  293. #define SPI_CTRL_SpiStart_94XX (1U << 0)
  294. static inline int
  295. mv_ffc64(u64 v)
  296. {
  297. u64 x = ~v;
  298. return x ? __ffs64(x) : -1;
  299. }
  300. #define r_reg_set_enable(i) \
  301. (((i) > 31) ? mr32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_1) : \
  302. mr32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_0))
  303. #define w_reg_set_enable(i, tmp) \
  304. (((i) > 31) ? mw32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_1, tmp) : \
  305. mw32(MVS_STP_REG_SET_0, tmp))
  306. extern const struct mvs_dispatch mvs_94xx_dispatch;
  307. #endif