bbc.h 9.7 KB

  1. /*
  2. * bbc.h: Defines for BootBus Controller found on UltraSPARC-III
  3. * systems.
  4. *
  5. * Copyright (C) 2000 David S. Miller (
  6. */
  7. #ifndef _SPARC64_BBC_H
  8. #define _SPARC64_BBC_H
  9. /* Register sizes are indicated by "B" (Byte, 1-byte),
  10. * "H" (Half-word, 2 bytes), "W" (Word, 4 bytes) or
  11. * "Q" (Quad, 8 bytes) inside brackets.
  12. */
  13. #define BBC_AID 0x00 /* [B] Agent ID */
  14. #define BBC_DEVP 0x01 /* [B] Device Present */
  15. #define BBC_ARB 0x02 /* [B] Arbitration */
  16. #define BBC_QUIESCE 0x03 /* [B] Quiesce */
  17. #define BBC_WDACTION 0x04 /* [B] Watchdog Action */
  18. #define BBC_SPG 0x06 /* [B] Soft POR Gen */
  19. #define BBC_SXG 0x07 /* [B] Soft XIR Gen */
  20. #define BBC_PSRC 0x08 /* [W] POR Source */
  21. #define BBC_XSRC 0x0c /* [B] XIR Source */
  22. #define BBC_CSC 0x0d /* [B] Clock Synthesizers Control*/
  23. #define BBC_ES_CTRL 0x0e /* [H] Energy Star Control */
  24. #define BBC_ES_ACT 0x10 /* [W] E* Assert Change Time */
  25. #define BBC_ES_DACT 0x14 /* [B] E* De-Assert Change Time */
  26. #define BBC_ES_DABT 0x15 /* [B] E* De-Assert Bypass Time */
  27. #define BBC_ES_ABT 0x16 /* [H] E* Assert Bypass Time */
  28. #define BBC_ES_PST 0x18 /* [W] E* PLL Settle Time */
  29. #define BBC_ES_FSL 0x1c /* [W] E* Frequency Switch Latency*/
  30. #define BBC_EBUST 0x20 /* [Q] EBUS Timing */
  31. #define BBC_JTAG_CMD 0x28 /* [W] JTAG+ Command */
  32. #define BBC_JTAG_CTRL 0x2c /* [B] JTAG+ Control */
  33. #define BBC_I2C_SEL 0x2d /* [B] I2C Selection */
  34. #define BBC_I2C_0_S1 0x2e /* [B] I2C ctrlr-0 reg S1 */
  35. #define BBC_I2C_0_S0 0x2f /* [B] I2C ctrlr-0 regs S0,S0',S2,S3*/
  36. #define BBC_I2C_1_S1 0x30 /* [B] I2C ctrlr-1 reg S1 */
  37. #define BBC_I2C_1_S0 0x31 /* [B] I2C ctrlr-1 regs S0,S0',S2,S3*/
  38. #define BBC_KBD_BEEP 0x32 /* [B] Keyboard Beep */
  39. #define BBC_KBD_BCNT 0x34 /* [W] Keyboard Beep Counter */
  40. #define BBC_REGS_SIZE 0x40
  41. /* There is a 2K scratch ram area at offset 0x80000 but I doubt
  42. * we will use it for anything.
  43. */
  44. /* Agent ID register. This register shows the Safari Agent ID
  45. * for the processors. The value returned depends upon which
  46. * cpu is reading the register.
  47. */
  48. #define BBC_AID_ID 0x07 /* Safari ID */
  49. #define BBC_AID_RESV 0xf8 /* Reserved */
  50. /* Device Present register. One can determine which cpus are actually
  51. * present in the machine by interrogating this register.
  52. */
  53. #define BBC_DEVP_CPU0 0x01 /* Processor 0 present */
  54. #define BBC_DEVP_CPU1 0x02 /* Processor 1 present */
  55. #define BBC_DEVP_CPU2 0x04 /* Processor 2 present */
  56. #define BBC_DEVP_CPU3 0x08 /* Processor 3 present */
  57. #define BBC_DEVP_RESV 0xf0 /* Reserved */
  58. /* Arbitration register. This register is used to block access to
  59. * the BBC from a particular cpu.
  60. */
  61. #define BBC_ARB_CPU0 0x01 /* Enable cpu 0 BBC arbitratrion */
  62. #define BBC_ARB_CPU1 0x02 /* Enable cpu 1 BBC arbitratrion */
  63. #define BBC_ARB_CPU2 0x04 /* Enable cpu 2 BBC arbitratrion */
  64. #define BBC_ARB_CPU3 0x08 /* Enable cpu 3 BBC arbitratrion */
  65. #define BBC_ARB_RESV 0xf0 /* Reserved */
  66. /* Quiesce register. Bus and BBC segments for cpus can be disabled
  67. * with this register, ie. for hot plugging.
  68. */
  69. #define BBC_QUIESCE_S02 0x01 /* Quiesce Safari segment for cpu 0 and 2 */
  70. #define BBC_QUIESCE_S13 0x02 /* Quiesce Safari segment for cpu 1 and 3 */
  71. #define BBC_QUIESCE_B02 0x04 /* Quiesce BBC segment for cpu 0 and 2 */
  72. #define BBC_QUIESCE_B13 0x08 /* Quiesce BBC segment for cpu 1 and 3 */
  73. #define BBC_QUIESCE_FD0 0x10 /* Disable Fatal_Error[0] reporting */
  74. #define BBC_QUIESCE_FD1 0x20 /* Disable Fatal_Error[1] reporting */
  75. #define BBC_QUIESCE_FD2 0x40 /* Disable Fatal_Error[2] reporting */
  76. #define BBC_QUIESCE_FD3 0x80 /* Disable Fatal_Error[3] reporting */
  77. /* Watchdog Action register. When the watchdog device timer expires
  78. * a line is enabled to the BBC. The action BBC takes when this line
  79. * is asserted can be controlled by this regiser.
  80. */
  81. #define BBC_WDACTION_RST 0x01 /* When set, watchdog causes system reset.
  82. * When clear, BBC ignores watchdog signal.
  83. */
  84. #define BBC_WDACTION_RESV 0xfe /* Reserved */
  85. /* Soft_POR_GEN register. The POR (Power On Reset) signal may be asserted
  86. * for specific processors or all processors via this register.
  87. */
  88. #define BBC_SPG_CPU0 0x01 /* Assert POR for processor 0 */
  89. #define BBC_SPG_CPU1 0x02 /* Assert POR for processor 1 */
  90. #define BBC_SPG_CPU2 0x04 /* Assert POR for processor 2 */
  91. #define BBC_SPG_CPU3 0x08 /* Assert POR for processor 3 */
  92. #define BBC_SPG_CPUALL 0x10 /* Reset all processors and reset
  93. * the entire system.
  94. */
  95. #define BBC_SPG_RESV 0xe0 /* Reserved */
  96. /* Soft_XIR_GEN register. The XIR (eXternally Initiated Reset) signal
  97. * may be asserted to specific processors via this register.
  98. */
  99. #define BBC_SXG_CPU0 0x01 /* Assert XIR for processor 0 */
  100. #define BBC_SXG_CPU1 0x02 /* Assert XIR for processor 1 */
  101. #define BBC_SXG_CPU2 0x04 /* Assert XIR for processor 2 */
  102. #define BBC_SXG_CPU3 0x08 /* Assert XIR for processor 3 */
  103. #define BBC_SXG_RESV 0xf0 /* Reserved */
  104. /* POR Source register. One may identify the cause of the most recent
  105. * reset by reading this register.
  106. */
  107. #define BBC_PSRC_SPG0 0x0001 /* CPU 0 reset via BBC_SPG register */
  108. #define BBC_PSRC_SPG1 0x0002 /* CPU 1 reset via BBC_SPG register */
  109. #define BBC_PSRC_SPG2 0x0004 /* CPU 2 reset via BBC_SPG register */
  110. #define BBC_PSRC_SPG3 0x0008 /* CPU 3 reset via BBC_SPG register */
  111. #define BBC_PSRC_SPGSYS 0x0010 /* System reset via BBC_SPG register */
  112. #define BBC_PSRC_JTAG 0x0020 /* System reset via JTAG+ */
  113. #define BBC_PSRC_BUTTON 0x0040 /* System reset via push-button dongle */
  114. #define BBC_PSRC_PWRUP 0x0080 /* System reset via power-up */
  115. #define BBC_PSRC_FE0 0x0100 /* CPU 0 reported Fatal_Error */
  116. #define BBC_PSRC_FE1 0x0200 /* CPU 1 reported Fatal_Error */
  117. #define BBC_PSRC_FE2 0x0400 /* CPU 2 reported Fatal_Error */
  118. #define BBC_PSRC_FE3 0x0800 /* CPU 3 reported Fatal_Error */
  119. #define BBC_PSRC_FE4 0x1000 /* Schizo reported Fatal_Error */
  120. #define BBC_PSRC_FE5 0x2000 /* Safari device 5 reported Fatal_Error */
  121. #define BBC_PSRC_FE6 0x4000 /* CPMS reported Fatal_Error */
  122. #define BBC_PSRC_SYNTH 0x8000 /* System reset when on-board clock synthesizers
  123. * were updated.
  124. */
  125. #define BBC_PSRC_WDT 0x10000 /* System reset via Super I/O watchdog */
  126. #define BBC_PSRC_RSC 0x20000 /* System reset via RSC remote monitoring
  127. * device
  128. */
  129. /* XIR Source register. The source of an XIR event sent to a processor may
  130. * be determined via this register.
  131. */
  132. #define BBC_XSRC_SXG0 0x01 /* CPU 0 received XIR via Soft_XIR_GEN reg */
  133. #define BBC_XSRC_SXG1 0x02 /* CPU 1 received XIR via Soft_XIR_GEN reg */
  134. #define BBC_XSRC_SXG2 0x04 /* CPU 2 received XIR via Soft_XIR_GEN reg */
  135. #define BBC_XSRC_SXG3 0x08 /* CPU 3 received XIR via Soft_XIR_GEN reg */
  136. #define BBC_XSRC_JTAG 0x10 /* All CPUs received XIR via JTAG+ */
  137. #define BBC_XSRC_W_OR_B 0x20 /* All CPUs received XIR either because:
  138. * a) Super I/O watchdog fired, or
  139. * b) XIR push button was activated
  140. */
  141. #define BBC_XSRC_RESV 0xc0 /* Reserved */
  142. /* Clock Synthesizers Control register. This register provides the big-bang
  143. * programming interface to the two clock synthesizers of the machine.
  144. */
  145. #define BBC_CSC_SLOAD 0x01 /* Directly connected to S_LOAD pins */
  146. #define BBC_CSC_SDATA 0x02 /* Directly connected to S_DATA pins */
  147. #define BBC_CSC_SCLOCK 0x04 /* Directly connected to S_CLOCK pins */
  148. #define BBC_CSC_RESV 0x78 /* Reserved */
  149. #define BBC_CSC_RST 0x80 /* Generate system reset when S_LOAD==1 */
  150. /* Energy Star Control register. This register is used to generate the
  151. * clock frequency change trigger to the main system devices (Schizo and
  152. * the processors). The transition occurs when bits in this register
  153. * go from 0 to 1, only one bit must be set at once else no action
  154. * occurs. Basically the sequence of events is:
  155. * a) Choose new frequency: full, 1/2 or 1/32
  156. * b) Program this desired frequency into the cpus and Schizo.
  157. * c) Set the same value in this register.
  158. * d) 16 system clocks later, clear this register.
  159. */
  160. #define BBC_ES_CTRL_1_1 0x01 /* Full frequency */
  161. #define BBC_ES_CTRL_1_2 0x02 /* 1/2 frequency */
  162. #define BBC_ES_CTRL_1_32 0x20 /* 1/32 frequency */
  163. #define BBC_ES_RESV 0xdc /* Reserved */
  164. /* Energy Star Assert Change Time register. This determines the number
  165. * of BBC clock cycles (which is half the system frequency) between
  166. * the detection of FREEZE_ACK being asserted and the assertion of
  167. * the CLK_CHANGE_L[2:0] signals.
  168. */
  169. #define BBC_ES_ACT_VAL 0xff
  170. /* Energy Star Assert Bypass Time register. This determines the number
  171. * of BBC clock cycles (which is half the system frequency) between
  172. * the assertion of the CLK_CHANGE_L[2:0] signals and the assertion of
  173. * the ESTAR_PLL_BYPASS signal.
  174. */
  175. #define BBC_ES_ABT_VAL 0xffff
  176. /* Energy Star PLL Settle Time register. This determines the number of
  177. * BBC clock cycles (which is half the system frequency) between the
  178. * de-assertion of CLK_CHANGE_L[2:0] and the de-assertion of the FREEZE_L
  179. * signal.
  180. */
  181. #define BBC_ES_PST_VAL 0xffffffff
  182. /* Energy Star Frequency Switch Latency register. This is the number of
  183. * BBC clocks between the de-assertion of CLK_CHANGE_L[2:0] and the first
  184. * edge of the Safari clock at the new frequency.
  185. */
  186. #define BBC_ES_FSL_VAL 0xffffffff
  187. /* Keyboard Beep control register. This is a simple enabler for the audio
  188. * beep sound.
  189. */
  190. #define BBC_KBD_BEEP_ENABLE 0x01 /* Enable beep */
  191. #define BBC_KBD_BEEP_RESV 0xfe /* Reserved */
  192. /* Keyboard Beep Counter register. There is a free-running counter inside
  193. * the BBC which runs at half the system clock. The bit set in this register
  194. * determines when the audio sound is generated. So for example if bit
  195. * 10 is set, the audio beep will oscillate at 1/(2**12). The keyboard beep
  196. * generator automatically selects a different bit to use if the system clock
  197. * is changed via Energy Star.
  198. */
  199. #define BBC_KBD_BCNT_BITS 0x0007fc00
  200. #define BBC_KBC_BCNT_RESV 0xfff803ff
  201. #endif /* _SPARC64_BBC_H */