1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006 |
- /*
- * PowerPC version
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Gary Thomas (gdt@linuxppc.org)
- *
- * Rewritten by Cort Dougan (cort@cs.nmt.edu) for PReP
- * Copyright (C) 1996 Cort Dougan <cort@cs.nmt.edu>
- * Adapted for Power Macintosh by Paul Mackerras.
- * Low-level exception handlers and MMU support
- * rewritten by Paul Mackerras.
- * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras.
- *
- * Adapted for 64bit PowerPC by Dave Engebretsen, Peter Bergner, and
- * Mike Corrigan {engebret|bergner|mikejc}@us.ibm.com
- *
- * This file contains the entry point for the 64-bit kernel along
- * with some early initialization code common to all 64-bit powerpc
- * variants.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- #include <linux/threads.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <asm/reg.h>
- #include <asm/page.h>
- #include <asm/mmu.h>
- #include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
- #include <asm/head-64.h>
- #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
- #include <asm/bug.h>
- #include <asm/cputable.h>
- #include <asm/setup.h>
- #include <asm/hvcall.h>
- #include <asm/thread_info.h>
- #include <asm/firmware.h>
- #include <asm/page_64.h>
- #include <asm/irqflags.h>
- #include <asm/kvm_book3s_asm.h>
- #include <asm/ptrace.h>
- #include <asm/hw_irq.h>
- #include <asm/cputhreads.h>
- #include <asm/ppc-opcode.h>
- #include <asm/export.h>
- /* The physical memory is laid out such that the secondary processor
- * spin code sits at 0x0000...0x00ff. On server, the vectors follow
- * using the layout described in exceptions-64s.S
- */
- /*
- * Entering into this code we make the following assumptions:
- *
- * For pSeries or server processors:
- * 1. The MMU is off & open firmware is running in real mode.
- * 2. The kernel is entered at __start
- * -or- For OPAL entry:
- * 1. The MMU is off, processor in HV mode, primary CPU enters at 0
- * with device-tree in gpr3. We also get OPAL base in r8 and
- * entry in r9 for debugging purposes
- * 2. Secondary processors enter at 0x60 with PIR in gpr3
- *
- * For Book3E processors:
- * 1. The MMU is on running in AS0 in a state defined in ePAPR
- * 2. The kernel is entered at __start
- */
- OPEN_FIXED_SECTION(first_256B, 0x0, 0x100)
- /*
- * Offsets are relative from the start of fixed section, and
- * first_256B starts at 0. Offsets are a bit easier to use here
- * than the fixed section entry macros.
- */
- . = 0x0
- _GLOBAL(__start)
- /* NOP this out unconditionally */
- b __start_initialization_multiplatform
- /* Catch branch to 0 in real mode */
- trap
- /* Secondary processors spin on this value until it becomes non-zero.
- * When non-zero, it contains the real address of the function the cpu
- * should jump to.
- */
- .balign 8
- .globl __secondary_hold_spinloop
- __secondary_hold_spinloop:
- .llong 0x0
- /* Secondary processors write this value with their cpu # */
- /* after they enter the spin loop immediately below. */
- .globl __secondary_hold_acknowledge
- __secondary_hold_acknowledge:
- .llong 0x0
- /* This flag is set to 1 by a loader if the kernel should run
- * at the loaded address instead of the linked address. This
- * is used by kexec-tools to keep the the kdump kernel in the
- * crash_kernel region. The loader is responsible for
- * observing the alignment requirement.
- */
- /* Do not move this variable as kexec-tools knows about it. */
- . = 0x5c
- .globl __run_at_load
- __run_at_load:
- DEFINE_FIXED_SYMBOL(__run_at_load)
- .long 0x72756e30 /* "run0" -- relocate to 0 by default */
- #endif
- . = 0x60
- /*
- * The following code is used to hold secondary processors
- * in a spin loop after they have entered the kernel, but
- * before the bulk of the kernel has been relocated. This code
- * is relocated to physical address 0x60 before prom_init is run.
- * All of it must fit below the first exception vector at 0x100.
- * Use .globl here not _GLOBAL because we want __secondary_hold
- * to be the actual text address, not a descriptor.
- */
- .globl __secondary_hold
- __secondary_hold:
- mfmsr r24
- ori r24,r24,MSR_RI
- mtmsrd r24 /* RI on */
- #endif
- /* Grab our physical cpu number */
- mr r24,r3
- /* stash r4 for book3e */
- mr r25,r4
- /* Tell the master cpu we're here */
- /* Relocation is off & we are located at an address less */
- /* than 0x100, so only need to grab low order offset. */
- std r24,(ABS_ADDR(__secondary_hold_acknowledge))(0)
- sync
- li r26,0
- tovirt(r26,r26)
- #endif
- /* All secondary cpus wait here until told to start. */
- 100: ld r12,(ABS_ADDR(__secondary_hold_spinloop))(r26)
- cmpdi 0,r12,0
- beq 100b
- #if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_KEXEC)
- tovirt(r12,r12)
- #endif
- mtctr r12
- mr r3,r24
- /*
- * it may be the case that other platforms have r4 right to
- * begin with, this gives us some safety in case it is not
- */
- mr r4,r25
- #else
- li r4,0
- #endif
- /* Make sure that patched code is visible */
- isync
- bctr
- #else
- #endif
- /* This value is used to mark exception frames on the stack. */
- .section ".toc","aw"
- exception_marker:
- .tc ID_72656773_68657265[TC],0x7265677368657265
- .previous
- /*
- * On server, we include the exception vectors code here as it
- * relies on absolute addressing which is only possible within
- * this compilation unit
- */
- #include "exceptions-64s.S"
- #else
- #endif
- /*
- * The booting_thread_hwid holds the thread id we want to boot in cpu
- * hotplug case. It is set by cpu hotplug code, and is invalid by default.
- * The thread id is the same as the initial value of SPRN_PIR[THREAD_ID]
- * bit field.
- */
- .globl booting_thread_hwid
- booting_thread_hwid:
- .align 3
- /*
- * start a thread in the same core
- * input parameters:
- * r3 = the thread physical id
- * r4 = the entry point where thread starts
- */
- _GLOBAL(book3e_start_thread)
- cmpwi r3, 0
- beq 10f
- cmpwi r3, 1
- beq 11f
- /* If the thread id is invalid, just exit. */
- b 13f
- 10:
- b 12f
- 11:
- 12:
- isync
- li r6, 1
- sld r6, r6, r3
- mtspr SPRN_TENS, r6
- 13:
- blr
- /*
- * stop a thread in the same core
- * input parameter:
- * r3 = the thread physical id
- */
- _GLOBAL(book3e_stop_thread)
- cmpwi r3, 0
- beq 10f
- cmpwi r3, 1
- beq 10f
- /* If the thread id is invalid, just exit. */
- b 13f
- 10:
- li r4, 1
- sld r4, r4, r3
- mtspr SPRN_TENC, r4
- 13:
- blr
- _GLOBAL(fsl_secondary_thread_init)
- mfspr r4,SPRN_BUCSR
- /* Enable branch prediction */
- lis r3,BUCSR_INIT@h
- ori r3,r3,BUCSR_INIT@l
- mtspr SPRN_BUCSR,r3
- isync
- /*
- * Fix PIR to match the linear numbering in the device tree.
- *
- * On e6500, the reset value of PIR uses the low three bits for
- * the thread within a core, and the upper bits for the core
- * number. There are two threads per core, so shift everything
- * but the low bit right by two bits so that the cpu numbering is
- * continuous.
- *
- * If the old value of BUCSR is non-zero, this thread has run
- * before. Thus, we assume we are coming from kexec or a similar
- * scenario, and PIR is already set to the correct value. This
- * is a bit of a hack, but there are limited opportunities for
- * getting information into the thread and the alternatives
- * seemed like they'd be overkill. We can't tell just by looking
- * at the old PIR value which state it's in, since the same value
- * could be valid for one thread out of reset and for a different
- * thread in Linux.
- */
- mfspr r3, SPRN_PIR
- cmpwi r4,0
- bne 1f
- rlwimi r3, r3, 30, 2, 30
- mtspr SPRN_PIR, r3
- 1:
- #endif
- _GLOBAL(generic_secondary_thread_init)
- mr r24,r3
- /* turn on 64-bit mode */
- bl enable_64b_mode
- /* get a valid TOC pointer, wherever we're mapped at */
- bl relative_toc
- tovirt(r2,r2)
- /* Book3E initialization */
- mr r3,r24
- bl book3e_secondary_thread_init
- #endif
- b generic_secondary_common_init
- /*
- * On pSeries and most other platforms, secondary processors spin
- * in the following code.
- * At entry, r3 = this processor's number (physical cpu id)
- *
- * On Book3E, r4 = 1 to indicate that the initial TLB entry for
- * this core already exists (setup via some other mechanism such
- * as SCOM before entry).
- */
- _GLOBAL(generic_secondary_smp_init)
- mr r24,r3
- mr r25,r4
- /* turn on 64-bit mode */
- bl enable_64b_mode
- /* get a valid TOC pointer, wherever we're mapped at */
- bl relative_toc
- tovirt(r2,r2)
- /* Book3E initialization */
- mr r3,r24
- mr r4,r25
- bl book3e_secondary_core_init
- /*
- * After common core init has finished, check if the current thread is the
- * one we wanted to boot. If not, start the specified thread and stop the
- * current thread.
- */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r4, booting_thread_hwid)
- lwz r3, 0(r4)
- cmpw r3, r5
- beq 20f
- /*
- * The value of booting_thread_hwid has been stored in r3,
- * so make it invalid.
- */
- stw r5, 0(r4)
- /*
- * Get the current thread id and check if it is the one we wanted.
- * If not, start the one specified in booting_thread_hwid and stop
- * the current thread.
- */
- mfspr r8, SPRN_TIR
- cmpw r3, r8
- beq 20f
- /* start the specified thread */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r5, fsl_secondary_thread_init)
- ld r4, 0(r5)
- bl book3e_start_thread
- /* stop the current thread */
- mr r3, r8
- bl book3e_stop_thread
- 10:
- b 10b
- 20:
- #endif
- generic_secondary_common_init:
- /* Set up a paca value for this processor. Since we have the
- * physical cpu id in r24, we need to search the pacas to find
- * which logical id maps to our physical one.
- */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r13, paca) /* Load paca pointer */
- ld r13,0(r13) /* Get base vaddr of paca array */
- #ifndef CONFIG_SMP
- addi r13,r13,PACA_SIZE /* know r13 if used accidentally */
- b kexec_wait /* wait for next kernel if !SMP */
- #else
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r7, nr_cpu_ids) /* Load nr_cpu_ids address */
- lwz r7,0(r7) /* also the max paca allocated */
- li r5,0 /* logical cpu id */
- 1: lhz r6,PACAHWCPUID(r13) /* Load HW procid from paca */
- cmpw r6,r24 /* Compare to our id */
- beq 2f
- addi r13,r13,PACA_SIZE /* Loop to next PACA on miss */
- addi r5,r5,1
- cmpw r5,r7 /* Check if more pacas exist */
- blt 1b
- mr r3,r24 /* not found, copy phys to r3 */
- b kexec_wait /* next kernel might do better */
- 2: SET_PACA(r13)
- addi r12,r13,PACA_EXTLB /* and TLB exc frame in another */
- #endif
- /* From now on, r24 is expected to be logical cpuid */
- mr r24,r5
- /* See if we need to call a cpu state restore handler */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r23, cur_cpu_spec)
- ld r23,0(r23)
- ld r12,CPU_SPEC_RESTORE(r23)
- cmpdi 0,r12,0
- beq 3f
- #ifdef PPC64_ELF_ABI_v1
- ld r12,0(r12)
- #endif
- mtctr r12
- bctrl
- 3: LOAD_REG_ADDR(r3, spinning_secondaries) /* Decrement spinning_secondaries */
- lwarx r4,0,r3
- subi r4,r4,1
- stwcx. r4,0,r3
- bne 3b
- isync
- 4: HMT_LOW
- lbz r23,PACAPROCSTART(r13) /* Test if this processor should */
- /* start. */
- cmpwi 0,r23,0
- beq 4b /* Loop until told to go */
- sync /* order paca.run and cur_cpu_spec */
- isync /* In case code patching happened */
- /* Create a temp kernel stack for use before relocation is on. */
- ld r1,PACAEMERGSP(r13)
- b __secondary_start
- #endif /* SMP */
- /*
- * Turn the MMU off.
- * Assumes we're mapped EA == RA if the MMU is on.
- */
- __mmu_off:
- mfmsr r3
- andi. r0,r3,MSR_IR|MSR_DR
- beqlr
- mflr r4
- andc r3,r3,r0
- mtspr SPRN_SRR0,r4
- mtspr SPRN_SRR1,r3
- sync
- rfid
- b . /* prevent speculative execution */
- #endif
- /*
- * Here is our main kernel entry point. We support currently 2 kind of entries
- * depending on the value of r5.
- *
- * r5 != NULL -> OF entry, we go to prom_init, "legacy" parameter content
- * in r3...r7
- *
- * r5 == NULL -> kexec style entry. r3 is a physical pointer to the
- * DT block, r4 is a physical pointer to the kernel itself
- *
- */
- __start_initialization_multiplatform:
- /* Make sure we are running in 64 bits mode */
- bl enable_64b_mode
- /* Get TOC pointer (current runtime address) */
- bl relative_toc
- /* find out where we are now */
- bcl 20,31,$+4
- 0: mflr r26 /* r26 = runtime addr here */
- addis r26,r26,(_stext - 0b)@ha
- addi r26,r26,(_stext - 0b)@l /* current runtime base addr */
- /*
- * Are we booted from a PROM Of-type client-interface ?
- */
- cmpldi cr0,r5,0
- beq 1f
- b __boot_from_prom /* yes -> prom */
- 1:
- /* Save parameters */
- mr r31,r3
- mr r30,r4
- /* Save OPAL entry */
- mr r28,r8
- mr r29,r9
- #endif
- bl start_initialization_book3e
- b __after_prom_start
- #else
- /* Setup some critical 970 SPRs before switching MMU off */
- mfspr r0,SPRN_PVR
- srwi r0,r0,16
- cmpwi r0,0x39 /* 970 */
- beq 1f
- cmpwi r0,0x3c /* 970FX */
- beq 1f
- cmpwi r0,0x44 /* 970MP */
- beq 1f
- cmpwi r0,0x45 /* 970GX */
- bne 2f
- 1: bl __cpu_preinit_ppc970
- 2:
- /* Switch off MMU if not already off */
- bl __mmu_off
- b __after_prom_start
- #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E */
- __boot_from_prom:
- /* Save parameters */
- mr r31,r3
- mr r30,r4
- mr r29,r5
- mr r28,r6
- mr r27,r7
- /*
- * Align the stack to 16-byte boundary
- * Depending on the size and layout of the ELF sections in the initial
- * boot binary, the stack pointer may be unaligned on PowerMac
- */
- rldicr r1,r1,0,59
- /* Relocate code for where we are now */
- mr r3,r26
- bl relocate
- #endif
- /* Restore parameters */
- mr r3,r31
- mr r4,r30
- mr r5,r29
- mr r6,r28
- mr r7,r27
- /* Do all of the interaction with OF client interface */
- mr r8,r26
- bl prom_init
- /* We never return. We also hit that trap if trying to boot
- * from OF while CONFIG_PPC_OF_BOOT_TRAMPOLINE isn't selected */
- trap
- __after_prom_start:
- /* process relocations for the final address of the kernel */
- lis r25,PAGE_OFFSET@highest /* compute virtual base of kernel */
- sldi r25,r25,32
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E)
- tovirt(r26,r26) /* on booke, we already run at PAGE_OFFSET */
- #endif
- lwz r7,(FIXED_SYMBOL_ABS_ADDR(__run_at_load))(r26)
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E)
- tophys(r26,r26)
- #endif
- cmplwi cr0,r7,1 /* flagged to stay where we are ? */
- bne 1f
- add r25,r25,r26
- 1: mr r3,r25
- bl relocate
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E)
- /* IVPR needs to be set after relocation. */
- bl init_core_book3e
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- * We need to run with _stext at physical address PHYSICAL_START.
- * This will leave some code in the first 256B of
- * real memory, which are reserved for software use.
- *
- * Note: This process overwrites the OF exception vectors.
- */
- li r3,0 /* target addr */
- tovirt(r3,r3) /* on booke, we already run at PAGE_OFFSET */
- #endif
- mr. r4,r26 /* In some cases the loader may */
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E)
- tovirt(r4,r4)
- #endif
- beq 9f /* have already put us at zero */
- li r6,0x100 /* Start offset, the first 0x100 */
- /* bytes were copied earlier. */
- /*
- * Check if the kernel has to be running as relocatable kernel based on the
- * variable __run_at_load, if it is set the kernel is treated as relocatable
- * kernel, otherwise it will be moved to PHYSICAL_START
- */
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E)
- tovirt(r26,r26) /* on booke, we already run at PAGE_OFFSET */
- #endif
- lwz r7,(FIXED_SYMBOL_ABS_ADDR(__run_at_load))(r26)
- cmplwi cr0,r7,1
- bne 3f
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r5, __end_interrupts)
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r11, _stext)
- sub r5,r5,r11
- #else
- /* just copy interrupts */
- #endif
- b 5f
- 3:
- #endif
- /* # bytes of memory to copy */
- lis r5,(ABS_ADDR(copy_to_here))@ha
- addi r5,r5,(ABS_ADDR(copy_to_here))@l
- bl copy_and_flush /* copy the first n bytes */
- /* this includes the code being */
- /* executed here. */
- /* Jump to the copy of this code that we just made */
- addis r8,r3,(ABS_ADDR(4f))@ha
- addi r12,r8,(ABS_ADDR(4f))@l
- mtctr r12
- bctr
- .balign 8
- p_end: .llong _end - copy_to_here
- 4:
- /*
- * Now copy the rest of the kernel up to _end, add
- * _end - copy_to_here to the copy limit and run again.
- */
- addis r8,r26,(ABS_ADDR(p_end))@ha
- ld r8,(ABS_ADDR(p_end))@l(r8)
- add r5,r5,r8
- 5: bl copy_and_flush /* copy the rest */
- 9: b start_here_multiplatform
- /*
- * Copy routine used to copy the kernel to start at physical address 0
- * and flush and invalidate the caches as needed.
- * r3 = dest addr, r4 = source addr, r5 = copy limit, r6 = start offset
- * on exit, r3, r4, r5 are unchanged, r6 is updated to be >= r5.
- *
- * Note: this routine *only* clobbers r0, r6 and lr
- */
- _GLOBAL(copy_and_flush)
- addi r5,r5,-8
- addi r6,r6,-8
- 4: li r0,8 /* Use the smallest common */
- /* denominator cache line */
- /* size. This results in */
- /* extra cache line flushes */
- /* but operation is correct. */
- /* Can't get cache line size */
- /* from NACA as it is being */
- /* moved too. */
- mtctr r0 /* put # words/line in ctr */
- 3: addi r6,r6,8 /* copy a cache line */
- ldx r0,r6,r4
- stdx r0,r6,r3
- bdnz 3b
- dcbst r6,r3 /* write it to memory */
- sync
- icbi r6,r3 /* flush the icache line */
- cmpld 0,r6,r5
- blt 4b
- sync
- addi r5,r5,8
- addi r6,r6,8
- isync
- blr
- .align 8
- copy_to_here:
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- /*
- * On PowerMac, secondary processors starts from the reset vector, which
- * is temporarily turned into a call to one of the functions below.
- */
- .section ".text";
- .align 2 ;
- .globl __secondary_start_pmac_0
- __secondary_start_pmac_0:
- /* NB the entries for cpus 0, 1, 2 must each occupy 8 bytes. */
- li r24,0
- b 1f
- li r24,1
- b 1f
- li r24,2
- b 1f
- li r24,3
- 1:
- _GLOBAL(pmac_secondary_start)
- /* turn on 64-bit mode */
- bl enable_64b_mode
- li r0,0
- mfspr r3,SPRN_HID4
- rldimi r3,r0,40,23 /* clear bit 23 (rm_ci) */
- sync
- mtspr SPRN_HID4,r3
- isync
- sync
- slbia
- /* get TOC pointer (real address) */
- bl relative_toc
- tovirt(r2,r2)
- /* Copy some CPU settings from CPU 0 */
- bl __restore_cpu_ppc970
- /* pSeries do that early though I don't think we really need it */
- mfmsr r3
- ori r3,r3,MSR_RI
- mtmsrd r3 /* RI on */
- /* Set up a paca value for this processor. */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r4,paca) /* Load paca pointer */
- ld r4,0(r4) /* Get base vaddr of paca array */
- mulli r13,r24,PACA_SIZE /* Calculate vaddr of right paca */
- add r13,r13,r4 /* for this processor. */
- SET_PACA(r13) /* Save vaddr of paca in an SPRG*/
- /* Mark interrupts soft and hard disabled (they might be enabled
- * in the PACA when doing hotplug)
- */
- li r0,0
- stb r0,PACASOFTIRQEN(r13)
- /* Create a temp kernel stack for use before relocation is on. */
- ld r1,PACAEMERGSP(r13)
- b __secondary_start
- #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_PMAC */
- /*
- * This function is called after the master CPU has released the
- * secondary processors. The execution environment is relocation off.
- * The paca for this processor has the following fields initialized at
- * this point:
- * 1. Processor number
- * 2. Segment table pointer (virtual address)
- * On entry the following are set:
- * r1 = stack pointer (real addr of temp stack)
- * r24 = cpu# (in Linux terms)
- * r13 = paca virtual address
- * SPRG_PACA = paca virtual address
- */
- .section ".text";
- .align 2 ;
- .globl __secondary_start
- __secondary_start:
- /* Set thread priority to MEDIUM */
- /* Initialize the kernel stack */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r3, current_set)
- sldi r28,r24,3 /* get current_set[cpu#] */
- ldx r14,r3,r28
- std r14,PACAKSAVE(r13)
- /* Do early setup for that CPU (SLB and hash table pointer) */
- bl early_setup_secondary
- /*
- * setup the new stack pointer, but *don't* use this until
- * translation is on.
- */
- mr r1, r14
- /* Clear backchain so we get nice backtraces */
- li r7,0
- mtlr r7
- /* Mark interrupts soft and hard disabled (they might be enabled
- * in the PACA when doing hotplug)
- */
- stb r7,PACASOFTIRQEN(r13)
- /* enable MMU and jump to start_secondary */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r3, start_secondary_prolog)
- mtspr SPRN_SRR0,r3
- mtspr SPRN_SRR1,r4
- b . /* prevent speculative execution */
- /*
- * Running with relocation on at this point. All we want to do is
- * zero the stack back-chain pointer and get the TOC virtual address
- * before going into C code.
- */
- start_secondary_prolog:
- ld r2,PACATOC(r13)
- li r3,0
- std r3,0(r1) /* Zero the stack frame pointer */
- bl start_secondary
- b .
- /*
- * Reset stack pointer and call start_secondary
- * to continue with online operation when woken up
- * from cede in cpu offline.
- */
- _GLOBAL(start_secondary_resume)
- ld r1,PACAKSAVE(r13) /* Reload kernel stack pointer */
- li r3,0
- std r3,0(r1) /* Zero the stack frame pointer */
- bl start_secondary
- b .
- #endif
- /*
- * This subroutine clobbers r11 and r12
- */
- enable_64b_mode:
- mfmsr r11 /* grab the current MSR */
- oris r11,r11,0x8000 /* CM bit set, we'll set ICM later */
- mtmsr r11
- #else /* CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3E */
- li r12,(MSR_64BIT | MSR_ISF)@highest
- sldi r12,r12,48
- or r11,r11,r12
- mtmsrd r11
- isync
- #endif
- blr
- /*
- * This puts the TOC pointer into r2, offset by 0x8000 (as expected
- * by the toolchain). It computes the correct value for wherever we
- * are running at the moment, using position-independent code.
- *
- * Note: The compiler constructs pointers using offsets from the
- * TOC in -mcmodel=medium mode. After we relocate to 0 but before
- * the MMU is on we need our TOC to be a virtual address otherwise
- * these pointers will be real addresses which may get stored and
- * accessed later with the MMU on. We use tovirt() at the call
- * sites to handle this.
- */
- _GLOBAL(relative_toc)
- mflr r0
- bcl 20,31,$+4
- 0: mflr r11
- ld r2,(p_toc - 0b)(r11)
- add r2,r2,r11
- mtlr r0
- blr
- .balign 8
- p_toc: .llong __toc_start + 0x8000 - 0b
- /*
- * This is where the main kernel code starts.
- */
- start_here_multiplatform:
- /* set up the TOC */
- bl relative_toc
- tovirt(r2,r2)
- /* Clear out the BSS. It may have been done in prom_init,
- * already but that's irrelevant since prom_init will soon
- * be detached from the kernel completely. Besides, we need
- * to clear it now for kexec-style entry.
- */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r11,__bss_stop)
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r8,__bss_start)
- sub r11,r11,r8 /* bss size */
- addi r11,r11,7 /* round up to an even double word */
- srdi. r11,r11,3 /* shift right by 3 */
- beq 4f
- addi r8,r8,-8
- li r0,0
- mtctr r11 /* zero this many doublewords */
- 3: stdu r0,8(r8)
- bdnz 3b
- 4:
- /* Setup OPAL entry */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r11, opal)
- std r28,0(r11);
- std r29,8(r11);
- #endif
- mfmsr r6
- ori r6,r6,MSR_RI
- mtmsrd r6 /* RI on */
- #endif
- /* Save the physical address we're running at in kernstart_addr */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r4, kernstart_addr)
- clrldi r0,r25,2
- std r0,0(r4)
- #endif
- /* The following gets the stack set up with the regs */
- /* pointing to the real addr of the kernel stack. This is */
- /* all done to support the C function call below which sets */
- /* up the htab. This is done because we have relocated the */
- /* kernel but are still running in real mode. */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r3,init_thread_union)
- /* set up a stack pointer */
- addi r1,r3,THREAD_SIZE
- li r0,0
- /*
- * Do very early kernel initializations, including initial hash table
- * and SLB setup before we turn on relocation.
- */
- /* Restore parameters passed from prom_init/kexec */
- mr r3,r31
- bl early_setup /* also sets r13 and SPRG_PACA */
- LOAD_REG_ADDR(r3, start_here_common)
- ld r4,PACAKMSR(r13)
- mtspr SPRN_SRR0,r3
- mtspr SPRN_SRR1,r4
- b . /* prevent speculative execution */
- /* This is where all platforms converge execution */
- start_here_common:
- /* relocation is on at this point */
- std r1,PACAKSAVE(r13)
- /* Load the TOC (virtual address) */
- ld r2,PACATOC(r13)
- /* Mark interrupts soft and hard disabled (they might be enabled
- * in the PACA when doing hotplug)
- */
- li r0,0
- stb r0,PACASOFTIRQEN(r13)
- /* Generic kernel entry */
- bl start_kernel
- /* Not reached */
- /*
- * We put a few things here that have to be page-aligned.
- * This stuff goes at the beginning of the bss, which is page-aligned.
- */
- .section ".bss"
- /*
- * pgd dir should be aligned to PGD_TABLE_SIZE which is 64K.
- * We will need to find a better way to fix this
- */
- .align 16
- .globl swapper_pg_dir
- swapper_pg_dir:
- .globl empty_zero_page
- empty_zero_page:
- .space PAGE_SIZE
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(empty_zero_page)