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- --TEST--
- ob_start(): Ensure unerasable buffer cannot be erased by ob_clean(), ob_end_clean() or ob_end_flush().
- --FILE--
- <?php
- function callback($string) {
- static $callback_invocations;
- $callback_invocations++;
- return "[callback:$callback_invocations]$string\n";
- }
- ob_start('callback', 0, false);
- echo "All of the following calls will fail to clean/remove the topmost buffer:\n";
- var_dump(ob_clean());
- var_dump(ob_end_clean());
- var_dump(ob_end_flush());
- echo "The OB nesting will still be 1 level deep:\n";
- var_dump(ob_get_level());
- ?>
- [callback:1]All of the following calls will fail to clean/remove the topmost buffer:
- Notice: ob_clean(): failed to delete buffer of callback (0) in %s on line 11
- bool(false)
- Notice: ob_end_clean(): failed to discard buffer of callback (0) in %s on line 12
- bool(false)
- Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of callback (0) in %s on line 13
- bool(false)
- The OB nesting will still be 1 level deep:
- int(1)