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- --TEST--
- Test ob_flush() function : basic functionality
- --FILE--
- <?php
- /* Prototype : proto bool ob_flush(void)
- * Description: Flush (send) contents of the output buffer. The last buffer content is sent to next buffer
- * Source code: main/output.c
- * Alias to functions:
- */
- echo "*** Testing ob_flush() : basic functionality ***\n";
- // Zero arguments
- echo "\n-- Testing ob_flush() function with Zero arguments --\n";
- var_dump(ob_flush());
- ob_start();
- echo "This should get flushed.\n";
- var_dump(ob_flush());
- echo "Ensure the buffer is still active after the flush.\n";
- $out = ob_flush();
- var_dump($out);
- echo "Done";
- ?>
- *** Testing ob_flush() : basic functionality ***
- -- Testing ob_flush() function with Zero arguments --
- Notice: ob_flush(): failed to flush buffer. No buffer to flush in %s on line 12
- bool(false)
- This should get flushed.
- bool(true)
- Ensure the buffer is still active after the flush.
- bool(true)
- Done