signal.h 779 B

  1. /*
  2. ** Change here: if you plan to use your own version of <signal.h>
  3. ** the original "#include <signal.h>" produces an infinite reinclusion
  4. ** of this file, instead of including the standard include-file.
  5. ** Under MS Visual Studio, there are occurrences in the source where
  6. ** <signal.h> gets included throughout the PHP sources, and this should
  7. ** include THIS file, not the standard one which does not have the
  8. ** additional signals defined below.
  9. ** One way to remove the infinite reinclusion of this file (which is located
  10. ** in ../win32), is to specify the parent directory in which the standard
  11. ** include file is located.
  12. */
  13. #include <../include/signal.h>
  14. #define SIGALRM 13
  15. #define SIGVTALRM 26 /* virtual time alarm */
  16. #define SIGPROF 27 /* profiling time alarm */