12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455 |
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- dnl $Id$
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- PHP_ARG_WITH(roxen,,
- [ --with-roxen=DIR Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen
- directory, normally /usr/local/roxen/server], no, no)
- PHP_ARG_ENABLE(roxen-zts, whether Roxen module is build using ZTS,
- [ --enable-roxen-zts ROXEN: Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety], no, no)
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Roxen/Pike support])
- if test "$PHP_ROXEN" != "no"; then
- if test ! -d $PHP_ROXEN ; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([You did not specify a directory])
- fi
- if test -f $PHP_ROXEN/bin/roxen; then
- PIKE=$PHP_ROXEN/bin/roxen
- elif test -f $PHP_ROXEN/bin/pike; then
- PIKE=$PHP_ROXEN/bin/pike
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find a pike in $PHP_ROXEN/bin/])
- fi
- if $PIKE -e 'float v; catch(v = __VERSION__ + (__BUILD__/10000.0)); if(v < 0.7079) exit(1); exit(0);'; then
- PIKE_MODULE_DIR=`$PIKE --show-paths 2>&1| grep '^Module' | sed -e 's/.*: //'`
- PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR=`echo $PIKE_MODULE_DIR | sed -e 's,lib/pike/modules,include/pike,' -e 's,lib/modules,include/pike,'`
- if test -z "$PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR" || test -z "$PIKE_MODULE_DIR"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to figure out Pike module and include directories])
- fi
- else
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Roxen/PHP requires Pike 0.7.79 or newer])
- fi
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ROXEN, 1, [Whether you use Roxen])
- PHP_SELECT_SAPI(roxen, shared, roxen.c)
- RESULT="yes
- Pike binary used: $PIKE
- Pike include dir: $PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR
- Pike module directory: $PIKE_MODULE_DIR"
- if test "$PHP_ROXEN_ZTS" != "no"; then
- AC_DEFINE(ROXEN_USE_ZTS, 1, [Whether to use Roxen in ZTS mode])
- fi
- fi
- dnl ## Local Variables:
- dnl ## tab-width: 4
- dnl ## End: