8053 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
tests beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
CREDITS beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
README beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
config.m4 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
package.xml beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
pcntl.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
php_pcntl.h beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
php_signal.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
php_signal.h beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前
test-pcntl.php beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen 2 年之前


Process Control Module for PHP (pcntl)

This module will attempt to implement all features related to process spawning and
control (fork(), waitpid(), signal(), WIF's, etc). This is extremely experimental,
with hope to become stable on most UNIX's. I greatly apreciate any feedback, fixes,
and or suggestions on how to improve/better implement
this functionality.


Jason Greeme < jason@inetgurus.net / jason@php.net >