package.xml 4.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "../pear/package.dtd">
  3. <package>
  4. <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.3.0" optional="no"/>
  5. <name>json</name>
  6. <summary>JavaScript Object Notation</summary>
  7. <maintainers>
  8. <maintainer>
  9. <user>omar</user>
  10. <name>Omar Kilani</name>
  11. <email></email>
  12. <role>lead</role>
  13. </maintainer>
  14. </maintainers>
  15. <description>
  16. Support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) serialization.
  17. </description>
  18. <license>PHP 3.01</license>
  19. <release>
  20. <state>stable</state>
  21. <version>1.2.1</version>
  22. <date>2006-03-18</date>
  23. <notes>
  24. Fix PECL bug #7147 - rework handling of comma insertion while encoding.
  25. Add tests to package.xml
  26. </notes>
  27. </release>
  28. <configureoptions>
  29. </configureoptions>
  30. <filelist>
  31. <file role="doc" name="README" />
  32. <file role="src" name="config.m4" />
  33. <file role="src" name="config.w32" />
  34. <file role="src" name="json.dsp" />
  35. <file role="src" name="json.c" />
  36. <file role="src" name="JSON_parser.c" />
  37. <file role="src" name="JSON_parser.h" />
  38. <file role="src" name="php_json.h" />
  39. <dir role="test" name="tests">
  40. <file role="test" name="fail001.phpt" />
  41. <file role="test" name="pass001.phpt" />
  42. <file role="test" name="pass001.1.phpt" />
  43. <file role="test" name="pass002.phpt" />
  44. <file role="test" name="pass003.phpt" />
  45. </dir>
  46. </filelist>
  47. <changelog>
  48. <release>
  49. <state>stable</state>
  50. <version>1.0.0</version>
  51. <date>2005-04-01</date>
  52. <notes>
  53. Initial release.
  54. </notes>
  55. </release>
  56. <release>
  57. <state>stable</state>
  58. <version>1.0.1</version>
  59. <date>2005-06-10</date>
  60. <notes>
  61. Fixed non-linear and mixed type array index issues, fixed issues with escaping \\, forked json-c and added Unicode support.
  62. </notes>
  63. </release>
  64. <release>
  65. <state>stable</state>
  66. <version>1.0.2</version>
  67. <date>2005-06-11</date>
  68. <notes>
  69. Fixed issues with object reference counts under PHP4.
  70. </notes>
  71. </release>
  72. <release>
  73. <state>stable</state>
  74. <version>1.0.3</version>
  75. <date>2005-06-15</date>
  76. <notes>
  77. Fixed json-c string corruption issues under Mac OS X and FreeBSD.
  78. </notes>
  79. </release>
  80. <release>
  81. <state>stable</state>
  82. <version>1.0.4</version>
  83. <date>2005-06-15</date>
  84. <notes>
  85. Changes in 1.0.4 released with 1.0.5.
  86. </notes>
  87. </release>
  88. <release>
  89. <state>stable</state>
  90. <version>1.0.5</version>
  91. <date>2005-06-16</date>
  92. <notes>
  93. Changed spacing in json-c encoding, added optional assoc (boolean) parameter to json_decode to decode as associative array instead of object, fixed issues with escaping /.
  94. </notes>
  95. </release>
  96. <release>
  97. <state>stable</state>
  98. <version>1.0.6</version>
  99. <date>2005-08-05</date>
  100. <notes>
  101. Fixed issues with exporting private and protected class members.
  102. </notes>
  103. </release>
  104. <release>
  105. <state>stable</state>
  106. <version>1.0.7</version>
  107. <date>2005-09-07</date>
  108. <notes>
  109. Fixed issues with negative array keys, modified json-c to return an error on unquoted object key names instead of going into an infinite loop.
  110. </notes>
  111. </release>
  112. <release>
  113. <state>stable</state>
  114. <version>1.0.8</version>
  115. <date>2005-12-01</date>
  116. <notes>
  117. Changed license to LGPL, modified build system to allow static compilation into PHP, added strndup check for json-c.
  118. </notes>
  119. </release>
  120. <release>
  121. <state>stable</state>
  122. <version>1.1.0</version>
  123. <date>2005-12-04</date>
  124. <notes>
  125. Port to Win32.
  126. </notes>
  127. </release>
  128. <release>
  129. <state>stable</state>
  130. <version>1.1.1</version>
  131. <date>2006-01-12</date>
  132. <notes>
  133. Cleanup and TSRM performance fixes by rasmus.
  134. </notes>
  135. </release>
  136. <release>
  137. <state>stable</state>
  138. <version>1.2.0</version>
  139. <date>2006-03-15</date>
  140. <notes>
  141. Complete rewrite using JSON_checker as the base for the parser. Implements the JSON specification. 3-8x faster on encodes and 1.2x-4x faster on decodes.
  142. </notes>
  143. </release>
  144. </changelog>
  145. </package>
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