123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- --TEST--
- Bug #60150 (Integer overflow during the parsing of invalid exif header)
- --SKIPIF--
- <?php if (!extension_loaded('exif')) print 'skip exif extension not available';?>
- --INI--
- output_handler=
- zlib.output_compression=0
- --FILE--
- <?php
- $infile = dirname(__FILE__).'/bug60150.jpg';
- var_dump(exif_read_data($infile));
- ?>
- ===DONE===
- Warning: exif_read_data(bug60150.jpg): Process tag(x9003=DateTimeOri): Illegal pointer offset(%s) in %s on line %d
- Warning: exif_read_data(bug60150.jpg): Error reading from file: got=x%x(=%d) != itemlen-%d=x%x(=%d) in %s on line %d
- Warning: exif_read_data(bug60150.jpg): Invalid JPEG file in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- ===DONE===