8053 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Android beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
AndroidMK beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
AndroidTestUtilities beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
AutoExportDll beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
BuildDepends beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0004 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0019 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0022 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0026 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0027 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0028 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0037 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0038 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0039 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0040 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0041 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0042 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0043 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0045 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0046 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0049 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0050 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0051 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0053 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0054 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0055 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0057 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0059 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0060 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0064 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0065 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0068 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMP0069 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMakeFiles beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CPack beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CPackConfig beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CPackInstallProperties beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CPackSymlinks beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CSharpCustomCommand beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CTest beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CTestCommandLine beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CTestTimeoutAfterMatch beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CacheNewline beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CheckIPOSupported beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CheckModules beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ClangTidy beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CommandLine beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CommandLineTar beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompatibleInterface beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompileDefinitions beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompileFeatures beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompilerChange beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompilerLauncher beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CompilerNotFound beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Configure beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Cppcheck beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Cpplint beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CrosscompilingEmulator beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
DisallowedCommands beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ExportWithoutLanguage beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ExternalData beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ExternalProject beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FPHSA beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FeatureSummary beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FetchContent beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
File_Generate beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FindBoost beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FindGTK2 beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FindMatlab beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FindOpenGL beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
FindPkgConfig beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Framework beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GNUInstallDirs beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GenerateExportHeader beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GeneratorExpression beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GeneratorInstance beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GeneratorPlatform beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GeneratorToolset beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GetPrerequisites beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
GoogleTest beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
IfacePaths beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
IncludeWhatYouUse beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
IncompatibleQt beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Languages beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
LinkStatic beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
LinkWhatYouUse beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Make beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
MultiLint beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Ninja beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ObjectLibrary beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ObsoleteQtMacros beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
PolicyScope beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
PositionIndependentCode beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
RuntimePath beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
SourceProperties beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Swift beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Syntax beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
TargetObjects beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
TargetPolicies beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
TargetPropertyGeneratorExpressions beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
TargetSources beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ToolchainFile beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
VS10Project beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
VSSolution beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
VisibilityPreset beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
WriteCompilerDetectionHeader beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
XcodeProject beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_custom_command beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_custom_target beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_dependencies beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_executable beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_library beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
add_subdirectory beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
alias_targets beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
build_command beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
cmake_minimum_required beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
cmake_parse_arguments beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
configure_file beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
continue beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_build beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_cmake_error beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_configure beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_coverage beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_disabled_test beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_fixtures beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_labels_for_subprojects beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_memcheck beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_skipped_test beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_start beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_submit beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_test beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
ctest_upload beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
execute_process beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
export beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
file beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_dependency beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_file beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_library beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_package beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_path beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
find_program beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
foreach beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
get_filename_component beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
get_property beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
if beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
include beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
include_directories beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
include_external_msproject beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
include_guard beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
install beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
interface_library beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
list beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
message beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
no_install_prefix beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
project beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
return beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
separate_arguments beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
set beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
set_property beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
string beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
target_compile_features beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
target_link_libraries beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
test_include_dirs beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
try_compile beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
try_run beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
variable_watch beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
while beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CMakeLists.txt beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
CTestTestfile.cmake beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
Makefile beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
README.rst beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
RunCMake.cmake beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
RunCTest.cmake beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
cmake_install.cmake beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
exit_code beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
exit_code.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_cppcheck beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_cppcheck.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_cpplint beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_cpplint.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_emulator beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_emulator.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_emulator_custom_command beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_emulator_custom_command.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_iwyu beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_iwyu.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_tidy beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás
pseudo_tidy.c beefd0184a 2022-08-08 ct_chen há 2 anos atrás


This directory contains tests that run CMake to configure a project
but do not actually build anything. To add a test:

1. Add a subdirectory named for the test, say ``/``.

2. In ``./CMakeLists.txt`` call ``add_RunCMake_test`` and pass the
test directory name ````.

3. Create script ``/RunCMakeTest.cmake`` in the directory containing::


where ``SubTest1`` through ``SubTestN`` are sub-test names each
corresponding to an independent CMake run and project configuration.

One may also add calls of the form::

run_cmake_command(SubTestI ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ...)

to fully customize the test case command-line.

Alternatively, if the test is to cover running ``ctest -S`` then use::


and create ``test.cmake.in``, ``CTestConfig.cmake.in``, and
``CMakeLists.txt.in`` files to be configured for each case.

4. Create file ``/CMakeLists.txt`` in the directory containing::

project(${RunCMake_TEST} NONE) # or languages needed

where ``${RunCMake_TEST}`` is literal. A value for ``RunCMake_TEST``
will be passed to CMake by the ``run_cmake`` macro when running each

5. Create a ``/.cmake`` file for each sub-test named
above containing the actual test code. Optionally create files
containing expected test results:

Regex matching expected process result, if not ``0``
Regex matching expected stdout content
Regex matching expected stderr content, if not ``^$``
Custom result check.

Note that trailing newlines will be stripped from actual and expected
test output before matching against the stdout and stderr expressions.
The code in ``-check.cmake`` may use variables

Top of test source tree
Top of test binary tree

and an failure must store a message in ``RunCMake_TEST_FAILED``.