123456789101112131415161718 |
- -------------------------------
- Properties whose maximum value from the link interface will be used.
- The ``COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_NUMBER_MAX`` property may contain a list of
- properties for this target whose maximum value may be read at generate
- time when evaluated in the ``INTERFACE`` variant of the property in all
- linked dependees. For example, if a property ``FOO`` appears in the list,
- then for each dependee, the ``INTERFACE_FOO`` property content in all of
- its dependencies will be compared with each other and with the ``FOO``
- property in the depender. When reading the ``FOO`` property at generate
- time, the maximum value will be returned. If the property is not set,
- then it is ignored.
- Note that for each dependee, the set of properties specified in this
- property must not intersect with the set specified in any of the other
- :ref:`Compatible Interface Properties`.