cmake-qt.7.rst 9.6 KB

  1. .. cmake-manual-description: CMake Qt Features Reference
  2. cmake-qt(7)
  3. ***********
  4. .. only:: html
  5. .. contents::
  6. Introduction
  7. ============
  8. CMake can find and use Qt 4 and Qt 5 libraries. The Qt 4 libraries are found
  9. by the :module:`FindQt4` find-module shipped with CMake, whereas the
  10. Qt 5 libraries are found using "Config-file Packages" shipped with Qt 5. See
  11. :manual:`cmake-packages(7)` for more information about CMake packages, and
  12. see `the Qt cmake manual <>`_
  13. for your Qt version.
  14. Qt 4 and Qt 5 may be used together in the same
  15. :manual:`CMake buildsystem <cmake-buildsystem(7)>`:
  16. .. code-block:: cmake
  17. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.0 FATAL_ERROR)
  18. project(Qt4And5)
  20. find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Widgets DBus REQUIRED)
  21. add_executable(publisher publisher.cpp)
  22. target_link_libraries(publisher Qt5::Widgets Qt5::DBus)
  23. find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
  24. add_executable(subscriber subscriber.cpp)
  25. target_link_libraries(subscriber Qt4::QtGui Qt4::QtDBus)
  26. A CMake target may not link to both Qt 4 and Qt 5. A diagnostic is issued if
  27. this is attempted or results from transitive target dependency evaluation.
  28. Qt Build Tools
  29. ==============
  30. Qt relies on some bundled tools for code generation, such as ``moc`` for
  31. meta-object code generation, ``uic`` for widget layout and population,
  32. and ``rcc`` for virtual filesystem content generation. These tools may be
  33. automatically invoked by :manual:`cmake(1)` if the appropriate conditions
  34. are met. The automatic tool invocation may be used with both Qt 4 and Qt 5.
  35. The tools are executed as part of a synthesized custom target generated by
  36. CMake. Target dependencies may be added to that custom target by adding them
  37. to the :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS` target property.
  39. ^^^^^^^
  40. The :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` target property controls whether :manual:`cmake(1)`
  41. inspects the C++ files in the target to determine if they require ``moc`` to
  42. be run, and to create rules to execute ``moc`` at the appropriate time.
  43. If a macro from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES` is found in a header file,
  44. ``moc`` will be run on the file. The result will be put into a file named
  45. according to ``moc_<basename>.cpp``.
  46. If the macro is found in a C++ implementation
  47. file, the moc output will be put into a file named according to
  48. ``<basename>.moc``, following the Qt conventions. The ``<basename>.moc`` must
  49. be included by the user in the C++ implementation file with a preprocessor
  50. ``#include``.
  51. Included ``moc_*.cpp`` and ``*.moc`` files will be generated in the
  52. ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include`` directory which is
  53. automatically added to the target's :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`.
  54. * This differs from CMake 3.7 and below; see their documentation for details.
  55. * For :prop_gbl:`multi configuration generators <GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG>`,
  56. the include directory is ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include_<CONFIG>``.
  57. * See :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR`.
  58. Not included ``moc_<basename>.cpp`` files will be generated in custom
  59. folders to avoid name collisions and included in a separate
  60. ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/mocs_compilation.cpp`` file which is compiled
  61. into the target.
  62. * See :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR`.
  63. The ``moc`` command line will consume the :prop_tgt:`COMPILE_DEFINITIONS` and
  64. :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` target properties from the target it is being
  65. invoked for, and for the appropriate build configuration.
  66. The :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` target property may be pre-set for all
  67. following targets by setting the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC` variable. The
  68. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS` target property may be populated to set
  69. options to pass to ``moc``. The :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS`
  70. variable may be populated to pre-set the options for all following targets.
  71. Additional macro names to search for can be added to
  72. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES`.
  73. Additional ``moc`` dependency file names can be extracted from source code
  74. by using :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS`.
  75. Source C++ files can be excluded from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` processing by
  76. enabling :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOMOC` or the broader :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN`.
  77. .. _`Qt AUTOUIC`:
  79. ^^^^^^^
  80. The :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` target property controls whether :manual:`cmake(1)`
  81. inspects the C++ files in the target to determine if they require ``uic`` to
  82. be run, and to create rules to execute ``uic`` at the appropriate time.
  83. If a preprocessor ``#include`` directive is found which matches
  84. ``<path>ui_<basename>.h``, and a ``<basename>.ui`` file exists,
  85. then ``uic`` will be executed to generate the appropriate file.
  86. The ``<basename>.ui`` file is searched for in the following places
  87. 1. ``<source_dir>/<basename>.ui``
  88. 2. ``<source_dir>/<path><basename>.ui``
  89. 3. ``<AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS>/<basename>.ui``
  90. 4. ``<AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS>/<path><basename>.ui``
  91. where ``<source_dir>`` is the directory of the C++ file and
  92. :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC_SEARCH_PATHS` is a list of additional search paths.
  93. The generated generated ``ui_*.h`` files are placed in the
  94. ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include`` directory which is
  95. automatically added to the target's :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`.
  96. * This differs from CMake 3.7 and below; see their documentation for details.
  97. * For :prop_gbl:`multi configuration generators <GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG>`,
  98. the include directory is ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include_<CONFIG>``.
  99. * See :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR`.
  100. The :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` target property may be pre-set for all following
  101. targets by setting the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOUIC` variable. The
  102. :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` target property may be populated to set options
  103. to pass to ``uic``. The :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` variable may be
  104. populated to pre-set the options for all following targets. The
  105. :prop_sf:`AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` source file property may be set on the
  106. ``<basename>.ui`` file to set particular options for the file. This
  107. overrides options from the :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` target property.
  108. A target may populate the :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` target
  109. property with options that should be used when invoking ``uic``. This must be
  110. consistent with the :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC_OPTIONS` target property content of the
  111. depender target. The :variable:`CMAKE_DEBUG_TARGET_PROPERTIES` variable may
  112. be used to track the origin target of such
  113. :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS`. This means that a library which
  114. provides an alternative translation system for Qt may specify options which
  115. should be used when running ``uic``:
  116. .. code-block:: cmake
  117. add_library(KI18n klocalizedstring.cpp)
  118. target_link_libraries(KI18n Qt5::Core)
  119. # KI18n uses the tr2i18n() function instead of tr(). That function is
  120. # declared in the klocalizedstring.h header.
  121. set(autouic_options
  122. -tr tr2i18n
  123. -include klocalizedstring.h
  124. )
  125. set_property(TARGET KI18n APPEND PROPERTY
  126. INTERFACE_AUTOUIC_OPTIONS ${autouic_options}
  127. )
  128. A consuming project linking to the target exported from upstream automatically
  129. uses appropriate options when ``uic`` is run by :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`, as a
  130. result of linking with the :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED` target:
  131. .. code-block:: cmake
  132. set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON)
  133. # Uses a libwidget.ui file:
  134. add_library(LibWidget libwidget.cpp)
  135. target_link_libraries(LibWidget
  136. KF5::KI18n
  137. Qt5::Widgets
  138. )
  139. Source files can be excluded from :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` processing by
  140. enabling :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOUIC` or the broader :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN`.
  141. .. _`Qt AUTORCC`:
  142. AUTORCC
  143. ^^^^^^^
  144. The :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC` target property controls whether :manual:`cmake(1)`
  145. creates rules to execute ``rcc`` at the appropriate time on source files
  146. which have the suffix ``.qrc``.
  147. .. code-block:: cmake
  148. add_executable(myexe main.cpp resource_file.qrc)
  149. The :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC` target property may be pre-set for all following targets
  150. by setting the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTORCC` variable. The
  151. :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC_OPTIONS` target property may be populated to set options
  152. to pass to ``rcc``. The :variable:`CMAKE_AUTORCC_OPTIONS` variable may be
  153. populated to pre-set the options for all following targets. The
  154. :prop_sf:`AUTORCC_OPTIONS` source file property may be set on the
  155. ``<name>.qrc`` file to set particular options for the file. This
  156. overrides options from the :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC_OPTIONS` target property.
  157. Source files can be excluded from :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC` processing by
  158. enabling :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTORCC` or the broader :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN`.
  159. Visual Studio Generators
  160. ========================
  161. When using the :manual:`Visual Studio generators <cmake-generators(7)>`,
  162. CMake uses a ``PRE_BUILD`` :command:`custom command <add_custom_command>` for
  163. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`.
  164. If the :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` processing depends on files,
  165. a :command:`custom target <add_custom_target>` is used instead.
  166. This happens when
  167. - The origin target depends on :prop_sf:`GENERATED` files which aren't excluded
  168. from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` by :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOMOC`,
  169. :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOUIC`, :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN` or :policy:`CMP0071`
  170. - :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS` lists a source file
  171. qtmain.lib on Windows
  172. =====================
  173. The Qt 4 and 5 :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED` targets for the QtGui libraries specify
  174. that the qtmain.lib static library shipped with Qt will be linked by all
  175. dependent executables which have the :prop_tgt:`WIN32_EXECUTABLE` enabled.
  176. To disable this behavior, enable the ``Qt5_NO_LINK_QTMAIN`` target property for
  177. Qt 5 based targets or ``QT4_NO_LINK_QTMAIN`` target property for Qt 4 based
  178. targets.
  179. .. code-block:: cmake
  180. add_executable(myexe WIN32 main.cpp)
  181. target_link_libraries(myexe Qt4::QtGui)
  182. add_executable(myexe_no_qtmain WIN32 main_no_qtmain.cpp)
  183. set_property(TARGET main_no_qtmain PROPERTY QT4_NO_LINK_QTMAIN ON)
  184. target_link_libraries(main_no_qtmain Qt4::QtGui)