# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+

import re

class Expr:
    """A single regular expression for matching boards to build"""

    def __init__(self, expr):
        """Set up a new Expr object.

            expr: String cotaining regular expression to store
        self._expr = expr
        self._re = re.compile(expr)

    def Matches(self, props):
        """Check if any of the properties match the regular expression.

           props: List of properties to check
           True if any of the properties match the regular expression
        for prop in props:
            if self._re.match(prop):
                return True
        return False

    def __str__(self):
        return self._expr

class Term:
    """A list of expressions each of which must match with properties.

    This provides a list of 'AND' expressions, meaning that each must
    match the board properties for that board to be built.
    def __init__(self):
        self._expr_list = []
        self._board_count = 0

    def AddExpr(self, expr):
        """Add an Expr object to the list to check.

            expr: New Expr object to add to the list of those that must
                  match for a board to be built.

    def __str__(self):
        """Return some sort of useful string describing the term"""
        return '&'.join([str(expr) for expr in self._expr_list])

    def Matches(self, props):
        """Check if any of the properties match this term

        Each of the expressions in the term is checked. All must match.

           props: List of properties to check
           True if all of the expressions in the Term match, else False
        for expr in self._expr_list:
            if not expr.Matches(props):
                return False
        return True

class Board:
    """A particular board that we can build"""
    def __init__(self, status, arch, cpu, soc, vendor, board_name, target, options):
        """Create a new board type.

            status: define whether the board is 'Active' or 'Orphaned'
            arch: Architecture name (e.g. arm)
            cpu: Cpu name (e.g. arm1136)
            soc: Name of SOC, or '' if none (e.g. mx31)
            vendor: Name of vendor (e.g. armltd)
            board_name: Name of board (e.g. integrator)
            target: Target name (use make <target>_defconfig to configure)
            options: board-specific options (e.g. integratorcp:CM1136)
        self.target = target
        self.arch = arch
        self.cpu = cpu
        self.board_name = board_name
        self.vendor = vendor
        self.soc = soc
        self.options = options
        self.props = [self.target, self.arch, self.cpu, self.board_name,
                      self.vendor, self.soc, self.options]
        self.build_it = False

class Boards:
    """Manage a list of boards."""
    def __init__(self):
        # Use a simple list here, sinc OrderedDict requires Python 2.7
        self._boards = []

    def AddBoard(self, board):
        """Add a new board to the list.

        The board's target member must not already exist in the board list.

            board: board to add

    def ReadBoards(self, fname):
        """Read a list of boards from a board file.

        Create a board object for each and add it to our _boards list.

            fname: Filename of boards.cfg file
        with open(fname, 'r') as fd:
            for line in fd:
                if line[0] == '#':
                fields = line.split()
                if not fields:
                for upto in range(len(fields)):
                    if fields[upto] == '-':
                        fields[upto] = ''
                while len(fields) < 8:
                if len(fields) > 8:
                    fields = fields[:8]

                board = Board(*fields)

    def GetList(self):
        """Return a list of available boards.

            List of Board objects
        return self._boards

    def GetDict(self):
        """Build a dictionary containing all the boards.

                key is board.target
                value is board
        board_dict = {}
        for board in self._boards:
            board_dict[board.target] = board
        return board_dict

    def GetSelectedDict(self):
        """Return a dictionary containing the selected boards

            List of Board objects that are marked selected
        board_dict = {}
        for board in self._boards:
            if board.build_it:
                board_dict[board.target] = board
        return board_dict

    def GetSelected(self):
        """Return a list of selected boards

            List of Board objects that are marked selected
        return [board for board in self._boards if board.build_it]

    def GetSelectedNames(self):
        """Return a list of selected boards

            List of board names that are marked selected
        return [board.target for board in self._boards if board.build_it]

    def _BuildTerms(self, args):
        """Convert command line arguments to a list of terms.

        This deals with parsing of the arguments. It handles the '&'
        operator, which joins several expressions into a single Term.

        For example:
            ['arm & freescale sandbox', 'tegra']

        will produce 3 Terms containing expressions as follows:
            arm, freescale

        The first Term has two expressions, both of which must match for
        a board to be selected.

            args: List of command line arguments
            A list of Term objects
        syms = []
        for arg in args:
            for word in arg.split():
                sym_build = []
                for term in word.split('&'):
                    if term:
                syms += sym_build[:-1]
        terms = []
        term = None
        oper = None
        for sym in syms:
            if sym == '&':
                oper = sym
            elif oper:
                oper = None
                if term:
                term = Term()
        if term:
        return terms

    def SelectBoards(self, args, exclude=[]):
        """Mark boards selected based on args

            args: List of strings specifying boards to include, either named,
                  or by their target, architecture, cpu, vendor or soc. If
                  empty, all boards are selected.
            exclude: List of boards to exclude, regardless of 'args'

            Dictionary which holds the number of boards which were selected
            due to each argument, arranged by argument.
        result = {}
        terms = self._BuildTerms(args)

        result['all'] = 0
        for term in terms:
            result[str(term)] = 0

        exclude_list = []
        for expr in exclude:

        for board in self._boards:
            matching_term = None
            build_it = False
            if terms:
                match = False
                for term in terms:
                    if term.Matches(board.props):
                        matching_term = str(term)
                        build_it = True
                build_it = True

            # Check that it is not specifically excluded
            for expr in exclude_list:
                if expr.Matches(board.props):
                    build_it = False

            if build_it:
                board.build_it = True
                if matching_term:
                    result[matching_term] += 1
                result['all'] += 1

        return result