# 設定 ASCII 藝術字的內容 $asciiArt = @" _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _ ______ _____ ______ | __ \| __ \| ____| __ \| ____| | | ____| /\ / ____| ____| | |__) | |__) | |__ | |__) | |__ | | | |__ / \ | (___ | |__ | ___/| _ /| __| | _ /| __| | | | __| / /\ \ \___ \| __| | | | | \ \| |____| | \ \| |____| |____| |____ / ____ \ ____) | |____ |_| |_| \_\______|_| \_\______|______|______/_/ \_\_____/|______| "@ # 顯示 ASCII 藝術字 Write-Host $asciiArt #第一次建立專案請先設定ACR Name $registryname="evdevcontainerregistry" $fullregistryname="evdevcontainerregistry.azurecr.io" #第一次建立專案請先設定專案名稱 $imagerepositoryname="dbapi" #target tag can be {projectname}_RC or RC on pre-release stage $default_dev_prefix = "DockerEBUS_test_" $target_tag="DockerEBUS_RC" #檢查是否有尚未commit的更新 $status = git status --porcelain if (-not $status) { Write-Output "All changes committed" } else { Write-Output "There are uncommitted changes" exit } #檢查remote是否有新commit未處理 git fetch --tags -f $status = git status --porcelain -b if (($status -match "ahead") -or ($status -match "behind") -or ($status -match "gone") ) { Write-Output "git branch not synced" exit } else { Write-Output "git branch is synced" } #podman acr登入 Write-Host "ACR Login....." $token = az acr login --name $registryname --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken $user = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" podman login $fullregistryname -u $user -p $token $source_tag = Read-Host "Please type the source tag that you want to do RC." #預設跟Dev_build一樣 if (-not $source_tag) { $username = az account show --query user.name $username = $username.TrimStart("""").Split('@')[0] $source_tag=$default_dev_prefix+$username } $sourcetag_response = Read-Host "Do you want to do the RC tag with $source_tag ?(Y/N)" while($sourcetag_response -eq "N") { $source_tag = Read-Host "Please type the source tag that you want to do RC." #預設跟Dev_build一樣 if (-not $source_tag) { $source_tag=$default_dev_prefix+$username } $sourcetag_response = Read-Host "Do you want to do the RC tag with $source_tag ?(Y/N)" } $fulltag=$registryname+".azurecr.io/"+$imagerepositoryname+":"+$targettag $source_imagename = $imagerepositoryname+":"+$source_tag $target_imagename = $imagerepositoryname+":"+$target_tag $source_fulltag = $registryname+".azurecr.io/"+$imagerepositoryname+":"+$source_tag $target_fulltag = $registryname+".azurecr.io/"+$imagerepositoryname+":"+$target_tag $final_response = Read-Host "Final confirmation: Do you want to assign the RC tag name "$target_imagename" to the existing tag with "$source_imagename"?(Y/N)" if($final_response -eq "N") { write-host "Please restart the process." } else { #取得目前RC的message $rc_message = git tag -l --format='%(contents)' $target_tag if (!$rc_message) { $rc_message = "" } #暫存RC message $filePath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath "rc_message.txt" [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($filePath, $rc_message) #刪除遠端git的RC tag git push --delete origin $target_tag #刪除本地端git的RC tag git tag --delete $target_tag #標註目前commit為RC git tag -a $target_tag -F "rc_message.txt" --edit #更新遠端tag git push --follow-tags #刪除暫存檔 Remove-Item "rc_message.txt" #解除image鎖定 az acr repository update --name $registryname --image $target_imagename --delete-enabled true --write-enabled true podman pull $source_fulltag podman image tag $source_fulltag $target_fulltag podman push $target_fulltag #鎖定image az acr repository update --name $registryname --image $target_imagename --delete-enabled false --write-enabled false }