@@ -13,101 +13,149 @@ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
-namespace AwInitilizer.Procedure
+namespace AwInitilizer.Procedure.ButtonStatusCheck
+ public enum ErrorType
+ {
+ None,
+ ConnectFail,
+ GetStatusFail,
+ FirstButtonCheckFail,
+ SecondButtonCheckFail,
+ EmergencyButtonCheckFail,
+ }
+ public enum LogEvent
+ {
+ UnpressButtonTest
+ }
public class ButtonStatusCheckPorcedure : ProcedureBase
+ public ErrorType Error { get; set; } = ErrorType.None;
+ private ProcedureLog.LogWriter<ButtonStatusCheckPorcedure, LogEvent> LogWriter;
+ private readonly static Dictionary<LogEvent, string> ReportDict = new Dictionary<LogEvent, string>()
+ {
+ { LogEvent.UnpressButtonTest, "UnpressButtonTest" }
+ };
+ private readonly static Dictionary<LogEvent, string> LogDict = new Dictionary<LogEvent, string>()
+ {
+ { LogEvent.UnpressButtonTest, "Unpress check result" }
+ };
private HintDialog hintDialog = new HintDialog();
public ButtonStatusCheckPorcedure() : base()
Name = "Button Press Test";
Content = "Interaction to test button status";
+ LogWriter = new ProcedureLog.LogWriter<ButtonStatusCheckPorcedure, LogEvent>(this)
+ {
+ ReportPair = ReportDict,
+ LogPair = LogDict
+ };
internal override async Task<bool> Run()
- Logger.Print("Button Unpress Status check Start");
- //stage 0 - wait system ready
- //wait restart
- Logger.Print("Waiting response..");
- //object response = false;
- //int pollingCnt = 0;
- //for (pollingCnt = 0; pollingCnt < 14; pollingCnt++)
- //{
- // response = await GetButtonStatus();
- // if (response!=null)
- // break;
- // await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
- //}
- //ReportLog.Add(string.Format("EVSE connet elapsed minute(s) : {0}, Expect:<14", pollingCnt * 0.5));
- ////timeout
- //if (pollingCnt >= 14)
- //{
- // Logger.Print("Wait EVSE timeout", isError: true);
- // return false;
- //}
var response = await GetButtonStatus();
if (response == null)
- ReportLog.Add("EVSE connect failed");
- Logger.Print("EVSE connect failed", isError: true);
+ //ReportLog.Add("EVSE connect failed");
+ //Logger.Print("EVSE connect failed", isError: true);
return false;
//stage 1 - unpress all
- //ShowDialog(
- // "Please make sure All button is Unpressed\nPress Ok while complete",
- // "Starting Button test",
- // "OK","", cancelAble: true);
+ if(!await CheckUnpressAllBtn())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //stage 2 - check press sequence
+ //Logger.Print("Button press Status check Start");
+ //MessageBox.Show("Press Button1,Button2,EmergencyButton in order\neach press continuous 2 secondes\nPress Ok to start", "Starting Button test");
+ //Button1,Button2,EmergencyButton in order 0,1,2
+ for (int testType = 0; testType < 3; testType++)
+ {
+ var checkResult = await PressBtnCheck(testType);
+ if (!checkResult)
+ {
+ if (testType == 0)
+ Error = ErrorType.FirstButtonCheckFail;
+ else if (testType == 1)
+ Error = ErrorType.SecondButtonCheckFail;
+ else if (testType == 2)
+ Error = ErrorType.EmergencyButtonCheckFail;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private async Task<bool> CheckUnpressAllBtn()
+ {
"", cancelAble: true);
ButtonStatus status = await GetButtonStatus();
if (status == null)
- InfoLog += "Get Butoon state failed\n";
- Logger.Print("Get Butoon state failed");
+ //InfoLog += "Get Butoon state failed\n";
+ //Logger.Print("Get Butoon state failed");
return false;
- InfoLog += "Unpress check result\n";
- InfoLog += $"Button1:{status.Button1},Button2:{status.Button2},EmgerncyButton:{status.EmergencyButton}\n";
- LogPair.Add("UnpressButtonTest", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton));
+ LogWriter.Report(LogEvent.UnpressButtonTest, string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton));
+ //InfoLog += "Unpress check result\n";
+ //InfoLog += $"Button1:{status.Button1},Button2:{status.Button2},EmgerncyButton:{status.EmergencyButton}\n";
+ //LogPair.Add("UnpressButtonTest", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton));
- ReportLog.Add(string.Format("Button unpress test result : {0}, Expect:000",
+ LogWriter.Log(string.Format("Button unpress test result : {0}, Expect:000",
string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton)
+ //ReportLog.Add(string.Format("Button unpress test result : {0}, Expect:000",
+ // string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton)
+ // ));
bool isAllMatched = true;
if (status != null)
- isAllMatched = true;
if (status.Button1 != 0)
- Logger.Print("Button1 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ Error = ErrorType.FirstButtonCheckFail;
+ LogWriter.Log("Button1 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print("Button1 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
isAllMatched = false;
if (status.Button2 != 0)
- Logger.Print("Button3 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ Error = ErrorType.SecondButtonCheckFail;
+ LogWriter.Log("Button2 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print("Button2 status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
isAllMatched = false;
if (status.EmergencyButton != 0)
- Logger.Print("EmergencyButton status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ Error = ErrorType.EmergencyButtonCheckFail;
+ LogWriter.Log("EmergencyButton status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print("EmergencyButton status ERROR, unpress is ecpected", isError: true);
isAllMatched = false;
if (isAllMatched)
- Logger.Print("Unpress Check passed");
+ LogWriter.Log("Unpress Check passed");
+ //Logger.Print("Unpress Check passed");
+ return true;
@@ -116,144 +164,129 @@ namespace AwInitilizer.Procedure
- Logger.Print("Get button press status Failed", isError: true);
+ LogWriter.Log("Get button press status Failed", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print("Get button press status Failed", isError: true);
return false;
+ }
- //stage 2 - check press sequence
- Logger.Print("Button press Status check Start");
- //MessageBox.Show("Press Button1,Button2,EmergencyButton in order\neach press continuous 2 secondes\nPress Ok to start", "Starting Button test");
+ private async Task<bool> PressBtnCheck(int btnInt)
+ {
- bool isError = false;
- //Button1,Button2,EmergencyButton in order 0,1,2
+ string btn, btnLang, imgUrl;
+ (btn, btnLang, imgUrl) = GetBtnParam(btnInt);
+ ShowBtnPressRequestDialog(btnLang, imgUrl);
+ var btnStatus = await WaitAndtGetPressBtn();
+ LogWriter.Report($"{btn}PressTest", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", btnStatus.Button1, btnStatus.Button2, btnStatus.EmergencyButton));
+ LogWriter.Log($"Press check stage {btn} result");
+ LogWriter.Log($"Button1:{btnStatus.Button1},Button2:{btnStatus.Button2},EmgerncyButton:{btnStatus.EmergencyButton}\n");
+ DismisDialog();
+ var btnStatusIsMatchedRequred = CheckBtnStatus(btnInt,btnStatus);
+ return btnStatusIsMatchedRequred;
+ }
+ private async Task<ButtonStatus> WaitAndtGetPressBtn()
+ {
ButtonStatus pressStatus = null;
- for (int testType = 0; testType < 3; testType++)
+ //retry 20 times, 20*0.5 = 10 seconds
+ int testCnt;
+ for (testCnt = 0; testCnt < 20; testCnt++)
- string btn, btnLang, imgUrl;
- switch (testType)
- {
- case 1:
- btn = "Green Button";
- btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressGreenBtn");
- imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Green.png";
- break;
- case 0:
- btn = "Blue Button";
- btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressBlueBtn");
- imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Blue.png";
- break;
- case 2:
- btn = "EmergencyButton";
- btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressEmergencyBtn");
- imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Emergency.png";
- break;
- default:
- btn = "";
- btnLang = "";
- imgUrl = null;
- break;
- };
- //MessageBox.Show($"press {btn}");
- //ShowDialog($"PRESS {btn.ToUpper()}", "Button press test", "", imgUrl, cancelAble: false);
- ShowDialog(
- string.Format((string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressPressHint"), btnLang),
- (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressHintTitle"),
- "", imgUrl, cancelAble: false);
- //retry 20 times, 20*0.5 = 10 seconds
- int testCnt;
- for (testCnt = 0; testCnt < 20; testCnt++)
+ await Task.Delay(500);
+ pressStatus = await GetButtonStatus();
+ if (pressStatus == null)
- await Task.Delay(500);
- pressStatus = await GetButtonStatus();
- if (pressStatus == null)
- {
- InfoLog += "Get Butoon state failed\n";
- Logger.Print("Get Butoon state failed");
- return false;
- }
- //if any button is pressed
- if (pressStatus.Button1 != 0 ||
- pressStatus.Button2 != 0 ||
- pressStatus.EmergencyButton != 0)
- {
- bool success = false;
- if (pressStatus.Button1 == (testType == 0 ? 1 : 0) &&
- pressStatus.Button2 == (testType == 1 ? 1 : 0) &&
- pressStatus.EmergencyButton == (testType == 2 ? 1 : 0))
- {
- //Status correct
- success = true;
- }
- else
- {
- //Status error
- isError = true;
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- if (success)
- {
- //wait release
- for (var releaseCnt = 0; releaseCnt < 20; releaseCnt++)
- {
- await Task.Delay(500);
- status = await GetButtonStatus();
- if (status == null)
- {
- InfoLog += "Get Butoon state failed\n";
- Logger.Print("Get Butoon state failed");
- return false;
- }
- if (status.Button1 == 0 &&
- status.Button2 == 0 &&
- status.EmergencyButton == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ return null;
- DismisDialog();
- InfoLog += $"Press check stage {btn} result\n";
- InfoLog += $"Button1:{pressStatus.Button1},Button2:{pressStatus.Button2},EmgerncyButton:{pressStatus.EmergencyButton}\n";
- LogPair.Add($"{btn}PressTest", string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", pressStatus.Button1, pressStatus.Button2, pressStatus.EmergencyButton));
- ReportLog.Add(string.Format("{0} Button press test result : {1}, Expect:{2}{3}{4}",
- btn,
- string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", status.Button1, status.Button2, status.EmergencyButton),
- testType == 0 ? "1" : "0",
- testType == 1 ? "1" : "0",
- testType == 2 ? "1" : "0"
- ));
- if (testCnt >= 20)
+ //if any button is pressed
+ if (pressStatus.Button1 != 0 ||
+ pressStatus.Button2 != 0 ||
+ pressStatus.EmergencyButton != 0)
- isError = true;
- Logger.Print($"{btn} press TIMEOUT", isError: true);
+ await WaitAllBtnRelease();
- else if (isError)
- {
- Logger.Print($"{btn} press state ERROR", isError: true);
- Logger.Print($"Button1 {GetBtnStatusString(pressStatus.Button1)}, Button2 {GetBtnStatusString(pressStatus.Button2)}, EmergencyButton {GetBtnStatusString(pressStatus.EmergencyButton)}", isError: true);
+ }
+ return pressStatus;
+ }
+ private bool CheckBtnStatus(int btnInt, ButtonStatus buttonStatus)
+ {
+ if (buttonStatus.Button1 == (btnInt == 0 ? 1 : 0) &&
+ buttonStatus.Button2 == (btnInt == 1 ? 1 : 0) &&
+ buttonStatus.EmergencyButton == (btnInt == 2 ? 1 : 0))
+ {
+ //Status correct
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private void ShowBtnPressRequestDialog(string btnLang, string imgUrl)
+ {
+ ShowDialog(
+ string.Format((string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressPressHint"), btnLang),
+ (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressHintTitle"),
+ "", imgUrl, cancelAble: false);
+ }
+ private (string btn, string btnLang, string imgUrl) GetBtnParam(int btnInt)
+ {
+ string btn, btnLang, imgUrl;
+ switch (btnInt)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ btn = "Green Button";
+ btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressGreenBtn");
+ imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Green.png";
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ btn = "Blue Button";
+ btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressBlueBtn");
+ imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Blue.png";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ btn = "EmergencyButton";
+ btnLang = (string)Application.Current.FindResource("BtnPressEmergencyBtn");
+ imgUrl = "pack://application:,,,/AwInitilizer;component/Image/Emergency.png";
+ break;
+ default:
+ btn = "";
+ btnLang = "";
+ imgUrl = null;
+ };
+ return (btn, btnLang, imgUrl);
+ }
+ private async Task WaitAllBtnRelease()
+ {
+ ButtonStatus status;
+ //wait release
+ for (var releaseCnt = 0; releaseCnt < 20; releaseCnt++)
+ {
+ await Task.Delay(500);
+ status = await GetButtonStatus();
+ if (status == null)
+ {
+ //InfoLog += "Get Butoon state failed\n";
+ //Logger.Print("Get Butoon state failed");
+ continue;
- else
+ if (status.Button1 == 0 &&
+ status.Button2 == 0 &&
+ status.EmergencyButton == 0)
- Logger.Print($"{btn} press state passed");
+ break ;
- if(isError)
- return false;
- return true;
internal async Task<ButtonStatus> GetButtonStatus(bool isConnectTest = false)
@@ -268,7 +301,8 @@ namespace AwInitilizer.Procedure
// 將 StreamReader 所讀到的字元轉為 string
string request = reader.ReadToEnd();
- InfoLog += $"Get respone : {request}\n";
+ //InfoLog += $"Get respone : {request}\n";
+ LogWriter.Log($"Get respone : {request}", isDebugLog: true);
var values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ButtonStatus>(request);
return values;
@@ -279,12 +313,16 @@ namespace AwInitilizer.Procedure
if (!isConnectTest)
- InfoLog += "Get Button Status Failed\n";
- InfoLog += e.Message;
- InfoLog += "\n";
+ Error = ErrorType.GetStatusFail;
+ LogWriter.Log("Get Button Status Failed", isError: true);
+ LogWriter.Log(e.Message, isDebugLog: true);
+ //InfoLog += "Get Button Status Failed\n";
+ //InfoLog += e.Message;
+ //InfoLog += "\n";
- Logger.Print("Get Button Status Failed", isError: true);
- Logger.Print(e.Message + "", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print("Get Button Status Failed", isError: true);
+ //Logger.Print(e.Message + "", isError: true);