/* * Copyright © 2008-2010 Stéphane Raimbault * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "unit-test.h" enum { TCP, TCP_PI, RTU }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t *tab_rp_bits; uint16_t *tab_rp_registers; uint16_t *tab_rp_registers_bad; modbus_t *ctx; int i; uint8_t value; int address; int nb_points; int rc; float real; struct timeval old_response_timeout; struct timeval response_timeout; int use_backend; if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "tcp") == 0) { use_backend = TCP; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "tcppi") == 0) { use_backend = TCP_PI; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "rtu") == 0) { use_backend = RTU; } else { printf("Usage:\n %s [tcp|tcppi|rtu] - Modbus client for unit testing\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } else { /* By default */ use_backend = TCP; } if (use_backend == TCP) { ctx = modbus_new_tcp("", 1502); } else if (use_backend == TCP_PI) { ctx = modbus_new_tcp_pi("::1", "1502"); } else { ctx = modbus_new_rtu("/dev/ttyUSB1", 115200, 'N', 8, 1); } if (ctx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate libmodbus context\n"); return -1; } modbus_set_debug(ctx, TRUE); if (use_backend == RTU) { modbus_set_slave(ctx, SERVER_ID); } if (modbus_connect(ctx) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Connection failed: %s\n", modbus_strerror(errno)); modbus_free(ctx); return -1; } /* Allocate and initialize the memory to store the bits */ nb_points = (UT_BITS_NB > UT_INPUT_BITS_NB) ? UT_BITS_NB : UT_INPUT_BITS_NB; tab_rp_bits = (uint8_t *) malloc(nb_points * sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(tab_rp_bits, 0, nb_points * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Allocate and initialize the memory to store the registers */ nb_points = (UT_REGISTERS_NB > UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB) ? UT_REGISTERS_NB : UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB; tab_rp_registers = (uint16_t *) malloc(nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); memset(tab_rp_registers, 0, nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); printf("** UNIT TESTING **\n"); printf("\nTEST WRITE/READ:\n"); /** COIL BITS **/ /* Single */ rc = modbus_write_bit(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, ON); printf("1/2 modbus_write_bit: "); if (rc == 1) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("2/2 modbus_read_bits: "); if (rc != 1) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } if (tab_rp_bits[0] != ON) { printf("FAILED (%0X = != %0X)\n", tab_rp_bits[0], ON); goto close; } printf("OK\n"); /* End single */ /* Multiple bits */ { uint8_t tab_value[UT_BITS_NB]; modbus_set_bits_from_bytes(tab_value, 0, UT_BITS_NB, UT_BITS_TAB); rc = modbus_write_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, UT_BITS_NB, tab_value); printf("1/2 modbus_write_bits: "); if (rc == UT_BITS_NB) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } } rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, UT_BITS_NB, tab_rp_bits); printf("2/2 modbus_read_bits: "); if (rc != UT_BITS_NB) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } i = 0; address = UT_BITS_ADDRESS; nb_points = UT_BITS_NB; while (nb_points > 0) { int nb_bits = (nb_points > 8) ? 8 : nb_points; value = modbus_get_byte_from_bits(tab_rp_bits, i*8, nb_bits); if (value != UT_BITS_TAB[i]) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", value, UT_BITS_TAB[i]); goto close; } nb_points -= nb_bits; i++; } printf("OK\n"); /* End of multiple bits */ /** DISCRETE INPUTS **/ rc = modbus_read_input_bits(ctx, UT_INPUT_BITS_ADDRESS, UT_INPUT_BITS_NB, tab_rp_bits); printf("1/1 modbus_read_input_bits: "); if (rc != UT_INPUT_BITS_NB) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } i = 0; address = UT_INPUT_BITS_ADDRESS; nb_points = UT_INPUT_BITS_NB; while (nb_points > 0) { int nb_bits = (nb_points > 8) ? 8 : nb_points; value = modbus_get_byte_from_bits(tab_rp_bits, i*8, nb_bits); if (value != UT_INPUT_BITS_TAB[i]) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", value, UT_INPUT_BITS_TAB[i]); goto close; } nb_points -= nb_bits; i++; } printf("OK\n"); /** HOLDING REGISTERS **/ /* Single register */ rc = modbus_write_register(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, 0x1234); printf("1/2 modbus_write_register: "); if (rc == 1) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("2/2 modbus_read_registers: "); if (rc != 1) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } if (tab_rp_registers[0] != 0x1234) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", tab_rp_registers[0], 0x1234); goto close; } printf("OK\n"); /* End of single register */ /* Many registers */ rc = modbus_write_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, UT_REGISTERS_TAB); printf("1/5 modbus_write_registers: "); if (rc == UT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("2/5 modbus_read_registers: "); if (rc != UT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } for (i=0; i < UT_REGISTERS_NB; i++) { if (tab_rp_registers[i] != UT_REGISTERS_TAB[i]) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", tab_rp_registers[i], UT_REGISTERS_TAB[i]); goto close; } } printf("OK\n"); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, 0, tab_rp_registers); printf("3/5 modbus_read_registers (0): "); if (rc != 0) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } printf("OK\n"); nb_points = (UT_REGISTERS_NB > UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB) ? UT_REGISTERS_NB : UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB; memset(tab_rp_registers, 0, nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); /* Write registers to zero from tab_rp_registers and store read registers into tab_rp_registers. So the read registers must set to 0, except the first one because there is an offset of 1 register on write. */ rc = modbus_read_and_write_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS + 1, UT_REGISTERS_NB - 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("4/5 modbus_read_and_write_registers: "); if (rc != UT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d != %d)\n", rc, UT_REGISTERS_NB); goto close; } if (tab_rp_registers[0] != UT_REGISTERS_TAB[0]) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", tab_rp_registers[0], UT_REGISTERS_TAB[0]); } for (i=1; i < UT_REGISTERS_NB; i++) { if (tab_rp_registers[i] != 0) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", tab_rp_registers[i], 0); goto close; } } printf("OK\n"); /* End of many registers */ /** INPUT REGISTERS **/ rc = modbus_read_input_registers(ctx, UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("1/1 modbus_read_input_registers: "); if (rc != UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("FAILED (nb points %d)\n", rc); goto close; } for (i=0; i < UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB; i++) { if (tab_rp_registers[i] != UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_TAB[i]) { printf("FAILED (%0X != %0X)\n", tab_rp_registers[i], UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_TAB[i]); goto close; } } printf("OK\n"); printf("\nTEST FLOATS\n"); /** FLOAT **/ printf("1/2 Set float: "); modbus_set_float(UT_REAL, tab_rp_registers); if (tab_rp_registers[1] == (UT_IREAL >> 16) && tab_rp_registers[0] == (UT_IREAL & 0xFFFF)) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (%x != %x)\n", *((uint32_t *)tab_rp_registers), UT_IREAL); goto close; } printf("2/2 Get float: "); real = modbus_get_float(tab_rp_registers); if (real == UT_REAL) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (%f != %f)\n", real, UT_REAL); goto close; } printf("\nAt this point, error messages doesn't mean the test has failed\n"); /** ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS **/ printf("\nTEST ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS:\n"); /* The mapping begins at 0 and ends at address + nb_points so * the addresses are not valid. */ rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, UT_BITS_NB + 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_read_bits: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_input_bits(ctx, UT_INPUT_BITS_ADDRESS, UT_INPUT_BITS_NB + 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_read_input_bits: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) printf("OK\n"); else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB + 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_read_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) printf("OK\n"); else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_input_registers(ctx, UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_NB + 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_read_input_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) printf("OK\n"); else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_write_bit(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS + UT_BITS_NB, ON); printf("* modbus_write_bit: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_write_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS + UT_BITS_NB, UT_BITS_NB, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_write_coils: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_write_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS + UT_REGISTERS_NB, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_write_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXILADD) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /** TOO MANY DATA **/ printf("\nTEST TOO MANY DATA ERROR:\n"); rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS + 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_read_bits: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_input_bits(ctx, UT_INPUT_BITS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS + 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_read_input_bits: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS + 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_read_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_input_registers(ctx, UT_INPUT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS + 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_read_input_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_write_bits(ctx, UT_BITS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_BITS + 1, tab_rp_bits); printf("* modbus_write_bits: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { goto close; printf("FAILED\n"); } rc = modbus_write_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, MODBUS_MAX_WRITE_REGISTERS + 1, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_write_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBMDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /** SLAVE REPLY **/ printf("\nTEST SLAVE REPLY:\n"); modbus_set_slave(ctx, INVALID_SERVER_ID); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); if (use_backend == RTU) { const int RAW_REQ_LENGTH = 6; uint8_t raw_req[] = { INVALID_SERVER_ID, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF }; int req_length; uint8_t rsp[MODBUS_TCP_MAX_ADU_LENGTH]; /* No response in RTU mode */ printf("1/4-A No response from slave %d: ", INVALID_SERVER_ID); if (rc == -1 && errno == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /* Send an invalid query with a wrong slave ID */ req_length = modbus_send_raw_request( ctx, raw_req, RAW_REQ_LENGTH * sizeof(uint8_t)); rc = modbus_receive_confirmation(ctx, rsp); printf("1/4-B No response from slave %d with invalid request: ", INVALID_SERVER_ID); if (rc == -1 && errno == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (%d)\n", rc); goto close; } } else { /* Response in TCP mode */ printf("1/4 Response from slave %d: ", 18); if (rc == UT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } } rc = modbus_set_slave(ctx, MODBUS_BROADCAST_ADDRESS); if (rc == -1) { printf("Invalid broacast address\n"); goto close; } rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("2/4 Reply after a broadcast query: "); if (rc == UT_REGISTERS_NB) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /* Restore slave */ if (use_backend == RTU) { modbus_set_slave(ctx, SERVER_ID); } else { modbus_set_slave(ctx, MODBUS_TCP_SLAVE); } printf("3/4 Report slave ID: \n"); /* tab_rp_bits is used to store bytes */ rc = modbus_report_slave_id(ctx, tab_rp_bits); if (rc == -1) { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } if (((use_backend == RTU) && (tab_rp_bits[0] == SERVER_ID)) || tab_rp_bits[0] == 0xFF) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /* Save original timeout */ modbus_get_response_timeout(ctx, &old_response_timeout); /* Define a new and too short timeout */ response_timeout.tv_sec = 0; response_timeout.tv_usec = 0; modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx, &response_timeout); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("4/4 Too short timeout: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == ETIMEDOUT) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /* Restore original timeout */ modbus_set_response_timeout(ctx, &old_response_timeout); /* Wait for data before flushing */ usleep(250000); modbus_flush(ctx); /** BAD RESPONSE **/ printf("\nTEST BAD RESPONSE ERROR:\n"); /* Allocate only the required space */ tab_rp_registers_bad = (uint16_t *) malloc( UT_REGISTERS_NB_SPECIAL * sizeof(uint16_t)); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS, UT_REGISTERS_NB_SPECIAL, tab_rp_registers_bad); printf("* modbus_read_registers: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBBADDATA) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } free(tab_rp_registers_bad); /** MANUAL EXCEPTION **/ printf("\nTEST MANUAL EXCEPTION:\n"); rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, UT_REGISTERS_ADDRESS_SPECIAL, UT_REGISTERS_NB, tab_rp_registers); printf("* modbus_read_registers at special address: "); if (rc == -1 && errno == EMBXSBUSY) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED\n"); goto close; } /** RAW REQUEST */ printf("\nTEST RAW REQUEST:\n"); { const int RAW_REQ_LENGTH = 6; uint8_t raw_req[] = { (use_backend == RTU) ? SERVER_ID : 0xFF, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0, 0x05 }; int req_length; uint8_t rsp[MODBUS_TCP_MAX_ADU_LENGTH]; req_length = modbus_send_raw_request(ctx, raw_req, RAW_REQ_LENGTH * sizeof(uint8_t)); printf("* modbus_send_raw_request: "); if ((use_backend == RTU && req_length == (RAW_REQ_LENGTH + 2)) || ((use_backend == TCP || use_backend == TCP_PI) && req_length == (RAW_REQ_LENGTH + 6))) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (%d)\n", req_length); goto close; } printf("* modbus_receive_confirmation: "); rc = modbus_receive_confirmation(ctx, rsp); if ((use_backend == RTU && rc == 15) || ((use_backend == TCP || use_backend == TCP_PI) && rc == 19)) { printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (%d)\n", rc); goto close; } } printf("\nALL TESTS PASS WITH SUCCESS.\n"); close: /* Free the memory */ free(tab_rp_bits); free(tab_rp_registers); /* Close the connection */ modbus_close(ctx); modbus_free(ctx); return 0; }