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+# Instructions to compile on Windows
+## Create a new Visual Studio project with the library included
+Download the latest version of libmodbus source code from Github
+`https://github.com/stephane/libmodbus` -> Code -> Download ZIP.
+Once the archive is decompressed, launch a Windows terminal (`cmd`) in
+`src/win32` directory and run `cscript configure.js`.
+1. copy the file `config.h` from `src/win32` to `src`.
+2. create a new 'Console App' project under Visual Studio.
+3. create a new directory called `libmodbus` inside your VS project (same level
+ as the `.vcxproj` file).
+4. copy all `*.c` and `*.h` from libmodbus `src` in the new `libmodbus` folder
+ of your VS project.
+5. copy `modbus.rc` in your VS project (same level as the `.vcxproj` file).
+6. drag and drop `libmodbus/*.c` files (4) in *Solution Explorer -> Source Files*.
+7. drag and drop `libmodbus/*.h` files (8) in *Solution Explorer -> Header Files*.
+8. drag and drop `modbus.rc` file in *Solution Explorer -> Resource Files*.
+9. check path is `#include "modbus-version.h"` in `modbus.rc`.
+10. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties -> C/C++
+ -> General -> Additional Include Directories*, add `libmodbus` folder.
+11. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties ->
+ Resources -> Additional Include Directories*, add `libmodbus` folder.
+12. in the **Property Pages** of the project *Configuration Properties -> Linker
+ -> Input*, define `ws2_32.lib`.
+13. if required, add `_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS` to *C/C++ -> Preprocessor ->
+ Preprocessor Definitions*.
+## Create a libmodbus DLL
+This directory contains the project file for Visual Studio to build `modbus.dll`
+and import library `modbus.lib`.
+In the Windows terminal, run `cscript configure.js` to generate:
+- `config.h`
+- `modbus-version.h` are generated using configure.js.
+To write...