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- A groovy modbus library
-libmodbus is a free software library to send/receive data with a
-device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a
-serial port or an Ethernet connection.
-The functions included in the library have been derived from the
-Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide which can be obtained from
-Schneider at www.schneiderautomation.com.
-The license of libmodbus is LGPL v2.1 or later and the licence of programs in
-tests directory is GPL v3.
-The documentation is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
-License 3.0 (Unported) (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/).
-The official website is http://www.libmodbus.org.
-The library is written in C and designed to run on Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and
-QNX and Windows.
-To instal, just run the usual dance, ``./configure && make install`` and run
-``./autogen.sh`` first if the ``configure.sh`` is not present.
-If you want to compile with Microsoft Visual Studio, you need to install
-http://code.google.com/p/msinttypes/ to fill the absence of stdint.h.
-To compile under Windows, install `MinGW <http://www.mingw.org/>`_ and MSYS then
-select the common packages (gcc, automake, libtool, etc).
-Some tests are provided in the ``tests`` directory, you can
-freely edit the source code to fit your needs (it's Free Sofware :).
-See ``tests/README`` for a description of each program.
-Report a Bug
-To report a bug, you can:
- * fill a bug report on the issue tracker
- http://github.com/stephane/libmodbus/issues
- * or send an email to stephane.raimbault@gmail.com